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Asuka & Shinji, The Fat Couple
By FC Punk

Asuka and Shinji both looked at the curry dishes before them.

“Eat up!” Misato cheerfully said, tipping a beer in her mouth.

Shinji and Asuka were apprehensive, the curry looked unappetizing which didn’t help with Misato’s tendency to even screw up with instant ramen.

“Is this supposed to be edible?” Shinji wondered, poking into the curry timidly.

“HEY! It’s my turn to cook and I worked hard on this. Show me a little respect here!”

Shinji and Asuka looked at each other and took a bite before they spat it into their hands.

“Hey come on! It’s not that bad!”

“NOT THAT BAD?!” Asuka howled, “I don’t think I can take any more of this. From now on Shinji should do the cooking!”

Misato chuckled, “I do like that idea, Shinji dinner nights are the best. What do you think Shinji? Want to be our exclusive chef?”

Shinji swallowed, he could see both of them looking at them. He really didn’t want to cook every meal, but at the same time he couldn’t stand Misato’s cooking. He should say no, he badly wanted to say no. But…

“I...guess I could.”

Damn it! Why did he say yes! He was such a pushover with no backbone.

Asuka smiled, “Well this works out perfectly!”


*Two months later*

“Shinji you idiot! Your food is making me fat! I gained twenty pounds!”

Shinji looked Asuka over, she had grown a pot belly that was pushing out her school uniform. She looked chubby all over with her legs looking thicker and her face fuller. Asuka was looking very robust.

Shinji awkwardly said “Well you keep asking for seconds and thirds, it’s not my fault.”

Misato walked into the kitchen, having grown her own pot belly that shook in her yellow top. Her legs were also much thicker and her butt rounder.

“I think there’s a lot more to worry about than your appearance, Asuka. We’ve got the Angels to take care of. Who cares if we gain a few extra lbs. If anything it’s a testament to how good Shinji’s cooking is.”

The chubby redhead lowered her head and went silent. Shinji stepped back as if she was a bomb ready to go off.

But then Asuka lifted up her head with her trademark confident smirk “You’re right Misato! We have much bigger things to worry about! Besides,” Asuka paused to pick up a pork bun Shinji had made. Chewing with her mouth open, she said, “And the perfect guy would love me even if I was a fatty, so you know what?”

Asuka swallowed and declared “I’m a PROUD FAT BITCH!”

Misato sweatdropped, “That wasn’t the reaction I was expecting.”

Asuka grabbed the tray of pork buns, “Shinji! Make more of these and then something really filling like meatloaf and mashed potatoes!” She took the tray to her room, swaying her fuller butt as she did.

Shinji looked at Misato, unsure of what he just witnessed.

Misato shook her head, “Whatever makes her happy. If it doesn’t interfere with piloting her EVA let her be a fat bitch.”

Misato then smirked, “But she is right, you’re really fattening me up!” She lifted her top over her belly and patted the newfound pudge.

Shinji blushed profusely looking away, “I-I am not, honest!”

Misato saw him blushing and giggled, “What’s the matter Shinji, do you like fat girls? Am I a fat girl now?” She put Shinji’s hand to her soft mushy belly and Shinji nearly jumped out of his skin “S-stop that Misato!”

Misato smiled, “I was just teasing Shinji. It’s fun watching you go ballistic.” Suddenly her face broke into shock.

“Whats wrong Misato?”

“My bra broke, these puppies have really grown.”

“Uggggh!” Shinji covered his ears and went to his room to sulk.


In the NERV ladies room Ritsuko and Misato were washing their hands.

“You’re getting kinda fat Misato.”

“Jeez, thanks Rits.”

Misato adjusted her black dress over her growing belly.

“Stress eating?”

“You’re one to talk, Ritsuko.”

Ritsuko ran her hand over her blue top where her own pot belly was growing.

“I’m trying to cut back on smoking. Those things will kill you.”

Misato and Ritsuko both chuckled darkly at that before Ritsuko said “Asuka must be under a lot of stress too. She’s put on 42 pounds.”

Misato sweat dropped and said “She’s...kinda letting herself go.”

Shinji and Rei relaxed in the cafeteria each wearing their plugsuits as Asuka took big bites of a cheeseburger. Her fuller form was turning flabby as her pot belly grew larger, her red plugsuit could show off every inch of her growing body, she was practically naked.

“These burgers are sooo good!” Asuka talked with her mouthful, every time she opened her mouth the slight double chin she was growing would bulge larger. and took some fries off Rei’s tray.

“Pig,” Rei softly said to which Asuka smirked, “I’ll have you know there’s guys out there that love fat bitches like me, isn’t that right Shinji?”

“Uh, I mean,” Shinji stumbled with his words having been put on the spot, “I, I guess so, I mean there probably are.”

Rei heard this and blushed at what Asuka implied. Was Shinji one of those?

Rei scooted her fries closer to her…


Ritsuko leaned back and patted her bloated belly, “It’s no wonder you two are getting so fat, Shinji is an excellent cook!”

Shinji blushed as Ritsuko, Misato, and Asuka dug into a deep dish lasagna.

Misato poked her pot belly, “Yeah there’s no denying it, I’m a fatty.”

Asuka chuckled, cutting a large chunk greedily, “Come join the dark side Misato, become a proud fat bitch like me.”

Ritsuko nearly did a spit take on her whine, “A what?!”

Asuka smugly grinned, “A proud fat bitch! Why should I worry about my weight? We’re essentially in a post-apocalyptic world, who cares? Let’s eat and eat and grow fat! Shinji, pour me some more soda!”

“Yes Asuka.” Shinji sighed at Asuka’s order.

Ritsuko, a bit tipsy on wine, said “You actually make a bit of sense Asuka. There’s more important things than being fat.”

Misato grinned and raised a beer can “To obesity!”

Ritsuko raised her wine glass and Asuka raised her can of soda, each saying “To Obesity!”

Shinji just stared at them all in disbelief and let out a defeated sigh.

He knew he would be cooking even more.

To be Continued…

Part 2

First Lieutenant Maya Ibuki walked into Doctor Akagi’s lab. Seated at her work station Ritsuko turned around and Maya’s face blushed, seeing how far Ritsuko’s belly was pushing out.

“Ah good you’re here, do you have my lunch?”

Maya nodded eagerly “I do mam!” She held up the big bag of burgers and fries like a proud student to her senpai.

Ritsuko’s chubby cheeks beamed while she smiled at Maya, “Thank you so much Maya, you’re a lifesaver,”

Maya continued to watch Ritsuko eat, still unable to come to terms with the change in her senpai. Ritsuko’s brown tights were filled like sausage casings and with her lab coat over her chair that meant her rather large arms were allowed to breathe. Maya could hardly believe the size of her arms, they used to be toned and strong but now they were mushy and soft like bed pillows. Her belly and breasts were filling out her blue blouse to immensity and the outline of her belly button could be seen through it.

“Ah em.”

“I’m sorry mam, I didn’t mean to stare!”

“There’s no need to apologize,” Ritsuko paused to take the bag, “I know I’ve grown. A lot.”

Ritsuko unwrapped a burger and took two large bites.

“Letting myself go has changed me, there’s no doubt about that. I’m roughly 230 pounds now.”

Maya blushed “I-it doesn’t look bad on you mam!”

Ritsuko nodded, the softness under her chin brunching up into a thick double chin, “You don’t have to be so rigged with my figure, just relax. This is the new me.”

Maya smiled and calmed down some, taking a seat next to her senpai.

Ritsuko looked at the clock and frowned.

“Where the hell is Misato? She’s late!”

Meanwhile in the NERV Elevator Misato and Kaji were being frisky.

Kaji grabbed at her spongy waist and pulled her in for a kiss.

“Mmm! Yeah? Do you like this blubber Kaji?”

Misato would talk around his kisses which only fired Kaji up to push her against the wall and undid his pants. Misato dropped her black dress, showing how meaty and fleshy her figure was with her massive protruding stomach and breasts that now had considerable sag.

“More cushion for the pushin” Kaiji crudely replied, kissing Misato’s soft shoulders. His hands wandered under her belly while he played with her flabby pussy.

“Nng! Oh Kaji! You really ‘em BIG don’t ya!”

Kaji grinned and turned her around, bending Misato on the elevator wall he slapped Misato’s round jiggly ass and inserted himself into her pussy.

“Nnng! Fuck! Mmmmph, wanna know something Kaji? I just touched 300 last night.”

That made Kaji fuck Misato even harder. He hugged her from behind, squeezing all he could of her softness with his strong arms.

“I’m such a fucking heifer now!”

“I know Misato, you’re MY heifer!”

Misato orgasamed and Kaji shot into her as they crumbled down on the floor, cuddling together.

