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Hey how's it going? First of all, thank you all so much for your support! 

Now, for my first post on here I've been thinking what to start with. I have 2 new or ongoing stories that I have been working on, one is another monster hunter, the other is based on rescue party. 

I'm going to go with rescue party first, with our three adventurers trapped in the spiders lair (or one adventurer and two search and rescue 'specialists'). 

This bit starts off where rescue party 15 ended. I included all previous parts of pest control and rescue party in an archive, just in case, although this is basically just the Pixiv content.  

This is one quick continuation image, with a few variations. After this, the story can go in 2 or 3 directions, concluding in a happy end, a bad ending (canon) or a very bad ending (maybe, not sure about this one yet). I think you can guess what will happen in each. These are roughly planned out, but there's nothing more than a few sketches yet.




Lookin forward to what’s in store! ! (✿◠‿◠)

Matt (not that one)

This is great, thanks! (I assume the "happy end" means happy for the ladies, not the spiders.)


Awesome! Exactly what I signed up for.


O GAWD, its just so awesome ; ; thank you


Nicely done, can't wait to see all the different endings for these ladies. Both the good and the bad.

Matt (not that one)

Seriously, though, zG, the main thing that sets your work apart from other artists who do this kind of stuff is technique. For instance, the way you use lighting really helps establish the mood of each piece. I'm not just referring to the shininess of the webs or the sweat on the women's bodies; I mean you put a lot of focus on how your light source plays across the scene. Here's an example: Throughout most of Pest Control and Rescue Party, even when our heroines are getting trapped, there's still sunlight present. Even when we can't directly see the exit, there are shafts of light to let us know the cave entrance is up there, and that gives some hope of escape. This gives most of Rescue Party an almost comedic feeling--what wacky situation have these girls gotten themselves into this time?! Contrast that with this latest round of images: we can't see any light from the cave mouth, and our heroines are surrounded by darkness on the borders of the frame. The overall feeling is much more oppressive and threatening; it feels like all hope is lost. And all it took was a simple change in viewing angle to obscure the light, and completely change the mood of the piece. This is why people are so excited about your work: you're very mindful of these techniques and how they work in each piece to tell a coherent story. You're doing some very advanced and exciting work, and I can't wait to see more of it!


Thanks for the thorough analysis! I think you're right. I do my best to set the mood. I also think having a 'story' in the first place adds to this. Having some girl cocooned in a cave, getting messed up by spiders is cool and all, but seeing what lead up to that point makes it all that much better (even if the art is average). In my opinion.

Matt (not that one)

Oh, the art is far from average, don't sell yourself short! Even without the digital filters, it's easy to tell your line art is very well done. You have a good sense of your characters' anatomies, and your facial expressions are simply breathtaking. You do really impressive work!

Josh Foster

Want to echo the "Awesome!" comment. Glad to support your work but also happy to get some extra images out of it. Were these images the same size as the others? The dimensions seemed slightly different, maybe just intentional styling?


Ah you're right, I did not really check the export options and now they are the same as some image I exported before (usually the scale is 33%, now it was 50%). The only intentional styling change I made was I added a noise layer on top, don't know yet if I will keep doing that though.


So glad you are doing this! As Matt says, there's more to it than just the subject matter. There's a certain unique style that sets you apart, and the composition and angles of the scenes are very well done, and I can tell you take good care in making the progressions consistent. Plus the girls you draw are super cute, and you capture their facial expressions very well. So kudos to you, I am super excited to support your Patreon!

Matt (not that one)

(No content, I'm just popping in 'cos I saw you just hit 69 subscribers and wanted to be the first to say "Nice." :D )


Uh, very nice. Your Style is really awesome. The alternative endings sound cool, especially the "very bad" one, those are rare :D I mean, they can't give birth forever. At some point they are "spent". Tickles the "erotic horror"-nerve a bit harder :)


Thanks man! Yeah those are points I find very important in art and I spend a lot of time getting compositions and perspectives just right. And I'm glad you like my style, always nice to hear.


Your art are just something extra, from the sfw to nsfw. Really liking the story you’re weaving, and looking foward to the very bad ending too !


If you want you could always upload all your previous artwork here to make it to feel more fleshed out. New paetrons can see that the page has alot of posts and i belive it will bring upp your page for the paetron search bar. ( i think )

Matt (not that one)

Seconding this idea, plus if you felt like including any work-in-progress sketches or things like that, I'm sure they'd also be welcome. (Whatever you're most comfortable with, we're not your bosses.)


Excited to see more, especially bad ending and very bad one :] I'll stay quiet on here from now on (Just feel a bit uncomfortable, nothing serious). Thank you so much for the inspirations, and I hope to work with you in the future if possible!


Wait, the bad ending is Canon? Aww, the girls are so cute and thicc I seriously wish that they made it out alive and ok! Still, it is even more exciting seeing their muscular naked bodies writhing in sticky cocoons, to be used as the main hosts of a spider-spawning infestation!

Matt (not that one)

Okay good, for a second I was worried I was the only one hoping to see a "good ending" for the ladies. They're zG's most popular (human) characters, we definitely need more fun things to happen to them. ...WITH. With them.

James Gavin

Loving the follow-up here - although I admit I'm looking forward to the bad ending rather than the very bad one. But they do look lovely sharing that naked hug!


The very bad ending is my vote :D


I want a very happy ending......for the spiders lol


Not interested in the very bad ending but you already drew a picture featuring a skull so it's to be expected.


Forgot to mention it, but I appreciate that the first adventurer is being given more focus after being in the background for so long, especially now we have a 'group photo' of all the girls neatly displayed with a near-equal amount of space in the frame. Like we are being formely introduced to the three main characters, and establishing how thier lewd adventure will go from here. ;D

Matt (not that one)

I would love to see these 3 (possibly more characters as they get introduced) become like the Avengers of the ZGCU; always getting into trouble, sometimes solo, sometimes in groups....


Very bad ending please~


These 3 will return for more adventures (after drawing them for so long I a sort of getting attached to them). They'll escape the spider den at some point, having learned their lesson (or not). I think you can add bodysuit girl to the group as well. They will all get names and backstories, but I am not much of a writer so I don't know when that'll happen though.

Matt (not that one)

Well, the characters are fairly visually distinct, so the names aren't that big a deal. Glad to hear you're willing to keep them around in the canon "storyline," all the ladies you've drawn so far look fantastic! (If you're looking for name suggestions, the blonde rescuer looks a bit like a "Solveig" to me.)


Agreed, the Adventurer feels like a 'Samantha' or 'Sam' to me! If you don't mind zG, when you come up with the names of the main girls could you please provide a short guide or reference tagging which girl(s) appear in each of your previous Pixiv comics? It would be nice to keep track of what monsters each girl has engaged with, both in-combat and in-timately...


i agree with Stark


Very bad is an erotic idea... Plus those that don't want don't have to look


I really would prefer a bad or very bad ending. It depends on what the very bad ending is :-D I prefer them not to die, if that is okay, but them ending as breeding stock and their "offsprings" overrunning a human settlement or the like, killing of the men and turning the women into more breeding stock would be completely fine with me. which would be a very bad ending, right?


Yeah I think there has been enough death in this story, but these girls need to make up for what they did. I'm working really drawing out that bit as the main ending. What kind of trouble their babies will be causing is something for another story (I have ideas but it might be a while before I get to it)