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Minako and Usagi were having a shopping spree at the Juban Mall, ever since Minako had decided to let herself go she needed to update her wardrobe. She didn’t know how much she weighed but she was definitely a fat girl now with a soft jiggly belly, round legs and arms, a fuller butt, and a tremendous double chin.

Her tea green dress was packed with her flesh, her belly pushed out the front and her butt pushed out the back. Her bare arms were flabby and Minako loved absently playing with her fat arms, they felt so soft.

When Minako came clean with the other girls about how there were boys that liked fat girls and she was getting fat on purpose Usagi was the first one to embrace the idea. Having a tendency to fluctuate in weight Usagi saw the idea as a God send. Now she could eat all she wanted! She could be a glutton! Better yet, she had Mamoru’s approval and his continued love. With Mamoru’s blessing Usagi went full hog. She didn’t watch her weight, she just became a full on glutton like Minako. She quickly found herself in the same position as Minako, a fat girl that had outgrown her clothes.

Usagi’s khaki shorts were on the verge of bursting, it had taken her mother’s help to button them which earned her a scolding. Her legs had become soft and thick, her thigh gap had disappeared as her thighs became wider and wider. Her pink shirt no longer fit her perfectly and couldn’t cover her big belly, her lower jelly roll was out in the open and everyone could see the new bright red stretch marks that coated it, evidence that Usagi Tsukino was a glutton. Her denim jacket wasn’t fitting well either, it couldn’t be closed or buttoned.

“Oh this looks so cute!” Usagi cooed as she picked up a new pink dress. “That definitely suits you Usagi, put it in the collection!”

Artemis and Luna were along with them, both of them shaking their heads “Usagi, you have plenty of cute outfits, you can still wear them,” Luna lectured and Artemis nodded, “Yeah Minako, it’s not that the clothes have shrunk it’s that you’ve grown.”

Usagi and Minako both looked down at them crossly, Minako scolding them “Hey! Keep that up and we won’t give you any fried shrimp later!” That shut both of the cats up as they did like to be fed treats.

The girls shopped and shopped until they came out of the store with three bags in each hand, “There, now we have bigger clothes!” Usagi said in triumph and Minako was giggling, “Hehe, yup! We’re going to look amazing for all the chubby chasers out there, but right now I’m hungry!” Usagi grinned widely, “Me too, lets go stuff ourselves!”

In the food court wrappers of burgers and boxes of fries were starting to pile up as the two fat girls gorged themselves. “Mmm! This is so much fun! Eating everything I’ve always wanted! No more diets for me!” Usagi said, shoving a handful of greasy fries in her mouth. Minako was working on a milkshake and nodded in agreement, “You know it Usagi! It’s nothing but easy street from here. No fat girl lover will be able to resist us.”

The two girls continued to eat and stuff themselves, Usagi saying “Mamoru really likes my new weight! He says I get cuter every day!”

Minako grinned wide and took a bite of a cheeseburger, bragging “See? I was right, wasn't I? There’s always some boy out there that loves fat girls!”


“Hurry up Yuuichirou!” Rei barked at her grandfather’s apprentice. Yuuichirou was carrying a huge amount of groceries and was lagging behind her.

“I’m going as fast as I can Rei, this stuff is really heavy!”

“No excuses! My friends are coming for the night and we need to restock our food!”

“I wonder why that is,” Yuuichirou muttered under his breath as he looked at Rei from behind. Her pink overalls were getting rather snug on her, being around Usagi and Minako was rubbing off on her and the result was Rei becoming pear shaped. With every step Rei took her widening rear end jiggled

Rei turned behind her and glared at him, “What was that?”

Yuuichirou shuddered, stammering “N-Nothing! I’m hurrying, I’m hurrying!”

Rei went up to Yuuichirou and grabbed a package of cookies from out of the bags and continued walking, “Of course we have to restock, Usagi and Minako will be here! I can’t believe what a fat pig Usagi has turned into, she’ll eat everything in our shrine if we let her!” Rei ripped open the bag and dumped the contents in her mouth.

Rei was aware she was gaining weight from being around Usagi. They all were, whenever Minako or Usagi was eating something they would eat too, and Minako and Usagi were never apart from fattening snacks and she was starting to eat like her.

Ami and Makoto were at Makoto’s place baking treats for their little sleepover they were doing at Rei’s.

