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Thanks very much for taking part in the poll at the end of last week folks. And to those who sent me emails over the last few days. Your feedback is very much appreciated. It seems that a lot of people agree with my suggestion to add in some lesser-known titles, rather than let the funny highlights stockpile.

So it appears that of the two choices, Rising Storm: Vietnam is the majority preference. Cue a bit of Fortunate Son with footage of Hueys flying past in slow motion, with ZF members hanging/falling out the sides.

Since the start of this week I've been performing pre-production on the footage I have. This consists of about 53 individual streams saved in multiple different locations. What I'm currently doing is going through my (admittedly quite sketchy) notes and I'm trying to properly categorise the highlights in various folders for retrieval as part of a full edit - in a process called "nesting".

There have been complications this week though. On Wednesday and Thursday I didn't get much done because I was in the process of assembling the upgraded workstation PC. The hardware is working swimmingly, and thank you for it, but it's taking some time to get the software and settings to how I like them. And Windows 10 is thus far proving to be an exercise in frustration. It'll probably be a few days until productivity reaches previous levels and then hopefully exceeds it with a much faster processor. 

But thus far...of the 53 streams I have successfully nested 23 of them, meaning I'm about 43% of the way through. Though I must admit that my notes get sloppier the earlier I go, so it might slow down somewhat. I've created about 86 scenes that are properly named and ready to be placed on a timeline.

The astute among you will remember that it only takes about 30-40 scenes for each 10 minute bullshittery episode. So I already have everything I need to get started. But at this point I'd like to admit I have a conflict of interest.

I'm rather keen to just keep going with said pre-production until all of the footage is done. Simply because: 

  • a.) It'll be nice to get it all out of the way. Then I won't have to worry about it for parts 2 and 3.
  • b.) It'll be harder to pickup said work again from the middle. Stuff will likely slip through the cracks. Especially if more stuff gets added to the pile.
  • c.) The more scenes I can have available to play with, the more choice I'll have when it comes to mixing and matching funny moments. More creative freedom, basically.

So if you're all okay with it, I'd rather just keep going until I have lots of preproduction sorted. But it's already looking like there's 3-4 bullshitteries worth of content here. The work continues and I hope you approve of the process and the eventual result.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend folks.



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