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Chapter 11: Sam the Beached Whale

”It doesn't look too good,” Hildi said looking over your scooter.

At the campus garage the Gear Club was taking a special look at your scooter. Ever since you had come back to school with a new heart and carrying a half ton of flab on your body your scooter had been running excruciatingly slow. Miss Emily had taken it to the Gear Club for tune ups multiple times, but it still performed poorly.

”What's the damage,” you ask looking at the scooter that was lifted up so Hildi and her club could get a better look. Hildi was dressed in a red mechanics jumpsuit with many wrenches sticking out of her pockets. She had oil stains on her suit and her hands were filthy.

”Well, it's very simple” Hildi waved a hand making her enormous bags of fat on her upper arms wobble like jelly. The pear shaped heiress to a scooter company pointed out all the problems.. “This chair is simply overloaded. I know this is one of my company’s chairs and what they can withstand and I’d say this one is one cookie away from reaching its limit.”

You blush, delighted at the reality of the weight of your soft heft.

“What do you recommend, Hildi?”

“You’ve got to get a custom job done. Built from scratch. You might even call it a commission, because assembling the perfect scooter might be called an artform.”

“Do you think your company could build me one?”

Hildi wiped her dirty hands on a rag, “Ja, if you give me the specifics I’ll consult my mutti for an estimation.”

“But Sam, how will you get around? You’re too big for a cane,” Miss Emily questioned you, but you giggled, “Mary can just give me a piggyback ride!”

Mary looked down at you and did a scan taking you all in.

“It would be more logical to continue using your scooter despite how slow it is now.”

You laugh, “Haha, I was just joking Mary. But I wonder, would it be possible?”

Mary flipped open a panel in her arm and pulled out a candy bar. She unwrapped it and fed you slowly. “It is possible, but a half ton is still a half ton. I could feasibly carry you, but I would be just as slow as that scooter.”

You pouted cutely before saying, “But it can be done, right?”

Mary calculated the possibilities and probabilities and said, “I suppose I could try.”

It was quite the scene, seeing you get lifted by Mary. Your hammy arms grasped onto Mary for dear life, but Mary could not get a good grasp of you, there was just too much flab to get a good grip. “Miss Lang, this might not be a good idea…” Mary mumbled before she fell to one knee and you lost your grip; flopping down on your side that shook the entire garage to the point your scooter fell off its lift and smashed onto the ground. The other girls in the garage wobbled, many losing their balance much like Hildi who fell back down on her giant ass which luckily was well padded.

“Samantha!” Emily yelled out as she got up from the ground. You look up seeing Emily’s annoyed face. “That was foolish” Miss Emily scolded you and you could only giggle while on the ground.

“I’m sorry Miss Emily, I wanted to see if Mary could do it.”

Mary got up as well, adjusting her Ray Ban shades over her glowing red eyes “Forgive me Miss Emily, it was too much weight.”

“Obviously,” Emily pinched the bridge of her nose and looked around at the garage seeing the wrecked scooter and Hildi and the other members of the Gear Club all struggling on the ground like a bunch of fat slugs.

“I’ll call the Hall Monitors.”

It was a large-scale operation, the Hall Monitors who were called to the rescue of any student who fell and needed assistance were pushed to their limits. Many different Marys assisted the Monitors as they operated cranes trying to lift the students. A crane lifted you up until you were at eye level with Miss Emily.

“Miss Emily?”

“Yes Sam?”

“I want to go back to the dorm and binge!”


With your scooter destroyed you really did need a custom job done by Hildi’s family. Alas, you had to wait for it to be built and then shipped to Monroe, which meant you were stuck in your bed effectively immobile. Wearing only your pink muumuu nightgown you were absent from the school. Confined to your dorm suite at least you had Lizzie to keep you company.

The feeding hose was in constant use as you and Lizzie watched anime together, your lips sucking down all the chocolate you could with the tube dangling above you when you weren’t using it.

