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"Come on Tsukino hustle!" The gym coach called out to Usagi who was waddling slowly during a two minute run.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" Whined Usagi. At over 300 pounds of bulky fat Usagi's quickness was just nonexistent, such was the extent Usagi had rotted her muscles into lard.

The coach shook her head in disapproval. Usagi's weight had  gotten out of control, gaining well over 200 pounds of quivering fat onto her body. Her short stature of 4'11 only made things worse, Usagi was as wide as she was tall  and getting wider with each passing day as she gorged and binged and munched, munched, munched her way to a stuffed pig.

Her corpulence could not be contained by her gym uniform and if anything her appearance was vulgar. Unlike her friends Ami, Rei, and Mako who had some sort of shape, Usagi (and Minako) were fat all over. In her speed waddle her thighs slapped and rubbed together and her blue gym bloomers were riding up between her expansive cheeks. Her belly flopped out from under her white top and revealed to the whole class all her stretch marks that were running up her sides and around her belly. Her bingo winged arms wobbled as she was forced to exercise and her pig tails were frazzled with sweat that poured down her thick double chinned face.

And Ami was in similar shape too.

Waddling up behind Usagi Ami was just as slow, her belly brace wrapped around her middle was lifting up her gut to give her support. Her own round cheeks were flushed in embarrassment from having to wear such a humiliating thing, as well from the general exercise. Held up by the straps Ami’s gut wobbled in place and when Ami tried to look down it was all she could see, her feet completely obscured by the massive ball of fat she had grown on her middle.

Panting and wheezing Usagi complained the whole run.

“Uuuuuuu, I hate this! I want to stop!” Usagi cried, red hot tears falling down her jowly cheeks.

“Okay, stretches!” The coach yelled out and the sweaty bun head wailed out “I hate exercise!”

“Quiet Tsukino! Touch your toes!”

Ami moaned as she bent over, the feeling of gravity tugging on her fat sack made her back ache. Usagi continued to whine and whine, loudly crying out “I hate this, I hate this! I don’t want to be healthy!” As she bent over to touch her toes she felt her vast belly gurgle from all the unwanted exercise and she farted loudly.

“Tsukino!” The gym teacher yelled out, she was clearly annoyed by the cry baby known as Usagi Tsukino.

“I have to go to the bathroom!” Usagi whined, to which the gym teacher yelled out “You’re not getting out of your exercises Tsukino!”

“I have to poop! Wahhhh! Wahh-wahhhh!”” Usagi cried and cried and cried, making a hot mess of herself while the rest of the students cringed at Usagi’s behavior.

“I’ll go take her!” Ami volunteered, going over to guide Usagi to the bathroom. The gym teacher said nothing, just rubbing her forehead trying to soothe the headache Usagi caused.

In the bathroom Usagi entered a stall, pulled down her blue shorts and started to go, all while still crying a river of tears.

“Uuuuuwahhhh! Wahhh!” Usagi’s crying was loud enough to cover the disgusting sounds that were being made under Usagi’s bottom. “It’s okay Usagi, it’ll be okay,” Ami said from outside the stall while pinching her nose from the foul smell that was suffocating the small bathroom.

“I hate it, I hate it! I hate these stupid exercises, I want to go home, put on my muumuu and watch TV while eating pizza! Hng!” Usagi whined while sniffing her snotty nose and wiping her eyes with her round pudgy hands, all while at the same time defecating loudly.

“Oh but Usagi,” Ami began to say while still holding her nose, “We’e supposed to meet up at the shrine and then go out on patrol at midnight.”

“Ohhh, I don’t want that either!” Usagi complained.

“But Usagi, we all agreed to it.”

“Oh, alright. I think I’m done now,” Usagi began to say, before pausing and asking Ami, “Could you help me up? All that exercise makes me sore and it’s hard to get up sometimes.”

Ami nodded, “Of course Usagi.”

Ami opened the stall and saw the obese girl on the the toilet. She grasped Usagi’s soft wrists and started to pull, Ami letting out a major groan while Usagi was slowly lifted up. Usagi turned around to flush her mess away, while showing Ami her bottom. Ami cringed when she saw it, asking “Usagi, do you need help wiping?”

