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Harley’s Hyper-Pregnancy
By FC Punk

Chapter One: Conception

Harley had to walk about the hall of Pam’s green covered hideout with giddy joy. She spread her arms out and spun and twisted, she could practically shout at how much cheer was in her villainous heart. She raised her hand to the light and grinned at the shine coming off the huge diamond ring she and Ivy had stolen from a jewelry store.

“Harley will you marry me?” Pam had asked, holding the insanely beautiful heavy ring up to Harley. “Oh YES! YES!” Harley jumped onto Ivy, Ivy catching her legs and Harley wrapping her chalk white arms over ivy’s green neck as she kissed her deeply.

That was then and now Harley was spinning and spinning right into Ivy’s lab.

Ivy looked up from trimming  at Harley’s twisting and asked “Herley what are you doing?”

“I’m pretending I’m a pretty princess in my wedding dress!” Harley announced.

Ivy rolled her eyes “Well can you pretend to be a princess somewhere else, the lab is a dangerous place to be twirling around like Julie Andrews.”

“It’s not dang-er…” Harley moaned as she found herself dizzy; her equilibrium becoming so out of whack she tripped herself and fell back, knocking over a green vile that poured into an open can of soda.

“Harley…” Ivy groaned at the disastrous clown.

“I’m fine by the way” Harley stuck her tongue out at her and got back up. Letting out a sigh of relief Harley licked her lips, “Oof, all that spinning really kicks up a thirst.” Harley took the soda and started to drink.

“Hey! I just opened that,” Ivy complained while watching the chalk skinned girl chug the soda.

Harley finished drinking it and wiped her lips on her wrist, chuckling “You saying you drank from this first, Red? You know that’s sorta like kissing.”

“Out!” Ivy pointed to the door, all the while bearing a smirk that showed despite Ivy’s annoyance at Harley’s silliness and flirtations. Harley could clearly see it and giggled, “Alright, alright. Dinner still at five?”

The moment the question left Harley’s lips Harley felt her stomach grumble.

“Ooooh, I think I’m gonna start dinner early Pam, I’m starving all of a sudden.”

“What? Harley, it’s only one. Why don’t you order delivery or something before then.”

“Alright, I’ll see you later.”

Harley left the lab and fell back into a stack of bags of money from their latest heist. Putting in an order she pulled out forty dollars from a stray money bag and put her hand on her toned stomach before feeling her stomach grumble again. “Sheesh, what the heck is-” Harley started to say before her face turned green, feeling sick to her stomach. “Ooooh,” she moaned out and got to her feet as fast as she could and ran to the bathroom while holding her mouth.

Dropping to her knees Harley put her face to the toilet seat and vomited into the bowl.

“Hurrrrk!  Urkk Urrk!” Harley blew chunks and moaned, resting her face on the toilet seat.

“What’s wrong with me?”

One Week Later

“Are those stretch marks?” Ivy asked her from her and Harley’s bed

Harley, in her bra and panties, was checking herself out in the mirror. “Yeah they are,” Harley said in amazement, turning to her side and to the other before touching the red streaks that went up her newfound love handles and around her lower belly which was looking puffed up and soft. The red marks coated her chalk white body like strawberry syrup on vanilla ice cream.

Harley grasped her pudgy midriff and jiggled her slight belly roll that was hanging over the waistband of her black panties “What have you been feeding me?”

“Me? I’ve just been feeding you what you ask, you’re the one that's been eating like a pig. Anyways,” Ivy got out of bed and grasped Harley’s bulging chalk white love handles telling her “I kinda like it”

Harley was surprised. “Really Red? I never took you for the chubby chaser type.” Ivy shrugged while still holding onto the patches of fat deposits that were piled on Harley’s sides “It’s cute, seeing you chubby.” Ivy turned Harley to the side, “You look pregnant Harley,” she breathed deeply in Harley’s ear.

Harley took Ivy’s hand and put it on her pot, “Well you know, it’s yours.” She winked as she said it and Ivy smirked back, “I would better hope so. I don’t want to partner with some slut.” Ivy smirked and poked the squishy roll. “No, this is my doing. I suppose I have been spoiling you a bit.”

The two of them kissed and fell back on the bed, wearing only a t-shirt over her green body. Harley grabbing Ivy’s boobs and Ivy grabbing Harley’s enlarged butt. Ivy’s hands squeezed big handfuls of Harley’s butt blubber and made Harley moaning lewdly with every grope. “Nnn-oh!” Harley’s pleasure filled voice escaped her lips.

“Nnnng! Mmmmm! Well mama has a craving for some bacon this morning!”

Ivy smirked and gave Harley’s belly another squeeze and went to the kitchen, leaving Harley in bed. Harley peered down at her stomach and patted it, observing the jiggle that followed. “Jiggle jiggle,” Harley giggled while playing with her fat. “I’ve gotta get a handle on this,” Harley thought out loud before chuckling to herself, amused by her own body, "Eh, but a few curves aren't so bad. Sometimes change is good.”

As time went on Harley’s changes continued unabated, especially her appetite. Ivy would often watch in amazement at how insatiable Harley was. At every meal Harley would chow down on whatever Ivy would bring her.

