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Part 2: The Planning

In his office Alex was chatting with his amigos Hector and Eddie. In the chat Alex posted candid pictures of Jesse. Many were of Jesse lounging around in his underwear on the couch taking up space, one was of him bending over in front of the fridge with his wide tank of an ass pointed at Alex’s phone, and many many pictures of Jesse in public showing the sheer size difference between him and other strangers.

“Gordo,” Eddie simply posted with Hector asking “¿Cuánto pesaba el cerdo antes?”

Alex read the question and a sly smug smirk grew on his bearded face. “Cuando empezamos, Jesse ya pesaba cuatrocientas libras.” Alex posted, feeling great pride in the information he just shared.

“Cuatrocientas libras? Dios mío…” Eddie responded while adding a shocked emoji as well as three pig emojis. “Parece un infarto ambulante. no puedo esperar a la boda,” Hector replied.

Alex could only grin at the screen as his friends kept begging for more which he was more than happy to provide. He couldn’t wait to show off his hog on the big day.


Jess drove his yellow SUV that Alex had gotten him. His mood was absolutely giddy as he drove to meet his friends for a get together at his favorite bar. The shadows of palm trees cast over the enormous androgynous boy as he zoomed down Rodeo Drive and passed by the fancy upscale shops of Beverly Hills. The manufactured heights of the material pinnacle of the American Dream were all around him, but the passing abundance did little to impress. After all, when you’re at the pinnacle, as Jesse was with Alex, you’re always on top and all the backgrounds become a giant blur of luxury.

No, there was something much more important on his mind

“Bar food is the best food,” Jess thought out loud while gripping the steering wheel. Food and eating was always front and center of his priorities, there wasn’t a time in his life that his natural gluttony didn’t come first. It was what caused his childhood weight problem that only got worse and worse as he got older, it was an issue that had existed long before Alex came into his life and, in his words, took it “out of his hands.”

He licked his lips, just thinking about his favorite onion rings that the bar served. The delicious beer battered rings danced in his mind, he could eat them all day long. So distracted was Jesse that he swerved a bit while driving which brought him back to attention.

“Ooops, sorry!” Jesse apologized to no one in particular, waving his hand at the pedestrians staring at the blimp in the yellow SUV. At his bloated size Jesse filled up his luxury car to the point Alex had the vehicle modified to better accommodate his bride’s morbid body.

But even with all the modifications Jesse still filled the car with his girlish obesity and from the outside looking in it looked like there was a bulging blob of flesh sitting behind the wheel. Jesse’s back fat pressed into the seat while his belly spilled out into his lap and was still close to touching the modified wheel. In fact, there were still many occasions where Jesse would honk his horn with his belly and he would jump every time. What’s more, Jesse’s expansive fat butt cheeks lifted him up slightly which made him look even bigger.

“How embarrassing,” Jesse blushed while muttering to himself, his blood pressure spiking from the excitement. It seemed like it took very little for his heart to start beating a little faster and his breathing to become a little quicker.

Jesse’s fixation on food had caused road problems before, from speeding to even a few fender benders and it was always an embarrassment to deal with. In some instances the other party would be mean enough to cause the massively obese boy to start crying right there.

Waiting outside Jesse’s prized bar with their eyes peering down at their phones were her friends Rachael and Courtney. They were far more in line with the image of Beverly Hills than the monstrously obese Jesse with both of them being thin and tan. Rachael, who was wearing a simple green sundress, grinned when she received a text.

“Oh my God, it’s Alex!” Rachael gushed as Courtney, clad in a fashionable romper, got a text of her own. “It’s the newest pics. Wow, these are from last night,” Courtney swiped her finger on the phone. The two girls giggled together darkly, sharing something naughty between them.

Courtney bit her lip while going through the same pics as Rachael. They knew Alex for a long time, sharing particular tastes in lovers. Rachael and Courtney got a huge kick out of Jesse and his obesity, they found the fantastic fat trap got them excited beyond belief. They couldn’t forget the first time Alex had introduced them to this blonde butterball. They both had fat husbands that they adored but Jesse was something else. A marvel of nature whose uniqueness justified the attraction.

Alex then texted them both with one simple message: Stuff the pig.

Rachael and Courtney’s eyes lit up and they grinned at each other. “She was most likely going to stuff herself anyways,” Courtney said with a knowing smirk. Rachael giggled, “I guess Alex really wants his bride in a mobility scooter.”

At that moment they see Jesse’s yellow SUV pull up to the curb. They watch the door open up and observe how Jesse’s weight shook the car while attempting to leave. “Hoo, hoo, hnng!” Jesse panted and moaned while trying to lift himself from the car. Rachael leaned over and cupped her hand to Courtney’s ear, covering her smirk she whispered “Here comes Plus Size Barbie.”