Usagi blushed, trying to peer around behind her, “Is it really bad?”

Ami nodded, “I should probably help you. Don’t be embarrassed, I’m going to be a doctor and I’ll probably being doing a lot of this in medical school.”

“O-okay” Usagi said, allowing Ami to start wiping her bottom. Usagi blushed while being cleaned, “I can do this by myself, but it’s nice when others do it too. So far Mamo, Rei, and Haruka have done it, it makes me feel like a princess.”

Ami smiled somewhat while she did it, “You are a princess, Usagi. There, I’m done.” Ami threw the toilet paper into the bowl and flushed.

Usagi pulled up her gym bloomers and sighed, “Ah that’s much better.” But then she started to cry again, “Bahhhh, hoo hoo!”

“Usagi, what is it?”

“We have to go back to class!”


That night the sailor guardians met at the shrine at eight and ordered pizza that they feasted on until midnight. Near midnight Rei announced, “I have a new scale, it should track all of our weights better since it looks like we’ve put on some more weight. I’ll go first.”

Rei stepped on and the digital voice said out loud “303.4 pounds.”

Usagi cheered, “Congrats Rei, you’re over 300 pounds now!” She gave Rei a big fat hug and let out a fart in joy. “Usagi, I-Oh, mmmm” Rei started to protest, but the smell of Usagi’s gas silenced whatever protests she had begun to make.

“I should go on next.” Mako said and stepped on, the voice saying “306.2 pounds.” Mako’s eyes went wide and she brushed her brown hair, “Wow. Talk about love pounds. Heh, I can’t wait to see Motoki get to my size!”

Ami stepped on next and the scale said “312.8 pounds.” Ami covered her mouth with her round hand and blushed red, “I’ve been feeling like I’d ballooned lately.”

“I’ve definitely ballooned!” Minako giggled and stepped on. “314.9 pounds,” The scale clinically told her. Minako shook in place, jiggling her body all over “Oh yeah, 7 whole pounds of FAT!”

“My turn! Let’s see what living with Mamo has done to me!” Usagi cheerfully stepped on and waited until it announced “325.7 pounds.”

“Holy crap Usagi!” Mako said, amazed by Usagi’s sheer mass. Usagi’s fleshy face, which by now was so fat it had obscured her neck, smiled wide, “I’m so happy! Mamo is going to be sooo happy!”

Ami looked up at the clock, “Midnight, come on, let’s transform.”

“I don’t want to,” Usagi pouted.

“What do you mean you don’t want to?” Luna batted her paw at Usagi’s leg.

“I don’t want to exercise. I’m trying to gain weight, I can’t burn calories! I’m also so comfy and I want to go to bed.”

Minako tapped her double chin in thought, “She has a point, I’m trying to make fat, not lose it. All this exercise, I could lose a pound!”

“Minako, not you too!” Artemis cried out in exacerbation.

Mako shook her head, “Come on, we all agreed to this.”

Rei frowned, “Usagi, you lazy cow. It’s Tokyo, there’s restaurants open 24/7.”

Usagi started to smile, “So we can eat?”

Luna groaned, “Yes, you can eat Usagi.”

Minako grinned, “Alright I’m in!”

Artemis was shocked, “You were actually not going to do it?”

The girls threw their hands in the air and called out.

“Mercury Star Power Make Up! Mars Star Power Make up! Jupiter Star Power Make Up! Venus Star Power Make Up! Moon Crystal Power Make Up!”

Blue magic shot out of Ami’s pen and wrapped itself around her. Fire came from Rei’s and rings of fire ringed themselves around her arms and legs. Mako was caught in an electrical storm and Minako twirled a trail of stars. Pink magic came from Usagi’s brooch, the silver crystal becoming activated. Within seconds the five girls transformed into the Sailor Guardians who fight for love and justice.

“Nnng!” Sailor Moon groaned, feeling the white material of her costume hugging her, “So tight!”

