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Breaking our typical format, the July 3rd episode of Insert Credit will be a review of Final Fantasy XVI. Frank, Brandon, and tim will not be on it; instead, we will have some favorite past correspondents on the show to talk about the game in a moderated discussion. If you have any questions you’d like to ask about Final Fantasy XVI, please submit them to me here.

-Alex Jaffe

the episode has now been recorded! you'll have to wait til sunday/monday to see if your questions got in!


Alex Jaffe

We understand the need to skip this episode until after you play the game for yourself. It is for this reason we do not typically cover new games. However, there is some important timely discussion to be had specifically about elements of the game which could be considered spoilers. For those who wish to remain unspoiled, please consider revisiting this episode later!


Yelling bellowing "Epic" choirs have been a staple of high fantasy across all media for coming up on three decades now. Can we imagine a future without them, or are they here to stay.. forever?


While in a mess hall, I was offered to grab a chair and would be served a "bowl of brown." For my understanding, this is a stew exclusively from the Game of Thrones books served in Flea Bottom. The stew ages for years with new cheap ingredients of questionable origin are constantly added to it. What reference or callout has (perhaps temporarily) pulled you out of the narrative of a previously gripping game? The game is filled with references and callouts to all kinds of material. At the end of the demo there was a moment that mirrors beat for a beat an evangaleon scene. This moment specifically felt like a nod to an existing work even though it was actually in the main narrative of the game. I was less pulled out of that moment then when offered "a bowl of brown." Anyway as a musician maybe I spend too much time thinking about what people are referencing. John Williams quoting a Stravinsky phrase on tatooine feels one way and the overture of that same film stylistically referencing Korngold feels completely different. I'll add none of those references mattered when I was a 3 year old kid watching VHS tapes with enough flutter and wow to make me think orchestras just are like......warble-y man. I'll add that I am loving the game wholeheartedly.

Zack Daigle

I betcha I can guess who the guest is gonna be!!!!!

Dan Allen

1. How much of the controversy or criticism around this game would still exist if the game did not bear the Final Fantasy name? 2. Are the comparisons to game of thrones fair or are the similarities blown out of proportion? 3. Has FFXVI corrected everything that FFXV had got wrong? (I personally feel like there are relationships and moments that should have been more fleshed out. Ie- There were moments that should have been heartfelt reunions, but instead were glossed over rather quickly as if it were no big deal). 4. Would you like to see future expansions/DLC for FFXVI? If so, what would you like to see from it? Filling in the gaps of earlier points in the story or entirely new adventures? 5. How did you feel about the games technical performance? Did you play on graphics or performance mode? 6. Which Cid is the best Cid in the FF series? Rank the Cids for me please.

Catherine Broxton

Not sure how to phrase this as a question (or if it's too late to ask), but I'm curious about the accessibility of the game. One of the only things I know about FF16 outside of Clive prior to launch were these equipable rings you can start with that take up item slots, the idea being that you'd remove them as you gained proficiency like training wheels from my understanding. To some extent, they make the game sound playable for some disabilities so I'd love to know what impact they have and if you can just keep them on, although I expect the guests won't have. Haven't read her thoughts on it yet, but hoping Ash Parrish is a part of this to get her thoughts on the IC record.

insert credit

(thank you for this but as you guessed may have happened, the episode got recorded already, sorry!!)