First story: Rescue Party follow up (Patreon)
Hey how's it going? First of all, thank you all so much for your support!
Now, for my first post on here I've been thinking what to start with. I have 2 new or ongoing stories that I have been working on, one is another monster hunter, the other is based on rescue party.
I'm going to go with rescue party first, with our three adventurers trapped in the spiders lair (or one adventurer and two search and rescue 'specialists').
This bit starts off where rescue party 15 ended. I included all previous parts of pest control and rescue party in an archive, just in case, although this is basically just the Pixiv content.
This is one quick continuation image, with a few variations. After this, the story can go in 2 or 3 directions, concluding in a happy end, a bad ending (canon) or a very bad ending (maybe, not sure about this one yet). I think you can guess what will happen in each. These are roughly planned out, but there's nothing more than a few sketches yet.