During one of these times, where Harley was  hunched over the table eating breakfast  like it was the end of the world, Ivy would watch in sheer curious amazement. A pig. A duck. Harley ate like some sort of farm animal by the way she kept shoving syrupy buttery pancakes into her mouth.

“Food goes in,” Ivy muttered to herself while observing Harley’s systematic consumption.

“What was that?” Harley asked the green plant woman.

“I was just amazed by your eating”

Harley laughed, “Yeah I know, I’ve really been ravenous lately. Like yesterday I ate an entire pint of ice cream and then I finished an entire bag of chips.”

Ivy looked Harley over, Harley’s chalk white face was softening up and her slight belly from before was now a bonafide pot belly. Her ass had also taken on the excessive calories and turned it into lard, filling up her seat. Her boobs had also swelled, pushing out her t-shirt she was wearing.

“Are you bothered by this? No offense Harley, but you’re getting kinda fat now. It was cute at first, but now I’m getting concerned.”

“Eh, don’t worry about it, I’m not. I kinda like the changes, look at how big my tits are now!” Harley got up and bounced in place, her improved bust bobbing under her shirt. Ivy could only smirk “Alright little miss big tits, if you’re okay with it i’m okay with it. Do you want more pancakes?”

“Hell yeah, bring them on!”

And so Ivy put no mind to why Harley was growing bigger by the day, in fact Ivy began to find amusement in Harley’s swelling figure. There was such a morbid curiosity to Ivy. How much can Harley eat? How much bigger can her tits swell?

Another change in Harley started to occur that Ivy started to notice.

“Reeeed,” Harley singsonged while Ivy was working in her lab and looking through a microscope. Harley hugged Ivy from behind and buried her face in her red hair, taking deep sniffs

“Paam, your flower is thirsty,” Harley whined. she had become extra affectionate and horny lately.

“Is that right?” Ivy said nonchalantly while still looking through the microscope. Harley whined and moved her head down to Ivy’s neck where she latched herself and started to suck it.

“Nnn Harley. Really.”

Harley let out a thirsty growl as she sucked on the side of Ivy’s neck. Ivy saw this and had to laugh.

“Wow, thirsty is right.”

Harley let go of Ivy’s neck and left a hickie on Ivy’s green skin.

“I’ve been having these weird mood swings lately.”

Suddenly a shocked expression washed over her face, her eyes instantly blowing up wide.

“Pam, I’m pregnant!” she exclaimed and put her hands to her bulging tummy. Ivy’s eyes grew wide as well. “Impossible! Do you need to take a test?”

“My body knows better than any test.”

Harley stood up and lifted her shirt to show Ivy her chalk white belly. Ivy examined the protruding belly, tracing her hand all over it. It had swollen outwards, a fleshy ball had evolved from a simple jelly roll on Harley’s middle. Harley’s navel looked deep and Harley let out a squeal when she felt Ivy dig her finger in.

Ivy pushed on the pot with the palm of her hand, feeling soft jiggly fat when suddenly she felt a kick.

“Oh my God, did you feel that Pam!” Harley exclaimed in such a squealing way it hurt Ivy’s ears.

“That was definitely a kick. You were right Harley, you’re pregnant.”

“It explains everything! Why I get sick every morning, why I’ve been having mood swings like crazy, and why I’ve gotten so fricken fat!”

Ivy stared at Harley’s belly in disbelief. “I thought you were just getting fat. This is unnatural, you look like you’re already 2 months pregnant, that can’t be right, it’s too fast.”

“Yeah and besides that, we’re monogamous, I’m not sleeping with anyone else! What do we do?” Harley looked at Ivy with worry.

Ivy shook her head before saying “I’m going to run some tests, maybe an ultrasound…”

“An ultrasound? How are we gong to do that?”


At the clinic Ivy walked with Harley right behind her. A collection of bodies laid on the floor, knocked out by a sprinkling of a compound Harley put into the vents. It was derived from the poppy flower, leaving everyone in a state of numb bliss.

Entering an office containing an ultrasound machine Ivy groaned, “Oh for the love of.” Slumped over a chair was the doctor and on the table was a mother. Ivy pulled the mother off and Harley hopped on.

“Now the fun part,” Ivy said while squirting gel onto Harley’s stomach. Harley moaned pleasurably as Ivy rubbed the instrument into Harley’s belly. Ivy pressed and pressed, tracing it along Harley’s belly.

“I think I want you to start rubbing lotion on my belly when we get back, Red.”

Ivy smiled at the chalk white woman she was performing this on and said, “I’ll definitely start doing that, it should help with the stretch marks, you’re bound to get more of them….alright now let’s see…”

Ivy concentrated on the monitor and soon they could see a figure.

“Oh my God Ivy there it is!” Harley became emotional and started to cry upon seeing the little baby inside her stomach.

Ivy grinned at it, “Well now we know for sure Harley. You’re pregnant!”

As Ivy said that Harley’s stomach rumbled, “I think the baby’s hungry!”

Ivy leaned down and said “Looks like I’ll have to feed him then, and you for that matter.”

Ivy kissed Harley on the lips.

“You’re eating for two now.”

To Be Continued…


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