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Hi everyone! I just found out you can now upload videos directly to Patreon!

To celebrate this Patreon W I decided to share this video process of my artwork of Muramasa that I did last December available for everybody to watch!

With this change, Warrior tier patrons and upper will be able to watch my timelapse videos as soon as I finish every new artwork and won't have to wait until the beginning of next month when I send my rewards! I'll still be sending the downloadable files tho.

Also I think I can make a thing where I post one old video a week along the new ones as I finish every new project, what do you say? I'm very excited with this feature! :D

On a side note, I think I'll make some touch-ups to this artworks since I plan to open an online Print store soon.

Timelapse Video process of my artworks are available for $10 tier patrons and upper.

Enjoy! :]


Thomas Polk

It won't download???