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Good afternoon,

If you read my message on discord yesterday you know why this report had a slight delay.

Yesterday, there was an emergency in my private environment, which led to the fact that I spent the whole afternoon and evening in the hospital to provide the person close to me assistance. In the meantime, the operation has been successfully performed and I can breathe again, she will soon be better.

Even if the whole thing had its unexpected climax yesterday, it was something that was already the whole week with me theme, because that something is not in order was already certain on Monday. Accordingly, it has burdened me the whole week.

In this situation in which I couldn't do anything to help, I tried to distract myself by putting all focus on the work of the update. However, I didn't work on the content that was originally planned for this week (I just wasn't in the right mood to write the needed dialogue), but instead put the focus entirely on the still missing or unfinished animations. As a result, Melissa now has 8 more animations than originally planned and I also took the time to implement them already.

What does this now mean for the releasedate of the update: Now with my mind at ease again I can focus on writing the story and dialogues. But I asume that for the dialogue with John & relationship developement with Melissa I will at least need 3 work days. This would only leave 2 for the actual story (I also have to make at least 1 new map). This makes me doubt that I can get it done until next Friday.

But you can be sure I will put all I can into this next week. It might not be exactly on Friday, but hopefully early in the week after that.  I will again update you on my progress next Friday.

I hope you're all well,
I wish you a nice weekend!


TJ McFadden

Whoa hope you and your loved ones are doing well. Keeping you all in my prayers.

Kevin Daley

Mental health and the wellbeing of both yourself and loved one comes first. Like i have said meny a time now. your good