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Trauma refers to a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that may have long-lasting effects on a person's thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Trauma can be caused by a variety of events, such as physical or sexual abuse, neglect, natural disasters, serious accidents, combat, or other violence. It can also be caused by medical procedures, such as surgery or childbirth.

People who have experienced trauma may feel overwhelmed and powerless, and they may develop symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Trauma can also affect a person's relationships, work, and overall quality of life.

In milder cases of trauma, it can hinder certain aspects of the individual's expression, influence important decision making and even disruptive behavior.

Trauma also can cause a person to avoid making decisions or taking action, as they may feel paralyzed by fear or uncertainty, and also cause a person to generalize their negative experiences to all aspects of their life, leading to a tendency to avoid risks and make decisions based on fear.

I could go all day on the list of serious negative impacts trauma can have in our lives.

This field is designed and programmed to dissolve the traumas you currently have, with all the support needed to deal with the consequences of this and to make it gentle and smooth. It will start in a very generalized way but you can focus in a specific trauma and the field will focus on it.

Very interested in reading feedbacks about this one.

Start very slow, as this is a brain rewiring field. 1-2 loops maximum.

Great combination with:

- Crystalline Mind and Brain
- Rhodonite + Coprolite (Brain Health and Improvement Crystal Alchemy)
- Mental & Psychological Health Treatment


Professional Nice Lady

This so SO GOOD I was mid- spiral and this completely put me at ease.


Question from a new patron: Can your fields be used by immediate family members with the same effect? Do you allow this? Thank you.


Such a gorgeous track! Thank you