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Part 3

Shinji took a deep breath after finishing the stairs to Rei’s apartment. He looked back down at the stairs and was amazed.

“Why am I puffing like this?” He asked himself before looking down at his stomach. The chubby pouch he had so suddenly developed made him frown. Asuka and Misato deciding to let themselves go really had a disastrous effect on his own figure. “I don’t want to be fat,” Shinji clenched his fist in frustration. “It’s easy for them to let themselves go and be pigs, but I…” he whined and couldn’t even finish his thought as he knocked on the door.

“Should I go in? After last time? Well, she needs this ASAP. Just go in and out, don’t look at anying.” He told himself and entered only to find Rei seated on the couch eating a pizza naked as could be.

And she was fat.

It was startling how fat Rei was now, she looked just like Asuka, a big bloated parody of her former lith figure. Her belly sat on her lap and her legs were dimply with cellulite. She was wide enough to take up her rather small couch. Or perhaps it was she was rather big.


Rei frowned, getting up from the couch and letting out a fart, making her squint slightly. She marched up to Shinji and grabbed the badge. Standing up she was just so beefy and saggy with pale white meaty fat. She waddled up to Shinji, her flesh jiggling, her even bigger breasts slapping against her stomach. “Rei I didn’t mean, you weren’t home, I-” Rei wasn’t listening, pushing Shinji away with her big belly.

Shinji was pushed out the door and the door was slammed shut.

“I’m sorry!” Shinji fell to his knees, “Damn it, now she probably hates me. And why was she…Uhhh, oh man!” Shinji whined, getting back on his feet and sulking back down the stairs.

At school the next day Shinji and Asuka entered the classroom with Asuka coming in first followed by Shinji.

“Here comes the fat couple,” snorts Toji.

“WHAT DID YOU SAY!” Exclaimed Asuka who slammed her fat palms on his desk. “You two are a fat couple.” Kensuke shrugged, “You have kinda put it on Shinji.”

“We are NOT dating dunkoff!” Asuka chided and bitched and bitched at the two of them while Shinji just went back to his seat and slouched. At that moment Rei came in and Asuka shrieked “WHAT?! How did you get so big in a single day! That’s not fair, do you know how many cookies and pies I had to eat to get over 350?!”

“Wait, you did all that on purpose?!” Toji was shocked beyond belief “EW!” Toji and Kensuke scooted away from Asuka feeling disgusted which Asuka snapped “none of your business!” at them.

Rei ignored Asuka and sat at her desk in front of Shinji who blushed looking at the immense girl that looked wider than the back of the chair, plenty of her spreading out.

Later on that day Shinji returned him and stepped on the special scale Asuka and Misato were keeping to track their weight gain. Last time Shiji checked he was just one hundred and two. The scale came to a calculation: 127, Shinji had gained 25 whole pounds of fat. He looked up at his fuller face, “No wonder my face looks so puffy.” He put his hand to his cheek.

He left the bathroom to find Misato on the couch drinking a beer and playing with her phone.

“Misato, I gained weight!”

Miasato looked him over and chuckled, “Shinji gaining weight isn’t the end of the world, thats why Ritsuko, me, and Asuka are gaining weight.”

“Asuka is a whale!”

“Hehe I know, she’s really into this thing. But what about me, Shinji?” Misato spread out on the couch like a starfish her round butt was bursting out of her daisy dukes and her yellow top could barely cover her enormous beer gut “I’m 300 pounds Shinji, look at how far that gut is sticking out!” Misato moaned and got up, showing how her gut was starting to get a belly hang. “Look at how it’s starting to sag into an apron, I think it’s pretty cool. Don’t worry about getting fat, Shinji, enjoy it! Besides, sometimes fat works on a guy too, you’re getting pretty cute, chubby Shinji!” Misato winked at him.

Shinji blushed at the compliment. Compliments, praise, genuine positive feedback, Shinji craved validation like no one else. “D-Do you really think so?”

“You bet Shinji!”

Feeling better Shinji pushed his belly out a bit and Misato cheered ‘Way to go Shinji! Show off that gut!” Shinji walked around the apartment pushing out his gut. It all felt so natural.