“I didn’t think you’d be into my massive weight gain.”

“I didn’t think so either, but now that I’ve gotten a taste I think I like having an obese lover.”

As their stop came closer and closer they unattached and got their clothes on straight.

“That was fun, but way too risky.”

“I agree, we should do it at your place.”

“Oh Kaji…


Shinji was watching TV in his school uniform. Finding nothing  to catch his attention, his focus turned to his stomach. A little pot had formed and was pushing out his uniform.

“Sheeh, I’m getting chubby.”

Shinji poked the bulge and made a face. Cooking for Misato and Asuka has not spared his body from the onslaught of calories.

“Heeey Shinji”

Shinji looked up and was stunned to see Asuka in her red and white striped bikini.

“A-Asuka! That suit..”

“I know, I’m really filling out.”

Asuka had outgrown her first swimsuit many pounds ago and had bought this identical red and white striped plus size one a while back.

It wasn’t doing her any favors.

She spilled out of it, her big stretch marked belly folded and hung down like a giant sack of lard. Her FUPA, while hidden under her belly, was oozing out of her bikini bottom. Her breasts overflowed her top and several wardrobe malfunctions were going to be inevitable. Her legs were round and her fat butt fell out of bikini bottoms. Her ass was way bigger than when she started and it was coated in cellulite dimples. In fact cottage cheese seemed to gather all over her. She had cellulite under her upper arms and cottage cheese dotting her lower belly, not to mention her thighs.

She extended her fat upper arms out which made the bingo wings wobble and exclaimed “Well what do you think?”

“You’re...huge,” Shinji meekly said.

Grinning wide Asuka waddled up to him and plopped her wide behind on top of Shinji’s lap. Shinji gasped at what was happening, it was like slow motion watching Asuka’s wide back fall on him. The sudden weight pushed down on him and as Asuka leaned back Shinji’s face became buried in her copious amount of back fat.

“I’m more than just huge Shinji, I’m morbidly obese! Three hundred fifty three pounds all sitting on your lap, I bet I feel really heavy don’t i?”

Shinji moaned out, crying “Get off me Asuka!”

“Will you make me something to eat if I get up~” Asuka sing songs to which Shinji yelled out “Yes!”

With a great amount of grunting Asuka rolled her immense body off of Shinji who immediately sat up, catching his breath. He looked over the enormous redhead taking up nearly all of the couch.

“As a reward for reaching such a milestone I want chicken fried steak and don’t skimp on the gravy!” Asuka ordered, pointing a single tubby digit to the kitchen.

Shinji wandered into the kitchen where he began on Asuka’s meal. Fat on top of fat on top of fat, that’s what a chicken fried steak was and as Shinji looked out from the kitchen he still couldn’t believe how huge Asuka was now. It seemed like yesterday when Asuka and Misato decided to let themselves go and Shinji watched them swell and swell. Seeing Asuka now was mind boggling.

On the couch Asuka spread her thighs to give her belly ample room. When she leaned over her gut would hanf ever so low. 353 pounds at her height really didn’t do her any favors, Asuka was rounder than she was tall.

Asuka grasped handfuls of her lower stretchmarked belly and gave it a shake, biting her lower lip. It was a long, weird journey to get to this size. Shinji taking over cooking duties started the ball rolling with the first few and then Misato pointed out there were more important things to worry about than her figure. They both agreed to relax and let themselves go.

Somewhere along the way something weird happened. Some wires had crossed and over time Asuka actually started to like her growing obesity. Her prideful boast of being a proud fat bitch was backed up by her actions. She made Shinji cook fattening food around the clock, making her all the decadent treats she had denied herself in her previous vanity. She just had a new kind of vanity now that called for double chins, rolls, and cellulite.

Seeing the way Kaji had taken to Misato’s own weight gain only furthered Asuka’s greed and gluttony to become a butter lump of a girl. Seeing Kaji squeezing Misato’ flabby fat was more than enough evidence. When she hit 300 pounds before Misato did she had crowed and bragged and had been the smuggest bitch that day.

Her jiggling belly aroused her and a damp spot started forming on the couch. The eighteen year old had a fat fetish, there was no doubt about that. Closing her eyes she pictured herself bigger, rounder. She pictured triple chins and hoggish jowls. She imagined being more fat than girl.

While she waited and played with her fat she reached into her boobs and pulled a pack of smokes and a lighter. Asuka had taken up smoking much to Misato’s delight to have another smoking partner alongside Rits.

Soon Shinji came out holding a golden fried treat and her cup of gravy. She greedily grabbed the steak from Shinji’s plate and chowed down.

“H-hey, aren’t you going to use a fork?!”

Shinji already knew the answer to that question, Asuka was in one of her binging moods.

Shinji watched her chomp on the steak with both hands, getting crumbs in her bikini top. He watched as she drank from the gravy cup, the gravy trickling down her thick double chin. She belched when she was done. Shinji narrowed his eyes, she was such a slob.

After she was all done she leaned up on the couch, laying back. “Oh Shinji, that was so delicious. I think I need a belly rub, I’m so stuffed.”

“What would that do!” Shinji complained to which Asuka barked “It would settle my bloated belly baka!”

Shinji sighed and did as he was told. His hands pushed into her stomach and he made a disgusted look “Ehhh, it’s all flab! I can’t feel your stomach, it’s all blubber!”

Asuka blushed furiously at Shinji’s comments and couldn’t hold in the sharp fart that blew from her ass.

“S-stop complaining and rub my fat, it’s in there somewhere!”

Shinji’s disgust started to fade and he got into a pattern, kneading Asuka’s blubber like a cat. He wasn’t about to comment on Asuka’s fart that had pretty much been blown in his face.

Just then the door opened and Misato came stumbling drunk.

“Awweee that's cute!”

“It’s not what it looks like!” Shinji whined to which Asuka grinned teasing “Shinji looooves my fat!”

Misato lifted up her top and slapped her enormous ball of a belly “Oh yeah? You like this too?” One more slap to her enormous stomach caused a big belch to rumble from her mouth which made her giggle.

“By the way Shinji, I need you to deliver a new access card to Rei.”

“What? Again?” Shinji blushed, thinking about the misadventure from the first time.

“Come on, can you do it for me, pleeeeease? I’m too fat and lazy and my feet and back hurt from working all day, I need a nap”

Shinji sighed, “I guess I will.”

“Danke for the mean by the way,” Asuka said nonchalantly as she picked out deep fry flakes from her bra.

Shinji smiled, that was all he asked for. Something positive, someone to tell him he was doing a good job.

He tried so hard…

Part 3

Shinji took a deep breath after finishing the stairs to Rei’s apartment. He looked back down at the stairs and was amazed.

“Why am I puffing like this?” He asked himself before looking down at his stomach. The chubby pouch he had so suddenly developed made him frown. Asuka and Misato deciding to let themselves go really had a disastrous effect on his own figure. “I don’t want to be fat,” Shinji clenched his fist in frustration. “It’s easy for them to let themselves go and be pigs, but I…” he whined and couldn’t even finish his thought as he knocked on the door.

“Should I go in? After last time? Well, she needs this ASAP. Just go in and out, don’t look at anything.” He told himself and entered only to find Rei seated on the couch eating a pizza naked as could be.

And she was fat.

It was startling how fat Rei was now, she looked just like Asuka, a big bloated parody of her former lith figure. Her belly sat on her lap and her legs were dimply with cellulite. She was wide enough to take up her rather small couch. Or perhaps it was that she was rather big.


Rei frowned, getting up from the couch and letting out a fart, making her squint slightly. She marched up to Shinji and grabbed the badge. Standing up she was just so beefy and saggy with pale white meaty fat. She waddled up to Shinji, her flesh jiggling, her even bigger breasts slapping against her stomach. “Rei I didn’t mean, you weren’t home, I-” Rei wasn’t listening, pushing Shinji away with her big belly.

Shinji was pushed out the door and the door was slammed shut.

“I’m sorry!” Shinji fell to his knees, “Damn it, now she probably hates me. And why was she…Uhhh, oh man!” Shinji whined, getting back on his feet and sulking back down the stairs.

At school the next day Shinji and Asuka entered the classroom with Asuka coming in first followed by Shinji.

“Here comes the fat couple,” snorts Toji.

“WHAT DID YOU SAY!” Exclaimed Asuka who slammed her fat palms on his desk. “You two are a fat couple.” Kensuke shrugged, “You have kinda put it on Shinji.”

“We are NOT dating dunkoff!” Asuka chided and bitched and bitched at the two of them while Shinji just went back to his seat and slouched. At that moment Rei came in and Asuka shrieked “WHAT?! How did you get so big in a single day! That’s not fair, do you know how many cookies and pies I had to eat to get over 350?!”

