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Part 5: Vacation

Look at you scooting to class. A month at the Marylin Monroe School for Fat Girls you’ve just put it on, haven’t you? Made great use of all three floors of the cafeteria and the club ensured you gained. 839 pounds, you hog.

At 839 you had attained the status of land whale. You looked like you were made out of jelly from the way you shook rolling to history class. There is no other way to say you became a tub of goo. Your gluttony had been second to none. Gaining a hundred fucking pounds in a month at this school, you absolute porker.

For days and weeks you had just been eating. Gorging with your new club and buying tickets to an anime convention with Lizzie, you were enjoying life with friends for the first time, you had been very sheltered and the actual knowledge and confirmation that you had friends now was beyond anything you could have hoped for. To you gaining friends was just as important as gaining pounds.

Packing on the fat so fast was impressive, your fat was just plain blubbery. New rolls had appeared on your neck giving you a few new chins

You roll into history class, your sides shaking and wobbling as you scoot in hearing the history of the Soviet Union’s decline in this never ending cold war. “Afghanistan is often called the Graveyard of Empires for a reason. Can anyone answer why the Soviet Union is still there even now in 2020?” You didn’t hear a thing the professor said, you were too busy.

You were too busy pushing the button on your desk over and over again. You were practically being encouraged to grow into a bigger butterball by the school. Your gut proved to be the biggest part of you, separating your thighs apart as far as they could to accumulate such heft. Luckily for you your school uniform was custom made.

A big collection of food kept coming to you from the kitchen and there you sat collecting calories like a sponge. High Cal Sam became your nickname in the club. After all, in the international club you were representing your country and it felt in good spirit for you to be the fattest and greediest you reasoned.

By the time your class was done you were a stuffed pig and you reveled in the tight stuffed feeling, letting out two big farts as you scoot away, your jelly filled sides wobbling while your scooter took you back to the dorm.

Once inside you found Kiko and Lizzie were playing on the Switch. "Thought I'd find you here," you say with a smile. You had introduced Lizzie to Kiko and to Lizzie's joy she had become friends with the Japanese idol.

"I'm kicking ass!" Lizzie boasted, with every jerk of the controller her hanging bingo wings of flab shook. "Shit!" Kiko swore as she struggled to overcome the onslaught of Lizzie's Jiggilypuff.

You frown, "Lizzie don't you think you have an unfair advantage."

What you were referring to was the fact Kiko could barely keep hold of the controller, her huge beefy tits kept getting in her way. Her cute round face was scrunched up in concentration and she was swearing in Japanese.

Lizzie’s butter mound of a face only grinned, “All’s fair in love and war and SMASH!”

With a few button mashes Kiko’s Sonic was no more, causing the japanese idol to pout and toss her controller down. Sighing under her breath she turned to you and asked, “Seito-kai senkyo ni tōhyō shimashita ka?”

It was always awkward for you and Kiko, you couldn’t speak any other language and you often relied on your club members to translate for you. “I’m sorry, what?” Lizzie giggled, the complete weeb she understood Japanese, “Kiko asked if you had voted for the student council elections.”

You paused at that. Over time you had come to realize there was more to Monroe than you had thought. While the purpose of fattening and pampering the daughters of the 1% was true, there were many girls that did in fact want an education and this place acted like a real school. When you had enrolled you had no care about academics and wanted to overindulge and reach an absurd size.

“No, I didn’t even realize there was a student council. What do they do?”

Lizzie explained, “The student council pretty much runs the school. They’re in charge of the cafeteria and the menu on all four levels. They approve of which classes get food buttons, plus they also design our uniforms. They approve or disapprove of classes in general, if they wish it an entire class could be dissolved, same with clubs like the International Club you’re in. They fund the hall monitors who are able to maintain their supply of harnesses and mobile hydraulic cranes, y’know, in case someone falls down. They even arrange the dorms! Our pairing was put into place by the previous council.”

You’re mouth stuck open at all this information “They do all that? Who keeps them in check? There is a headmaster, isn't there?”

Lizzie shrugged, “There is. Only the headmaster can suspend or expel students and of course she can overrule anything they do. I think the headmaster likes having the student council carry out the actual work in running a school.”

At that moment their phones beeped. Miss Emily checked her tablet and said, “There will be an assembly soon, to announce the winners of the election.”

“Well let’s go see what’s happening.” You announce and you giggle watching Kiko and Lizzie help each other up. Lizzie kept falling into the Japanese idols' big bazongas, while her big butt wobbled and clapped under her skirt. Lizzie was a pear shaped as could be from a lifetime of lying around watching anime. The two girls flab shook and wobbled against each other until finally they were on their feet.

The auditorium was large and grand, an architectural marvel that was on par with any theater in the world. It was here many students performed plays, musicals, or concerts and all the seats were specially made with the student body in mind.

