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The Making of a Barbie
By FC Punk

“Hi, welcome to McDonalds, how can I take your order?”
“Hi, I’d like four double quarter pounders with cheese, two large fries, three apple pies and a large chocolate shake.”
“Okay, that’ll be in the next window!”

The car pushed into the window where a tubby teenager was working the register. It was a seemingly normal day in this society of total obesity. There was a line of chubby to down right morbidly obese patrons up front and even this fast food worker had a belly that pushed far out as if she were ready to go to labor. When she open the window and saw who was in the car she squealed.

“Oh my God, you’re!”

Margot Robbie nodded, her thick double chin being pushed out. At over 500 pounds Margot Robbie was one of the, no pun intended, biggest box office draws in Hollywood, working with directors like Tarintino and becoming tied with the famous fat super villain Harley Quinn.

“Oh my God, you’re here I can’t believe it!” The teenager was hyperventilating and her heart was palpitating.
“Don’t give yourself a heart attack, I’m just on break from shooting the new Barbie movie.”

The teenager covered her mouth, “Oh my God, Barbie! You’re perfect for that!” Margot smiled kindly and patiently at the fan, “Now could I please have my food?”

“Oh sure!” The teenager got the bags and bent out, her boobs and belly wobbling as she handed the food off. Margot extended a massive arm out the window, her forearm was bloated and round and her upper arm flab was like a thick pastry bag of custard that drooped like heavy ripened fruit that wobbled while her porky fingers grasped the bag and pulled it into the car.

“Have a nice day and thank you for stopping by!” The teen said to the celebrity who waved and drove off, leaving her hyperventilating and over the moon.

Margot drove around the corner under the big yellow M and opened up the bag to examine her meal. “Oh this looks so good,” she smiled down at the fast food.  

Her thick bloated sausage fingers opened up one package and put the burger in her mouth, her huge double chin that took up her neck wobbled while she ate. Margot vigorously ate, taking big bites out of the first quarter pounder.

Pushing her chair back she put her broad arms on her blob of a stomach while closing her eyes in stuffed relaxation. Rubbing her soft massive tank of a belly that reached her knees when she was sitting she thought about what led her here, the two choices her agent April had given her: Barbie or Marylin Monroe.

On one hand portraying Monroe, especially her post 1960s later life where she advocated obesity and changed the world, would be a huge biopic and would most likely win her an Oscar. On the other hand playing Barbie would be more fun and Ryan Gosling was cast as Ken and with a casting choice like that, well, it was an easy pick.

So far the production had been going well as was shown in the stretch marks on her flowing cauldron of a belly. April told her that Mattel wanted her to pack on 30 lbs to keep with the 600 pound image of Barbie. It wasn’t a requirement per se, according to April, but it would show commitment to the film.

At first she thought it was silly. Weighing in the 580s was close enough, wasn’t it? But the more she thought about actually gaining that weight she started to see the good side of it.

Sliding her spandex pants down over her gut she let her huge massive bag of fat breathe a little. With a burger in hand while she reached for the script with the  other,. adjusting her head to read it caused the back of her neck fat to bulge out behind her. Holding the script up she took a bite of her burger and read out loud.

“I can eat all these donuts Ken, you know how much I can fill my tummy, teehee” Margot spoke in a high bubbly voice. She proceeded to resume eating while she put on the song Barbie Girl by Aqua.

“I’m a Barbie Girl,” Margot sang with her mouth full of food.
“In a Barbie World,” she swallowed and took another big bite, grease and ketchup dropping on her top.
“Wrapped in plastic,” she shoved a handful of fries into her maw before letting out a guttural burp.
“Mmmm, it’s fantastic.” Margot moaned at the satisfying meal. She continued to eat until it was time to go back to the set.

Pulling into the parking lot there was the hustle and bustle of the production. Pulling into a spot Margot grabbed her purse and started to leave her car. The operation of exiting her own car was something to see, her sheer weight caused it to bounce as she scooted out, her fat packed hips shaking like jello as she poured out of her seat.