“Wait, you did all that on purpose?!” Toji was shocked beyond belief “EW!” Toji and Kensuke scooted away from Asuka feeling disgusted which Asuka snapped “none of your business!” at them.

Rei ignored Asuka and sat at her desk in front of Shinji who blushed looking at the immense girl that looked wider than the back of the chair, plenty of her spreading out.

Later on that day Shinji returned him and stepped on the special scale Asuka and Misato were keeping to track their weight gain. Last time Shiji checked he was just one hundred and two. The scale came to a calculation: 127, Shinji had gained 25 whole pounds of fat. He looked up at his fuller face, “No wonder my face looks so puffy.” He put his hand to his cheek.

He left the bathroom to find Misato on the couch drinking a beer and playing with her phone.

“Misato, I gained weight!”

Miasato looked him over and chuckled, “Shinji gaining weight isn’t the end of the world, that's why Ritsuko, me, and Asuka are gaining weight.”

“Asuka is a whale!”

“Hehe I know, she’s really into this thing. But what about me, Shinji?” Misato spread out on the couch like a starfish her round butt was bursting out of her daisy dukes and her yellow top could barely cover her enormous beer gut “I’m 300 pounds Shinji, look at how far that gut is sticking out!” Misato moaned and got up, showing how her gut was starting to get a belly hang. “Look at how it’s starting to sag into an apron, I think it’s pretty cool. Don’t worry about getting fat, Shinji, enjoy it! Besides, sometimes fat works on a guy too, you’re getting pretty cute, chubby Shinji!” Misato winked at him.

Shinji blushed at the compliment. Compliments, praise, genuine positive feedback, Shinji craved validation like no one else. “D-Do you really think so?”

“You bet Shinji!”

Feeling better Shinji pushed his belly out a bit and Misato cheered ‘Way to go Shinji! Show off that gut!” Shinji walked around the apartment pushing out his gut. It all felt so natural.

Meanwhile Asuka was clutching the railing for deer life as she trekked the stairs. “Stupid elevator!” Asuka puffed. She was sweating up a storm and it was clear how obese she was. “Scheisse I’m out of shape!” Her fat dimpled knees trembled with each step carrying her load. She even let out a loud fart in discomfort. “But it means I’m so obese, this is morbid obesity.” Her crotch became wet and Asuka moaned. “Fuck I love fat. I should have done this years ago.” She then thought of Rei, “How did she do it?! Doctor Akagi must be doing some sort of test! Unfair!” Asuka then recalled the teasing she and Shinji got.

“Fat couple, fat couple, fat couple!” it rang through her head.

“Those idiots, those..” Asuka cursed before thinking what Shinji would look like if he was as big as herself or bigger. She imagined how full his face would be. She then pictured her walking the street with both of them so bloated and obese they had to walk behind each other as they would be too fat for the sidewalk.

“A-ah!” Asuka cummed in her panties. She panted, her chest going in and out. Luckily for her she was on the floor. She hurried to the apartment and found Shinji walking around while pushing out his belly. She blushed bright red. “I gotta do this” She said before rushing up to Shinji and grasped his round cheeks in her hands and pulled him in for a full kiss. Misato dropped her drink and her jaw dropped watching something she never would have imagined in a million years.

Shinji had clenched his fists when it happened but slowly they opened up, like a flower when morning cast its sunshine. Finally Asuka broke the kiss.

“A-asuka what are-” Shinji began to ask but Asuka cut him off.

“I want to be a couple, Shinji. I want a relationship so we can grow fat together.”

“Get fat together?!”

“Yes! I love you and want you to be fat with me. Now what do you say!”

Asuka had a look on her face like she would break after divulging all this.

Shinji thought it over, he never thought he and Asuka would ever be together, he didn’t even think girls like him that much! She loved him. Love. It was something that he always longed for.


Asuka grinned wide and kissed him again. “Misato, send delivery, we're going to binge!?”

“Wooo! Hell yeah, welcome to life in the fat lane Shinji!” Misato cheered, holding up a beer can in toast.

“Misato, call delivery we’re gonna binge!”


Gaining doesn’t happen overnight. It took weeks for Asuka and Misato to balloon like they did, with Asuka gaining faster than Misato due to her natural inclination to being a greedy hungry sow.

But surely Shinji did grow, adding a whopping 61 to put him at 164. Shinji was now definitely fat and had stretch marks running up his newly formed love handles and his much larger belly that was protruding further out. His chest turned into a set of soft mushy moobs that circled around under his thicker arms. His cheeks were downright round and he had the start of a double chin going on that would show up at certain angles. He walked down the hall, his enlarged butt shaking in his school slacks. Misato saw the muffin topped Shinji and hollered “Work it Shinji! Don’t forget to push your belly out!”

Shini blushed, still a bit embarrassed when his weight was pointed out. He was still trying to figure life out as a fat boy.

The synchronization test that day was a time to show off their gain.

Shinji was amazed at how the plugsuit hugged his new rounder body. Asuka was more than proud, resembling a big round ball. “I’m so fat” Asuka arched her back a bit and pushed her stomach as far as it would go and rubbed her belly with the smuggest look on her flab engorged face.  “Look at this gut! Shinji, you've got to do a lot more eating to get to this size. I’m a complete fat fuck.” Asuka let out a fart, feeling comfortable to let out gas since she and Shinji were dating.

Shinji blushed at the affection “I-I’ll do my best to catch up.” Shinji said and Asuka kissed him on the lips. Just then Rei waddled in looking like a big marshmallow of flab. Asuka sneered, “I know Akagi is doing something to you, and I want it NOW! I need to fatten Shinji up!” Shinji blushed, trying to be invisible and stay out of the conflict. “You will find out in the synchronization test.”

Asuka blinked and soon all three were in their plugs.

Ritsuko popped on the screen, her double chin looking bigger.

“Today we will be deploying a new food ration that is designed to help you in an emergency.”

Tubes dropped from the top of their entry plugs and Asuka saw Rei instantly put it in her mouth.

“Let me guess, she was the test pig and now it's good for the rest of us, right?”

“Correct Asuka. This will also have an effect on your waistline but we know you don’t have a problem with that.

Asuka blushed and grabbed the tube and put it in her mouth. Shinji saw what the others had done and decided to do the same. A rich chocolatey goo-like pudding was pumped through the tube and Shinji’s eyes rolled behind his head. He looked and saw Rei and Asuka blowing up and putting on pounds by the seconds. He blushed, his fate as a fat boy had only just begun…

Part 4

Asuka swallowed and swallowed, moaning in delight at how she was filling up. She could feel her fat cells expanding and getting larger. Ritsuko popped on her screen noting "Your plugsuits have been upgraded to contain your expansion."

Asuka just swooned while Shinji tried to ignore everything and focus on the feeding.

From inside Ritsuko and Misato were watching them fatten, a number on the screen indicating their weight going up.

"Was this the outcome after all, the fattening?" Misato asked.

Ritsuko took a drag of her cigarette and said "Yes, this had been planned for a while, way before we decided to let ourselves go."

Ritsuko wiggled uncomfortably on her chair that her fat ass was sitting on.

"Well at least Asuka is getting what she wants, it completely blew my mind when she touched three hundred before I did." Misato said, adding "Asuka has a fat fetish, that's why she's taken to this so well. I was just going to relax and eat what I wanted, but she went the whole hog. And when Shinji put on a little weight she said she wanted to be his girlfriend and they should be a fat couple."

"How cute. Asuka will really be happy then. Okay, that's enough"

She turned off the feeding tube and pulled them back with Shinji groaning in discomfort and Asuka bitching, "Hey!" Her fleshy face shook as she yellowed out "why did you stop, I want more!"

Ritsuko shook her head, "Sorry greedy piggy, you'll have to wait for the second feeding in two weeks."

"Two weeks?!" Asuka wailed while Shinji just shuddered at the thought, a fart escaped him and rose through the LCL in a single bubble.

"But on the plus side, you and Shinji are both 396 and are now a matching couple."

That was enough to quiet Asuka who later was reveling in her worsened obesity when she was taken out.

"Oooof" Asuka moaned and puffed, putting one foot in front of the other in a distinctive waddle. When she got to her previous high of 300 she had developed a waddle, but this was much more pronounced. True to what Ritsuko said her plugsuit fit her perfectly like a second skin. The suit bounced with her, the suit jiggled with her as it showed all her rolls. The collar pushed her double chin up and made it even more visible.

Asuka was delighted, over the moon with her weight gain. "So fucking fat" she swore as she farted, the gas sounding even louder coming from her plugsuit covered giant red ass.

Just then she saw Shinji waddling. A big blue and white balloon Shinji was using a medical cane to keep his balance. Asuka had been making extreme gains over time so she was used to moving her bulk, but Shinji had no such luck, his body lacked the experience.

