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Joshi Pounds

By FC Punk

Part One: The Kabuki Warriors Binge

"Pass some more fried chicken” Asuka asked her tag team partner Kairi Sane to which Kairi told her "Sure, there's lots more." She passed the chicken bucket over to Asuka and who reached in and took a breast. Pulling the crispy skin she peeled it off with her fingers.

In the big machine that is WWE, the number one professional wrestling company in the world, not everyone gets used as often. In fact, with the women's division only two to four women are expected to compete per show with everyone vying for that spot. Often times many would sit in catering wearing their gear in case they were needed that night

“This is getting depressing, '' Kairi sighed, telling Asuka how depressed she was. She looked down at her stomach, a simple roll of fat was ooziing from her middle. Grasping it with her thumb and finger Kairi pinched it and said “I'm growing fat."

Asuka had to snicker, "You are not the only one. When I signed and moved from Japan I thought there would be more. NXT was nice, but now on the main roster it's "creative has nothing for you," as they say. They had plenty at first, but now I guess they have nothing. It's better to just sit here and wait till they have something, it takes forever to talk to somebody."

Asuka's fingers teared off pieces of skin and moaned, her ass had become flabbier and her wrestling gear was becoming tight around it. Neither of them really took their diet of American food well, It was having a tremendous effect on both of them from not being active

"I miss Japan." Kairi said while eating a chicken leg. "As do I," Asuka agreed before taking a spoonful of mashed potatoes and said "Our contracts aren't up yet and if we were to ask for our release we'd have the no compete clause where means we couldn't even compete in Japan for 90 days."

Kairi smirked while eating a breast "I'm surprised they haven't released us considering how chubby we’re getting." Asuka sighed "It’s probably why they’re not putting us on TV, to punish us. The company is hoarding us, all so we don't go to any competition. It cannot be helped."

Kairi suddenly grew a huge grin "What if we get fat enough for them to release us, they might even forgo the non-compete clause"

Asuka looked at her strangely, "Nani?"

"Well just think, if we were super fat and out of shape they won't think we're going to wrestle any place else."

"The plan sounds intriguing, but what about after our release?"

Kairi shrugged, "I don't know, we’ll think of that when we get there. Yes, it's settled, that's what I'm going to do. Are you in?"

Asuka thought it over. She was already getting paid doing nothing and she too was deeply home sick.

Reaching for the gravy, Asuka responded, "Hai."


Over the course of several months Asuka and Kairi went through unprecedented gluttony.

“Arigato!” Asuka called out while reaching for the bags of McDonalds at the drive thru she and Kairi were having.

“I very much like the drive thru, it’s so American!” Kairi started to unwrap cheeseburgers and take delightful bites, her eyes rolling behind her head. Asuka was reaching in and out, eating McDonalds fries by the fingerful.

Every town they went to they hit up all the local food joints they could, as well as fill their cars and bags full of junk food so that there wasn’t a moment where they weren’t eating something. When they checked into a hotel they were snacking on candy bars. At the arena rhey also hit up catering as often as they could while everyone looked at them in bewilderment. They had quit working out as well and the rest of the women’s locker room couldn’t understand why.

During one monday night In the locker room Kairi and Asuka examined each other.

Asuka brushed her hand over the pot belly that had formed from Kairi’s jiggly little fat roll on her middle. It was a well developed pot belly, one that had formed by the rotting away of Kairi’s abs and inflating her insides with visceral fat.

“Kawaii!” Asuka couldn’t stop smiling while she batted the bottom of it with her fingers. Asuka  grasped her thumb in Kairi's belly button and grasped the bottom of it with her fingers, before giving it a vigorous shake. "You are doing well at fattening up,” Asuka said with a happy expression on her fuller face, a double chin was starting to form and her cheeks were chubbier as well. Kairi’s stomach was striped with vertical red stretch marks, as were her doughy love handles that now spilled over her gear in a muffintop

Kairi sipped a Wendys frosty while she was being jiggled and giggled around it, “I’ve been eating like a pig. I never let myself have American fast food, it would get in the way of my training, but now that I have tried it I can't get enough of it.”

Asuka laughed, slapping her own pot belly she said “Tell me about it! I can’t believe how big I’ve become since just letting loose.” She turned around and showed Kairi her widened ass. Her gear really accentuated the gained width and her looser cheeks that had started to dimple with cellulite. Her thighs were similarly thicker, with the inner parts closed with flab that was as soft as butter.

