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Part two: Hey Pal

"And once more, I repeat, everything is normal as before, Vince is just going to be a figurehead, he's more interested in the new corporation and setting the parent company up, he's not going to be here much at all."

The wrestlers in the locker room all nodded along to Paul Levesque's latest talent meeting. The recent return of Vince McMahon to the Chairman's seat had sent shockwaves through WWE after his disgraceful exit. Now he was back and what's more he had sold the company to Endeavor, the parent company of UFC, thus creating a new super corporation. The past few months leading to this were full of surprises and intrigue with no one expecting Vince's comeback and definitely not the merger that was taking place.

Days later on Monday in a hotel room Kairi, Asuka, and Iyo were binging on room service while watching old Joshi wrestling from the 90s. Taking a big bite of a juicy cheeseburger Kairi said, "It looks like my plan came just in time. I really, really don't want to be here if Vince is going to be here too.''Asuka shoved a handful of fries in her mouth, commenting “They said I was going over at Wrestlemania this year, but yet again I jobbed. I’m tired of disappointment."

Both girls were rising up their weights every day. Both Kairi and Asuka were blowing up in size, now edging closer to three hundred pounds. Iyo grinned when the Joshi legend Bull Nakano entered the ring to face WWE Hall of Famer Alundra Blayze, in this match going by her other ring name Medusa.

“That is who we should emulate,” Iyo pointed at the squat Nakano, with her thick body she was more in line with the size of the three Joshi wrestlers who were desperate to go back home. Bull Nakano wore her hair with a ridiculous amount of hair spray, causing it to stick straight up. As Bull wrestled her big hair became undone and gave the large BBW joshi a certain wild look. Her hair was so large it was directly proportional to the size of her rear end.

“I still love professional wrestling, I don’t want to stop,” Iyo said while eating her own burger. “None of us do,” Kairi agreed, “But you’re right, with our new size we will have to adjust our ring style.”

They watched Nakano work and quietly took notes, observing how the pear shaped fat woman threw her weight around. Asuka watched Nakano rise to the top rope and launch herself off into a diving leg drop, landing on her plush bottom.

Sitting on a couch Iyo took a big bite of a slice of cheese pizza and was delighted, saying with her mouthful, “Letting go has never felt so good, all this is amazing.” Kairi nodded while laying on the hotel bed. She patted her jutting pot belly. It was so heavy and fleshy it stuck up like a mountain of Japanese blubber. She looked overthe summit of her belly at Asuka who was laying belly first in front of her. Asuka’s bigger bottom strained the back of her pants and Kaiari slapped her butt which made Asuka yelp out in her natural tongue “Nani shitendayo!” literally asking her what the fuck Kairi was doing.

“Gome,” Kairi apologized in Japanese before saying, “It’s just grown so much. In America having a big butt is actually desirable so if anything I should be jealous of you.” Asuka blushed at the praise for her ass and peered back at it. There was no denying how round and far out it was now. Her wrestling gear showed it off tremendously.
Iyo put a french fry in her mouth and showed the two the little belly that was just starting to emerge, “I’m not as big as you two.”

Asuka grinned and with a heave rolled off the bed and got up, hugging her friend. “Don’t worry. Just hanging around us puts the pounds on you.”

Over the next weeks Asuka, Kairi, and Iyo continued to gorge and feast, the back of their rental cars overtime would become filled with fast food garbage as they hopped from place to place. Being part of the WWE meant constant travel and the trio took every opportunity to see what a city offered. In Memphis they overindulged in BBQ, something that Asuka in particular liked.

Asuka deep down was a foodie, she loved to eat, and Kairi’s plan was something that she took full advantage of. Even if she would end up  waddling back to Japan, she was going to enjoy this. She picked apart each rib, savoring the sauces, and relishing in the tender meat that was falling off the bones. Asuka’s eating was undignified and piggish, but she was having the time of her life letting go.

The way Kairi’s belly was inching closer and closer to touching the table of their booth. It was clear her plan to fatten themselves up like cattle was going smoothly. Looking down at it her fuller face smiled, the start of a double chin beginning to show. She was determined to get her release and go back to her home she so dearly missed. Kairi took big mouthfuls of macaroni and cheese, eager to fill her gut. She needed her belly to touch the table, and to that end she made a pig of herself in order to grow.

Hopping from city to city it was a whirlwind of an experience for Iyo Sky. Joshi were disciplined, they were supposed to be idols. Idols that hit each other as hard as they can in a staged sport, but idols nevertheless. This was so taboo and that made it thrilling. As she swallowed mashed potatoes, being sure to pour more and more gravy. Even though Kairi and Asuka had a head start Iyo was matching them meal for meal and she was chubbing up everywhere, especially in her face with her cheeks bloating up.

After they were all finished. After the rack of ribs had been picked clean, after the gravy was empty, after the fried chicken bones had piled up all three Joshi relaxed, basking in the bloated stuffed feeling.

Kari farted and adjusted herself in her seat, putting a hand on her belly muttering “Excuse me.” Iyo took deep breaths, feeling stuffed to the gills while Asuka had sauce smeared all over her mouth. After they had rested enough they left and headed to the arena.


