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He'd been told it was called Bliss...

Or, rather that's what he was supposed to have received. Bliss was a muscle relaxant, a relatively benign black market drug used for what some called placation. It made one agreeable. Comfortable.

But that's not what Chrys has been given that night.

This intoxication was heavy on the body.  It left him feeling completely drained after the sweltering heat took its toll on what he could imagine was every hormone he owned. He woke up incapacitated. Hard to move hard to speak.. hard to think?

He'd never been drugged like this before... hell to be honest, he wasn't sure if he was really drugged at all. It was a peace offering, after all... and he willingly took the tablet--expecting Bliss... not this.

If this pill would be sold on his site, he needed to know more about it. It was dangerous in the wrong hands. And right now it was definitely in the wrong hands.

If one person would know anything--it would be V.

V knew everything. Especially the things that Greenback has his hands in.

Of course, Vance was where he always was-- behind the bar, tidying up and adjusting his wares just so. So when Chrysante shuffled in with questions, it was only natural that he'd lend an ear.

Vance had been working this bar for a while. He'd seen all kinds of drugs exchange hands-- and Chrysante's story was rather typical in the Alley... but not from Bliss.

Bliss didn't do that.

But... Vance knew what would have. He knew it rather personally, in fact. Pheromisia was a stimulant that could rile somebody up like that. It'd done the same to him, so he didn't have a problem explaining how it seemed to work.

Chrysante didn't believe it though. Not at first.

Made sense that Chrys'd be doubtful-- he looked a bit preoccupied with his own dealings, and though he wouldn't pry too much, Vance was curious about exactly what it was that brought on this line of questioning.

Though it mattered very little whether or not the civet believed him, Vance felt compelled to 'try' and convince him anyway.

Besides, he was never the lying sort, and he didn't appreciate the scrutiny.

He was sure there was another pill or two among his boss's belongings. Showing was always better than telling, and though he wouldn't make a habit of indulging like this--his buddy could use a pick-me-up.

...besides, it was time to establish some boundaries anyway.




Damn, your smut is fantastic. Vance's stare is what got me. Chrys must be in bliss.