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Part 7: Measuring Love

As the shadows of the California palm trees passed up Jesse once more down towards Beverly Hills, only this time wearing an extra hundred pounds on his  unbelievable body. His yellow SUV, custom made by his daddy so it could fit all of daddy's little fatty, was now straining to hold the blubbery girly boy. His feminine rolls were spreading out everyone like pancake mix. Soft flab was even spilling over into the cup holders on the side,  creating a unique feeling for the girlish whale of a boy.

His comfy pink supersize tracksuit was no longer fitting well. His pink jacket couldn't cover all of his stomach blubber, the mass of lard oozing out from under it while he was seated as he was. His blubbery flab was still bronzed from the vacation, the tan color being the only semblance of good health. Stretch marks coated him everywhere, such was the results of Maria's efforts.

Pulling up to Rachael's large house was Rachael herself, her hair now cut into a spunky pixie cut.

Rolling down the window Jesse's blubber bloated face beamed widely "Hey there babe!" Jesse breathy greeted his friend. Getting inside the car Rachael could hear the husky breathing echo in the SUV. Hearing the raspy breathing excited her tremendously. "Alright, let's pick up Courtney!" Jesse exclaimed before Rachael added "let's get you some food on the way."

"Ooh, thats a good idea," Jesse said as his tummy rumbled in response. Jesse didn't even consider all her options, instead following Rachael's desires to a tee. It wasn't her place to think after all.

"I wanna order" Rachael said at the drive though and started crawling over Jesse's flab, making the enormous boy laugh. Rachael had to suppress a giggle as she laid across the mound of tummy fat. "This is a looot of fat." She giggled before putting in order for four baconators and three large fries, as well as two giant frosties

The two of them parked and switched places for Jesse to gorge freely in the passenger seat. As Rachael drove to Courtney's, Courtney was putting the final touches on a cake she had made for her husband Bill. Bill was already beached on the couch already stuffed from a previous feast.

"Here's a cake for a nice lunch time dessert." She placed the tray down, put her hands on her hips and smiled at the massive fat husband she had created. Bill, a swollen man, looked up at his skinny wife in her white capris and yellow shirt, “isn’t this a bit much? My heart is racing so bad.”

Courtney let out a heartfelt laugh and leaned in to give her massive husband a hug, “Now you don’t worry about anything. I want to see this cake finished when I get home.”

Bill only nodded as Courtney made her way to the door. Once outside she saw the yellow SUV coming into view and she grinned. While she loved Bill very much and adored her miserably fattened husband Jesse was something special, a freak of nature she wanted to be a part of.

Once the car pulled up, Rachael left the car and the SUV shook when Jesse heaved himself out. Courtney couldn’t help but grab big handfuls of Jesse’s overflowing fat that wasn’t covered by the smaller outfit. She grinned looking the young blob over. It was almost comical seeing these two typical blondes standing next to a man (who looked like a lady) that weighed more than both of them combined! It was like standing next to a full grown bear, Jesse was so big.

“I think I might have gone up a size,” Jesse said with an oblivious giggle at her exposed stretchmarks. Rachael grinned, “It’s a great look for you girl.” Courtney nodded, adding “Well, lets help you into the backseat, we’ve gotta go measure your dress!”

It was a two girl operation, shoving on each of Jesse’s buttocks, a sliver of his girly butt crack was sticking out. Both Rachael and Courtney where having a ball touching Jesse’s fat ass, getting him inside. Once he was settled Courtney put the wendy bag over to him.

“Come on, finish it all. We need you nice and bloated so they can get the correct measurements." Rachael instructed Jesse to eat and eat, and eat was just what he did. He finished the fourth baconator with a piggish belch and worked on the fries, dipping handfuls of fries into one cup and drinking from the other.

By the time they made it to the bridal store Jesse felt stuffed, in fact the massive boy almost didn't want to leave the car. "Oh, I think I need a nap," Jesse yawned, cramped in his seat. Rachael laughed, "Come on Jesse, we have an appointment." Jesse let out a lethargic sigh and started to shuffle his womanly bulk, sending the SUV into a wobbling fit as the fat boy tried to get out of the increasingly cramped car.

Rachael and Courtney both cheered at the rocking car, “Wooo! Shake that car baby!”

Inside Patrice Konning laid out a dozen donuts next to a spacious couch, as was requested by her 2 o’clock appointment. Helping the ultra rich of Beverly Hills find the perfect dress included fulfilling any sort of odd request. A sizable couch ordinarily wouldn’t be counted as odd or weird considering the larger size of the clientele she served, but a box of donuts? Well that was just weird, considering even plus size brides would be wanting to limit their indulgences.

But when Patrice saw Jesse slowly waddle into her store it quickly became apparent why such a gluttonous request would be made. Observing Jesse’s massive corpulence it was clear this was a person that liked to indulge.

“Hello there! Jesse, right?” Patrice extended a hand to Jesse’s round chubby paw and quickly realized this was no woman. The opening riff and Steven Tyler belting out “Dude Looks Like A Lady” blasted through Patrice’s mind and she gave a kind smile. Perhaps this person was transgender? In anycase, it made no difference to her. She would give this fat bride the best service possible.

“Hiii!” Jesse smiled, still a tad out of breath from his stuffing. “Is that, oh, it is! The couch I requested thank you!” Jesse slowly made his way to the couch, his breathing heavy and loud. “We just came here from Wendy’s so we’re a little full,” Rachael explained as Courtney helped Jesse settle his 500 pounds of boy blubber onto the couch. A wave of relief washed over Jesse’s moon face when he sat down. Courtney sat down in the spare space and opened the white donut box while Rachael just stood.

