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Anwae, Lady Shetari

Born 16.4.4585, Umasti Village, Maria, Marian Drift Prefecture, Feyli Empire. Resynthesized Cheetah Feyli. Biogel Transcendent Prime.

Shetari Anwae was born into a farming family on 16.4.4585 in the village of Umasti on the world of Maria, capital of the Marian Drift Prefecture in the Feyli Empire. Graduating from the Imperial Merchant Marine Academy on 20.6.4598, she served as an officer aboard several Adandi Interstellar Transport light freighters for two years before being given her own command. The small freighter was soon wrecked by incompetent ramp handlers, and though she was away at a company meeting at the time, she was sacked for failing to be with her ship during a ground move that she was never told about. Left disgusted with a corporate bureaucracy that didn't seem to care about placing blame where blame actually lay, she moved to a more accommodating Tarya Space Transport, commanding a medium freighter on runs deep into the Marian Drift frontiers.

On 12.3.4600, Captain Anwae found herself on the alien world of Noya, where she was tempted into her first genuine xenoexperience by another pretty young cheetah feyli that, unbeknownst to her, was being paid to tempt visitors into the dark, smelly caverns below the city. Ostensibly, the trip was supposed to be a brief foray to see how the native, earthworm-like noyaxi lived. In reality, she was snared in a mess of sticky goo, denuded and placed in a dark chamber among hundreds of other such captives. There, she was forced to breed for the earthworm-like natives, plied with addictive organic fluids of foul origin, and becoming a mother to several dozen little worms, over the course of two months, before working up the strength and willpower to try to escape her sticky bonds and make her way back to the surface world. By the time she emerged, smelly, messy, and in need of serious medical treatment to free her from the addiction to the native juices, she found her ship, her job, and almost all prospects of gaining another command gone, despite the appreciation of the Ambassador to Noya for her "diplomatic" efforts.

Unexpectedly, on 3.7.4600 a shady shipping company decided to seek Shetari out, and offered her command of a rather rough looking heavy freighter. Badly wanting to rehabilitate her career, she accepted only to find herself caught up in an insurance scam. Now known as the Captain who lost three ships within months of taking command of each, Shetari was effectively blacklisted from the spacefaring professions. She retreated to her homeworld of Maria where she made what living she could working various low paid jobs at restaurants and bars.

By the spring of 4607, Shetari's savings were nearly depleted, and goaded by various highly targeted advertisements and the kinky inclinations of a next door neighbor with ulterior motives, she decided to apply for a position with the enigmatic Vixanti Corporation. On 7.12.4607, she was hired and promptly coated in a suit of glistening black biogel. Experiencing unexpected side effects, being given unexpected responsibilities, and promptly garnering the attention of nefarious forces, newly promoted Captain Anwae found herself in a mind twisting whirlwind of events which would culminate with her absorption into the biogel core aboard the incomplete experimental biogel powered and controlled starship Destiny Omega. Her specially genetically attuned suit of biogel caused her to take control of the core and become the first, and completely dominant of the resynthesized during what would become known as the Omega Incident.

Placed under the exclusive purview of Imperial Navy Admiral Sarva and the Imperial Special Projects Institute, she would spend the next two years in command of the Destiny Omega as it proved the various technologies intended for eventual commercial and military use. This was done in parallel with Vixanti Corporation's own development programs, and the results of shipboard experiments would reveal the true intentions behind the so-called Vixanti Interstellar Lifestyle. Vixanti was soon placed under full military control and most of Vixanti's nefarious work was destroyed and replaced by that of the Destiny Omega.

On 11.9.4609, Captain Anwae and the Destiny Omega were called to the Imperial Palace on Feylin, ostensibly for a demonstration of all things biogel, in preparation for Empress Morie Avaya Feyla's personal approval for its release as a commercial xenoexperience product. Several hundred giddy volunteers participated in an orgy of biogel experience, with all being glistened, objectified, gooey'd and reprocessed, or injected into the ship's biogel core. Among the throng were three of the Empress' granddaughters and all of their most personal friends and ladies in waiting. So charmed was the Empress with the glistening black spectacle, and the genuine enjoyment the participants seemed to be expressing, that she ennobled the Captain as Lady Shetari Anwae at the event's conclusion. She was also placed in exclusive control of Vixanti Corporation at this time, bringing the company back under civilian control and allowing her to ensure that all future biogel products would be made with biogel attuned to her genetics, her biogel cores, and thereby under her control.

After her ennoblement, Lady Shetari became the public mistress of all things biogel, a sexy charismatic personality who, in no small part thanks to her Imperial endorsement, made biogel and the biogel lifestyle seem like it might be quite a bit of fun. Behind the scenes, she continues to struggle with her dual identity as both the cheetah feyli named Shetari, and the biogel creature known as Omega. That struggle is seen in the public nature of biogel itself, at once offering new, all encompassing way to live as an organic being, and on the other hand so ready to subsume organic flesh and add it to the ever growing volume of biogel, a volume under Shetari/Omega's complete control.


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