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Looks like she finally noticed the knife...

This time I tried to render a partial cocoon, that way we can see the first incubator a little better. Don't worry, she's fine, sort of. 




Love the expression on the first girl’s face. Great work!


Wonder how she'll solve this puzzle? Looks interesting.


Love the muscle definition of the girls, they obviously work out a lot! I wonder, now that they were recently seeded in the last two parts, if the three girls are currently in the early stages of pregnancy? If so, I would like to see thier bellies gradually swell with spiderlings, perhaps after (or if) they escape.

Matt (not that one)

Excellent work as usual! The new viewing angle is giving us a nice sense of motion, and our heroine's faces are showing some renewed sense of purpose. The whole piece has a real urgency to it that should lend itself well to any escape attempts.


I know, it's great to see her again! She looks so exhausted, being used as an incubator... but at least it looks like she's being looked after well by her children!


The dagger comes closer... ;-) ...be alert, spiders....

Matt (not that one)

Y'know, that partial/ripped/barely-there webbing look is very nice. Really shows off our heroines' muscularity and, um, other attributes. I wouldn't mind seeing more of that look in future variant images. ;D Seriously, though, the torn-web version also showed off some details that the webbing covered up in other works, such as the brunette rescuer having a bit more of a tan than her blonde partner. The adventurer is noticeably more pale, though whether that's her normal skin tone or she's just been out of the sun too long, who can say? The partial webbing also might work as either canon or a variant when we see our heroines finally running out of the cave to freedom. (Well, two of them at least; I imagine one of the rescuers will need to carry the adventurer in her arms...)


I just love the attention to detail you give. The desperation and fear they give and how exhausted and used the first broodmother is. Hopefully they get away but with some "children" inside of them.


That would be cute, to see the two rescuers bridal carrying the grateful adventurer out of the cave, webbing still clinging to their naked bodies. And even some shy, lustful glances at each other's bodies ;-)


Another well done follow-up zG! Thanks for adding the Adventurer's face, I appreciate that she hasn't been reduced to a disposable corpse. You've actually outdone yourself, as the two brunettes are not simply clones of each other on closer examination: the Adventurer has paler skin and more auburn hair, while the brunette Rescuer has darker-brown hair and slightly more bronze skin.

James Gavin

I'm enjoying this story - and it is nice to see the original adventurer (loving the drool). Their expressions are fantastic and that enforced hug really gets to me for some reason.


Mmm, yeah... would't mind seeing the two bound Rescuers shyly gazing at each other and stealing a quick kiss- only to comfort each other of course, not because they actually enjoy the feeling of their naked, sweating, muscular bodies embracing each other!

From Beyond

Hi! I love your work so much!

From Beyond

So you're from Netherlands? Never saw a Dutch hentai artist before. Your art is really unique and nice.

From Beyond

Also you gotta advertise your patreon more on pixiv. I didn't even know you set it up before I saw your new pixiv post.

From Beyond

And one very important thing. Patreon has specific NSFW rules that can get some artists banned(loli, or rape stuff, not sure about gore). For this reason, it's safer to use the weekly messages method to deliver updates instead of posting in the feed. you can use dropbox or other reliable clouding services to upload rewards.


Ah, that is excellent advice. I'm actually not sure what Patreon's stance is on this, I've seen lots of creators who have been doing this kind of stuff for years, but more people have warned me about this


Yea, I literally saw it just now and subbed instantly, your awesome.


Love your work, and glad to be able to pay you back for it. Hoping for no VERY bad endings, but sexy girls in peril must be a careful line to tread. Great stuff!

Matt (not that one)

Hell, I'm crossing my fingers that there's a kiss before they begin their desperate gambit. You know, for luck.


Patreon is weird when I comes to content but I agree. Some content creators have been making material that to the letter "violate Patreon content policy" yet get no bans. Other users get their Patreon account banned within days of creating and posting. Non-Con seems to be in a general "gray" even though it violates their policy. Underage and sexual gore seems to get flagged quickly. I would recommend migrating to subscribestar or creating an account with them for any "more extreme" content you might create. FoxyFox's suggested method is also a good work around.

Alex S

Hey, I can understand if this is asking too much, but would alternates like that showing the face be possible in the pest control story? I'd love to see the face expressions the first hunter had when she was taken to the spiders lair. No pressure ofc, the main priority is what you'd want to do

Matt (not that one)

One way you might get around any potential issues is to put the actual content into .rar packs (like in your first post), but use a cropped, non-explicit preview image in the feed. I follow some RPG map makers who do a version of this all the time in their own feeds; the preview gives a sense of what the full images are like, without really being "usable" by non-patrons. Putting the preview image under the 18+ filter would provide an additional layer of protection as well.

Josh Foster

Over 250 patrons! Nice! It's good to see you being recognized for your fantastic artwork. Keep up the amazing work, ZG!


Yeah, after just a few weeks. I really had no idea so many enjoy my work enough to support me! My gratitude is immeasurable


love it!!!!!


The variants are wonderful. Wish there was variants of previous in the set, too.... I gotta say, even as an artist myself, that these are thrilling in ways much other content fails to be for me. @.@;; Ooof.


Personally I like the different variants. I tend to piece together my own version using them. For example I removed the web in Pest Control 06 so it looks like it's just climbing up on her. Of course I'll never upload my edits anywhere, it's just for my personal collection.


I like variants, but personally I’d rather have story progression, if I had my choice.


I think it is important for the subscriber base to keep a consistent publication schedule. One week is missed and I believe the number of subscribers went down. By the way, do you plan to do any sort of x-ray vision with spider embryos inside?


To be fair, he stated: "I try to upload at least once a month." => I subscribed anyway; in (t)his special case, I put the impressive quality above production speed.


Yeah I lost lots of subscribers, but I don't think 1 update a week is sustainable in the long run with the way I like to draw. Thanks for sticking around. Also, thats a nice suggestion, I need to try that out and see how it looks.

Matt (not that one)

I wouldn't sweat too much over "lost" subscribers. People subscribe to Patreons for short terms and then cancel all the time. I think you've built up a good core following here, and I'm pretty sure most of us prefer a quality end product much more than speedy delivery. Hang in there!


Yes, take your time publishing, theres no need to rush! (I also like that womb x-ray vision idea!)


What would the expressions on most of the women be called as they are being taken and used? I'm trying to find more like this but its hard. So far these are the best most satisfying images and stories I've found.