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The HMG7.3 Beacon3D mounts support both the normal and low profile versions of the Beacon3D sensor. Note that this sensor requires Klipper.

The Bottom of the sensor plate needs to be between 2mm-2.6mm above the nozzle when the nozzle is touching the bed. So, with different sized (heights) hotends, the stand-off mount needs to be adjustable.

The five mount STLs give you default spacing from 17mm to 21mm below the Skirt mount points.

With the addition of the four spacers (5, 10, 15, & 20mm), you have a 17mm to 41mm adjustment range in 1mm increments (or more if you stack the stand-offs). You could also set a custom height of a spacer in your slicer software..

The X/Y ABL offsets are X = 0mm, Y = 30.6mm.

If you want to be on the forefront of 3D Printer bed leveling, then consider the Beacon.

Learn more about the Beacon sensor here:


Download the ZIP containing the mounts below.




can you mount the ADXL345 at the same time as the Beacon3D sensor? I'm looking to run both but it looks like thats not possible with the options I'm seeing. I'm currently printing the Beacon3D mounts in transparent blue PETG, this is going to look really neat. I'm excited for the Ender 3 V2 upgrades!

Andrew Soderberg

Depending on which ADXL345 you have, they can be ‘stacked’. First the Beacon3D and then the accelerometer. You will need longer screws.

Andrew Soderberg

Depending on which ADXL345 you have, they can be ‘stacked’. First the Beacon3D and then the accelerometer. You will need longer screws.


HiLetgo GY-291 ADXL345 3-Axis Digital Acceleration of Gravity Tilt Module for Arduino IIC/SPI Transmission https://a.co/d/2Vn8dDb


That is the ADXL345 that I purchased, not sure if you have a mount for it. I'm pretty sure I could make one work.


I purchased the 100 count threaded inserts you suggest. They are too small to use to add threads to the fans mounting holes...currently I have a long bolt with a nut on the end. I doubt that will last too long with all the vibrations it will see.


What dimensions do you use for the threaded insert holes cause they are perfect.

Andrew Soderberg (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-22 04:31:06 For the threaded inserts points in my STLs, I have a tapered cutout shape. It is flaired at the surface. The maintube is 4.2mm in diameter (I believe - currently can’t check) with a dept of 4.5mm then a smaller diameter of about 3.2mm for another 2mm depth. These holes are designed for M3 threaded inserts that are 4.6mm outer diameter by 3mm-4mm long. Any length over 5mm will interfere with other components (e.g. large hotends in the base). Threaded insert that have a smaller than 4.6mm outer diameter will not hold. Inserts that are 5mm outer diameter are too big and will push too much plastic around.
2023-04-21 13:55:07


I double checked, I really don't think you can stack these 2 sensors on the skirt with current mounts available.


I meant as far as I can tell you can't stack the ADXL345 and Beacon3D...