"I feel like a tub of lard." He whined to Asuka who kissed him on the lips and her fingers went to his chest. "These moobs are huge Shinji, I love them. I'm so horny, lets fuck here in the locker room."

Shinji gasped while putting his weight on the cane and watched Asuka undress and show her naked stretch mark covered body. Her growth was such that she even had cellulite on her belly.

Shinji hadn't exactly been in the mood,but seeing Asuka naked made him undress too. Even while Asuka played with his flab he felt embarrassed about his new body, but his shame was less powerful than his lust.

"Come in Shinji" Asuka got down on the floor, her belly just barely touching the floor, while sticking her dimpled ass out, presenting to Shinji. "Do me doggy style. We'll call it piggy style."

With a full erection Shinji's body was telling him this was what he wanted and what he wanted was Asuka.

Easing his belly he stuck the flab pile on the small of Asuka's back which made her swoon at the heft of belly blubber "Fuck you're fat!" He shoved into her sopping wet pussy.

"OH SHINJI!" Asuka cried out, her heft shaking as Shinji grasped her big hips, his hands grasping big handfuls of fat. Shinji moaned, Asuka's sheer obesity was turning him on. Who knew losing his virginity to a fat girl would turn him into a fat lover as he trusted faster, hugging Asuka's huge ass.

"OH yeah, you've been watching me grow and fatten like a pig" Asuka moaned dirty talking. "You love the fat, admit it!"


Asuka cummed and even let out a piggish oink as she climaxed. It didn't take long before Shinji cummed and pulled out, laying naked next to Asuka, the two pigs feeling very comfortable.

The next day in school they entered the classroom wearing custom made school uniforms and holding pudgy hands. Both Toji and Kensuke jumped out of their seats, shocked by their explosive weight gain.

"What the hell happened to you Shinji! You're huge!" Toji exclaimed as Asuka shot it down.

"Yes we put on weight and Shinji and I are going to gain even MORE weight! We're gaining weight because we're a fat couple."

Asuka and Shinji then kissed and grossed out everyone.

"Gross! Shinji, what's with the cane?"

Shinji blushed and held onto the cane handle tightly. "Its, um.." he struggled to say before Asuka interjected "Its a cane so he can walk better for his weight. Once he gets used to his size he won't need it anymore!"

Hikari just shook her head, "this is all too much."

After school Asuka and Shinji waddled to a very special place.

"Is it almost here?" Shinji effeminately whined while he followed the huffing Asuka behind like a lost puppy.

"Quit whining Shinji, we're here!"

Shinji saw it was a pizza buffet and Asuka was already piling her plate. A rumble in his stomach made Shinji hobble on his cane to the buffet. Ever since his expansion his appetite had turned into a fat boy's appetite.

People looked in shock. The truth was after the Second Impact obesity became a much rarer thing. Statistically speaking Shinji and Asuka were the fattest people in whatever crowd they happened to be in. Fattest in NERV, fattest in school, maybe even the fattest Japan

Asuka moaned while she put a slice to her mouth, "Mmmm yum! This is the place I'd go to when I first started gaining weight. It feels so hot to come back here as fat as we are."

Shinji took a big slice and took a bite. "I'm not used to the stars."

Asuka could only grin "The stares are everything, you know? I WANT everyone to know I'm a big fat hog, that I'm a walking heart attack. Just get used to it, eat the food and be hungry. I've given myself an eating disorder and I love it!"

She patted her stuffed dome belly and declared loudly so everyone in the buffet heard her "I'm living large!"

This all happened so fast, these events that had led to Shinji being fat as a tick and Asuka looking like she was ready to pop.

"Get used to it," Shinji muttered before taking another bite. As he chewed he watched Asuka glut and couldn't believe they were a couple and her excess fat turned her on.

He ate and smiled, food making him feel happy.

Part 5

Shinji watched Asuka heave herself from her chair and go straight to the pizza buffet. For the longest time he had admired her spunk and confidence and now it was just as big as her!

He watched Asuka shove herself through the buffet, stacking her plate with slices of pizza. She was so close to 400 pounds with a belly that pushed out her school uniform that NERV itself had made instead of the school. It pushed out and dropped, the shape of it could be seen through the jumper. Her backside did the same thing as well, pushing out the back. From her side profile Asuka looked like a truck in those close. Her socks only barely came up to her dimpled knees and her cellulite on her thighs wobbled with every step she took.

Shinji’s belly rumbled and he figured he needed to eat too. He heaved himself up, using the cane he had been given for support. Standing upright he was wearing the same NERV made school uniform. Being a boy he gained primarily in his belly which, while tucked in his black sacks, created a big thick bulge pushing out his white button down shirt. He hobbled to the buffet, hoping one day he wouldn’t need the cane. He was pushing 400 pounds too and his round face, with puffy cheeks and a thick double chin that hid his neck, was covered in sweat from moving his mass.

Making it back to their seats with their pizza piles and glasses of soda they began to dig in.

“MMm, I don’t know what I was afraid of about getting fat,” Asuka moaned while she took a bite, pulling a long strand of cheese as she did so.

“It’s not good for our health,” Shinji puffed to which Asuka dismissively waved her hand. “Relax Shinji, it’s NERV, they’ll keep us alive no matter what. They need us more than we need them. Just enjoy yourself Shinji, you’re my big fat boyfriend.”

Shinji smiled wide at Asuka calling her that and dug in. NERV could deal with everything else, the only thing that mattered was pizza on Shinji’s plate.

Shinji and Asuka ate and glutted to their piggy heart’s content, waddling back to the buffet time and time again. The other patrons were disgusted at their gluttony, obesity was a taboo in the post Second Impact world. After the horrifying events, of wars, of famines, and floods and climate change obesity was almost like an insult to everyone who had tried to make a new stable world.

Asuka and Shinji ate and ate and ate until they could eat no more.

Asuka was stuffed, rubbing her stomach she let out a fart. “Why do you do that?” Shinji moaned, getting a waft of Asuka’s gas. “Cram it. I’m trying to be the best pig in the world, if it makes me fart then so be it. You know I have to be the best at everything and that includes gluttony.”

Shinji sighed, looking down at the stains on his white shirt. He then mumbled, “I don’t think I can make it back home.”

Asuka nodded in agreement “I’ll call Misato.” Asuka pulled her phone out of her bag and called Misato.

“Misato we need you to pick us up from the pizza buffet, me and Shinji are so stuffed and fat we can’t waddle home!”

Shinji blushed at how Asuka said it. While they waited Asuka scooted closer to Shinji, the sides of their blubber meeting closer together, feeling soft, but chilled from the AC in the room. Asuka moaned, rubbing her stuffed stomach.

“This is the life, Shinji. Not having to worry about our bodies, just trying to get as fat as possible.”

Asuka grasped Shinji’s hand and put it on her huge stuffed protruding gut. Instinctively he took a grip.

“Soft, ja?”

Shinji shuddered, feeling himself growing erect and poking into his belly which smothered it.

“So soft…” he moans.

Not too long later Misato waddles in. At just 300 it was a wonder why she didn’t inflate like them, possibly because Asuka took every moment to eat like a pig even before the rations test in the EVAs.

“Well here’s my two favorite little fatsos!” Misato cheerfully laughed and helped them ponderously waddle to the back of her car. Misato got in and looked back, “I might need a bigger car if you two get any bigger. As they drove on Misato noted Asuka was leaning over to make out with Shinji. “Hey back there! Wait till we get home!” Misato shamed them,

When they got home Asuka pulled on Shinji’s broad arm into her room. Misato shook her head, unsure of where this newfound romance was going to lead.

Inside Shinji was seated on Asuka’s bed as Asuka undid her jumper, letting it fall to her cankles and showing her granny panties. She took off her top to show two luscious boobs that were as big, if not bigger, than Misato’s.

“What do you think?” Asuka confidently put her hand on her stretchmarked hip and gave a flirtatious pose. Her entire body was coated in bright red stretch marks from her recent trip on the hose and light silver stretch marks from her initial gaining. She turned around to show her broad lard laden ass that had widened considerably. She shook it and her cellulite cheeks clapped together, “I’m a real fat ass.”

Asuka then undid Shinji's shirt and moaned upon seeing his moobs. “Look at these,” Asuka moaned, pressing her boobs against his, making him moan. He fell back on the bed and Asuka got on top of him, making the bed creek. Straddling him she kissed over and over again. Asuka was so big and wide that Shinji couldn’t cross his arms around her, it was like being laid on by the biggest cat in the world.

Shifting her position Asuka’s huge butt cheeks let out a tremendous fart. She grinned and reached for a box of 3 glazed donuts.

“Feed me!” Asuka demanded, wiggling about, “Or I’ll squish you!”