Upon getting out she puffed out a breath of air, feeling the full grasp of gravity on her bulk. “Hmmmph,”  she waddled slowly, her wide thick thighs taking huge teetering steps. Her spandex pants showed every detail of the jiggles that went through her flab with every step her massive body took. The California sun bore down on her blonde head and she began to sweat, being so excessively bloated in body fat she could start sweating at the drop of a hat and the slightest bit of exertion on her tremendously fat body.

During her waddle she let out a belch as she was one to do at her size but especially after lunch. Entering the studio she felt relief from the sun, but she would only feel true relief once she took a load off, her chest beating like a drum.

She then ran into the director Greta, a 400 pound pear shaped woman, who was filling up her extra wide director’s chair to capacity. She looked at the whalish blonde with a satisfied gin “Looks like you had a good lunch.”

Margot collapsed into her own chair which groaned when she dropped her Aussie bulk into it. She waited a good while to regain her breath, her pants coming off wet and coming from deep within, her bloated fat cheeks were now a ruddy red.

“You need to start providing me with a scooter,” Margot finally said after regaining her ability just to speak.

“Oh wow,” Greta was wide eyed at the state Margot was in, “Mattel is going to be really happy to see how committed you are to this movie. You actually look like a Barbie doll.”

Greta held up a Barbie as if to illustrate her point. Clad in a fashionable pink tracksuit the body of the dolls were constructed with the trademark Mattel realistic gel filling that made their bodies squishably fat.

Margot chuckled while leaning back and resting her plump hands on her belly, “There’s a reason these dolls come with a mobility scooter.”

Greta laughed, “Right, right, point taken. Hey can we get a mobility scooter for our star over here!” One of the many bright pink mobility scooters was pushed over where Margot sat her enormous ass on with a genuine sigh of relief, “Ooooh, that's nice.”

“Yes, Ryan is ready to go. Wardrobe is ready for you.”

“Thanks!” Margot smiled and waddled ponderously when two wardrobe persons started to undress her from her black outfit she was wearing, unleashing the sheer blubber of her hips to expand out and quiver to the open air. Margot’s legs were thick and beefy with heavy, heavy cellulite behind her. Cottage cheese was not sufficient enough to describe all the deep dimples and texture on her rump, and there was plenty on her heavy wing arms and on her belly.

The wardrobe workers, both men, worked hard getting her undressed without causing her distress before she was put into a pink revealing babydoll. Braless her heavy sagging breasts could be seen through the material and her thick cellulite coated apron belly hung out. The back of the lingerie didn't cover Margot's wide dimpled behind at all. The typical Barbie doll had loads of cellulite on her plastic buns and the cellulite that coated her fleshy cheeks were a perfect match.

Ryan Gosling came onto the set. Turning every which way he looked at the bedroom set. It was pink, overly pink, the kind of pink one could only use in this life sized Barbie dream house. Pink drapes, carpet, bed, bathroom. He took off his robe, revealing only a black pair of Calvin Kline underwear, his six pack abs glistened in the studio lights and his platinum blonde hair was perfect. Ryan laid down on the bed and Margot waited in the doorway.

Greta looked everything around and knew it was time.

"Scene four, take three…Action!"

Ken looked up at Barbie with wonder and awe. "Wow” was all he could say. Barbie giggled in a bimbo sort of way while patting her rolls, "I told you I was getting bigger.” Barbie sat down on the bed and it groaned under her weight before collapsing onto its side, which tossed Ken over on top of her. Margot began to corpse, breaking down into a snorting laugh.

“Cut!” Greta called out,

“Sorry Greta, it just startled me. We can continue if you want.”

“It’s fine, let’s keep going. Okay…action!”

Ken looked over at a donut box on the table. “Do you want donuts?” He reached for the box and brought it down to the broken bed. “Mmmm, yeah I’d love some,” Barbie giggled.

“Are you going to eat them all?”

“I can eat all these donuts Ken, you know how much I can fill my tummy, teehee.”