Alexa Bliss came over, the pig tailed blonde asking “Asuka do you want to practice in the ring before the show? Work on some stuff?”

“Oh, no.” Asuka shook her rounder face, “Kairi and I are going to work on some Wendy’s.” Kairi held up a heavy bag of greasy fast food and Asuka proclaimed in a grandiose deep voice “We are getting BIGGER!” while grasping her gut in both hands and giving it a hearty shake that sent waves through the belly lard.

Alexa’s face fell and she looked disgusted. “Ew, oh my God, that’s on purpose?!” Alexa pointed at their ripe pot bellies of accumulated fat sticking out. “Hai,” Kairi nodded, “It was my idea. We are going to become obese.”

“What’s happened to you two? We’ve all been worried and thinking you were depressed or unwell, but you’re getting fat on purpose? Are you trying to get fired?” Alexa was outraged that her friends would do such a thing.

Asuka unwrapped a baconator and took a big bite, ketchup and mayo spilling out onto her gear. “We want to go back to Japan.”

“There were other ways to go about this, you know! Instead of turning your muscles to flab” Alexa yelled and stomped away.

Kairi fed Asuka a fry while stroking her pot belly, “Trust the plan. We will be too disgusting to have.”

Just then Asuka tightened her face and a loud fart erupted from her fat ass nice and loud from all her new ass meat. Kairi giggled while holding her nose and Asuka quietly said, “Excuse me. I too have been indulging in American food and some of it has a disastrous effect on me.”

Kari laughed at that and hugged her weight gain partner.

Meanwhile a meeting was taking place among top WWE brass. Paul Leveque almost slouched in frustration at the news of what Kairi and Asuka had said. His thick muscled fingers rubbed his temples as if he was having a killer headache.

“We should give ‘em a sumo gimmick!” Michael Hayes, an aging retired wrestler with a haircut like a balding Dog the Bounty Hunter said with a southern drawl that had been built by years of jack daniels and who know what else from the Fabulous Freebird himself.

Bruce Prichard, the silver haired Texan and head of creative said “There’s got to be some way to salvage this creatively. We can’t just let them go, hell if anything Asuka is more entertaining than ever, based on how she eats at catering. As horrifying as this is, it could get over.”

Paul looked at both of them.

“If we can salvage this, thats what we should try to do, if they get buried in the process, that’s on them.”


During RAW there was a segment backstage where the newest RAW GM southern belle Lacey Evans was herding the Kabuki Warriors.

“Come along piggies! Sooo weee! You gotta get weighed before you compete tonight!”

Asuka got on the platform first and the digital read out was 209.

“Wow, what a little nasty you are, or rather I should say a big nasty. Now you, get on there!”

Kairi got on as well, her pot belly shaking as the numbers reached 223.

“223 That’s like a male cruiserweight! You two nastys are truly disgusting, nearly all that weight is flab. I think you two need to shed some blubber. Tonight you’re facing Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky in a non title match, If the Raw Womens Tag Team Champions aren’t enough to get you porkers back into shape, nothing will. Good luck ladies!”

During the Kabuki Warriors entrance there was an uncomfortable silence among the LED lights and blaring music. The audience could not stop staring at Asuka’s jiggling ass nor Kairi’s sack of belly fat that bounced on her middle as she did her pose ontop of the turnbuckle

Dakota was frankly disgusted in the condition of Asuka and Kairi, they blew up immediately into the match and Dakota and Iyo had to carry them. Putting Asuka in a headlock Dakota said “Damn Asuka, have you not washed your gear? Your outfit smells like ass.”

Iyo drove her kicks into Asuka’s back and was amazed at the wave of jiggles that went across Asuka’s back upon impact, leaving a black bruise behind her. When Asuka got back up Iyo started to punch Asuka in her soft stomach. One more punch and Asuka spat out her theatrical green mist which blinded Iyo and caused Asuka to cover her for the win.

Backstage Asuka and Kairi both had bottles of Coke that they were drinking from. Their chests raised and puffed in and out and they were drenched in sweat. The entire area around them stunk to high heaven.

Just then Iyo came by and bowed.

“Arigato for the match, I hope I carried you two well enough.”

Both panting girls were speechless and could only offer a thumbs up and an exhausted smile.

Iyo grew an understanding smile and began to say “I also miss Japan and heard about your plan.”

Iyo extended a hand

“I want in.”


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