Shinji needed no other warning and started to feed Asuka like Asuka was a real pig. She farted like a farm animal, enjoying every sugary bite on top of how stuffed she was.

She got off and rubbed Shinji’s dome of a belly that pointed up in the air. She got down and lifted up his belly to see his member. Shinji wasn’t much in the cock department and his added heft made his shaft even smaller but Asuka didn’t care, she put Shinji in her mouth and gave him a blow job. It didn’t take long for Shinji to cum in her mouth and she got up, smacking her sticky lips.

She got down on the bed and attempted to lift her legs up with Shinji helping. Asuka reached down and lifted her belly up to reveal her swollen hot pussy. Her flab was like a chastity belt, hiding it from perverts like Shinji and herself.

Shinji entered her and moaned, especially when Asuka’s thick legs crossed around him and squeezed him in a vice of blubber.

“Oh Shinji! Oh Shinji!” Asuka called out, her entire body sloshing and swaying like she was a water bed. “NNg! Harder Shinji! Don’t be scared! More, OH!, More cushion for the pushing!”

Needing no other encouragement Shinji went faster, causing Asuka to roll and shake like a jello mold.

“Oh so fat! Fat!” Asuka got even more turned on seeing Shinjis moobs bounce and shake as they fucked.

“NNNNN Shinji! Call me fat names!”

“You fat fuck!”


“You really like being a pig better than all of us!”


“Maybe you were a pig in a past life. Maybe you really ARE a pig in a girl’s body!”

That did it and Asuka cummed and Shinji pulled out, collapsing with Asuka, the bed finally fully breaking as the two kissed over and over again.

Meanwhile at NERV Maya and Dr. Akagi were checking out the angels. Or rather Maya was checking out Ritsuko who continued not watching what she ate, swigging a cola drink. Ritsuko looked even better with all the extra fat. She even noticed Ritsuko was getting a double chin!

Suddenly there was a rumble.

“What’s going on!” Maya yelled out and Ritsuko checked the computer, “NO this can’t be happening!”

The armor plates containing EVA units 00, 01, and 02 started to pop off, landing in the LCL pool they were kept in. The armor plates on their fronts fell off, revealing their big red cores inside and their biological parts.

When it was all over and everyone was dashing around trying to figure things out Ritsuko looked at the EVAs.

“Are those…bellies?”

To Be Continued…

Part 6

Ritsuko and Misato were on a scaffold looking at the massive bloated bulge of Evangelion Unit 01’s middle. The black middle stood before the two women.

“Touch it and tell me what it feels like,” Ritsuko instructed Misato

“It feels…like fat.” Misato’s eyes were wide at the revelation. Units 00 and 02 were in a similar state and multiple engineers were putting new armored plates over the flesh.

“That’s because the EVAs are living creatures which means they have bones, muscles, organs, skins, and fat” Ritsuko slapped the giant belly which jiggled like a massive ocean.

“But why are they like this? What happened?”

“We’re still figuring it out. Our goal right now is replating the armor, we’re working around the clock. We’re utterly defenseless at the moment.”

Misato smiled somewhat, “Well Asuka and Shinji are enjoying themselves. They must be at 400 pounds by now. It was nice of you to get them this big.”

“Well, it served our purposes, when they’re unplugged it’ll potentially save them.”

Ritsuko took a cigarette and put it to her chubby lips. She lit it and blew out smoke.

“We’ve examined the entry plug cavity. It can fit a bigger plug.”

Misato turned to her, shocked, “Are you implying they’re growing to match the pilots?”

Ritsuko took another drag.

“That's my current hypothesis.”


“MMMM, that was so good Shinji!”

Asuka and Shinji were in bed. In this unexpected “Vacation” they were spending it binging and making love.

“Can you believe we’re 400 pounds already?”

Asuka grabbed her belly and lifted it up to shake, the fat sloshing like liquid lard.

“I didn’t think it’d be so fast,” Shinji scooted up in the bed, his belly surging out and covering his privates and shaking his floppy flabby moobs.

Asuka reached for another cigarette and lit it, savoring the tobacco as she inhaled and then exhaled. She then reached for a slice of meat lovers pizza and put it to his mouth.

“Open up Shinji, you may be 400 pounds but I want you fatter!”

Asuka could be such a feeder at times and she loved watching Shinji eat. Shinji opened his mouth and Asuka passively hand fed Shinji. Asuka’s bloated upper arms jiggled as he dangled the pizza above his mouth.

Shinji ate and ate, Asuka had introduced him to fat fetishism and while he hadn’t been used to it at first, the fact Asuka was giving him so much attention and more importantly, love, that it made it all worth it and he grew to enjoy being a fat boy.

When he finished the slice he moaned as Asuka rubbed his fat belly, “Thank you Asuka.”

“No problem. I’m going to get more beer.” Asuka scooted out of bed, her blobby body shaking. Her legs and arms looked meaty and inflated and her belly hung over her privates. Her buttocks, full and dimpled, jiggled loosely and had lost all sense of shape, bloated like a sack of cottage cheese. Asuka bent over slightly and let out a loud fart before she waddled out of the bedroom.

Asuka sighed at the feeling of gravity pulling on his mass. Her fat dangled, including her breasts which had tremendous tit sag. Reaching the refrigerator Asuka grinned seeing the beer. Since embracing her fat fetish Asuka had also taken to drinking and smoking, she was practically a hedonist, however Asuka would rather call herself a big fat pig.

Misato returned to the apartment and saw Asuka’s dimply butt sticking out in front of the fridge. Misato grinned and slapped Asuka on the butt.

“Eee!” Asuka squealed and let out a low groaning fart.

“Stealing my beer again?” Misato crossed her arms.

“It’s not even good beer, German beer is superior.”

Misato looked at her “Aren’t you going to get dressed?”

Asuka glanced down at her fat body and smiled, “Shinji and I got done making love.”

Misato made a weirded out face, “That’s…way too much information. Alright, fine, just…buy your own beer Asuka!”

“Fine, be that way.” Asuka laughed confidently and took another drag of her cigarette and drank her beer while she waddled from the kitchen, passing gas along the way.

Asuka returned to the room and giggled, getting back into bed.

“Misato gave me shit for stealing her beer.”

“I mean, it is her beer, Asuka.”

Asuka giggled as she rested her head on his flabby moob, “You’re a dork Shinji, a goody two shoes and for whatever reason I think that’s attractive.”

Shinji turned his double chinned face away while Asuka spoke. This whole thing still felt weird to him. Not in a bad way, but in the sense of it being a dream.

Was this really real?

Asuka soon finished her cigarette and squashed it on the ashtray on the side of the bed, it had multiple butts from a previous pack.

“You really like cigarettes now, don’t you?”

Asuka turned and grinned, showing yellowed teeth from all her smoking. “I’m addicted to cigarettes,” She said in that proud arrogant way that turned Shinji on. She leaned over and kissed him, she used tongue and her mouth tasted like cigarettes.

Asuka then moaned, “Move that belly I’m gonna ride you.”

Shinji scooted back down, shaking his moobs and lifted his belly to expose himself. Asuka started to squat and inserted him into her.

“Ooohh” Asuka moaned, her tongue hanging out as she started to ride him. She let out a few farts, her horrible diet creating a horrible gas problem. But Asuka was so arrogant she didn’t care if her farts stink, they came from her and that trumps everything. Asuka’s body shook like jello and the sound of fat slapping against fat could be heard in the room.

Shinji moaned, a 400 pound redhead coming down on him was a lot, but it felt so good he was on cloud nine. It didn’t take long for both of them to start sweating, all this activity was too much for their blubbery bodies.

“Oh fuck!” Asuka started to breathe heavily and she could feel her heart palpitate. “Oh, I can hear my heart going!” She grinned, sweat pouring off and onto him.

“NNN Shinji! My fatty heart beats for you!”

That was more than enough for Shinji to cum into her and she fell forward onto him, their fat quaking and Shinji groaned feeling the air get compressed out of him.

They hadn’t gone long, but at their sizes they had such little stamina. They were such lard balls that oftentimes they didn’t finish, either they got out of breath or their hearts would beat way too fast.

Asuka rolled off Shinji like a blob and cuddled up to him, her heavy breathing being pushed into Shinji’s ear.

“Oh Shinji, that was so good. One of these days you’re gonna fuck me into a heart attack.”

Shinji, who was panting too, closed his eyes “Don’t say something like that.”

Asuka, whose heart was beating like a jackhammer, swallowed hard and grinned, “I’m telling you Shinji. Nerv is,” She paused to catch her breath before continuing “So advanced, they could keep us alive at a thousand pounds. You’re going to have the fattest girl in the world for a girlfriend, Shinji.”

Shinji closed his eyes, unable to concentrate.