Courtney giggled naughtily as soon Jesse was free and waddled over. “Hey girls!” Jesse’s feminnem high pitched voice greeted them. Courtney looked over Jesse’s clothes and grew a huge smile “Oh my gawd girl, that outfit looks so cute on you!”

Jesse was decked in a super plus size bubblegum pink tracksuit that he was filling out to capacity. The track pants were stuffed with Jesse’s round pillar fat legs while her hoodie jacket was zipped up with the pockets stretched out by her vast belly.  “I know! Isn’t it cute?” Jesse did a bit of a spin showing his outfit off which made his body slosh slightly. “It’s sooo comfy and soft, it’s like I’m wearing a blanket. I feel so cuddly!” Jesse hugged himself as they entered the bar while both Rachael and Courtney followed the pink blob, both of them staring at Jesse’s wobbly rear.

They took their seats, with Jesse’s stool groaning but able to withstand the burden of carrying Jesse’s fat ass. Courtney and Rachael sat on either side of Jesse who immediately smiled at the bartender, his fleshy cheeks rising in a smile and his thick double chin wobbling as he said “I already know what I want to start with! Could I get a basket of beer battered onion rings?” The bartender tried to hide his revulsion of the blonde pink ball of fat with the best poker face he could muster while taking the order, but then Jesse blurted out “Oh! Can you make it a double order?”

“A double order?” the bartender raised an eyebrow to which Jesse nodded enthusiastically “You know, a double order, two baskets of onion rings.” The bartender’s poker face cracked at Jesse’s greed and he snorted, “Right. You two?” Courtney and Rachael both smiled, “We’re still thinking.” The bartender just sighed and went on his way to the kitchen.

“So girl,” Rachael began to say, her voice rising into a silly little giggle, “When’s the wedding?” “Nine months,” Jesse stated matter of factly while peering at the kitchen, almost trying to will her food to come faster.

“Nine months?” Courtney was surprised, “Why the wait?”

“Oooh,” Jesse began to whine, saying “Alex wants the wedding in nine months because he has a business deal going on in Mexico that should be completed before the wedding. He doesn’t want the deal to interfere in our wedding. I asked him what this deal is but he tells me not to worry about it, so I won’t. Oh! We’re also going to Cabo next week, isn’t that amazing? Alex got me a passport and helped fill out a visa and everything!”

Courtney and Rachael’s eyes grew wide at the revelation, “Cabo? What are you doing in Cabo?”

The double order of onion rings came and Jesse dug in, grasping the ketchup bottle with her pudgy fingers and squirted a hearty amount of ketchup into the basket before grasping a big one and taking bites of it. Jesse moaned at the flavor, it was everything she had hyped herself up with in the car. When she swallowed the first ring she smiled and said, “There’s a hotel near the beach, I figure I’ll just soak in the sun and eat, hehe,” Jesse giggled already picturing what her trip to Cabo San Lucas was going to be.

The trio ordered some margaritas with Courtney and Rachael barely drinking theirs unlike Jesse who was sipping her straw and becoming loosened up.

“How was your day yesterday?” Rachael asked and Jesse began to illustrate her day.

“Hmmm,” Jesse put a single pudgy digit to her plump lips and said, “Let’s see. First I slept in till eleven when Maria woke me up. I was super hungry when I woke up and Maria served me a dozen scrambled eggs with cheese and toast. Oh girls, Maria is soooo good! After I was finished eating I took a shower and Maria did my hair and then my makeup. She also gave me a peddy and painted my nails,” Jesse showed off her pink painted nails.

“And then I took another nap and then Maria woke me up again for lunch which was a platter of these fried burrito things and they were so delicious! Ever since I got with Alex I’ve had real Mexican food, although deep down I’ll always love Taco Bell.”

Courtney and Rachael listened to Jesse going on and on about her naps and feasts, to Rachael in particular it reminded her of her cat Mister Tibby. From the way Jesse was describing her lifestyle it made Jesse out like some kind of housepet. After Jesse finished with his onion rings he finished off his margarita as well.

“Ooh, I feel all funny,” Jesse slurred a bit. Both Courtney and Rachael both smiled. Jesse could not hold his liquor even if he tried. “We’ll have another margarita please! Oh and a bacon cheeseburger and fries!” Rachael asked the bartender as Jesse said “Oh I don’t know, and held up a hand in protest. “Come on Jess, we gotta celebrate your engagement! Just relax, Rachael and I will take care of everything.”

