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It's time for the first of May's game status updates!

Today's cover image is Connor taking his very first dick pic. But who is he taking it for...?

This isn't going to be a super lengthy post since there hasn't been a ton of progress since the last update. I sort of worked myself to exhaustion, and that combined with some personal issues led to a creative stall. It's what contributed to last month's Bonus Gallery being late. (If you're a Junior or above, you can check that gallery out here.)

There was a comment on the last status update post in regard to my saying I don't want 6 months between each new release. They correctly pointed out that at that pace it would take 8 years (!) to finish just the Week 1 section of the game.

That obviously can't be the pace if I don't want to be making this game well into my golden years—the goal has always been to get a release out once a month if not quicker. That's why I portioned out the future releases the way I did, to make the scope of each one smaller. (If you missed the list of releases and planned content in each, check out Game Update #54.)

I'm committing myself to getting the long awaited second dev build for the Morning After Update out before the end of May, marking the next milestone in its development. Then I can get to making the last third of the release, which brings the story back on a linear path and will hopefully be easier to finish.

Thank you all for your patience! I hope one day I'll be able to hire people to help me make this, but until then I'll work as much as I can without totally burning out to reach the goal of a steadier schedule.


Today's cover image is Connor taking his very first dick pic. But who is he taking it for...?



How download the game?


The download links can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-you-update-94305577


So thankful for your work this must be super overwhelming with just you working on it. obviously I'm always craving more content but pls make sure you have space for you time and mental health.