At school the next day Shinji and Asuka waddled into class holding hands. Taking their seats Asuka produced some chips and started to hand feed Shinji. “Come on Shinji, eat up.” Shinji once more passively accepted every bite.

“Gotta make you fatter,” She told the already morbidly obese boy. She spoke loud with confidence. The other students looked disgusted at the two pigs, but especially at Asuka.

Getting fat on purpose and farting up a storm. How disgusting.

Just then Rei entered and waddled to her seat by the window. Asuka grinned and heaved herself up. “Guess what Wonder Girl, I’m 400 pounds! That means I’m better than you.”

Rei, who was already 370 pounds, ignored Asuka.

“Well! Say something you doll!” Asuka yelled at her and even let out a fart in frustration.

Rei looked up at Asuka and said in her usual low, almost whisper of a voice

“You are disgusting, pilot Soryu. The EVAs are complete and we begin ration testing again.”

Asuka blushed at Rei’s comment. While she hated Rei she also got off on being shamed. Asuka retreated to her desk with Shinji and tried to remove what happened from her head.

The testing was to begin again

To Be Continued

Part 7


Asuka and Shinji looked up from their feast on the couch, they had been sharing a meat lover's pizza.

"M-Misato?" Shinji was surprised but Asuka demanded "What the hell!"

"I was just taking a picture of you two mid feast, gotta say you do make a cute 400 pound couple"

Misato showed the two piglets facing the box, pulling slices and making pigs out of  themselves.

Asuka shook her fleshy face, "I'm not embarrassed, I'm proud of my girth, the weight looks lovely on us, Doesn’t it Shinji?”

It had all gone so fast. First his cooking had plumped Asuka up and then she developed a fat fetish and now, well, he had one as well.

"Yeah, it does," Shinji spoke up and Misato smiled at his new found confidence from being with Asuka.

Asuka reached for one more cigarette but was annoyed to come up short.

"'Schist, I'm out. Shinji, can you go get me some smokes?"

"Me? Why do I have to do it! And you shouldn't smoke so much."

Asuka scoffed and moved her full ashtray, "Everyone in Germany smokes, dunkoff and I'm too lazy to get it myself. That's what boyfriends are for, so hop to it."

"Don't worry Shinji, I'll 'drive you" Misato winked


While Misato drove she marveled at Shinji's stomach

"Hey Shinji, can I touch your belly?"

"'Sure, why not."

Tucked into his enormous school uniform his belly pushed out his pants and shirt and was close to meeting the dash.

"Oooooh!" Misato flushed while slowly giving it a rub. "Its sooo soft Shinji, you have a great stomach, nice and fat!"

Shinji smiled wide, "You really think so?"

Misato nodded, "Yup, you're even more confident now for other reasons."

Shinji immediately blushed, "I don't want to talk about it"

Misato giggled "I'm just teasing Shinji, you know you two pig mating is really loud right? But nevermind that, let's go to WcDonalds."

As the car pulled in, Shinji asked, "What about Asuka's smokes?"

"Relax, we'll get them, but we have time. Order like a fat boy Shinji, you can have whatever you want"

"Whatever I want…"

Soon enough Shinji was opening his third quarter pounder box and Misato proudly patted the side of Shinji's bloated tummy, encouraging him to eat his fries. Suddenly Shinji farted and Misato laughed, "You two really are a fat couple. Shinji, do you want to know a secret? I have a fat fetish too. After living through Second Impact seeing fat people was kinda rare and exotic. So in college I asked Kaji to fatten him."

Shinji was shocked, milkshake in hand, "did you do it?"

Misato laughed,"He said hell no, but I guess it happened anyways with me" Misato then shook her own substantial gut in her dress, making it slosh as she did.

"I'm the biggest I've ever been but you two are always going to make me skinny. Tomorrow is testing day, so I'm going to look even skinnier when you're done."

Shinji blushed "Is that why you don't mind me walking with a shirt on?"

Misato giggled, “you got it!"


"This is a non-smoking area pilot Soryu." ReI gently said while holding her nose from the stench of Asuka's farts let alone her smoking.

"Shove it Doll I'm almost done!"

Asuka grinded the cigarette against the heel of her red boot and flicked it.  Seated together with Shinji she got on top of his lap and started to make out.

"Asuka, you're too heavy" Shinji whined but he couldn't stop making out with his obese redhead girlfriend.

The door opened, a heavier Ritsuko snapped "No PDA! Now get ready!"

Inside the tubes were lowered and Shinji and Asuka both moaned.

Ritsuko noted "they're getting horny like pigs in heat.

Asuka's face was inflating with fat. She now grew two chins that her massive original double chin rested on, it was like a giant ring of fat that was engulfing her face. Shinji's stomach grew and grew, the blue and white plugsuit sloshed with every movement the fat took.

The new fat tissue took to them during their rapid fattening. Asuka even let out a fart in pleasure, a big bubble rising in the LCL from Asuka passing gas.

Their weight increased tremendously, Asuka an 800 pound blob with both Shinji and Rei 700 pounds.

Back at home Shinji lit Asukas cigarette and began to jiggle her fat dangling from her sides.

"Oh right there, jiggle it that way! Fuck, we're too fat to fuck, Shinji!"

The blobby Shinji could no longer see his penis and Asuka was just too massive for the basic mechanics of intercourse and as such they had to be creative.

"Jiggle the flab behind my arms too…oh Shinji I'm so fat. So…oh…OH!"

Asuka cummed to the jiggling of her own heavy blubber, a depraved fat fetishist.

And so did Shinji, feeling himself cum, but due to his huge belly he couldn't reach to touch.

"I'm so fucked up…"

Part 8

A heavy duty black van drove slowly. Its windows were tinted and no one could see through the back doors. It pulled up to a WcDonalds.

“Alright, are you two tubs ready?” Misato called back. Scrunched together the fat couple took up the entirety of the back, lying in a sort of bed. Clad in their school uniforms the fatty couple jiggled every way the van turned. Behind them were two mobility scooters, strapped and secured

“Y-yes Misato I’m always ready to eat, even now I’m so hungry.” Shinji blushed, feeling himself drool over his quadruple chins, it seemed like he was in a competition with Asuka to see how fat their faces could get. His belly roared in hunger and he once more blushed.

Asuka, who had by now lost a toe from diabetes grinned with her cigarette butt scrunched between two rows of yellow rotten teeth. “That's what I like to hear, fat boy” Asuka said in a much deeper voice thanks to all her chins. She farted softly and Shinji felt the vibrations from Asuka passing gas. She grasped a big handful of Shinji’s flab on his lardy hips, Shinji was such a blob now at 700 pounds there was so much to grasp onto and squeeze. “Schist your fat turns me on Shinji”

Shinji and Asuka were without a doubt the fattest couple in the entirety of Japan. Asuka lived an existence constantly surrounded by her own jiggling lard which made her achingly horny. But the fact that her boyfriend was the second fattest person, well, it was like she was living her own erotic fat sex dream over and over.

She held Shinji’s fat hand tightly with her own and Shinji smiled. Being loved was all he ever wanted and he was okay with being fetishized and objectified by the tubby brat that was Asuka Langley Soryu. He had even come to love his own obesity and his status as the fattest boy in Japan. As Asuka jiggled him he moaned at his own sloshing body.

Misato looked behind her through the rearview mirror at Asuka and Shinji playing with each other’s soft dangling rolls and folds. She scolded them, “Hey not here!”

“S-s-nnnmmmmm!,” Shinji tried to apologize but only let out a shuddering moan at his own fat being shaken, it felt so good to have his blubber shaken. Asuka grinned, groping one of Shinji’s massive boy boobs that were equal to her own substantial chest, “Mmmm, I can’t help it,” Asuka grinned, feeling all that fat under her hands, “I fucking love FAT.”

Misato sighed and got the bags of food and tossed it to the two Jabba sized pilots behind her. The bags landed on their bellies and were greasy enough to leave stains on their school uniforms.

“Finally,” Asuka moaned deeply and started to feast. The bag of five WcDonalds super size fries were dumped all together and Asuka put the bag to her mouth and started to eat as if she were a fat horse on a feed bag. Shinji opened a carton of a cheeseburger and took a big bite, also letting out his own moan, “Nnnn, this is going to make us so fat.”

Misato peered at her rear view mirror at the two feasting pigs, “If it doesn’t your tube feeding will. You two are pretty close to a thousand pounds.”

Asuka pulled her face from her bag of fries, her salty greasy lips smacking together, “You bet Misato! Between the two of us we’d be a full ton!” Just saying those words out loud made Asuka slick and she rubbed her enormous bloated pillars she called her thighs together, muttering “mmmm, of fuck.” Shinji also grew hard at the thought and his prick pressed into his own fat that was smothering it, causing him to moan with his mouthful.

