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Sorry this one is late. Halloween really busted my ass! 



I for one think it's disgusting to take the side of a black guy on public transit instead of defending a beautiful asian queen. at least assess the situation first and find out whether the guy is being a boop or not

Kyle Bielanski

I dont think they let the down syndrome chef turn on the oven

Will Wickham

This guys a little stupid

cognitive todd

preempting official release of sean's survey, I personally would really dig if we got at least one casual, goofier ep per eek, and the more investigative deep dive type episodes weren't necessarily pinned to a timeline, but one or two (possibly longer, 90--180mins eps) per month examining a specific theme or story or topic or jewish conspiracy or whatever trying to think of how you'd be able.to balance the casual vs deep dive eps between freeloaders listening to one episode a week vs us barons of culture & comedy wit tha cash to get two eps per week

Twisted Reality

Scott is so dumb it makes me respect him

Rod Long

Agree, definitely has to be at least 3:1 funny vs "investigative" eps