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Shinji woke up the next morning twitching his nose, Asuka had messed herself and he was sitting in it. “A-Auska you did it again!” Shinji whined, pushing on her hilly figure of rolls. “Nnnn, wha? Shinji? I…oh, scheisse Misaaato!”

Misao came in with a nose pin attached firmly to her nose and countless cleaning supplies.

“Sheeesh, if the movers had been here they’d all have to have seen this Asuka, that would have been pretty embarrassing. See, this is why we’re moving you two close to NERV you’re both just too fat!

What started from a commitment to live life to the fullest had led to Asuka and Shinji sitting together, their fat pressing against each other.

Putting the tub of water down she said, “In anycase, NERV says they need more time, it’s literally an operation just to move you two so their coming tomorrow.”

“Oh cool, tomorrow, that means we could have one more pig out!” Asuka cheered but Shinji sulked, “Can you clean us first?”

“Hahah, yeah first things first.”

It was quite the operation itself just trying to clean the two pilots. It was also humiliating work for Shinji who closed his eyes as Misato’s hands brushed past his butt. For Asuka as Misato wiped her massive jiggling butt she felt nothing but boredom, waiting to eat, it was how he got to such a grotesque size. She couldn’t even remember when she first became immobile, but she took it in stride. A certain competitive had been with all her all through her gain and to her immobility was just one more stage to achieve in being the fattest fuck she could be.

Shinji couldn’t remember the last time he saw his penis. It had become swallowed up by his fupa and relative to the rest of his immense blobby body looked tiny. He knew that because Asuka told him, when she would lift up his hanging stomach apron and coo in german “Was für ein sexy kleiner Schwanz,” telling him what a sexy little cock it was, Every time Shinji lost inches in his manhood Asuka praised him and made Shinji incredibly happy.

In his happiness he grew and grew until, well, now not even Misato could lift Shinji’s own flesh to find his tiny cock. But that was perfectly fine with Asuka.

“Fat boys have tiny cocks and my boyfriend is the fattest in the world,” She would brag.

All through that final day they gorged, a final dinner together. Sure Misato would visit them in their new rooms, but this was to the end of them all living together like this.

“Hmmmmph,” Shinji moaned as his inflated fat hand dug deep into a melted tub of ice cream. After they had been all cleaned the final feast had begun.

“Yeah go Shinji! Stuff that gut!” Asuka cheered as her boyfriend gorged. Asuka wiped her sweaty head with napkins while she shoved pizza slice after pizza slice down her maw. As Misato brought burger bags she noted how buff her arms had become since this weight gain. She may have a pot belly, but these arms. She was interrupted by a fart from Shinji, Misayo cheering “Good one!”

It was a happy memory for all of them because the next day the NERV soldiers moving them weren’t so kind.

Breaking down the wall from outside Asuka and Shinj screamed in shock as a crane entered the room.  Their blobby forms were exposed and the air in the room smelled of shit Asuka had passed while she was sleeping from their last supper. Misato came in and directed several men “Asuka’s first! I don’t care how heavy she is MOVE THAT FATTY!” Asuka winced as Misato shouted in her military voice.

“H-Hey careful~!” Shinji impotently whined at the men who were grasping so much of him. So much flesh and excess that he had built up. Eager to please his new girlfriend he let her fetish dominate and the end result was he was now too fat to get out of bed.

How much did they weigh now?

By now it was hard to determine. No scale at their, now, old home could reach them, but they had to be nearing a half ton each by now.

“I said careful damnit!” Shinji snapped at how roughly he was treated, the soldiers were working under Misato’s orders, they were going to move these two fatties. They moaned and with a great big tarp lifted Shinji up. Shinji flared about as he sat up and was quickly out of breath, a mask being put on immediately. From that point Sinji felt himself start to get lifted and he felt his fat and immense figure fight a tug of war with gravity,

Lifted up in the air, Misato called out to Shinji, “It’ll be okay, I’ll be there when you get there!”

Shinji was craned out of Misaoto’s apartment and true to her word there were tanks and cranes and guards and barricades. All this to move his fat ass. At that moment Shinji felt like he was a whale getting moved to a new tank. A complete spectacle,

Toji and Kensuke both couldn’t stop pointing and laughing at Shinji who shuddered at feeling how his own flesh hung and wobbled in the air as he was lowered into a huge truck which had a big yellow OVERSIZE LOAD on it. As Shinji was lowered he farted loudly and started to cry, feeling foolish for ever letting himself grow so large.

As he was lowered into the truck he heard the machine groan under his weight and his flab press over the walls. Then he looked above, feeling the avalanche of neck flab pool out behind his head and chins to jiggle. He saw how Asuka defiantly flipped off her old friend Hikari who could only stare at what Asuka had done.

By the time Asuka was lowered she was met by a sobbing Shinji.

“We were fools! This was so stupid Asuka!”

“Shinji, stop whining!” Asuka snapped.

“But they saw us, they all saw us and laughed at us!

“Fuck them! I only care about you.”

As the truck moved, with a motorcade driving along their heavy industrial truck. Asuka grasped a handful and grinned.

“No more, school, no more worries. Just food, sex, and defeating the angels with my fat man.”