Ken picked up one sticky glazed donut and brought it to Barbie’s lips. Barbie opened up and took a big bite, closing her eyes and savoring the glazed sugar. Ken reached for another one and then another one.

“Mmmph, I love donuts so much.” Barbie said as she accepted more and more donuts.

"I know you do, I'm always amazed at how much you can pack away." Ken's hands reached down and started to rub and caress Barbie's blubber while she ate and ate. Finally the last donut went down Barbies gullet and Ken leaned in and kissed her. "So proud of you."

"And cut!" Greta yelled out in a satisfied tone. Margot and Ryan both shared a laugh while down on the ground.

"Are you a diabetic yet?" He asked her, but Margot shrugged her beefy shoulders, "Yeah, but I'm not on insulin yet. I probably will be by the time we're done filming." Ryan watched her eat crumbs from the box and nodded, "Most likely, yeah. I hear you put on a ton of weight once you start on insulin."

Margot's bloated face with facial features looking like they were drowning in fat, lit up at that comment. Her fleshy cheeks wobbled upwards, exposing beautiful white teeth as she said, in a dreamy hopeful way, "God, I hope so."
By the time the shoot was finished Margot went home, ready to fry up some burgers on the grill outside. She put several patties on the charcoal grill. While outside she sat in a wheelchair. As she got bigger it just became a necessity around the house. She never used one in public, more out of vanity than anything else, but with her ballooning size it might very well become something she needed to think of.

Suddenly her phone rang and Quintin Tarantino popped on the screen. “Hey bitch, whatcha doing?” Quintin asked in his usual way. Margot smiled wide at her old friend, “I’m doing well! Just got done with a hilarious bed room scene with Ryan, he fed me a box of donuts and now I’m back home BBQing”

She turned her phone to the grill as Quintin howled with laughter as Margot played with the burgers with her spatula. “HAHAHA! Those executive cunts at Mattel weren’t joking. They really want you to get to six hundred pounds, huh? And is that a fucking wheel chair you’re in?”

Margot grabbed a selfie stick, saying “They just want to make sure I’m taking the role seriously and to look nice and bloated during promotional stuff like talk shows.” She quickly applied her phone to the stick and showed her blobby self off, “What do you think? I only use one around the house.”

Quintin grabbed his thinning hair in amazement, “Just how fucking fat are you now?”

“Last I checked was 586, but it’s definitely more.”

“I’d say,” Quintin was still in amazement, “You were only 504 during Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.”

“I looked nothing like Sharon Tate,” Margot laughed and flipped over one of her burgers.

“Nor Queen Elizabeth, but you know, that’s fucking Hollywood. Still, Jesus, Uma Thurman…”

“Haha, oh Quintin” Margot started to laugh as Quintin began to slide into one of his film history lectures.

“No, listen, I wanted a big 400 pound woman, the character of Mia Wallace NEEDED to be four hundred fuckin pounds. Oh sure there were plenty of two hundred pound porkers and a few three hundred whales, but this, Mia Wallace is a fat fuck that’s a heart attack waiting to happen. I could have padded her up, fat suit the fuck out of her, but I needed authenticity. People really DID believe Uma had a heart attack on set. It was perfect and everything I could ask for.”

“She’s a really good actress,” Margot said, having heard Quintins ramblings many, many times.

“And so are you, but you’re doing this crap. At least it isn't a superhero movie.”

“Hey! I had fun being Harley Quinn”

“Right, but it’s like…the era of the Super Hero is over man, I remember how when westerns and musicals were the thing in the 60’s but eventually we got bored of them and they went away and then we got something new at last…at least that's what I’m hoping is gonna happen, not more superhero shit.”

Margot began to place slices of cheese over her burgers as they grilled, explaining “Yeah I’m sorta done with them. That one legged Lady Gaga is supposed to be the new Harley in that Joker sequel, I wish her the best of luck.”

“And you turned down Mairlyn Monroe?!”

“Look, I know I was a dream pick, but after Amsterdam and Babylon I’m done with serious films.”

