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An individual that mouth-breathed for many years can experience the following negative side effects:

Altered facial development: Chronic mouth breathing can lead to changes in facial structure, such as a long face, narrow upper jaw, and crooked teeth.

Dental problems: It can also cause tooth decay and gum disease due to a lack of saliva and increased plaque buildup.

Sleep problems: Mouth breathing can lead to snoring and sleep apnea, leading to sleep disturbances and fatigue.

Chronic dry mouth: Also leads to a decrease in saliva production, causing a dry mouth and bad breath.

Respiratory issues: Mouth breathing can lead to respiratory problems, such as chronic bronchitis and asthma, due to the inhalation of dry air.   

Cognitive problems: Chronic mouth breathing can lead to decreased oxygenation of the brain, leading to problems with attention, memory, and overall cognitive function.

This field will try to gradually reverse all the negative effects you might have experienced with mouth breathing.

This is technically a brain field, so start with few loops.

Great combination with:
- Yoga Exercises
- Rhodonite + Coprolite (Brain Health and Improvement Crystal Alchemy)
- Crystalline Mind and Brain
- The Loved Body



could we please have an audio for financial investing/trading. Thank you :)


This is so nice just looped this like 4 times and I can breathe in so much easier and with each breathe I feel more stamina increasing and brain feels clear/alert. I do Wim hof breathing techniques once a day and just got done with a session and now I literally feel the high feeling he talks about from the breath holds lol. This was definitely much needed thank you mate.


Thank you so much this helped me breathe better