Shinji began to calm down, but their introduction to their new room was as rough as cpi;d be.

“Hey, can we get a moment of privacy here!” Asuka shrieked. Annoyed and overly bitchy from having to move around so much.

Shinji fanned himself, despite the overly warm room he was still sweating so much, Sweat rolled down his forehead and into his many chins. His chin flab flaps would get sweaty and perspiration would roll down into his rolls on his body and give him a terrible stink,

It was to Asuka and Shinji’s displeasure to be washed by nameless grunts who communicated nothing and only man handling their rolls to wash.

“P-please be gentle!”

“We’re EVA pilots, not livestock you dunkoffs!”

When they were all cleaned up hey were unceremoniously dumped into a wide medical bed built to house the two of them.

They were stripped and electrodes were applied to their chest and side rolls to check on their heart as tubes were put under their noses.

After her shift was over Misato visited them.

“How was your first day?” Misato asked cheerfully,

“Horrible! You need to tell those dunkoffs to treat us better. We may be blobs but we’re still human!” Asuka barked at Misato who said, “I’ll send the message but you’re going to have to deal with it at some point. After all, at your size.”

Misato activated the screen that displayed big red numbers that read out 1,882 lbs.

“Daaaamm,” Misato said and whistled at the blobs of fat that laid before them. She clicked on the remote that divided the weight into 893 for Shinji and 989 for Asuka.

“Holy shit! I gotta get Ritsuko.”

Those whole events with the Evangelions weight gain had left Dr, Akagi with a bloated figure of 430 pounds sagging off her frame.

“989 pounds!” Ritsuko yelled and slapped the mountain of gelatinous fat Asuka had made by herself and the addition of the tube feeding.

“Hey, you’re bigger too! What happened to “proud fat bitch”?”
“You took it WAY too far. I can’t believe the EVA’s responded to all this!”
“See? My 02 approves of my obesity.”

Ritsuko sighed, “989 pounds, might as well round up and call you a half-ton.”

“I already do” Asuka said proudly.

“Whatever, prepare for your next rations test. This time the both of you will make it to a full ton.”

With that Ritsuko left and they were once more rough housed into their plug suits. Their suits perfectly fit their body, contorting to their blobby curves and every nook and cranny. Inside tubes were lowered and they began to suck.

“I’m glad this is over. I’m going to miss living with them, but at least NERV is moving me to a better apartment.” Misato sighed as she watched Asuka and Shinji blow up into blue and red blimps. “I’ve been really tired taking care of these two. Shinji is fine, but Asuka is such a helpless bitch. Oh by the way, the NERV staff could handle them better when they move them.

“Well they shouldn’t have put on a literal ton of weight.” Ritsuko dryly noted watching the montier weigh Asuka at 1,025 and Shinji weighed 1,016.

“Come on, please? They’re still human.”

“What human weighs over a ton? They live here now and they’re not going to get the same treatment.”

Misato frowned as the feeding stopped. Asuka was 1,074 pounds of pudge and Shinji was at 1,032. After they were released they were cleaned of LCL. Naked they were craned and Asuka crows loudly “1,074! You’re practically slim compared to me.”

Shinji felt the jets touch his balls and moaned, “I-In quadruple digit terms sure, but I’m still the fattest boy in the world Asuka!”

Shinji moaned while he was washed like a farm animal, “I’m the fattest man in the world Asuka.”

Asuka shuddered while she and Shinji were craned to their room, she felt horny and ready to play with her fat when she found Rei was on her own bed.

“Oh no!” Asuka bitched and bitched while Shinji joined her.

“This was meant for all three of us,” Rei explained.

“But what if we want privacy!” Asuka whined to which Rei shook her flabby face and said “It cannot be helped.”

Infuriated Asuka called for the cafeteria to send her lots of burgers and fries to stuff herself with, to eat out her sexual frustration, but it wasn’t enough.

With her belly full of food Asuka moaned and whispered, “Grab me.”

Shinji was shocked,”In here?!”

“I don’t care if she sees it.”

With a grunt Shinji grasped a big handful of Asuks’s side fat and made her squeal “Scheiße, ich bin fett!!!!” all Shinji would do is wobble the red head as she talked dirty to herself, “Such a magnificent pig, no one can match! Look at me! Look at ALL THIS FETT!

Asuka grasped at flab roughly now and gave herself as much of a hard shake the ton of an 18 year old could give, letting out thunderous fart loud and long. Asuka felt her massive form shake like a gelatin mold back and forth while her excess was being played with.

It all led to Asuka cumming loudly and moaning, relaxing into Shinji.

With a smug look on her face she taunted Rei “Was it good for you?”

“You are disgusting pilot Soryu” The blobbish Rei didn’t register a reaction.

Sneering Asuka grunted and a loud fart sputtered again. Shinji grasped his nose and immediately knew what Asula had done, “A-Asuka no!”

“Enjoy that,” Asuka taunted again, having messed herself out of spite.


Before long it was time. The moment they had all dread. An Angel was attacking and it was time to test the new fat EVAs.

With a nervous look on her face Misato yelled out “LAUNCH EVA!”

As all three EVAs sped through the hanger tunnels Misayo swallowed hard.

“Come back alive.

The End.


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