The wait was the hardest part as you wanted to go out and go to class and gorge at the cafeteria, but there was just no way to move you. After Mary was recovered she resumed her duties but was wiser to follow her protocols.

Your friends in the International Club made sure to visit you considering you couldn’t go to them. Entire club sessions were conducted in your dorm, there was more than enough room and there was a kitchen that was put to good use.

During Nina’s day where the club was having tandoori chicken Hildi noted, “You look fatter Sam.”

You could only giggle at the compliment “Do you really think so?”

Adele forked some vindaloo lamb curry into her mouth, nodding “Yeah it’s pretty obvious. You look wider.”

Kiko grasped a dangling flap of flab and shook it, “Kanojo wa kujira to onaji kurai futotte iru” she said in sheer amazement at the scale of blubber that you were covered in. Hildi chuckled at what Kiko had said, “Yeah, or some other kind of animal like a walrus or an elephant seal”

Sophia laughed and took a bite of her naan bread “It’s true Sam, all that sitting on your butt and sucking that tube is working wonders.”

“You should see her, she spends hours on that thing.” Lizzie laughed, enjoying this session of the International Club as a special guest.

Kiko grew a naughty little smirk, “Kanojo wa suu no ga sukidesu”

Hildi gasped, “Kiko!”

“What did she say?” You asked, curious at Hildi’s reaction.

“She likes to suck.”

You went into a laughing fit, your blobby body wobbling like a jello mold.

“Glad you weren’t offended,” Hildi chuckled as you heaved an arm up to wipe a tear from your eye.

“No, it was very good. Yes Kiko, I do like to suck, I loooove to suck this tube all day long.” You give Kiko a naughty wink.

Adele took another mouthful of curry, “We hope this won’t be too long, you’re a valuable member of the club Sam.”

Hildi then said “My mutti gave me the blueprints and an estimate of the scooter.” Hildi’s butt swayed as she got up and handed you a set of papers. You unfolded the paper to reveal the design of the scooter itself. Unlike the three tires of before, this one had four tires and they were huge.

“It’s stronger and more durable and more comfortable. The materials are made from lunar metals so you know it’s made for quality. It also has four wheel drive in case you get stuck somewhere.”

You looked over the blueprints and couldn’t get the smile off your face. “I don’t care about the price, I need this done.”

Hildi gave a thumbs up and pulled out her phone, turning her back to her friends. Doing so made her enormous sacks of lard she called her butt to clap together. “She does that just to show off her butt,” Sophia snickered as did you and your friends while staring at how the bottom most part of Hildi’s cellulite cheeks hung out of the green skirt.

They heard German being spoken before Hildi hung up and turned back around Hildi grinned “The production has commenced Sam! If things work out right it should be here in time for the dance.”

“Oh that’s right! The dance!” You exclaimed. In your newfound beached status you had completely forgotten about it.

Later on that evening Sheena visited you and pouted at your bed boundness.

“I know I promised to take you dress shopping, but, well, I just can’t now.”

Sheena sighed and laid on the side of your belly, sinking into the new fresh lard. Your girth was so big Sheena didn’t even have to leave her feet.

“It’s disappointing but I get it. Fat’s gotten in the way of lots of things. My mother and sister often didn’t join me in events because it was too much walking.” She nuzzled her face in your blubber, the fat oddly comforting Sheena as she hugged it.

“Hey now, don’t be sad. We’ll just have dress makers come to us! Don’t worry about a thing, you’ll have your dress and I’ll have my scooter, everything will be fine.”

Sheena sighed, “I hope so.”


Meanwhile, across the Iron Curtain in Yalta on the southern coast of Soviet Ukraine in the USSR Sabrina Hart was sunbathing along with her friend Anya. Sabrina was taking in the waves of the black sea while enjoying the mediterranean climate of Crimea. Sabrina was happy to be what she described as a “visitor of peace.” Anya wanted to show her the hospitality of her communist home and Yalta was just the place to show off.

