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Biogel is an artificial life form developed by the scientists of Vixanti Corporation as the core component of their Vixanti Interstellar Lifestyle theory. A synthesis of natural black novandi rubber, golden kisitti sap, blue odangi mushroom ejaculate, shiba and mokai jellies, santimatta spores, luvi spermatozoa, powdered ayabani, and a plethora of other, highly classified ingredients, biogel typically takes the form of a thick, glossy, obsidian black slime. In its basic form, biogel is generally inert and requires outside stimulus to trigger its unique abilities.

Biogel becomes active principally when it comes into contact with the physical body of a sapient organic life form. Drawn to that life form's body heat and conscious mind, it will spread over her body and cover her almost completely with a solid layer of its own mass. Generally, it will leave her head free, but in some cases it may partially or even completely cover her head as a matter of default. The resulting biogel "suit" is a fully symbiotic life form, and will both dispose of its wearer's body wastes and protect her from most forms of physical harm.

Biogel can also be controlled by an external controller unit. When provided with instructions and a source of heat, biogel can change shape and move in virtually arbitrary fashion. This property is typically utilized to control biogel furnishings or pools of biogel in the domestic environment, for both pleasure and relaxation.

While biogel contains no intelligence of its own, it is capable of containing the captive mind of a sapient life form. This mind becomes trapped within the biogel when her body is physically transformed into the substance via one of the various methods such as glistening, physical contact with ultra-reactive biogel, etc. For all intents and purposes, this mind acts as an integral controller, acting on its own desires and motivations rather than some set program.

Raw biogel is highly modifiable, though such modifications can be highly hazardous. The most common modified forms of biogel are reactive and ultra-reactive, both well known to the general public due to their prominent roles in the Biogel Games. Certain controller units, such as the GeliTech BioCon and the VixNet CamBox, can modify special ampules of mod-ready biogel according to downloaded programs. These ampules are then used to partially or totally transform individuals into biogel creatures or inanimate objects, respectively.

Biogel, in all its forms and along with all of its lifestyle accessories, is governed under xenoexperience law, allowing for its relatively unrestricted use by citizens of the Feyli Empire.

Basic biogel is available to resident citizens of the Feyli Empire or use in custom applications such as interactive art objects, toys, and other custom lifestyle accessories. Prices range from ₵120 for a liter bottle, to ₵8,000 for a 200 liter barrel.


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