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May's second game status update is here!

This update's cover image is what Connor will see after waking up at Griffin's place if you didn't go through with hooking up. The hookup path's morning CGs are a tad more naked 😉

Speaking of naked CGs, I did a Sneak Peek post earlier this week featuring a CG each for Riley, Tomas, & Will. There's definitely nudity in those preview images plus broad hints at what's to come for their storylines. If you're a Junior, Senior, or Graduate and haven't seen that post, check it out here!

Anyway, to the update! Like the first May status update, this one won't be lengthy since there's nothing super interesting to discuss. Right now I'm coding, coding, coding and testing, testing, testing as I work to finish the second dev build for the Morning After Update. I've also been filling in art gaps, like sprites and backgrounds, that I realized I needed as I coded.

I'm still trying to get this done this month, but it's hard to guarantee anything. I have to pull focus soon for the Patreon galleries, for example. But I'm working hard to get this to you all—you've waited long enough!


This CG shows how Griffin will greet you in the morning if you didn't hook up. The hookup path CGs are a little more naked...



Oh the anticipation!


Good things come to those who wait though. As I said earlier, the "anticipation." The wait and the anticipation makes it that much better when it come out. And the end result is a "gold medal."

Daniel Aguilera

We need a new build asap, the last one was in February 😢. I wanna see more of Matt!


Any update on when the next build will be out?


I'll have the first June game status update up in a day or so. But I'm still working overtime on it, I promise!