Patrice brought out her dress book and took her own seat close to them. She flipped through the pages, “As you can see, we have plenty of styles to choose from.”

While Jesse looked, Courtney fed him donuts. Patrice smiled, “I suppose you’re not waiting for the honeymoon to indulge?”

Jesse giggled and shook his head, saying “My future husband likes me a little chubby.”

Patrice had to laugh at Jesse’s honesty “Hey that’s wonderful, living every girls dream hun! Every style in this book is flattering to a full figured woman.”

Around a mouthful of donut Jesse pointed at a dress, “That one!”

“This one?” Patrice asked, pointing to a lacy dress with a long train.

“Oh that’s a good one,” Courtney said with amazement and Rachael nodded in agreement.

“I want it because it has lace sleeves,” Jesse told them, which made them laugh.

“Okay, then let's do some measurements. Jesse, can you undress to your undergarments so I can get the most accurate measure?” Patrice asked Jesse, who nodded.


Jesse began to try and stand, but with Wendy’s fast food in his belly and his general lethargy he was having great difficulty.

“Ooooooh! Come on! Poo!” Jesse grunted and groaned, trying to lift his titanic couch-filling ass, but was just plain unable to stand under his own power, he had eaten himself into a state of temporary immobility. Finally he looked to his girlfriends, “Help me!” Both Rachael and Courtney jumped to it, grasping his swollen forearms. “Hnnnn, it’s okay fatso,” Rachael tried to reassure the stuck pig.

Patrice watched in abject amazement at the spectacle of Jesse slowly rising like the sun peaking out over the distant east. Once on his feet Jesse started to breath heavily, his plump ladylike lips wide open to collect his breath.

“Don’t worry Jesse, we’ll take care of this.” Courtney winked and started to pull down his pink sweatpants, showing Patrice his wobbling cellulite thighs and his countless dimples. His calves were as round as coffee cans and they were trembling at keeping the whale of a boy up. His belly apron dropped out from under his ill fitting jacket, covering

Rachael took off his pink jacket to reveal a simple white shirt underneath which was also ill fitting. His stomach was hanging all the way out of his top. The wobbling, quivering, sack of fat was hanging close to his knees. His sleeves were also cutting into his huge flabby upper arms that dangled close to his elbows.

Without his pink sweatsuit Patrice was astonished at his body. He looked like a girl! It was nearly identical in figure, all the fat did was make his figure almost comically feminine. She had never seen anything like this and was quickly drawn in the same way Rachael and Courtney were.

Shaking her head back to her senses Patrice got an extra long measuring tape, “Okay, measurements.”

“Make it quick” Jesse puffed, now being stabilized by Rachael and Courtney.

Patrice first wrapped the tape measure around his chest. Patrice tried to be professional and suppressed the giddy squeal when her hands brushed against his massive moobs.

“Oh my! 56 in the chest.” Patrice exclaimed to which Courtney snickered, “I know, I’m pretty jealous of him.”

Next was the arms, Patrice wrapped it around the pudding soft arms.

“32 inches!” Patrice called out and Rachael played with the dangling flab “He’s got arms as big as some bodybuilders, except it’s not muscle, just pure fat.”

“Can I sit now?” Jesse whined but Courtney pushed a donut in his mouth, “Just a bit longer, fatty.”

Next was the waist, Patrice wrapped the furthest point of Jesse’s girth.

“66 inches! It must be nice having a man that likes this” Patrice said and couldn’t help but give her belly a small pat.

Jesse was breathing heavily now and his heart was beating ever so fast from doing nothing. “H-h-hurry up” Jesse puffed out.

“Okay and lastly the hips,”  Patrice said and wrapped the tape around before saying out loud “71 inches! You’re bottom heavy, huh?”

“She spends most of her days sitting and getting pampered by her man,” Courtney grinned and slapped Jesse’s ass, sending waves of fat moving about.

“Are we done?” Jesse’s face was turning red.

“Yes we sure are, you can sit now.”

Jesse let go of her breath and fell back onto the couch, which immediately snapped

There was an awkward silence, save for Jesse trying to catch his breath.

“We can *puff* Write *wheeze* a check.”

Hours later Jesse flopped onto the couch, his face was still beat red.

Maria came out with a bucket full of butter, “Too much exercise, senorita?” she asked.

“Yes…hoo…just…oh I’m pooped.”

“I bet you are, a senorita like you has to take it easy. Now open up and eat your butter,” Maria took a big spoonful of butter, “it’ll make you fatter senorita.”

Jesse passively opened his mouth and allowed Maria to feed him, enjoying the creamy taste. Just then Alex walked into the room and saw what was going on.

“Dejanos” Alex said and Maria got up, taking the bucket with her.

Without saying anything Alex quickly undressed the elephantine boy and rolled him onto his front. He shoved his brown penis straight up Jesse’s hole.

“Ooooh! OH!” Jesse moaned and moaned, painfully overstuffed and overexericsed.

“NNN! Daddy! I picked out a wedding dress!” He moaned, but Alex only shouted “Callate la boca!”

Alex went harder and faster, repeating the words “Cerda gorda, cerda gorda!”

Jesse tried to lift his fat ass higher for his daddy to fuck, but his ass was just too heavy so he laid there taking it.

Finally Alex exploded in his ass and pulled out while Jesse continued to lay there and breath heavily.

After cleaning himself up Alex said, “Good gordita. Soon you will be mah wife and you will always obey me.”

“Yes daddy! You are my daddy and I’m going to be your wife and i will always be obedient to my husband!”

Alex smiled and traced his big brown hand across Jesse’s sweaty blonde locks.

“Good Gordita.”

To Be Continued


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