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Part 6

Ritsuko and Misato were on a scaffold looking at the massive bloated bulge of Evangelion Unit 01’s middle. The black middle stood before the two women.

“Touch it and tell me what it feels like,” Ritsuko instructed Misato

“It feels…like fat.” Misato’s eyes were wide at the revelation. Units 00 and 02 were in a similar state and multiple engineers were putting new armored plates over the flesh.

“That’s because the EVAs are living creatures which means they have bones, muscles, organs, skins, and fat” Ritsuko slapped the giant belly which jiggled like a massive ocean.

“But why are they like this? What happened?”

“We’re still figuring it out. Our goal right now is replating the armor, we’re working around the clock. We’re utterly defenseless at the moment.

Misato smiled somewhat, “Well Asuka and Shinji are enjoying themselves. They must be at 400 pounds by now. It was nice of you to get them this big.”

“Well, it served our purposes, when they’re unplugged it’ll potentially save them.”

Ritsuko took a cigarette and put it to her chubby lips. She lit it and blew out smoke.

“We’ve examined the entry plug cavity. It can fit a bigger plug.”

Misato turned to her, shocked, “Are you implying they’re growing to match the pilots?”

Ritsuko took another drag.

“That's my current hypothesis.”


“MMMM, that was so good Shinji!”

Asuka and Shinji were in bed. In this unexpected “Vacation” they were spending it binging and making love.

“Can you believe we’re 400 pounds already?”

Asuka grabbed her belly and lifted it up to shake, the fat sloshing like liquid lard.

“I didn’t think it’d be so fast,” Shinji scooted up in the bed, his belly surging out and covering his privates and shaking his floppy flabby moobs.

Asuka reached for another cigarette and lit it, savoring the tobacco as she inhaled and then exhaled. She then reached for a slice of meat lovers pizza and put it to his mouth.

“Open up Shinji, you may be 400 pounds but I want you fatter!”

Asuka could be such a feeder at times and she loved watching Shinji eat. Shinji opened his mouth and Asuka passively hand fed Shinji. Asuka’s bloated upper arms jiggled as he dangled the pizza above his mouth.

Shinji ate and ate, Asuka had introduced him to fat fetishism and while he hadn’t been used to at first, the fact Asuka was giving him so much attention and more importantly, love, that it made it all worth it and he grew to enjoy  being a fat boy.

When he finished the slice he moaned as Asuka rubbed his fat belly, “Thank you Asuka.”

“No problem. I’m going to get more beer.” Asuka scooted out of bed, her blobby body shaking. Her legs and arms looked meaty and inflated and he belly hung over her privates. Her buttocks, full and dimpled, jiggled loosely and had lost all sense of shape, bloated like a sack of cottage cheese. Asuka bent over slightly and let out a loud fart before she waddled out of the bedroom.

Asuka sighed at the feeling of gravity pulling on his mass. Her fat dangled, including her breasts which had tremendous tit sag. Reaching the refrigerator Asuka grinned seeing the beet. Since embracing her fat fetish Asuka had also taken to drinking and smoking, she was practically a hedonist, however Asuka would rather call herself a big fat pig.

Misato returned to the apartment and saw Asuka’s dimply butt sticking out in front of the fridge. Misato grinned and slapped Asuka on the butt.

“Eee!” Asuka squealed and let out a low groaning fart.

“Stealing my beer again?” Misato crossed her arms.

“It’s not even good beer, German beer is superior.”

Misato looked at her “Aren’t you going to get dressed?”

Asuka glanced down at her fat body and smiled, “Shinji and I got done making love.”

Misato made a weirded out face, “That’s…way too much information. Alright, fine, just…buy your own beer Asuka!”

“Fine, be that way.” Asuka laughed confidently and took another drag of her cigarette and drank her beer while she waddled to the kitchen, passing gas along the way.

Asuka returned to the room and giggled, getting back into bed.

“Misato gave me shit for stealing her beer.”

“I mean, it is her beer, Asuka.”

Asuka giggled as she rested her head on his flabby moob, “You’re a dork Shinji, a goody two shoes and for whatever reason I think that’s attractive.”

Shinji turned his double chinned face away while Asuka spoke. This whole thing still felt weird to him. Not in a bad way, but in the sense of it being a dream.

Was this really real?

Asuka soon finished her cigarette and squashed it on the ashtray on the side of the bed, it had multiple butts from a previous pack.

“You really like cigarettes now, don’t you?”

Asuka turned and grinned, showing yellowed teeth from all her smoking. “I’m addicted to cigarettes,” She said in that proud arrogant way, that turned Shinji on. She leaned over and kissed him, she used tongue and her mouth tasted like cigarettes.

Asuka then moaned, “Move that belly I’m gonna ride you.”

Shinji scooted back down, shaking his moobs and lifted his belly to expose himself. Asuka started to squat and inserted him into her.

“Ooohh” Asuka moaned, her tongue hanging out as she started to ride him. She let out a few farts, her horrible diet creating a horrible gas problem. But Asuka was so arrogant she didn’t care if her farts stink, they came from her and that trumps everything. Asuka’s body shook like jello and the sound of fat slapped against fat could be heard in the room.

Shinji moaned, a 400 pound redhead coming down on him was alot, but it felt so good he was on cloud nine. It didn’t take long for the both of them to start sweating, all this activity was too much for their blubbery bodies.

“Oh fuck!” Asuka started to breathe heavily and she could feel her heart palpitate. “Oh, I can hear my heart going!” She grinned, sweat pouring off and onto him.

“NNN Shinji! My fatty heart beats for you!”

That was more than enough for Shinji to cum into her and she fell forward onto him, their fat quaking and Shinji groaned feeling the air get compressed out of him.

They hadn’t gone long, but at their sizes they had such little stamina. They were such lard balls that oftentimes they didn’t finish, either they got out of breath or their hearts would beat way too fast.

Asuka rolled off Shinji like a blob and cuddled up to him, her heavy breathing being pushed into Shinji’s ear.

“Oh Shinji, that was so good. One of these days you’re gonna fuck me into a heart attack.”

Shinji, who was panting too, closed his eyes “Don’t say something like that.”

Asuka, whose heart was beating like a jackhammer, swallowed hard and grinned, “I’m telling you Shinji. Nerv is,” She paused to catch her breath before continuing “So advanced, they could keep us alive at a thousand pounds. You’re going to have the fattest girl in the world for a girlfriend, Shinji.”

Shinji closed his eyes, unable to concentrate.


At school the next day Shinji and Asuka waddled into class holding hands. Taking their seats Asuka produced some chips and started to hand feed Shinji. “Come on Shinji, eat up.” Shinji once more passively accepted every bite.

“Gotta make you fatter,” She told the already morbidly obese boy. She spoke loud with confidence. The other students looked disgusted at the two pigs, but especially at Asuka.

Getting fat on purpose and farting up a storm. How disgusting.

Just then Rei entered and waddled to her seat by the window. Asuka grinned and heaved herself up. “Guess what Wonder Girl, I’m 400 pounds! That means I’m better than you.”

Rei, who was already 370 pounds, ignored Asuka.

“Well! Say something you doll!” Asuka yelled at her and even let out a fart in frustration.

Rei looked up at Asuka and said in her usual low, almost whisper of a voice

“You are disgusting, pilot Soryu. The EVAs are complete and we begin ration testing again.”

Asuka blushed at Rei’s comment. While she hated Rei she also got off on being shamed. Asuka retreated to her desk with Shinji and tried to remove what happened from her head.

The testing was to begin again

To Be Continued


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