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I've got a fun grab bag of previews for you today. This time, I've got CGs from what may occur as Connor finally gets out of bed and heads to class. Be warned that these images could be considered big spoilers, but if you're a fan of Riley, Tomas, and/or Will and don't care about spoilers, then read on or check out the gallery!

Connor the Exhibitionist

Morning wood is inevitable for an 18-year-old college boy. What isn't inevitable is whether or not you give your roommate a little show before heading to the showers. How much of a tease is your Connor?

Fair's Fair!

You might have run into Riley in the showers before the frat party—or you may catch a glimpse of him in the showers this morning after. Well, if you got to see him naked, it's only fair he gets to see you, too!

A Big Mess

Tomas was a little clumsy this morning and managed to get coffee all over his shirt and jeans. He's in such a hurry to get them clean before stains set in that he forgets to lock his classroom door...

Is This a Dream?

The answer is no. No it is not.

If you're a Junior who wants to see another sneak peek of the Morning After Update, check out Sneak Peek #28 to see what lay in store for Matt, Evan, Owen, and Julian. If you're a Senior or Graduate and haven't yet played the first Morning After dev build, you can see those four by downloading the preview build here!


Depending on how much of an exhibitionist you want to be, Marco may wake up to a very welcome surprise.
You may have accidentally seen Riley naked before the frat party—maybe you should make things even...
Tomas spilled coffee all over himself—and forgot to lock the door before stripping down to clean off. Oops!
This might seem like another of Connor's fantasies, but based on what you choose, it can be very, very real...