Luckily for you you didn’t need the lavish seat you had your own. The entire student population were all coming in, waves of fleshy girls were either waddling in or scooting in. Seated where you were part of Kiko’s right boob fat overflowed onto your arm and Kiko blushed.

When everything was settled the headmaster approached the podium on the stage. You fiddled with your phone while she talked until she announced who the president was:

“Sabrina Hart!”

You gasp and start to hyperventilate as you watch Sabrina roll up onto the stage. Emily saw this and reached for the oxygen at the back of your chair, applying it to your nose, “Here Samantha, just relax.” Both Kiko and Lizzie looked at you with concern as you wheezed out, “C-cafeteria!”


Sabrina and two other girls rolled inside an elevator. Her treasurer Alison fed her cream puffs while talking about the things they could do "We should install feeding tubes in the dorm rooms, for the students who don't want to go to the classes." 

The secretary Lily had her fingers tapping wildly on her tablet recording all the notes.

The elevator hummed and started to lift them up. To be able to lift three 700 pounders was a mark of excellence that this school stood for. 

The student council office overlooked the entire estate, all the dorms, and the cafeteria. The floor and walls were made of marble and there was a waterfall in the corner of the room that led to a pool.

Sabrina cleared her throat, "My fellow council members we have all the money in the world to achieve our goals. First thing we should do is an inter-school dance with the Arnold Military Academy. It's been far too long since we had a party."

Alison nodded "I'll get in contact with their student council and set things in motion."

Sabrina then said "Lily I want you to take another note. Samantha Lang has been an annoyance to me for a long time. Switch her classes around to classes without call buttons. She needs to know who's the boss around here."


You were eating a huge sunday that sat in a punch bowl. "I just know she's going to try something to hurt me!" You cried into your sweets, you were on the top floor of the cafeteria with Lizzie, Kiko, and Miss Emily.

Miss Emily soon found the changes on the tablet "Indeed it seems your classes have been rearranged"

You sniffed and more tears rolled down your bloated cheeks and your heart fluttered faster in anxiety "See? She's already going after me. She's going to ruin my life!"

"Hey!" Lizzie said firmly, "We'll all be behind you. You've got me, you got the club, we'll all support you. Isn't that right Kiko?" Kiko nodded "Hai." 

You sniff and wipe a tear from your eye "T-thanks girls. Maybe it won't be so bad."

Wiping your eyes clean you return to your sunday and start to eat, not from anxiety, but from the joy of having friends.

Lizzie and Kiko ordered a platter of cookies and gooey warm brownies and ice cream to go with them. Sweets, sweets, sweets, the tippy top of the cafeteria was the ultimate dessert room. If there was one thing that helped you get over being upset was sweets and you and your friends happily indulged. Cheesecake, cheesecake, cheesecake, it was of little wonder why you had exceeded 800 pounds of fat girl blubber.

You underwent your new classes but found them to be specturaly boring and worse yet they lacked any buttons. But still you kept your chins up and faced this with the dignity becoming of your status, ultimately deciding to forgo going to classes, instead using the room service in your dorm to order delivery from the cafeteria. It was utterly depressing though, having your life toyed with and your friends noticed your gloom during the club meetings.

“Hey, what’s wrong Sam? You haven’t touched your fish tacos,” Sophia’s tan face frowned, sensing your melancholy.

“It’s so hard, I feel like it’s hopeless. Sabrina is essentially in charge of the school, what hope do I have? She’s trying to ruin my life.”

Nina, Sophia, Hildi, Adele, and Kiko all looked thoughtful of your plight. Munching on her own taco Adele pondered, “There has to be something we can do.”  Hildi added more guacamole to her taco, suggesting “Maybe a change in scenery would help.”

“Nani?” Kiko asked to which Sophia put a finger to her thick double chin, “So like, a vacation?”

You look up at them, “A vacation? In the middle of school?”

“Haha, why not!” Hildi laughed, “You’re not going to classes anymore, and besides attendance is optional anyways. We could totally go on vacation if we wanted to.”

“Where would we go though?” Nina asked.

There was a short silence as the club pondered where to go and you opined, “We should go somewhere warm, the weather’s starting to turn here.” Nina nodded and suggested “What about Australia? My family has a pad in Melbourne by the beach.”

Adele grinned, “A beach house? Well that’s just perfect!”

You actually started to tear up and you wiped a stray tear from your eye, “Oh girls, this is so wonderful. Thank you so much.”

Adele hugged you from behind, her arms sinking into you, “We’re your friends, we’ll help you through anything.”


The preparation for the trip was easy enough, Miss Emily took care of all the arrangements and of course would be there with you girls.

