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We lay out the case for why the 2004 death of Army Ranger Pat Tillman was murder ordered from high up and not accidental friendly fire. Part 1 of 2. Some of the sources used are linked below:






Ryan Groenenboom

powerful afghanis raped our soldiers we sent over there!

Ryan Groenenboom

Lol he does look like a humvee. He could’ve been a dude


Great episode. Love the dichotomy of the show's eps so far. Funny how Scott was a big ROTC kid. Makes me wonder if he had an ayn rand phase


Kudos to Sean for letting it ride while Scott pines for some kind of "overthrow handbook"


These two part episodes are always really good

Seth Aronovich

Great ep. Something that often isn't mentioned about the deliberate neoconservative plot to increase heroin production in Afghanistan is the negative effect on Iran, which was certainly a big plus for those who ordered the illegal attack on Afghanistan. Most of that opium goes through Iran, and a lot of it is sold to Iranians cheaply, leading to addiction. Hundreds of heroic Basij militiamen (the same ones fighting the current CIA/Mossad/ISIS coup attempts) died each year on the border fighting the smugglers when the American-loving collaborator regime was in place. EDIT: Also, the guys who burnt down a girl's school with the kids inside were Saudis, those great Ammurrican allies.

Big Dong Bill

Re: Behind the Bastards because this has been a bee in my bonnet for years and it seems like most people interested in this stuff keep their powder dry where Robert Evans is concerned. What the hell is going on with that operation, aside from being woke and annoying? Do we really think this guy has direct ties to the natsec world or is he just angling for a big media job and knows which side his bread is going to be buttered on? I've heard him amp up NATO, soft pedal Israel for years and grease the skids for the (stupid, failed) thing with Juan Guaido thing in Venezuela, among other things.

Big Dong Bill

I saw someone ask Robbie Martin on Twitter once and he very politely said something along the lines of "You shouldn't trust self appointed fascist-watch types with links to the Atlantic Council. Also, anarchists in the US are basically Democrats."


Scott saying "when there is war" in the passive voice about the war in Afghanistan like its a natural disaster or a Hurricane and the US just randomly ended up in Afghanistan when a war was happening and didn't bomb then and start a war there is very funny.