Mercury traced her gloved fat arms over her belly, “We were so full of adrenaline from our fight we probably weren’t aware of the tightness.” The other girls were the same way, feeling constricted by their costumes.

“Thats not the worst thing, look behind us!” Mars moaned, looking behind herself at how her red miniskirt did not cover her ass at all. All her cellulite could be seen on her cheeks which wobbled with every movement. The girls all looked and blushed seeing their wobbling butts and white painties that were being scrunched into their cheeks.

“Oh no!” Sailor Moon cried out, her face turning red in embarrassment.

“It can’t be helped, none of you were meant to be so fat in the first place!” Luna scolded the girls.

“It’s not too bad,” Venus giggled and wiggled in place, “We’re going to look amazing to whatever fat girl lover see’s us.” This cheered up the rest of the girls were grew more gung ho in going out. They left the Shrine, with Rei and Minako complaining about how tough it was to waddle in high heels.

They reached a monorail that took them deep into Tokyo. The entire car stared at the Sailor Guardians, completely dumbfounded at seeing these huge girls. Obesity was rare in Japan and obesity to this degree made the girls into something of a sideshow, a spectacle wherever they went.

It was the same when they stopped off and went deep into the Juban District. Their lardy bodies shook like gelatin, especially Mars whose limbs had so much fat hanging from them. Her upper arms also had cellulite on them, just like her legs which were rubbing together and her ass, which was clapping against itself, there were lots of clapping and slapping as rolls met rolls with every step they took.

The tightness of their constricting white sailor suits continued to bug Sailor Moon, “It’s too tight! I wish my rolls would burst through it like my dress.”

Luna shook her head, “Well it won’t, it’s magic so you’ll just have to suck it up.”

Sailor Moon continued to whine, “I’m also hungry!”

“Look, there’s a WcDonalds!” Sailor Mercury pointed at the familiar yellow W. The girls went up to the counter and made their orders. When they went to pay the counter person refused their money.

“I don’t know why you all have changed, but you saved my family once. These are on the house.”

The girls cheered and took a table, their trays completely covering it. The Sailor Guardians dug in, with Sailor Mercury in particular taking a big bite of her double quarter pounder with cheese. “I love cheeseburgers so much, “ Ami said after a swallow and taking another bite, after which she added, “Being able to have as many as I want makes this transformation worth it.”

Sailor Venus took out her phone and posed with her food while adjusting herself in her seat to look even fatter. “For my followers on social media,” Venus said while scrunching her double chin to make it huge and took selfies. The Sailor Guardians ate and ate and ate, dunking cheeseburgers in milkshakes, shoving shoves past their lips with their gloved hands, and taking big excessive bites.

When they were all finished they sat around, digesting and reveling in their gluttony.

“I need a feeder so bad,” Venus said, grasping her belly and giving it a shake. The material of her sailor suit was so skin tight you could see the sloshy jiggling of Minako’s gut underneath. Sailor Moon smiled proudly, “I’m so happy Mamo is my feeder. So much of this weight is thanks to him.”  Ami gave an unsure bashful smile and said, “I…wouldn’t mind a feeder either.”

Sailor Jupiter drummed her fingers over her bloated gut, saying “I think I’m more of a feeder than a feedee, at least with Motoki. I’m having a blast fattening him up.” Sailor Mars shrugged her shoulders, “I like being fat, but I’m definitely more of a feeder. If anyone wants to be fed and fattened you can always come by the shrine!”

Sailor Moon held up her hand to her mouth, snickering she said “You just want to make us fart more.”

Mars turned bright red and pinched one of Sailor Moon’s thick fat rolls on her side, “Not here!”

“Owww! That hurt” Sailor Moon cried out and passed gas in shock. Mars suddenly smelled the foul smell of digested fast food and let out a moan “Ohhhhh,” before letting go of her roll and saying “Don’t talk about my…thing out loud bun head!”

“Girls, come on,” Sailor Jupiter groaned at their bickering while Luna said “Alright, come on. We need to do our patrol.”

