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"Chryssie... he's chasing someone!"

"Shhhhh, shut up! Just gimme a moment to think will ya?"

The civet snapped back at the hamster in a voice shaken by both fear and irritation. They were short two teammates, and as it stood he and Cheeks were the only two working on getting the generators started.

Flair was taking this too far.

It was a mock game. Just a fun exercise for team building, or whatever it was he'd been roped into by the Cheeks' stupid little community justice forum. All in all, this was all her fault, anyway. He'd already told her that cops weren't their friends.

Was a shame she didn't live in Westop, because if she had, they could have avoided this entire fiasco.

Chrysante kneeled low and made an attempt to hot-wire the rusted machine. It slowly but surely began pistoning and whirring to life, while Cheeks kept watch. So far, "Doctor" Flair seemed to be preoccupied, which could work out in their favor if he were lucky.

Chrys usually was.


That was Mace's voice. He'd kinda hoped he'd see that flying fucker strung up somewhere. Useless rat.

The shouting caught both Cheeks and Chrysante's immediate attention, forcing them both to completely disengage from their tasks and look beyond the generator.

"....You dirty bastard!" Chrysante growled, practically seething as he watched Mace lead the crazed killer directly to their location.

The game was all but over now.

With Sabre still missing, there would be no way they'd get the remaining generators up and going--no way they'd be able to escape when Mace had already sold them out.

Chrysante's body trembled with the urge to wring the winged wimp's neck. but he had more important things to worry about as Cheeks's whimpering got louder. She hadn't missed the sight of that massive fucking baton in Flair's hand. Chrysante'd been hit with it once already--it wasn't a prop.

He grumbled in a reluctant defeat and turned over his shoulder to cast a mean side-eye at the red bat hovering just over him.

"I cannot wait it'll it's my turn to be killer. I'm rockin' the pointy bat with my Trickster gear, and I'm gonna shove it right up your ass."




Love seeing so many of your characters come together! Nice work Twiggy!