In the busy hustle and bustle of the production of Monday Night Raw Paul Leveque was conversing with multiple people while the ring was being set up behind him, in the center of the empty arena.

Bruce Prichard was going over the show’s segments with Paul when the two of them saw the Kabuki Warriors and Iyo wander to the locker room. “Oh my God. I am getting Yoko flashbacks.”

Paul let out an exasperated sigh. He had signed all three to the company, and what they were doing reflected badly on him.  

“What are you going to do Hunter? You were there for Yoko, he ate himself out of a job.” Bruce asked Paul who thought it over and said, “We’ll do another weigh in with Lacy Evans and the heaviest will go on to face Natalya. I can’t believe Iyo is getting in on this too.”

“Alright you got it,” Bruce wrote on his clipboard while Hunter watched the three drag their bags behind them.

By show time Paul sat down in the gorilla position and put on his headset, ready to direct the show.

However, he was joined in the other chair by one man: Vince McMahon.

Vince looked strong and imposing as usual, still a larger than life figure. Underneath his suit was a bodybuilder’s physique that he kept up even at 77 years of advanced age. In his absence from the company he had grown a thin pencil mustache that made him look like a buff Walt Disney.

“Hey Pal,” Vince greeted Paul, his son in law with his characteristic gravely voice.

“Vince, what are you doing here?” Paul asked, not showing he was annoyed he got no notice. It was the one thing every wrestler learned: never sell for Vince. Don’t show emotion.

With a deep chuckle Vince said, “I just thought I’d pop in and see how things are going. I figure a little chaos every now and then make for a good show. Now come on, lets get on with it.”

Vince put on his headset and yelled into it, “SOUND ENTHUSIASTIC DAMNIT! WE HAVE A SHOW TO PUT ON! PLUG PEACOCK!”

Paul sat back and watched Vince seemingly take over the show.

By the time the Lacy Evans segment came Vince bellowed out in laughter, “What? What the hell is this! They’re huge!” Paul tilted his head, curious at this unexpected reaction. What was he planning?

“Ugh! You nasties just keep getting worse and worse!” GM Lacy Evans made a look of disgust as she grasped Kaiari’s belly, lifting it up. “Look at that, your gut is so heavy it's sagging!” Kairi saw how much belly fat she had cultivated, her belly sagged out of her gear. She couldn’t help but smile.

“She’s smiling! She’s smiling at her belly! Look at that! She’s in love with her own FAT!” Vince bellowed out in disbelief.

“And you!” Lacy turned her attention to Asuka, “Turn around and show me that rear!” Asuka did so, her rump was swallowing up her trunks and they were starting to dimple with cellulite. Lacy twisted her face in disgust, “Lord almighty that is nasty, turn back around, It’s like looking at a bag of mashed potatoes. Alright, weigh in time. Whoever is the heaviest nasty is going to face Natalya.”

Kairi went on first and beamed when the scale read out 242 in big red numbers. “242!” Lacy exclaimed, “Lord have mercy, you weigh as much as one of the Usos!” Kairi almost squealed in happiness, which made Lacy look at her with contempt, “What are you so happy about, you fatty. Alright, your turn!”

Asuka stepped on, accidentally letting out a fart as she did. It was low, but Asuka cringed all the same knowing she had farted on live television.

“263?!” Lacy said in astonishment, momentarily breaking character with actual genuine shock before saying “You gained 60 pounds of fat? That’s disgusting! It all went to your rear too. Well, congrats Asuka, you got a match with Natalya. And it’s next.”


Natalya was dismayed at Asuka as she went over their match during the commercial break. Despite it all Natalya was a professional and was determined to get a good match out of her.

“We work stiff tonight?” Asuka asked in broken english. Natalya expressed disbelief on her face, “You want to work stiff? In this condition?”

Asuka nodded enthusiastically, “I have finish. I go up, hit a leg drop, you move, and I miss and you put me in Sharpshooter.”

Natalya sighed, thinking of what could go wrong, “Okay. But be careful”

In the match Asuka put extra movement in her strikes. When she kicked her legs, the fat on her inner thighs jiggled and wobbled like a sack of jelly.


Natalya hit Asuka in the face with a punch that busted her lip. Asuka responded by throwing her into the ropes and hitting her with her huge bulging lardy cheeks, knocking her down. She dragged her over to the turnbuckles which she climbed. Once she was up the crowd got to their feet and gasped as Asuka jumped off the top and put her legs out. Just like they planned Natalya rolled out of the way and Asuka landed on her huge butt that rattled the ring and echoed in the building, the fans chanting “Holy shit!”

“God damn,” Even Vince and Paul were stunned by what he had just seen before Vince immediately started shouting “SAY FATTY FELL AND WENT BOOM, SAY IT GRAVES! SAY IT!”

Natalya quickly grabbed Asuka’s legs and put her in the sharpshooter and Asuka immediately tapped, jobbing as punishment for her weight gain.

After the show ended Paul looked at Vince and said. “I’m firing them. This is completely unacceptable.”

“No,” Vince said, his voice horse than it normally was.


“Let’s keep them around. It’s good shit.” Vince took off the headset and patted Paul on the shoulder. “Keep up the good work pal.”

To Be Continued


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