“Yeah but, there’s a lot of things people don’t know. She went blind for one thing and Jack Kennedy became a total recluse after he left office, he was a different man after Dallas.”

“Someone else can tell that story Quintin, I’m too busy getting fatter and playing with Ryan Gosling. I’m tired of flops and bombs, I don’t want to be known as box office poison.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll cast you in one of my movies and resurrect your career.”

Margot rolled her eyes on the phone, saying “Gee, thanks Quintin.”

“Look, in all seriousness, you got a strong brand behind you, you got Will Farrell,  I don’t know how a movie like this bombs. You got this.”

Margot smiled brightly, “Thanks Quintin. Oh, you wanna see something?” Margot asked with a wink. She adjusted her selfie stick and heaved a bloated leg up, showing Quintin how swollen her feet were.

“Fuckin tease,” Quintin said while Margot laughed, “I gotta go Quintin.”

“Alright, don’t worry you got this.”

Putting her phone away Margot resumed making cheeseburgers, creating a platter of sliders. When she was all finished she took the platter and wheeled her way back inside. Once in the TV room she placed the platter on the coffee table and heaved her bulk from  her chair to her couch where she laid on her side. She moaned, feeling her vast belly hang lower than the couch, it was nearly touching the floor.

She changed out of her clothes and allowed all of her blubber to breathe. Her legs were getting rolls, flab was dangling off the sides and over her dimpled knees. As she reached forward to reach for a cheeseburger the drooping dimpled flab of her upper arm wobbled like jelly.

Grasping it she closed her eyes and sensually enjoyed the first bite. The first moments of anything were always the best. She genuinely enjoyed eating, like any person who could hope to reach the size of her girth and being contractually obligated to gain weight, well, it was just obscene how much she was eating. As she filled herself with sliders she could feel the sensation of her lardy bulk filling her couch.

By the time she finished her sliders Margot had become full and bloated. Putting a hand to her lard sack of a gut she could feel her engorged stomach under the thick layer of fat she had accumulated over her 33 years. She smiled while she pressed down into her stomach with her hands while thinking of how much she had just eaten.

The next day of shooting Greta and a few Mattel representatives watched with awe at how Margot slowly climbed on the scale. On location at Venice Beach Margot was in costume, wearing a garish pair of hot pink shorts that clung to her broad thighs and a pink and blue neon leotard that showed every roll on her stomach and allowed every bit of flab on her bloated droopy upper arms to be seen. Ryan wore a matching outfit, his highlighted Ryan’s abs as he watched her step on.

The scale read out in red numbers “616.6 lbs.”

“Woo! Oh my God!” Greta cheered out, grasping Margot in a hug that she was unable to fully complete thanks to her width. Greta grinned and said, “You really ARE a Barbie!”

Margot Robbie’s face, with cheeks and jowls bulging with blubber, turned into a surprised happy expression.  “Damn, I got fat!” Margot exclaimed, her voice accompanied by a deep breath as she struggled to support her mammoth body.

The Mattel reps asked, “Let's get a photo for our social media.” Margot smiled as brightly as she could, all the while trying to collect air. She posed in the most fat displaying posture and pose possible while holding the read out in her swollen fingers, proudly showing the weight of her excess.

After the photo was taken she quickly wobbled over to her pink mobility scooter and collapsed into the seat, gasping and swallowing for air. When she had recovered enough Margot rolled to make up where her face was put together, the make-up artists worked wonders on her bloated face that was dominated by her bulging cheeks and double chin.

From her director’s seat Greta tried not to laugh out loud at Will Ferrell's antics, chasing after Ryan Gosling who was rollerblading next to Margot who was eating a hot dog while driving her pink mobility scooter. Her flab quivered with every movement her scooter took. Greta smiled, watching the scene unfold, the movie was almost done and as she adjusted herself in her seat she thought about all the reshoots they had to do.

With Margot's increasing size reshoots had to be done to match the continuity. It would have been disastrous for Barbie to look skinnier in one part of the movie and fatter in another part.  It was time consuming and expensive, but it was almost done and on schedule. On top of that, the Mattel people were happy with the 600 pound Margot Robbie.