To Sabrina’s amazement the majority of the people on this beach were thin! It was always explained in school that after the Second World War the world was divided into different “worlds”: The first world of America and the “west”, the second world of the USSR and its fellow communists, and the third world of nations unaligned to either.

It was said when the US and the western world embraced flabbiness sometime in the late 60s the second world recoiled in horror and on this side of the iron curtain it was like Marilyn Monroe never existed. Wherever Sabrina looked she was the fattest person these people had ever seen, same with Anya the spoiled daughter of an Apparatchik who was able to consume American products to the point of being over a thousand pounds, just like Sabrina . Their combined 1 ton heft was enough to attract all the attention in the world, these skinny Ukranians couldn’t stop staring.

“Are you enjoying this?” Anya asked, wearing her red one piece swimsuit with the yellow hammer and sickle spread out over her belly.

Sabrina smiled pleasantly as a worker brought a Pizza Hart box for her. Sabrina smiled at the Russian written in cyrillic, “You have a beautiful country Anya, thank you for inviting me. It’s been enlightening.” Anya smiled, “The west has this idea of the USSR that is totally unrealistic. Nothing but western propaganda.” Anikka came up and gave Anya her injection, making Anya wince. “Oooh, I hate my insulin injections!” Anya squealed like a pig as the needle poking out of Anikka’s finger pricked her and then pulled out, Anikka disposing of the needle.

After recovering from her shot the communist whale reached for a slice of pizza, a trail of greasy cheese was stretched out from the pizza. Anya ate rather piggishly, getting cheese and sauce all over her mouth. At over a thousand pounds both Sabrina and Anya looked like their faces were sinking somewhat into their own fat.

After she finished her slice the communist bovine smacked her lips in satisfaction before saying “I wish to be crowned the queen at the dance.”

Sabrina swallowed, she had been planning on rigging it so SHE would have been crowned queen. But Anya did invite her to this wonderful trip. Sabrina then realized she was on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain. She was not in a friendly country, this was Anya’s domain. The soldiers that flanked Anikka on either side made Sabrina gulp.

“S-sure. It-it would be a perfect way to-to promote peace!” Sabrina stammered, clearly intimidated by all this.

“Otlichno,” Anya muttered before turning her attention back to the Black Sea. Sabrina did as well. She and Anya would be leaving tomorrow morning and now Sabrina couldn’t wait to get out of the Soviet Union.

Her heart beat ever so fast as the anxiety consumed her.


Over the next few weeks you continued to guzzle down the fattening fluid that was pumped into your mouth by the tube. You sucked on the tube like a baby calf sucked on its mother. You sucked today as Mary and Miss Emily washed you and Sheena was being measured by dress designers.

“Thank God I have you to help me now Mary.” Emily puffed out air trying to lift one of your stray rolling folds on your side. “There is no need to thank me, Miss Lang must be clean, she simply must or she will stink.” Mary said.

“Hey!” You cried out as Mary shoved a round sponge into one of your stray back rolls, “I don’t stink do i?” You ask self consciously. Emily shhhs you while digging her arm deep in a fold, “Everyone stinks when they don’t take a bath. That’s why we have to clean every” Emily groaned, lifting one more heavy slab of flab “Nook,” she washed the inside of it “And cranny!” She then dropped the flab down, sending the area into a wobbling fit.

You blush, feeling a rare sense of humility. “Thank you for washing me. I literally can’t do anything without your help. I’m a whale.”

“A beautiful whale.” Miss Emily said, tucking the sponge under your jowls and chins to get everything cleaned.

“I still can’t believe I'm getting this done. I’m just from some suburb in California, I’m literally a nobody and I’m getting measured for a dress to a party. Anything is possible with money I guess.”

You giggle while being washed like a giant car, “Anything is possible indeed. I just hope my scooter is ready in time for the ball.”

You latch onto the tub and continue to suck and pack the pounds away.

Two months pass and you still use the tube. Lizzie watched from her mobility scooter in amazement, “You’re really fat, you know that Sam?”

