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Part 8

A heavy duty black van drove slowly. Its windows were tinted and no one could see through the back doors. It pulled up to a WcDonalds.

“Alright, are you two tubs ready?” Misato called back. Scrunched together the fat couple took up the entirety of the back, lying in a sort of bed. Clad in their school uniforms the fatty couple jiggled every way the van turned. Behind them were two mobility scooters, strapped and secured

“Y-yes Misato I’m always ready to eat, even now I’m so hungry.” Shinji blushed, feeling himself drool over his quadruple chins, it seemed like he was in a competition with Asuka to see how fat their faces could get. His belly roared in hunger and he once more blushed.

Asuka, who had by now lost a toe from diabetes grinned with her cigarette butt scrunched between two rows of yellow rotten teeth. “That's what I like to hear, fat boy” Asuka said in a much deeper voice thanks to all her chins. She farted softly and Shinji felt the vibrations from Asuka passing gas. She grasped a big handful of Shinji’s flab on his lardy hips, Shinji was such a blob now at 700 pounds there was so much to grasp onto and squeeze. “Schisse your fat turns me on Shinji”

Shinji and Asuka were without a doubt the fattest couple in the entirety of Japan. Asuka lived an existence constantly surrounded by her own jiggling lard which made her achingly horny. But the fact that her boyfriend was the second fattest person, well, it was like she was living her own erotic fat sex dream over and over.

She held Shinji’s fat hand tightly with her own and Shinji smiled. Being loved was all he ever wanted and he was okay with being fetishized and objectified by the tubby brat that was Asuka Langley Soryu. He had even come to love his own obesity and his status as the fattest boy in Japan. As Asuka jiggled him he moaned at his own sloshing body.

Misato looked behind her through the rearview mirror at Asuka and Shinji playing with each other’s soft dangling rolls and folds. She scolded them, “Hey not here!”

“S-s-nnnmmmmm!,” Shinji tried to apologize but only let out a shuddering moan at his own fat being shaken, it felt so good to have his blubber shaken. Asuka grinned, groping one of Shinji’s massive boy boobs that were equal to her own substantial chest, “Mmmm, I can’t help it,” Asuka grinned, feeling all that fat under her hands, “I fucking love FAT.”

Misato sighed and got the bags of food and tossed it to the two Jabba sized pilots behind her. The bags landed on their bellies and were greasy enough to leave stains on their school uniforms.

“Finally,” Asuka moaned deeply and started to feast. The bag of five WcDonalds super size fries were dumped all together and Asuka put the bag to her mouth and started to eat as if she were a fat horse on a feed bag. Shinji opened a carton of a cheeseburger and took a big bite, also letting out his own moan, “Nnnn, this is going to make us so fat.”

Misato peered at her rear view mirror at the two feasting pigs, “If it doesn’t your tube feeding will. You two are pretty close to a thousand pounds.”

Asuka pulled her face from her bag of fries, her salty greasy lips smacking together, “You bet Misato! Between the two of us we’d be a full ton!” Just saying those words out loud made Asuka slick and she rubbed her enormous bloated pillars she called her thighs together, muttering “mmmm, of fuck.” Shinji also grew hard at the thought and his prick pressed into his own fat that was smothering it, causing him to moan with his mouthful.

Misato drove as the two pigs glutted. They now needed mobility scooters and it was a herculean task to get them ready for school, just getting down to the new heavy duty van had nearly given Shinji a heart attack he was so out of breath when he got there and Asuka wasn’t any better, fondling her rolls through her blue and white school uniform, trying her best to finger her belly button since she had lost the ability to finger her pussy several hundred pounds ago.

Misato put a fry to her mouth and adjusted her fat gut that was sitting in her lap. Their increasing size and increasing difficulties put stress on Misato, who had turned to food for comfort, which was self-evident in the increased size of her gut and tightness of her black dress. She would have to seek some stress relief soon. She heard Shinji fart and giggled, “Good one Shinji!”

The two of them ate and ate and munched and munched and binged and binged all the way to school where Misato pulled up. She got out of the car and went to the back, adjusting the ramp to roll the two scooters out. After that she opened the sliding door and instructed, “Okay Shinji, you first,” to which Asuka brattily demanded “Why does Shinji get to go first!”

Misato smirked, “Because you’re fatter than Shinji Asuka, you have to go last.” Asuka’s bloated face, which at this point looked like a pyramid of face chins and face chub that ended at a summit of red pig tailed hair, blushed and she groaned loudly, gasping out when she cummed in her panties.

It left her in a blissful haze as Misato grasped Shinji’s soft hands and helped move him to his scooter. His black slacks could be used as a tent and his bottom wobbled as he set his weight on his scooter. Shinji’s bloated face made a delighted expression when he heard his seat groan under his ass.

“W-wow, did you hear that Misato? I’m so heavy!” Shinji said excitedly to Misato while adjusting to get comfortable in his seat, his ass hanging over the sides by a good margin and his massive belly pressing out. Misato chuckled nervously, “You sure are Shinji. Now let’s get to your land whale girlfriend.”