The trip to the land down under was long and exhausting, even on a private jet. On such a long trip you girls spent more time sleeping than anything. You took Nina’s jet, it was large and spacious with a big bed and lots of pillows. The girls huddled up and cuddled together, using their fat as pillows. You being the largest were right in the middle and were used as the base pillow for Adele and Hildi whose asses were used by Sophia, and Nina used Kiko’s huge boobs as pillows too. It was one comfortable trip and even when you all landed your friends were almost reluctant to leave. You were all so soft and warm and it felt like sleeping on a cloud when you were all together.

Leaving the airport you were all shocked at the summer Aussie heat.

"Well, we wanted to go somewhere warm!" You fan yourself and start to pant, feeling like you were cooking in your blubber.

"Not even TJ gets this hot, whew!" Sophia fanned her face with a magazine while even Miss Emily panted, "Just, just relax girls the limoscene should be coming any-oh there it is!" A heavy duty limoscene pulled up and all six of you porkers got in where the refreshing AC washed over you.

The trip was a sight seeing extravaganza as all of you were pushed against the windows oohing and ahhing until you arrived.

"Whoa Nina, This is your family's pad?!" Sophia remarked at the big fancy house in front of them.

"Yeah, we're the only ones here at the moment." Nina said as she unlocked the door and all of you got in, the insides perfectly chill.

You all looked around, with three bedrooms it was decided you, Adele, and Miss Emily would sleep in one room, Hildi and Kiko in another, and Nina and Sophia in the other. 

"By the way, this house is probably not stocked so we'll have to do a grocery run." Nina announced to which Miss Emily said, "I can call in some deliveries." 

However you had other ideas, "Why don't you do that and we go out and pick some stuff up too."

Miss Emily smiled, "Alright, if you need anything be sure to call. Have fun!"

The lot of you changed into summer wear, You, Adele, Hildi, Sophia, and Nina all wore bikinis to show off your fat rolls but Kiko, the shortest and most top heavy, opted for a more conservative navy blue one piece.

It was quite a sight seeing a motorcade of mobility scooters. While the girls weren't completely immobile like you scooters just made things much easier. Seated in your yellow bikini your enormous blobby belly spreads over your lap and forced your legs apart.

“Hey, let’s get something to eat before we do any real shopping,” Sophia announced, her stomach jiggling as she rode in her scooter. You nod, “Good idea, Miss Emily will have the house all stocked by the time we get back. Where should we go?”

Kiko stuck her arm out which jiggled her boobs and announced, “SUSHI!” She pointed at a sushi restaurant and all of you agreed that sushi sounded nice. Rolling your scooters inside the owners instantly recognized who Kiko was, they went out of their way to give you all the best service. Placing your scooters in front of a conveyor belt you girls begin to eat, picking up the various sushi plates that rode on the belt.

Before joining the international club you had no idea how to use chopsticks but since then you had mastered the art of chopsticks, you were able to use them with your thick fingers perfectly. You picked up each sushi roll with ease, plopping them into your mouth whole.

Between all of you the colorful plates were starting to stack up. It wasn’t a contest, but it was more like your club business: Casual gorging, grazing.

After all of you were satisfied, and the sushi owners were given a generous tip, you porkers decided the time was right to go down to the beach.

Seeing the ocean was always overwhelmingly beautiful, no matter where you went, and the ocean at Melbourne was no exception. The beach was packed with many women just like you and your friends, all decked in swimsuits with some more revealing than others.

Your scooters were advanced, they had to be able to cart over 800 pounds of fat girl blubber. Each scooter you girls currently sat on were as powerful as an ATV, they could get around in the sand just easily.

You girls pulled up to the edge of the water and got off your tushes, waddling to the water’s edge. Your 800+ pounds of blubber wobbled as you slowly moved to the ocean. You giggled at the feeling of the cold water brushed against the folds of fat that covered your ankles. You slowly shuffle through the water, a jiggling mass of blubbery rolls. The others were having similar experiences as well, enjoying the cool sensation going up against their cankles.

Sure enough though your body began to feel the pressure and you hurried back to your scooter, your joints creaking and popping every step of the way until you were able to sit your bulk down comfortably.

The others lasted just a little longer than you, but they each returned to their scooters as well. All of you decided to just stare out into the sea, the vast blue expanse and the distant sky ahead. It was all so relaxing. However that relaxation was interrupted when a girl drove by on her own scooter.

“Hey there!” The girl had blonde hair like you but was majorly belly heavy like Sophia, a massive sack of fat rested in front of her. She was bizarrely skinny everywhere else but the beanbag chair sized gut in her lap. Delicate hands clasped the handlebars on her scooter as she grinned, “You girls are Americans, right?”

You answered, “Well, I am. My name’s Samantha Lang, I’m from Georgia.”

The Aussie girl continued to grin, “I really like that scooter of yours. Want to race?”

To Be Continued...


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