The girls sighed and slowly rose to their feet but Sailor Moon asked, “Can someone help me up?”

Luna scolded her, “Come on, you’re not immobile you’re just being lazy.”

Sailor Moon sniffed, tears forming in her eyes, “I know, but having someone lift me is easier.”

Sailor Mars rolled her eyes. “Fine, if it’ll get us out quicker.” Sailor Mars grasped her gloved arms and pulled the lazy girl up.

Once they were up and about the girls slowly waddled ready to continue their patrol. Just then Sailor Mars turned sharply “I sense an evil presence! Follow me!”


King Vesper traced his fingers across a woman’s hair. She had been a nurse at the hospital and Vesper had lured her to this secluded area. Now she was in a trance and easy prey. He normally didn’t go out on the hunt like this, but cravings were cravings. The moon light reflected off his purple framed glasses.

He leaned in slowly, fangs growing from his mouth when suddenly…

“Hold it right there!”

Vesper turned to find the Sailor Guardians before him.

“We are the champions who fight for love and for justice! In the name of the moon we’ll punish you!” The sailor guardians all said at the same time.

He looked at them all and sneered, “Foolish girls, do you know who I am? I am King Vesper, King of All Vampires.”

“Vesper?!” Sailor Venus was shocked.

“I don’t want to waste my time on such weak enemies. Ghoul! Rise!”

Upon those words a decaying hand shot out from the ground and a corpse dug itself out, it’s eyes rolled over and a trail of drool ran from his lips.

“This is a ghoul, a slave to my power. It will eat you all and then you shall become ghouls as well! Muhahaha!’ Vesper let out an evil laugh as the ghoul attacked.

“Crescent Beam!” Venus shouted and fired an energy beam made of pure love at the Ghould, however she missed and shattered a glass window which sent shards flying. A piece of glass caught a bit of Sailor Moon’s shoulder and a bit of blood splattered on Vesper’s cheek.

“Oh no I’m bleeding! Wahhh!” Sailor Moon started to cry. Just then she tripped over her feet and fell back on her enormous ass.

“Owie!” Sailor Moon cried and saw the Ghoul slowly make its way over to her while it fought the other Guardians. Sailor Moon groaned while trying to get up, but was met by resistance by gravity and the weight of her own flab. “Oh no! I can’t! I can’t get up!” Sailor Moon started to panic as she tried in desperation to move her wasted muscles, but only let out out a loud fart from the effort.

With panic in her voice Sailor Moon cried out “I can’t get up! Help! Help!”

The helpless Sailor Moon cried and cried until a rose struck the Ghoul in it’s place. With a big smile Usagi turned her jowly face up and cried out “Tuxedo Mask!”

“How dare you violate the night! The night time should be spent with the person you love. Now Sailor Moon! Finish it!”

“Right!” Sailor Moon nodded and from the ground grasped her tiara, the headpiece glowing bright with magic. “Moon Tiara Action!” She yelled out and threw it at the Ghoul, instnantly turning it to dust.

While all this was happening Vesper watched and his long tongue cleaned his cheek of the blood. He let out a gasp of shock and the long ponted tongue cleaned up his cheek. It tasted so good. By the time he had finished all the blood he had noticed his Ghoul had been defeated.

“This isn’t over!” Vesper called out and turned into a series of bats, flying away.

Tuxedo went to the stuck Sailor Guardian and slowly lifted her up.

“Are you alright Sailor Moon?” Tuxedo Mask asked and Sailor Moon nodded, “I’m fine. Its just a cut.” Tuxedo Mask told her, “We’ll fix you up when we get home.”

Just then Sailor Jupiter said with trepidation “Uh…Usagi?”

“Yes?” Sailor Moon answered but soon saw took of second hand cringe on their faces. “What’s wrong?”

“It looks like that fart…” Sailor Venus began to say with Mercury finishing “...was a wet one.”

Usagi peered behind her and reached back to find a moist brown spot on the back of her panties.

“Oh nooooo!” Sailor Moon’s face broke into outright sobbing as she pushed her face into Tuxedo Mask’s chest.



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