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Commissioned by Anonymous.
By FC Punk

Deep in a forest there was a house that belonged to Tobi. According to the masked ninja it belonged to his family and it was a great hideout for him and Deidara. Deidara for his part was unsure how the idiot could have lucked out on something like this, but as of right now he didn't care.

Sitting on a porch chair he appreciated the calming serenity of the forest. With his cloak off his crop topped body could feel the cool air around him. “Peaceful” He said to himself, just enjoying this luck of downtime.

Until something upset his peace.

He could hear the beeping of something in the house. “Grrrr,” He growled, upset by the rape of his tranquility and peace.

“Tobi!” He called, but no answer. “Tobi! TOBI!” He shouted and the beeping still persisted. Finally Deidara got up, if he saw Tobi he was going to knock him out for having to make him get up.

Trekking to the source of the noise revealed it was the oven. "That dumbass, he's going to burn the house down!"

Opening the oven he pulled out...a blueberry pie.

"What the hell is this?"

Deidara looked over the pie  "Did that idiot make this and forget about it?” He looked at it and got a knife, “Since that lazy bum made me do all the work I should get a slice too.”

Deidara grabbed a fork and a knife and cut himself a slice. Sitting down at the table he took a bite and was stunned.

It was good! The pie was actually good. “What the hell? It’s actually pretty good.” Deidara started to dig in, taking big bites. After finishing the slice he started to dig into the tin with just his hands, soiling them in his greed. He shoved it in, dirtying his mouth while making crude sloppy noises from his piggish gluttony.

Unknownst to him strange things were occurring. So lost in his gluttony was he that he didn’t know that his fingertips and nose was starting to grow as blue as the pie he ate. His pants and the mesh shirt under his crop top were also starting to grow tighter as the dumb blonde stuffed himself, completely unaware of the changes taking place. A bubbling also brewed in his stomach that caused him tight discomfort but he just couldn’t stop himself from eating, even though he was in bloated discomfort.

The rumbling reached a high point and Deidara farted very loudly *PPPPRRRRTTT~!* “What-Nnnn, ohhh!” Deidara moaned with pie in his mouth at the sensation of sudden relief and resumed gorging himself on pie all the while he kept passing gas *PRRRRUUUUMP!* *PRRRRRRRT!* *PPPPPPPPRAPP!*.

He couldn’t stop! “What’s going on with me, I can’t stop eating, A-ohhhh! *PPPPRRRRRP!*” He exclaimed, letting out a moan and another loud smelly fart. He also began to notice how tight his clothes were, the dumb blonde finally catching up. His clay belt grew so tight it couldn’t take any more pressure and snapped right off him *SNAAAP!*

“My belt!” Deidara shouted and rushed his hands down which was met by his stomach turning blue and puffing up, causing his mesh shirt to ride up. “What’s happening to me!” Deidara yelled out as his belly continued to swell and turn darker and darker shades of blue. His belly swelled even now, pushing further out like a swelling watermelon.

“What did that bastard do to me?” He looked at how now even his arms were turning blue and were chunking up tremendously and his shirt shrunk to the point of hugging his moobs, moob fat poking through the mesh.

*PPPPPPRRRRRTT~!* “Nnnhmmm!” Deidara continued passing gas to help his jostled stomach settle, all the while he kept scooping pie into his mouth. “Why the hell am I still eating, this is madness!” Finally his dirty little fingers scraped the bottom of the tin. He looked down into the pie tin, empty of pie and filling, and his face was now entirely blue.


Deidara, whose blonde locks were starting to turn a dark shade of violet, turned to the source of the noise. Tobi peaked out the corner of the hallway and put a hand to his orange mask covered face and chuckled “Oh ho ho what do we have heeeere!”

“You FUCKER!” Deidara sneered, filled to the brim with juice and rage. His anger spiked seeing him there and he felt the juice inside him spike as well causing him to expand even faster, his blue body was distorting into a sphere. Tobi sauntered over to the rounding boy whose arms and legs had sunken into his body “Wow, you’re getting pretty big Deidara!”

Deidara, the blowing blueberry shouted “Tobi you son of a bitch! What did you put into that pie!”

Tobi took a step back and looked at the blueberry, tilting his masked face to the side like a curious dog, “What did I put in? Why just blueberries that’s all! I’d been growing a blueberry patch all season and all I did was give them a little TLC~!”

“TLC?!” Deidara spat back, flapping his chubby little hands. Tobi placed a hand on Deidara’s tummy which elicited a fart from him *PRRRUMP~!* and giggled, “Hehe oh yes! I was down in the dirt all day long whispering, touching,” He paused to rub Deidara’s taught blue middle and went on, “As well as giving them all the water they could drink! They were so perfectly plump and ripe when they were ready to be made into a pie! I’m so happy to see you enjoyed it!”