Meanwhile Asuka was clutching the railing for deer life as she trekked the stairs. “Stupid elevator!” Asuka puffed. She was sweating up a storm and it was clear how obese she was. “Scheisse I’m out of shape!” Her fat dimpled knees trembled with each step carrying her load. She even let out a loud fart in discomfort. “But it means I’m so obese, this is morbid obesity.” Her crotch became wet and Asuka moaned. “Fuck I love fat. I should have done this years ago.” She then thought of Rei, “How did she do it?! Doctor Akagi must be doing some sort of test! Unfair!” Asuka then recalled the teasing she and Shinji got.

“Fat couple, fat couple, fat couple!” it rang through her head.

“Those idiots, those..” Asuka cursed before thinking what Shinji would look like if he was as big as herself or bigger. She imagined how full his face would be. She then pictured her walking the street with both of them so bloated and obese they had to walk behind each other as they would be too fat for the sidewalk.

“A-ah!” Asuka cummed in her panties. She panted, her chest going in and out. Luckily for her she was on the floor. She hurried to the apartment and found Shinji walking around while pushing out his belly. She blushed bright red. “I gotta do this” She said before rushing up to Shinji and grasped his round cheeks in her hands and pulled him in for a full kiss.

Misato dropped her drink and her jaw dropped watching something she never would have imagined in a million years.

Shinji had clenched his fists when it happened but slowly they opened up, like a flower when morning cast its sunshine. Finally Asuka broke the kiss.

“A-asuka what are-” Shinji began to ask but Asuka cut him off.

“I want to be a couple, Shinji. I want a relationship so we can grow fat together.”

“Get fat together?!”

“Yes! I love you and want you to be fat with me. Now what do you say!”

Asuka had a look on her face like she would break after divulging all this.

Shinji thought it over, he never thought he and Asuka would ever be together, he didn’t even think girls like him that much! She loved him. Love. It was something that he always longed for.


Asuka grinned wide and kissed him again. “Misato, send delivery we’re going to binge!?”

“Wooo! Hell yeah welcome to life in the fat lane Shinji!” Misato cheered, holding up a beer can in toast.

“Misato, call delivery we’re gonna binge!”


Gaining doesn’t happen overnight. It took weeks for Asuka and Misato to balloon like they did, with Asuka gaining faster than Misato due to her natural inclination to being a greedy hungry sow.

But surely Shinji did grow, adding a whopping 61 to put him at 164. Shinji was now definitely fat and had stretch marks running up his newly formed love handles and his much larger belly that was protruding further out. His chest turned into a set of soft mushy moobs that circled around under his thicker arms. His cheeks were downright round and he had the start of a double chin going on that would show up at certain angles. He walked down the hall, his enlarged butt shaking in his school slacks. Misato saw the muffin topped Shinji and hollered “Work it Shinji! Don’t forget to push your belly out!”

Shini blushed, still a bit embarrassed when his weight was pointed out. He was still trying to figure life out as a fat boy.

The synchronization test that day was a time to show off their gain.

Shinji was amazed at how the plugsuit hugged his new rounder body. Asuka was more than proud, resembling a big round ball. “I’m so fat” Asuka arched her back a bit and pushed her stomach as far as it would go and rubbed her belly with the smuggest look on her flab engorged face.  “Look at this gut! Shinji, you've got to do a lot more eating to get to this size. I’m a complete fat fuck.” Asuka let out a fart, feeling comfortable to let out gas since she and Shinji were dating.

Shinji blushed at the affection “I-I’ll do my best to catch up.” Shinji said and Asuka kissed him on the lips. Just then Rei waddled in looking like a big marshmallow of flab. Asuka sneered, “I know Akagi is doing something to you, and I want it NOW! I need to fatten Shinji up!” Shinji blushed, trying to be invisible and stay out of the conflict. “You will find out in the synchronization test.”

Asuka blinked and soon all three were in their plugs.

Ritsuko popped on the screen, her double chin looking bigger.

“Today we will be deploying a new food ration that is designed to help you in an emergency.”

Tubes dropped from the top of their entry plugs and Asuka saw Rei instantly put it in her mouth.

“Let me guess, she was the test pig and now its good for the rest of us, right?”

“Correct Asuka. This will also have an effect on your waistline but we know you don’t have a problem with that.

Asuka blushed and grabbed the tube and put it in her mouth. Shinji saw what the others had done and decided to do the same. A rich chocolatey goo-like pudding was pumped through the tube and Shinji’s eyes rolled behind his head. He looked and saw Rei and Asuka blowing up and putting on pounds by the seconds. He blushed, his fate as a fat boy had only just begun…


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