“Take care of everything,” Jesse mumbled before he had his lips on the straw of the new margarita and when the burger and fries came Jesse was taking big bites of the cheeseburger. Sloppy bites got grease on his thick double chin and his poor stubby fingers caused ketchup to fall on his pink jacket. “It’s okay big girl,” Rachael would say while offering her a shot of tequila “It’ll be taken care of. You don’t need to worry about anything.”

More appetizers like jalapeno poppers, garlic bread, fried chicken strips, it was a gluttonous feast as Jesse’s friends kept pushing food and drink onto the round blonde pig.

Jesse became hammered and soon after he was stuffed, his belly poking out between his pants and his jacket.

“Ooooh,” he effeminately whined before saying “I don’t feel so good.”

“It’ll be okay girl,” Jesse heard it over and over again as Courtney and Rachael helped Jesse off the stool, groaning under Jesse’s heft.

“But I’m a…” Jesse couldn’t finish under his drunken state. Before he knew it he was outside, his massive bloated gut jutting out. Courtney pushed Jesse against the wall while telling her to stay there. “Whud abot th caar” Jesse slurred, her breath smelling of alcohol. “We’ll take care of it, just give us the keys.”

Jesse did what she was told and soon the three of them were in some car going to the estate in Beverly Hills.

The car door opened and there was Maria looking none too pleased.

“Cerdita, cerdita,” Maria muttered while shaking her head. Maria was thin wearing a business suit and constantly had a tablet on hand. Her hair was up in a bun and under her skirt her legs were covered in brown pantyhose.

“Come on, lets get you inside.” She told Jesse who stumbled from the car. “Gracias,” she told Courtney and Rachael, who called out “Feel better Jesse!” and drove off.

“Ooo,” Jesse hiccupped entering the house and being led to a bed which she didn’t so much flop onto as gently pour onto it. Maria grasped the legs and pulled them off revealing Jesse’s bloated round legs and his tiny cock sitting in his panties. “Let’s get you more comfortable, senorita.” The drunken piggy could do little else but passively allow the maid to undress him until he was in his bra that was straining to hold his chest in.

“Such breasts, it’s hard to believe there’s a boy under all this fat.” Maria remarked while tracing the full cups. Jesse was too drunk to even comprehend what she was saying. “Would you like a meal while you digest?” Maria asked.

Jesse moaned, putting both hands on her packed gut which was pointing to the ceiling like an Everest of blubber. “I don’t know….” Jesse mumbled, tears forming in his eyes at the thought of whether he wanted more food or not.

“Hm hm, what if I make some quesadillas and you can have them then or later.” Maria offered. You burp and moan, “Thats fine.” Jesse was pleased that he didn’t have to make any decisions himself.

“Muy buena,” Maria said, leaving Jesse to rub his bloated dome of belly fat. Before leaving Maria checked a reading in the closet. It was a screen that showed a number. Alex had turned the bed into a scale and only Maria knew about it.

The reading said 497.6 pounds.

Maria made a look of disgust, sticking her tongue out at the thought of nearly five hundred pounds of jiggly useless human flesh. She peered out at the boy on the bed and frowned at the sight of all that disgusting fat rising up and down on the boy’s intestines before smiling.

“Senior Escobar will be pleased.” Maria said to herself, jotting down the weight into the tablet. Maria was under certain orders: Fatten up the boy. The heavier he got the fatter Maria’s paycheck would become. To that end Maria was no different from Courtney and Rachael, she was intent on piling the fat on the human lard balloon.

When it was ready Maria brought with her a platter of 12 quesadillas  and placed it within reach which Jesse was  gluttonously able to grab. Jesse ate them, not even bothering to tear them apart, he would just eat them as is. Maria watched the boy eat and peered into the closet. The reading suddenly rose, going from 497.6 to 497.7 like a ticking clock.

Jesse ate and ate, taking off his bra and his panties to be ultimately relaxed as the lard ball ate naked in bed. He finished them all off and once more rubbed his swollen food and booze filled belly, now overburdened by many quesadillas making Jesse even more stuffed than before.

“Ooooh! Daddy! I want my daddy!” Jesse started to cry, mascara running down his fleshy cheeks. ‘Where’s my daddy! Help! Help!” Jesse squeaked while he was like a turtle on his back, completely helpless under the weight of his gluttony.

Suddenly he felt a big strong hand on his belly and Alex came over the pinnacle of Jesse’s belly and into his view. Alex took off his sunglasses so Alex could see his brown eyes.

“Lo hiciste bien cerdita” Alex spoke in Spanish. Jesse blushed, he always loved it when Alex spoke Spanish to him. He didn’t know what it meant, but he knew it was praise and that's all that mattered to the hog.

“Our trip to Tijuana is soon. Everything is set in order. You don’t have to worry about a thing.” Alex brushed Jesse’s blonde locks.

“Solo sigue comiendo.”

To Be Continued…


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