Deidara growled before his body finally became too much for his clothes. His pants exploded off him and his mesh shirt ripped and fell off his chest in taters leaving the ripened boy naked. “T-tobi!” the naked Deidara blushed. He tried to move, only able to make slow shuffling movements that increased his juice, making him blow up even more. “Nnnnn,” Deidara moaned in discomfort and passed gas *PRRRRUPT~!* as Tobi coos, “Awww, look at you! Too ripe for your clothes! So naughty! I think you need a little help!”

Tobi got close to Deidara, knowing full well he couldn’t fight back. At this point even Deidara knew he was helpless to the masked Ninja’s advances so he allowed him to help him. He was powerless when Tobi groped his big blue butt and started to help move him. When he started to move however he tripped and rolled over onto his belly.

“Tobi you IDIOT look what you’ve done!” Deidara snapped while on his belly. Tobi looked down at the blueberry boy, his index finger tapping his wooden mask as he watched Deidara moan and pour out a fart from his blue butt that filled the room with bodily gas *Prrrrrrump!*

“Actually, my big ripe berry boy, I think this works out well!” Tobi giggled, placed his hands on Deidara’s massive body, and started to push Deidara around. “What are you doing!” Deidara protested and Tobi giggled, saying “Rolling you big boy!”

Deidara had no say in the matter as he was literally rolled around. He was utterly and completely powerless as he was placed in the control of Tobi, hoping deep down that he wouldn’t bump his defenseless head against anything.

Tobi rolled and rolled the boy until they made it to a door to the basement. “Hehe, now I can’t roll you down here,” Tobi chuckled and set Deidara up right. “Now, let’s slowly get you down here,” Tobi began to say, adding quietly to himself, “Where you’ll never leave again.”

“What did you say?”

“Oh ho ho! Nothing! This pesky mask just muffles my voice. You coulda heard anything! Now then, one two three, one two three!” Tobi counted as he slowly led him down the stairs to a single room with a drain in the middle. “Now you just stay put, I’ll be riiiiight back!” Tobi sings and makes his way back up the stairs.

Left alone the berry in the basement that was Deidara could only sit and fart, unsure of what was to come.

Soon enough Tobi came down the stairs and coos, “Uhu, right where I left you, what a good berry!”

“Shut up!” Deidara snapped, he absolutely was not going to tolerate anymore babying from Tobi.

A sinister little chuckle came from behind Tobi’s mask and Deidara could have sworn a different voice came from behind the mask, telling him “Don’t be like that.” He pulled another pie from his cloak which made Deidara’s eyes grow wide. The voice resumed talking, “After all, I made this second pie just for you. It’s all yours.”

The voice was nothing unlike Tobi, Deidara thought. Was it even the same person under that mask? It looked like Tobi, but instead of a silly irreverent tone that almost veered into childish singing the voice was cold. A big blonde blueberry Deidara knew that he was helpless. Tobi, or whoever this was, could do anything to him.

“P-pie?” Deidara found himself saying as the new voice confirmed, “Pie. Now open up, you hoggish disaster.” Deidara did as he was told mostly out of fear, but also because deep down the pig wanted more feed.

As he had quieted down Tobi chuckled, “Good boy,” and started to fork feed the berry. Deidara opened his mouth and accepted every bite Tobi was feeding him. The pie was just as good as the first one with every bite juicier than the last. With every juicy bite Deidara felt himself start to grow once more.

This so-called Tobi chuckled as he felt Deidara swell against him, “Heh, someones excited.” Deidara grew bigger and swelled wider while his useless hands flapping up and down, it was the only thing he could do. Deidara ate and ate, his lust for filling his craw with pie outweighing his concern over his filling figure.

“Hnn, ah!” Deidara moaned and farted loudly around a mouthful of pie *PRRRT!*

“Hm, you have a nasty habit piggy.” the masked ninja mocked him, his voice lacking any sort of love or affection.

“Hnnh,” Deidara grunted around a mouthful of pie, “W-who are you?”

Tobi got in close, uncomfortably close. He reached for his mask and removed it. Deidara’s eyes shot wide open, “You!”

“Obito Uchiha,” Obito told him, “I am the true leader of the Akatsuki and the true face under this mask.”

Deidara growled and sneered. He couldn’t believe this was who was his boss the whole time and on top of that, he was an Uchiha. The prospect of an Uchiha having this much control over him and essentially claiming him as a sex toy left him with an overwhelming sense of revulsion.

“Bastard,” was all Deidara could say. Even if he wasn’t an immobilized blueberry boy he now knew Tobi, or rather Obito’s, true power. He’d get killed. Literally the only thing Deidara could do was eat, he opened his mouth and accepted more pie.

“There we go,” Obito chuckled, “Fatties love pie, just look at you go.”

Deidara’s consumption went faster, having no more fucks to give. He knew full well he was now weak as a kitten, the only thing left was his all consuming gluttony for blueberry pie. 

