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Hi everybody! February rewards have just sent. I apologize for the delay and I appreciate your patience. Please make sure to check out your Patreon inbox or email where you will find direct download links so you won't miss it! Also note that it may take some time to appear. If you were billed for February and you didn't get your rewards please let me know asap!

As a side comment, I want to say that February hasn't been one of my best months in long. Firstly because it's the shortest month of the year, which robbed me of precious time that I wish I could have invested on more content for Patreon, and secondly because it was very packed work-wise causing me more delays here and there due to many unexpected expenses that I had to make up for.

But it wasn't all bad. I learned some things and since I finally caught up on many of my pending stuff I expect to find myself more stable to keep working on main projects.

I appreciate your support very much, I promise to do better this month! :"]



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