Asuka was a jiggly sack of blubber by now. At over 800 pounds of sheer mass her body was predominantly made up of flab. She was an ocean of fat with organs somewhere in her body. Her long white socks were filled to capacity with her blobby bloated legs and her ass hung out of her blue skirt, showing off her cellulite on her butt. But her massive ass, possibly the fattest ass in Japan, wasn’t the only thing covered in dimpled cottage cheese, cellulite covered her skin all over making Asuka a cottage cheese filled woman. Her scooter groaned louder than Shinji’s and her belly hung out of her skirt, slapping against the front of her seat and touching her 9 toes. Just moving from the van to the chair had left Asuka’s clothes soaked in sweat, which made her stink to high heaven.

“Ooof, hoo, hoo,” Asuka huffed and puffed as Misato placed more WcDonalds bags in their baskets on the front of their scooters for lunch. “Well, I’ll pick you up after school! Have fun!” Misato waved them off as she got back in the van and drove off.

“Come on Shinji, lets, oooh, go!” Asuka puffed out and started her scooter which moved slowly under her weight, as did Shinji's, the mechanical devices unable to efficiently transport such massive loads.

In the hallway they saw Rei slowly moving. Also in her school uniform she was roughly the size of Shinji, but had such a belly that it touched the floor. In fact, underneath her massive belly was a board with wheels, outside of a scooter it was the only way Rei could manage to drag her deformed sack of blubber around. Her ass was similarly sticking out of her skirt like Asuka’s was, causing Shinji to look away. Around her massive broad forearms were a pair of crutches that she was holding onto for dear life, the cuffs were filled to capacity with Rei’s arm flab, she was disabled by her own obesity. Her body was awash in sweat and her blue hair looked like she had been swimming.

Asuka scooted up to her, her scooter speed was only a little bit faster than Rei’s hobbling. “Hey Wonder Girl, bet you wish you had one of these, hfff pfff” Asuka bragged while still trying to catch her breath, her fatty heart was beating so fast that it would take a very long time to get it back down.

“I…” Rei began to say, but had to keep up her breathing with pauses, “...prefer walking pilot Soryu.”

Asuka sneered, seeing her bullying wasn’t having any effect on her, just “sped” off past her, too out of brath to even comment. Shinji pulled up to Rei, asking, “Are you going to be okay Rei?”

“I am…” Rei paused to say, “...replaceable.”

Shinji didn’t know what to say and simply sped off to join his girlfriend.


At Kaji's, Kaji was plowing Misato.

“Oh fuck! FUCK! Oh Kaji!” Misato swore while holding her belly fat up with both hands while Kaji performed missionary on the fat woman. Kaji went and went, pumping Misato’s fat pussy. Misato was getting tired from holding her own belly and said, “I need a rest” and let go, releasing the flab. Kaji caught Misato’s blubber in his hands and squeezed the fat, making Misato moan out and cum. Kaji did as well before pulling out.

They laid back and pulled out cigarettes.

“Thank you Kaji.”

“Don’t thank me, that sounds weird Misato.”

“I needed some stress relief. Shinji and Asuka are getting too fat for me to take care of.”

“Mmmm? Is that so? I don’t think you are too fat.”

“Heh, thanks Kaji.” Misato sighed and placed her head on his strong pec, “Don’t you think you’d be nice with some moobs?”

“I think we’ve been over this before. I think it looks better on you than me. Besides, you don’t want us to be too fat to fuck like Asuka and Shinji.”

Misato laughed, “Yeah, you’re right. I don’t know what to do though.”

“Don’t worry too much, you’ll figure something out. Do you want to go another round of, ahem, stress relief?”

“Sure. But I want to be on top this time.”


That night Asuka and Shiji were nude and cuddling together, their sweaty clothes on the floor. It had been such a hassle getting them to this spot, but now here they were. The two looked as blubbery as a pair of walruses and their fat pressed softly into each other. They were both bed bound blobs of blubber who were only able to leave their bed nest thanks to Misato.

They were once more feasting on pizza, a box balancing on their flab when Misato came in. She grinned, “Having a good time, my fatties?”

Asuka didn’t answer and neither did Shinji, who was too engrossed in their pizza to care.

“Well, I have some good news and bad news. I’ll start with the bad first. You two won’t be living here any longer.”

The two suddenly stopped eating and looked up at Misato in shock.

“W-what?” Shinji asked, shocked beyond words.

Misato laughed, “You’re too fat to take care of!” Just saying that made Asuka’s porky nipples harden and she moaned, which prompted Misato to chide “Come on Asuka, I’m being serious here! The good news is, you won’t be going far, NERV is going to move you two to HQ so you can be closer to the EVAs in case of an attack. Speaking of which the EVAS are all fixed and the bigger entry plugs are finished. You’ll be all set to pilot again in no time.”

“We will?” Asuka asked, looking delighted at the prospect of piloting again.

“Yup! A team with a crane will be here next morning to move you two tubs to your new home! Won’t that be fun Asuka? You’re so fat you two are gonna have to be moved like farm animals!”

Asuka couldn’t answer, the revelation made her drool and let out a fart, while biting her lip in pleasure

To Be Continued…


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