As he gorged Obito noticed a trail of blueberry juice seeping from Deidara’s blue nipples. “Now what is this?” Obito’s fingers traced against Deidara’s nipples and sure enough more blueberry juice spilled from Deidara’s nipples like a tap.

“Hnnn, stop that!” Deidara grunted weakly as he felt his nipples be poked and prodded. “You can feel free to stop me at any time,” Obito smirked as he said this knowing full well the power he possessed. Obito continued rubbing and touching Deidara’s nipples, his index and thumb twisting and flicking his poor abused leaky nipples to the point where his fingertips started to become stained with violet juice.

“H-ha!” Deidara gasped with every flick his poor based nipples endured. The tight pinching feeling came to a head when suddenly a big flick to his right nipple caused blueberry juice to shoot out and splatter onto Obito's black cloak.

“H-h-h” Deidara pants, so fat and out of shape the very act of lactation left him breathless. He had a smirk on his lips as he gasped for air, even as small and petty as it was he felt good shooting his juice on him, he’d take it as a victory.

Obito frowned “You’ll pay for that, stupid boy. I hope you enjoyed that, because it was the last attack you’ll ever make.”


How much time has passed?

It was a question Deidara asked himself a lot. The juicing had been...unpleasant but it was over and now Deidara was left in a different kind of state. Instead of being fit to bursting with juice Deidara had been trimmed down. Sorta. A good amount of juice inside him did become absorbed by his body and resulted in rolls of fat. Deidara didn’t know how much he weighed, but there was no denying he was a fat boy now.

Deidara had grown a jelly belly, a sizable wobbling belly that had a slight hang to it from gravity grabbing hold of his sloshy fat. Sitting on top of his belly was a flabby pair of boy boobs that receded under his soft round arms, the areolas on his nipples stretched out. His face remained swollen, a hold over from being a blueberry, but only now a thick double chin emerged under his round face. His thighs were plump and his butt had become full and jiggly, wobbling with every step he took.

Even after his juicing there were a few things that remained. His blue skin and blue hair remained, in terms of embarrassment Deidara was more ashamed of his blue color than he was of his tubby size. Being a fat boy wasn’t nearly as bad as being blue to him, with his blue skin he felt like a freak. His gas problem was also a feature that remained present, big gusts of wind kept passing from Deidara’s enlarged rump.

In a cruel mercy Obito had let him leave the basement, he had given him access to the entire house knowing Deidara wouldn’t bolt nor fight back. He kept making treats for the fat boy, taking sadistic delight in Deidara’s obesity.

Deidara was seated on the couch once more munching on a blueberry pie. Slouched as he was, Deidara used his belly as a table with the pie tin resting on his tummy. He did without forks, simply eating with his hands and using his sausage fingers to shovel more pie into his mouth.

Obito came into the room and saw his gorging fat boy. He smirked “Alright pig, I think it’s time to weigh you. Get up.”

Deidara was concerned but did what he was told. Clad in just his underwear his blue belly wobbled as he got to his feet, hanging over the waistband of his underwear slightly. Obito sat a scale down and Deidara stepped on, letting out a fart as he put his first foot on *Prrrrp!*. The dial jumped to the right, landing on 250 pounds of fat boy.

“Heh,” Obito reached a hand down and wobbled his belly, “I thought you had gotten bigger. The juicing only left you a 200, that extra 50 pounds were all your own my greedy fat boy.”

Deidara bit his lip as he was jiggled and fondled. “Bastard,” was the only thing the powerless boy could say. Obito’s hand went to his bulging right love handle and groped him, “You can call me that all you want, but we both know what you want.”

Deidara’s tummy rumbled and he looked down at it, feeling his double chin scrunch up all he could see was his tummy and his big boobs. He farted softly and looked back up, “I’m so hungry.”

Obito snickered, “Yeah that’s what I thought. Fat boys love pie don’t they?”

He produced another pie and started to fork feed him while Deidara still stood on the scale, a single blue teardrop rolling down his bulging fat cheek. Eat, eat, eat, that was all he was good for now. Every so often as he ate the needle on the scale would move further to the right like the minute hand on a clock.

*Chomp chomp, smack smack* went his mouth, the fat boy had long ago discarded his manners, eating with his mouthful as bits of pie fell from his full mouth onto his blue breasts. *huff huff* Deidara wheezed, filling every corner of his mouth with pie, eating like a stupid puppy.

Within six minutes Deidara had finished the entire pie. With his mouth ringed with filling he put his hand to his full stomach, the scale now reading 253. “Ommf,” Deidara swallowed the last bite and farted loudly *PRRRPP!!* Obito looked at the empty pie tin and smirked at his reflection, the blue pig had eaten it clean.

“You did a good job fat boy. However,” Obito put a hand to his stomach, “I don’t think the credit is all yours.”

Deidara felt something jostle inside his stomach, a feeling he had been experiencing for some time. His stomach had also been looking even rounder lately. Deidara thought it was just a sense of bloatedness from his bed time feedings.

Was it something else?


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