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Attention Whore 2
By FC Punk

I'm such a sight in the waiting room, taking up space. The hospital has to provide these long chairs for whales like me. I'm entitled to it, I didn't eat myself into disability just so I could sit in a normal chair

I can sense the tension and the looks of disgust at my corpulence, How my big gut forces my thighs apart and at how my lime green t-shirt doesn't cover my belly all the way and my dark belly button was open for everyone to see.

"Mommy, why is that lady fat? Is she sick, is that why she's so fat?"

The mother is horrified and covers the little boy's mouth but I relish it. Those reactions are always the best, when it's their first time seeing someone freakishly big.

I slouch a little, making my belly push out and my shirt to ride up and expose my belly button even more.

I also have my food with me while I wait. A greasy bag of McDonalds rests in my buttersoft arm while I pick fry and fry from the bag into my greedy mouth. My face is round it has no shape. It's just a ball of fat with eyes and ears and a nose attached to it.

The faces, the looks of disgust. I look exactly like I am, a greedy fat pig. They're disgusted, utterly grossed out at my gluttony. They see me wheezing as I eat and I ravenously tear open wrappers for more things to stuff myself with.

As they slowly come to the realization that I'm doing this all on purpose they look at me with sour expressions, completely revolted by my excess I rub my belly with greasy fingers as if to confirm my piggish gluttony.

Yes, there it is! That's the look!

Their body language says it all, my gluttony was making them uncomfortable. They know, they know now that I'm doing this on purpose. Inflating with disgusting  yellow greasy fat. It's disgusting, I'm supposed to be active and burn calories so this doesn't happen. But not me, instead I've been collecting it, eating like a horse and moving like a sloth. My belly is a big pouch of visceral fat, a massive collection of yellow goop.

Everything about me is round and bloated. It's only natural to look at me and be repulsed. I'm trying to get massively obese and it's showing on my poor body. I love rubbing and playing with my belly, I'm a belly fat making machine.

My name is called up and I make a spectacle of myself. I wheeze and puff and wheeze and puff for breath trying to lift my poor lard filled body that I've absolutely destroyed.

I've ruined my body and wrecked my health and I am reveling in it.

"Ooohoo! Uuuuuuuhhh!"

I make ungodly noises of agony and everyone is watching, the nurses have stopped what they're doing in case my land whale body finally does me in.

Raising my massive ass from my fat person seat makes my hips moan and my knees crack in agony. "A-Ah!" I scream loudly making a scene as I painfully waddle to the scale.

I am so tired from standing and waddling that my sweat drips onto the digital scale.

"617!" The nurse announces loudly so the whole clinic heard it, fat shaming me.

But don't I deserve it?  Shame on me for eating so much. Shame on me for not saying no. Shame on me for being lazy. Shame on me for becoming a massive fat blob

The doctor does all this and more. My blood work is shit. I'm pre-diabetic, My liver is fatty. I have hypertension. More cholesterol than anyone should have.

I'm a walking time bomb according to my doctor and that I need weight loss surgery if I want to live to see 22, I need to take this seriously. It's life or death now.

Oooh, hearing all that gives me goosebumps and makes me wet. Leaving the hospital with a shopping bag of meds I get into my car, parked in the handicap spot with the blue rectangle over it.

I huff and puff finally in the car, my chest is killing me, fuck it hurts so bad. I take a coke and swig it down and it gradually goes away. I have a stack of papers of referrals of  people to go to. A bariatric surgeon, a diabetes nutritionist, a orthopedic for my hips.

Mmmm, I moan and fart loudly in my car, reveling in my poor health. So many people have to pay attention to me. So many people have to deal with me. I'm a big burden to everyone, I'm an inconvenience. I'm a useless fat body.

So much attention.

I'm fat, diseased, and loving it.


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