Misato drove as the two pigs glutted. They now needed mobility scooters and it was a herculean task to get them ready for school, just getting down to the new heavy duty van had nearly given Shinji a heart attack he was so out of breath when he got there and Asuka wasn’t any better, fondling her rolls through her blue and white school uniform, trying her best to finger her belly button since she had lost the ability to finger her pussy several hundred pounds ago.

Misato put a fry to her mouth and adjusted her fat gut that was sitting in her lap. Their increasing size and increasing difficulties put stress on Misato, who had turned to food for comfort, which was self-evident in the increased size of her gut and tightness of her black dress. She would have to seek some stress relief soon. She heard Shinji fart and giggled, “Good one Shinji!”

The two of them ate and ate and munched and munched and binged and binged all the way to school where Misato pulled up. She got out of the car and went to the back, adjusting the ramp to roll the two scooters out. After that she opened the sliding door and instructed, “Okay Shinji, you first,” to which Asuka brattily demanded “Why does Shinji get to go first!”

Misato smirked, “Because you’re fatter than Shinji Asuka, you have to go last.” Asuka’s bloated face, which at this point looked like a pyramid of face chins and face chub that ended at a summit of red pig tailed hair, blushed and she groaned loudly, gasping out when she cummed in her panties.

It left her in a blissful haze as Misato grasped Shinji’s soft hands and helped move him to his scooter. His black slacks could be used as a tent and his bottom wobbled as he set his weight on his scooter. Shinji’s bloated face made a delighted expression when he heard his seat groan under his ass.

“W-wow, did you hear that Misato? I’m so heavy!” Shinji said excitedly to Misato while adjusting to get comfortable in his seat, his ass hanging over the sides by a good margin and his massive belly pressing out. Misato chuckled nervously, “You sure are Shinji. Now let’s get to your land whale girlfriend.”

Asuka was a jiggly sack of blubber by now. At over 800 pounds of sheer mass her body was predominantly made up of flab. She was an ocean of fat with organs somewhere in her body. Her long white socks were filled to capacity with her blobby bloated legs and her ass hung out of her blue skirt, showing off her cellulite on her butt. But her massive ass, possibly the fattest ass in Japan, wasn’t the only thing covered in dimpled cottage cheese, cellulite covered her skin all over making Asuka a cottage cheese filled woman. Her scooter groaned louder than Shinji’s and her belly hung out of her skirt, slapping against the front of her seat and touching her 9 toes. Just moving from the van to the chair had left Asuka’s clothes soaked in sweat, which made her stink to high heaven.

“Ooof, hoo, hoo,” Asuka huffed and puffed as Misato placed more WcDonalds bags in their baskets on the front of their scooters for lunch. “Well, I’ll pick you up after school! Have fun!” Misato waved them off as she got back in the van and drove off.

“Come on Shinji, lets, oooh, go!” Asuka puffed out and started her scooter which moved slowly under her weight, as did Shinji's, the mechanical devices unable to efficiently transport such massive loads.

In the hallway they saw Rei slowly moving. Also in her school uniform she was roughly the size of Shinji, but had such a belly that it touched the floor. In fact, underneath her massive belly was a board with wheels, outside of a scooter it was the only way Rei could manage to drag her deformed sack of blubber around. Her ass was similarly sticking out of her skirt like Asuka’s was, causing Shinji to look away. Around her massive broad forearms were a pair of crutches that she was holding onto for dear life, the cuffs were filled to capacity with Rei’s arm flab, she was disabled by her own obesity. Her body was awash in sweat and her blue hair looked like she had been swimming.

Asuka scooted up to her, her scooter speed was only a little bit faster than Rei’s hobbling. “Hey Wonder Girl, bet you wish you had one of these, hfff pfff” Asuka bragged while still trying to catch her breath, her fatty heart was beating so fast that it would take a very long time to get it back down.

“I…” Rei began to say, but had to keep up her breathing with pauses, “...prefer walking pilot Soryu.”

Asuka sneered, seeing her bullying wasn’t having any effect on her, just “sped” off past her, too out of brath to even comment. Shinji pulled up to Rei, asking, “Are you going to be okay Rei?”

“I am…” Rei paused to say, “...replaceable.”

Shinji didn’t know what to say and simply sped off to join his girlfriend.


At Kaji's, Kaji was plowing Misato.

“Oh fuck! FUCK! Oh Kaji!” Misato swore while holding her belly fat up with both hands while Kaji performed missionary on the fat woman. Kaji went and went, pumping Misato’s fat pussy. Misato was getting tired from holding her own belly and said, “I need a rest” and let go, releasing the flab. Kaji caught Misato’s blubber in his hands and squeezed the fat, making Misato moan out and cum. Kaji did as well before pulling out.

They laid back and pulled out cigarettes.

“Thank you Kaji.”

“Don’t thank me, that sounds weird Misato.”

“I needed some stress relief. Shinji and Asuka are getting too fat for me to take care of.”

“Mmmm? Is that so? I don’t think you are too fat.”

“Heh, thanks Kaji.” Misato sighed and placed her head on his strong pec, “Don’t you think you’d be nice with some moobs?”

“I think we’ve been over this before. I think it looks better on you than me. Besides, you don’t want us to be too fat to fuck like Asuka and Shinji.”

Misato laughed, “Yeah, you’re right. I don’t know what to do though.”

“Don’t worry too much, you’ll figure something out. Do you want to go another round of, ahem, stress relief?”

“Sure. But I want to be on top this time.”


That night Asuka and Shiji were nude and cuddling together, their sweaty clothes on the floor. It had been such a hassle getting them to this spot, but now here they were. The two looked as blubbery as a pair of walruses and their fat pressed softly into each other. They were both bed bound blobs of blubber who were only able to leave their bed nest thanks to Misato.

They were once more feasting on pizza, a box balancing on their flab when Misato came in. She grinned, “Having a good time, my fatties?”

Asuka didn’t answer and neither did Shinji, who was too engrossed in their pizza to care.

“Well, I have some good news and bad news. I’ll start with the bad first. You two won’t be living here any longer.”

The two suddenly stopped eating and looked up at Misato in shock.

“W-what?” Shinji asked, shocked beyond words.

Misato laughed, “You’re too fat to take care of!” Just saying that made Asuka’s porky nipples harden and she moaned, which prompted Misato to chide “Come on Asuka, I’m being serious here! The good news is, you won’t be going far, NERV is going to move you two to HQ so you can be closer to the EVAs in case of an attack. Speaking of which, the EVAS are all fixed and the bigger entry plugs are finished. You’ll be all set to pilot again in no time.”

“We will?” Asuka asked, looking delighted at the prospect of piloting again.

“Yup! A team with a crane will be here tomorrow morning to move you two tubs to your new home! Won’t that be fun Asuka? You’re so fat you two are gonna have to be moved like farm animals!”

Asuka couldn’t answer, the revelation made her drool and she let out a fart while biting her lip in pleasure

To Be Continued…


Shinji woke up the next morning twitching his nose, Asuka had messed herself and he was sitting in it. “A-Auska you did it again!” Shinji whined, pushing on her hilly figure of rolls. “Nnnn, wha? Shinji? I…oh, scheisse Misaaato!”

Misao came in with a nose pin attached firmly to her nose and countless cleaning supplies.

“Sheeesh, if the movers had been here they’d all have to have seen this Asuka, that would have been pretty embarrassing. See, this is why we’re moving you two close to NERV you’re both just too fat!

What started from a commitment to live life to the fullest had led to Asuka and Shinji sitting together, their fat pressing against each other.

Putting the tub of water down she said, “In anycase, NERV says they need more time, it’s literally an operation just to move you two so their coming tomorrow.”

“Oh cool, tomorrow, that means we could have one more pig out!” Asuka cheered but Shinji sulked, “Can you clean us first?”

“Hahah, yeah first things first.”

It was quite the operation itself just trying to clean the two pilots. It was also humiliating work for Shinji who closed his eyes as Misato’s hands brushed past his butt. For Asuka as Misato wiped her massive jiggling butt she felt nothing but boredom, waiting to eat, it was how he got to such a grotesque size. She couldn’t even remember when she first became immobile, but she took it in stride. A certain competitive had been with all her all through her gain and to her immobility was just one more stage to achieve in being the fattest fuck she could be.

Shinji couldn’t remember the last time he saw his penis. It had become swallowed up by his fupa and relative to the rest of his immense blobby body looked tiny. He knew that because Asuka told him, when she would lift up his hanging stomach apron and coo in german “Was für ein sexy kleiner Schwanz,” telling him what a sexy little cock it was, Every time Shinji lost inches in his manhood Asuka praised him and made Shinji incredibly happy.

