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So, here's what's on my mind.

Last month I posted that poll to determine where opinions might lie, and the results were as follows - which was my reasoning for selecting Pavlov VR as the next episode.

But my fear is that if I keep doing the popular ones, the bullshitteries for the lesser known games will never get made, despite them being excellent potential episodes due to the banter with friends. So perhaps its wise if I alternate between a popular one and then a lesser known one? I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

There are two projects in particular that stand out more than all the others:

  • Rising Storm: Vietnam - A first person Battlefield-style game, often played by me and the ZF guys, in which we fill a squad of either US Marines or Vietcong Sappers and then invite viewers to join us in 64 player games. Fighting across the rice paddies and jungles of Vietnam whilst trying really, really hard to NOT be racist. In the words of Nevil, "I  think I can see my house from here".
  • Rocket League - A wacky 4v4 football game with cars, usually played on the weekend and almost always ZF vs ZF. Drinking is often involved. And many of us prove to be completely inept at both driving and football.

I present these two because I have a lot of footage for both, and neither of them have a bullshittery part 1. It would be nice to start processing some of it. I'm finding I'm having to buy additional hard drives to accommodate new incoming footage because the older stuff is not being processed. And these two projects are probably the largest. 

There's a downside unfortunately. Both of them require lengthy pre-production, just as Pavlov did. Since in both of them its tricky to accurately pinpoint all of the highlight moments and instead only point out their general area. Meaning I'll need to spool through and properly nest the clips once more before starting the main edit. This process for Pavlov took 10 days, but as mentioned previously it was technically the pre-production for 3 episodes rather than just the one. Sorry about this.

So, do you have a particular preference between either project? - https://www.strawpoll.me/16948826



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