“Cut!” Greta yelled out, satisfied with the take they had made.

It was going to be a rewarding summer.


“Margot Robbie!”

The San Diego Comic Con ballroom floor erupted as Margot Robbie rolled to the long table on the stage, joining Ryan and Greta among others. There were countless con goers in Barbie cosplay, a sea of pink was in front of the stage cheering for the super size star of the movie.

Bellying up to the table her entire body shifted and sloshed when her electric wheelchair came to a stop, her belly pressing into it. Adjusting the mic Margot smiled, feeling the weight of her own bloated arm as she fiddled with the mic. Even with the movie in the can she still ate, her contract stipulating she had to gain all the way till release for marketing and image.

Still holding a massive chili dog with all the fixings Margot ate and ate quickly. When she finished she belched and laughed, it had been loud enough to pick up in the crowded ballroom.

“Excuse me,” Robbie giggled into the microphone before saying “Is there anything anyone wants to talk about?”

One hand went up, taking a mic the con goer asked, “What was your daily diet like during filming?”

“Delicious,” Ryan spoke up to raucous laughter in the crowd. Margot was laughing as well, “It was! It really was. I had to do some serious eating, I’m still doing some serious eating as you can see.”

Greta couldn’t help but reach over and rub Margot’s lard tank stomach that occupied the space between her spread out thighs with tummy lard, “How much did you ultimately put on again?”

“30 pounds ultimately,” Margot reached and reached into the Taco Party box she had brought with her.

Another hand, “What were your favorite parts of being Barbie? Aside from eating?”

“The clothes!” Margot cheered, “The costume designs were just the best! Replicating all those fashions, Barbie is an icon of plus size fashion and wearing those outfits was so cool.”

Another hand went up, this one asking, “I see you like Taco Bell, is that your favorite fast food?”

Margot’s face turned comically distressed as she exclaimed, “Picking my favorite place is too hard! That’s like picking my favorite pet. But I suppose I’m partial to burgers and fries. I once had deep fried kangaroo back in Australia, have you ever tried it?”

It was a whirlwind of promotion for Margot Robbie who continued to bloat and grow. Her girthy body became even thicker with lard as her body continued to balloon. Her face bloated up with fat even further, to the point her eyes took on a beady pig like look.

By the time of the premiere Margot was nearly bursting out of a pink gown, her hair and make up was done to make herself look even fatter.

“Ooof! Oooh” Robbie panted and moaned while holding onto a walker while she wandered about the theater, not wanting to use a wheelchair for this occasion. Even her oxygen tubing was pink, the canister attached to her walker. Her gigantic pink rump wobbled and shook with every step she took.

Photographers were capturing her for the whole world to see on Twitter and Instagram and even the most high definition cameras couldn’t fully capture just how pink even her face was.

“Be sure to get extra butter,” Margot huffed as she made her way to the seats.

Taking a seat next to Ryan and Greta Margot took a handkerchief from her purse and dabbed at her sweaty forehead. She looked at the fabric and pouted, seeing how her makeup was coming undone.

The bloated film star grinned when a big bucket of popcorn and a platter containing four hotdogs was brought to her. She could feel her already fast heart beat even faster and she coughed a bit in reaction. Putting a pudgy hand to her chest she took a deep breath while watching the hot dogs and popcorn being passed over to her.

Her deep breathing didn’t help matters as her hands grasped the platter and the bucket, shaking ever so slightly as she did so. She was just so excited to eat it was enough to mess with her.

As the film began and the lights in the theater turned off Margot began to eat. She relished the relish on her hot dog, chomping and savoring the meat and onions.

Chomping on hot dogs in her tight pink dress Margot Robbie looked more like a piggy girl than a Barbie girl. But on the screen she was.

A Barbie Girl in a Barbie World.

The End


Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-17 23:34:59 Excellent story. Dude I’m excited for more
2023-07-13 11:35:56