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Hi everyone! Here's the first look at my next Street Fighter fanart, this time featuring Yang. You can see full steps from the beginning and I also included my creative process:

I first made a moodboard with pictures of Yang and some Kung Fu poses for inspirations. Once I found something that I liked, I modeled myself after one of the references, changing some angles and position of the arms and turned it into the final clean drawing of Yang.

I reference myself more often than not because it helps me so much specially when I cannot find the specific references that I need online. Being slim/fit/fat helps (depending on your goals), but it doesn't really matter what kind of body type you have because in the end, it all narrows down to anatomy skills  and the understanding of the human body foundations, the rest is just a matter of adjusting your base structure according to the needs of the character you're drawing: adding fat/muscle, toning down, exaggerating proportions, etc. If you're an artist, don't let that matter to keep you from exploring and experimenting by using yourself as a model for your own art. In fact, I recommend it!

If you read up to this point, thank you very much! Please look forward to the finished art and of course, full shirtless will be a Patreon exclusive.

I hope you like it and I wish you a nice weekend! :]