In his happiness he grew and grew until, well, now not even Misato could lift Shinji’s own flesh to find his tiny cock. But that was perfectly fine with Asuka.

“Fat boys have tiny cocks and my boyfriend is the fattest in the world,” She would brag.

All through that final day they gorged, a final dinner together. Sure Misato would visit them in their new rooms, but this was to the end of them all living together like this.

“Hmmmmph,” Shinji moaned as his inflated fat hand dug deep into a melted tub of ice cream. After they had been all cleaned the final feast had begun.

“Yeah go Shinji! Stuff that gut!” Asuka cheered as her boyfriend gorged. Asuka wiped her sweaty head with napkins while she shoved pizza slice after pizza slice down her maw. As Misato brought burger bags she noted how buff her arms had become since this weight gain. She may have a pot belly, but these arms. She was interrupted by a fart from Shinji, Misayo cheering “Good one!”

It was a happy memory for all of them because the next day the NERV soldiers moving them weren’t so kind.

Breaking down the wall from outside Asuka and Shinj screamed in shock as a crane entered the room.  Their blobby forms were exposed and the air in the room smelled of shit Asuka had passed while she was sleeping from their last supper. Misato came in and directed several men “Asuka’s first! I don’t care how heavy she is MOVE THAT FATTY!” Asuka winced as Misato shouted in her military voice.

“H-Hey careful~!” Shinji impotently whined at the men who were grasping so much of him. So much flesh and excess that he had built up. Eager to please his new girlfriend he let her fetish dominate and the end result was he was now too fat to get out of bed.

How much did they weigh now?

By now it was hard to determine. No scale at their, now, old home could reach them, but they had to be nearing a half ton each by now.

“I said careful damnit!” Shinji snapped at how roughly he was treated, the soldiers were working under Misato’s orders, they were going to move these two fatties. They moaned and with a great big tarp lifted Shinji up. Shinji flared about as he sat up and was quickly out of breath, a mask being put on immediately. From that point Sinji felt himself start to get lifted and he felt his fat and immense figure fight a tug of war with gravity,

Lifted up in the air, Misato called out to Shinji, “It’ll be okay, I’ll be there when you get there!”

Shinji was craned out of Misato’s apartment and true to her word there were tanks and cranes and guards and barricades. All this to move his fat ass. At that moment Shinji felt like he was a whale getting moved to a new tank. A complete spectacle,

Toji and Kensuke both couldn’t stop pointing and laughing at Shinji who shuddered at feeling how his own flesh hung and wobbled in the air as he was lowered into a huge truck which had a big yellow OVERSIZE LOAD on it. As Shinji was lowered he farted loudly and started to cry, feeling foolish for ever letting himself grow so large.

As he was lowered into the truck he heard the machine groan under his weight and his flab pressed against the walls. Back in the wrecked room Asuka was lifted next. She grunted at the sheer weight of herself. When her fat ass was lifted up the full extent of her mess was revealed to the soldiers and Misato hastily tried to clean Asuka’s smeared brown butt off with toilet paper.

Down below in the truck Shinji looked above, feeling the avalanche of neck flab pool out behind his head and chins to jiggle. He saw how Asuka defiantly flipped off her old friend Hikari who could only stare at what Asuka had done.

By the time Asuka was lowered she was met by a sobbing Shinji.

“We were fools! This was so stupid Asuka!”

“Shinji, stop whining!” Asuka snapped.

“But they saw us, they all saw us and laughed at us!

“Fuck them! I only care about you.”

As the truck moved, with a motorcade driving along their heavy industrial truck. Asuka grasped a handful and grinned.

“No more, school, no more worries. Just food, sex, and defeating the angels with my fat man.”

Shinji began to calm down, but their introduction to their new room was as rough as could be.

“Hey, can we get a moment of privacy here!” Asuka shrieked. Annoyed and overly bitchy from having to move around so much.

Shinji fanned himself, despite the AC blaring in the room he was still sweating so much, Sweat rolled down his forehead and into his many chins. His chin flab flaps would get sweaty and perspiration would roll down into his rolls on his body and give him a terrible stink,

It was to Asuka and Shinji’s displeasure to be washed by nameless grunts who communicated nothing and only man handling their rolls to wash.

“P-please be gentle!”

“We’re EVA pilots, not livestock you dunkoffs!”

When they were all cleaned up hey were unceremoniously dumped into a wide medical bed built to house the two of them.

They were stripped and electrodes were applied to their chest and side rolls to check on their heart as tubes were put under their noses.

After her shift was over Misato visited them.

“How was your first day?” Misato asked cheerfully,

“Horrible! You need to tell those dunkoffs to treat us better. We may be blobs but we’re still human!” Asuka barked at Misato who said, “I’ll send the message but you’re going to have to deal with it at some point. After all, at your size.”

Misato activated the screen that displayed big red numbers that read out 1,882 lbs.

“Daaaamm,” Misato said and whistled at the blobs of fat that laid before them. She clicked on the remote that divided the weight into 893 for Shinji and 989 for Asuka.

“Holy shit! I gotta get Ritsuko.”

Those whole events with the Evangelions weight gain had left Dr, Akagi with a bloated figure of 430 pounds sagging off her frame.

“989 pounds!” Ritsuko yelled and slapped the mountain of gelatinous fat Asuka had made by herself and the addition of the tube feeding.

“Hey, you’re bigger too! What happened to “proud fat bitch”?”
“You took it WAY too far. I can’t believe the EVA’s responded to all this!”
“See? My 02 approves of my obesity.”

Ritsuko sighed, “989 pounds, might as well round up and call you a half-ton.”

“I already do” Asuka said proudly.

“Whatever, prepare for your next rations test. This time the both of you will make it to a full ton.”

With that Ritsuko left and they were once more rough housed into their plug suits. Their suits perfectly fit their body, contorting to their blobby curves and every nook and cranny. Inside tubes were lowered and they began to suck.

“I’m glad this is over. I’m going to miss living with them, but at least NERV is moving me to a better apartment.” Misato sighed as she watched Asuka and Shinji blow up into blue and red blimps. “I’ve been really tired taking care of these two. Shinji is fine, but Asuka is such a helpless bitch. Oh by the way, the NERV staff could handle them better when they move them.

“Well they shouldn’t have put on a literal ton of weight.” Ritsuko dryly noted watching the montier weigh Asuka at 1,025 and Shinji weighed 1,016.

“Come on, please? They’re still human.”

“What human weighs over a ton? They live here now and they’re not going to get the same treatment.”

Misato frowned as the feeding stopped. Asuka was 1,074 pounds of pudge and Shinji was at 1,032. After they were released they were cleaned of LCL. Naked they were craned and Asuka crows loudly “1,074! You’re practically slim compared to me.”

Shinji felt the jets touch his balls and moaned, “I-In quadruple digit terms sure, but I’m still the fattest boy in the world Asuka!”

Shinji moaned while he was washed like a farm animal, “I’m the fattest man in the world Asuka.”

Asuka shuddered while she and Shinji were craned to their room, she felt horny and ready to play with her fat when she found Rei was on her own bed.

“Oh no!” Asuka bitched and bitched while Shinji joined her.

“This was meant for all three of us,” Rei explained.

“But what if we want privacy!” Asuka whined to which Rei shook her flabby face and said “It cannot be helped.”

Infuriated Asuka called for the cafeteria to send her lots of burgers and fries to stuff herself with, to eat out her sexual frustration, but it wasn’t enough.

With her belly full of food Asuka moaned and whispered, “Grab me.”

Shinji was shocked,”In here?!”

“I don’t care if she sees it.”

With a grunt Shinji grasped a big handful of Asuks’s side fat and made her squeal “Scheiße, ich bin fett!!!!” all Shinji would do is wobble the red head as she talked dirty to herself, “Such a magnificent pig, no one can match! Look at me! Look at ALL THIS FETT!

Asuka grasped at flab roughly now and gave herself as much of a hard shake the ton of an 18 year old could give, letting out thunderous fart loud and long. Asuka felt her massive form shake like a gelatin mold back and forth while her excess was being played with.

It all led to Asuka cumming loudly and moaning, relaxing into Shinji.

With a smug look on her face she taunted Rei “Was it good for you?”

“You are disgusting pilot Soryu” The blobbish Rei didn’t register a reaction.

Sneering Asuka grunted and a loud fart sputtered again. Shinji grasped his nose and immediately knew what Asula had done, “A-Asuka no!”

“Enjoy that,” Asuka taunted again, having messed herself out of spite.


Before long it was time. The moment they had all dread. An Angel was attacking and it was time to test the new fat EVAs.

With a nervous look on her face Misato yelled out “LAUNCH EVA!”

As all three EVAs sped through the hanger tunnels Misato swallowed hard.

“Come back alive.”

The End.


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