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Feyla, Empress Morie Avaya

Born 30.1.4509, Imperial Palace, Feylin, Imperial Core Prefecture, Feyli Empire. Tiger feyli. Glistened 22.3.4613.

Empress Morie Avaya Feyla was born in the Imperial Palace on Feylin on 30.1.4509, and would ascend to the Imperial Throne on 17.9.4576. She was succeeded by her eldest daughter Tarie Ama Feyla on 15.8.4613.

Empress Morie reigned during a time of relative peace and economic growth, marred only by a looming overpopulation problem. Although the Empire's resources were far from strained at the moment, in a century there would be problems. After another few decades, the matter would become critical. The Imperial Constitution forbade any sort of population control measures, and there was no place for the Empire to physically expand, so the Empress began to look to other potential measures to mitigate the coming disaster.

Her experience watching her mother be transformed into a rowa worm had left Empress Morie more fascinated than disgusted. The rowa could satisfy the needs of a hundred billion similarly transformed souls on even their most resource starved worlds. Other aliens with similar uses for sapient bodies might be able to do the same. The Empress would see to the composition of a series of xenoexperience laws in response. The first would allow the rowa to claim any non-diplomatic Imperial citizen visiting their principle homeworlds, as well as seek out volunteers from other worlds throughout the Empire. To facilitate the latter end, the establishment of dozens of small, all-volunteer hives was permitted, including one near the Imperial Palace on Feylin.

To encourage her people to repurpose themselves in such manners, Empress Morie would initiate the search for other species with similar methods of using the bodies of her people. It quickly something of a fetish for the Empress, and she collected all sorts of books on the subject, images, video recordings, and even a few transformative items themselves. These she kept in a special private library tucked away in a rarely visited corner of the palace vaults.

In order to gain more reliable information on each known relevant species, and to discover new such species, the Empress began to deploy explorers and diplomats to what had always been considered diplomatically unpalatable independent worlds within the Empire's vast expanse. To the public this was marketed as a way to spread the post rowa conflict peace and bring about a new, less caustic eye to the true nature of outwardly vile xenoexperiences. Over several decades, vast amounts of information was collected, information the Empress would use in well obfuscated "alien vista" tourism campaigns intended to bring as many people as possible into direct contact with the most suitable target species.

The tourism campaigns spawned an ever-simmering xenoexperience fetish scene, but it failed to garner the numbers of citizen repurposings that Empress Morie felt would make more overt campaigns worthwhile. In the year 4600, a new possibility arose with Vixanti Corporation and their newly developed product: biogel. This living substance could be worn as clothing and would not only revolutionize life for those clad in it, it would also quite efficiently dispose of them in a non-fatal fashion, converting them into more of its own substance, which could be made into more suits, ad-infinitum. Unlike alien methods, biogel left results that required no resources at all to maintain and had the right kind of sexy, high-tech aura that might prove quite attractive to the average citizen. The Empress quickly approved of Vixanti's plan to fully develop and deploy it as a commercial product to the general public.

After several missteps and the discovery of nefarious intentions on the part of Vixanti Corporation, Empress Morie would be forced to place the business under direct military control. On 11.9.4609, she would call Captain Anwae and the experimental biogel controlled starship Destiny Omega to the Imperial Palace on Feylin, ostensibly for a demonstration of all things biogel, in preparation for Her Highness' personal approval for its release as a commercial xenoexperience product. Several hundred giddy volunteers participated in an orgy of biogel experience, with all being glistened, objectified, gooey'd and reprocessed, or injected into the ship's biogel core. Among the throng were three of the Empress' granddaughters and all of their most personal friends and ladies in waiting. So charmed was the Empress with the glistening black spectacle, and the genuine enjoyment the participants seemed to be expressing, that, against all advice to the contrary, she would have herself clad in her own biogel suit before ennobling the Captain as Lady Shetari Anwae at the event's conclusion. Lady Anwae would be placed in full control of Vixanti, answerable only to the Imperial Throne.

By 4613, with biogel a success in the open market, and with xenoexperience tourism at an unexpected height, Empress Morie would decide that her work as Empress on the overpopulation issue was all but finished. All that was left to do was give her own body up to the biogel she wore. To this end, she would travel to Anwae Arena on Lady Anwae's homeworld of Maria to watch one last Biogel Games match between rivals Team Pink and Team Aqua. This took place on 15.8.4613, and Her Highness would reward the captain of winning Team Aqua the privilege of pressing her body into a crystal clear biogel sarcophagus. Glistened therein, she would be returned to the Imperial Palace to become a centerpiece of the newly dug Biogel Catacombs beneath.


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