You could only gurgle on the fattening mix in delight. Your flab was getting flab and your new rolls were forming in places you never knew you could get.

Mary did a scan of you.

“Samantha Lang
Height: 5’4
Weight: 1567”

The news made you moan in delight. You had packed on 563 pounds of pure flabby flesh since you became beached.

Lizzie’s mouth dropped, “Holy shit!”

At that moment they heard Hildi’s voice “Hellooo! Guess what I got!”

Hildi was pushing the scooter made of materials from the room with all four tires and a seemingly futuristic control panel with a seat that was like a comfy wide bench. It was the largest scooter anyone had ever seen.

“Oh good it’s here! Thank you so much Hildi, I owe you big time.”

“It was nothing,” Hildi waved her hand which jiggled her upper arms in her school jacket, “I’m sending the bill to your father anyways.”

Laughter filled the room before Miss Emily said, “It’s time to lift our whale.”

Hildi and Lizzie watched as Mary helped strap you into a harness and onto a crane on the ceiling. “The weight limit dorm cranes is a full ton. Miss Lang is only half way there, it should hold her.”

Even then the crane groaned as you were lifted your fat porcine feet dangling in the air as you were transferred to your new scooter. After you were unhooked and the harness taken off you settled into your seat.

“Oh wow, it’s so comfortable!”

“You look great on that scooter Sam,” Lizzie complimented you as Hildi was taking pictures on her phone “I’ve got to show Mutti this.”

Miss Emily smirked, “Now the next thing that needs to be done is a new uniform, I’m afraid we can’t have you rolling around naked Sam.”

You look down and blush. You had outgrown your pajama muumuu during your beachment and you had since just gone nude. Your friends had all seen you like this and they got used to it.

“Y-yeah I suppose I do need a new uniform. And a new dress, it’s almost time for the ball!”


When Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon in 1966 it was one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind. In 1967 the United States Space Force was created and since that time Outer Space and the Moon in particular had become experimental habitats. Moon bases were built, the Soviets building there as well and the Moon became one more front of the Cold War.

Despite the battle lines being drawn the Moon also became a popular tourist destination for the elite who could afford it. The average person is barred from Outer Space unless one were to join the Space Force.

At the ball at the United States Space Force Academy, which was a few ways away from Monroe, a ball was being held. You. Lizzie, the club, everyone was wearing their finest formal gowns that a Mary was each assigned to making sure their dresses didn’t get caught by their scooter. Sheena’s black dress shaped her beanpole body perfectly and she brushed her hand on the fabric.

“This dress is even better than my prom dress.” She remarked, remembering that eventful prom with her sister.

The girls of the school were all seated on their scooters (save Sheena) looking at the space cadets decked out in formal black polished shoes, white pants with a silver sash around their waist, blue double breasted jackets and white caps.

“Are you glad to be here?” You whisper up at Sheena who shook her head, “I’m against the military industrial complex. The military maintains the status quo.”

You sigh, “True, but maybe you’ll have fun. Don’t let yourself not have a good time.”

Just then the Commandant of the Academy approached a podium. Tapping on the mic he said, “Greetings to our guests from the Marilyn Monroe Elite Academy for Corpulent Ladies or just Marilyn Monroe for short. We are pleased to have you for this dance. These cadets you see here will be the first to go to Outer Space upon graduation. It’s their honor to dance with you, the reason for our mission to keep peace in Outer Space. With that in mind, I have a treat for you all. This ball room is in fact a gravity training room. I’m going to alter the gravity to the gravity of the moon. You will now weigh six times less than you weigh now.”

The Commandant slipped a switch and suddenly you felt light, lighter than you ever remember being! You looked at your friends each leaving their scooters with no help. You rise yourself, now weighing a mere 260 pounds despite not having the mass to match it. You took a step and then another.

“This is, This is incredible!” You squeal raising your arms above your head for the first time in years.

Just then a cadet walked towards you.

“May I have this dance?


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