“Thanks for helping me with baking these cookies for the sleepover Ami!” Mako was making cookie dough and wore a frilly apron over her mustard yellow pants and green top.

“It’s no problem, I’m happy to help.” Ami picked up a fresh cookie and took a bite. While she was eating she saw her reflection in a mirror and pouted. “It looks like I’m starting to put on weight like Minako and Usagi.” She turned to her profile and shook her head, “I look pregnant, look at how far my belly sticks out.” She ran her hand over her pot belly that was filling the middle of her blue dress.

“Yeah, I hate to say it but I think being around Minako and Usagi is making us fat.”

Just as Makoto said that the doorbell rang. Opening it Makoto smiled wide, “It came!”

“What came?” Ami asked and Mako opened the package to reveal a huge bra. “This baby!” She put her had to her chest, “My boobs have been ballooning lately, they’re the biggest thing on my body.” Ami was amazed, commenting “I didn’t think they made bras this big,” To which Mako blushed and said, “I...had to special order it from America.”

Ami shook her head, “We really are getting out of control.”


Later that night everyone was at the shrine and taking and eating.

“MMM these cookies are soooo good Mako!” Usagi said while shoving the chocolate chip cookies in her mouth. As she was talking crumbs fell out of her mouth to Rei’s disgust.

“Honestly Usagi, you’re being such a fat pig!”

Usagi looked at Rei and snickered, “Oh yeah? Says the girl with a blubber butt!”

“You shut up, you fat greedy bucket of lard!”

Minako tried to calm them down, “Girls come on, let’s just have a good night.”

Usagi pouted like a child and grabbed a big handful of potato chips, muttering “She started it.”

They also ordered pizza as well and the pizza joined the junk food party of chips and cheesy puffs and chocolates and candy and cookies Makoto had made.

Usagi was eating the most and being creative, using pretzels to scoop the cheese off her pizzas. However, while Usagi was eating she started to feel pressure in her tummy. She moaned and pouted, one of the consequences of her rapid weight gain was a new flatulence problem, the excessive junk food caused an excessive gas problem. . “Oof,” Usagi leaned over slightly and farted loudly *pfffrrrttt!*.

The girls were startled, they had never heard Usagi pass gas like that before. Minako and Mako held their nose as the smell filled the room while Ami went to open a window. Rei angrily slammed her fist on the table and yelled out “Usagi! What the hell!”

“Waaaaaah, I can’t help it!” Usagi the cry baby started to wail, big fat tears rolling down her chubby cheeks while she shoved fries into her mouth, crying “I just keep getting bloated all the time and I try to hold them in but it starts hurting and I got to release! I’ve been farting non stop for a week and I’ve been holding it all the time and it feels good to just release! ”

Luna scolded her, “You wouldn’t be so gassy if you ate more than just junk food!”

Minako sighed, “It’s alright Usagi, these things happen. We’re friends, you don’t need to hold them in if it’s causing you discomfort,” Rei felt a little bit of sympathy at Usagi’s gas problem and said, “I guess I can forgive you if it’s really such a problem.”

Usagi sniffed, her tears stopped and embraced Rei in big glomping hug “Thank you Rei that makes me feel so much better!” As she hugged her she let out one more fart *Prrrumpt!*

Rei groaned at the awful smell and chastised her, “Just try not gassing up my shrine!”

Ami sat back down, having cleared the air of Usagi’s flatulence and said, “I think we all know we’ve put on weight.” Mako frowned, “Yeah, there’s no denying it, we’re all getting fat.” Rei agreed, “Yeah, I’ve been pretty lazy lately. This is all Minako and Usagi’s fault.”

Usagi and Minako frowned “Hey!” Rei waved her hand, “It was a joke, but we have been eating with you guys alot and it’s catching up with us. If I was really upset I would be dieting and exercising my fat butt off, but the truth is letting go is fun.”

Mako had to nod, “I’ve been enjoying cooking these treats, not just for us but for myself. It’s fun trying out these recipes. Not only that,” She touched her bulging boobs now held up in her new American bra, “My chest has gotten huge. I really love having big double Ds, it makes me feel feminem.”

Ami then blushed and lifted up her shirt showing the big pot belly she was growing, “All of my gain is going to my belly.” Ami put her hand under her belly and jiggled it with her fingers, “Belly fat is the worst fat you can have, it’s so unhealthy. I’m grossed out but at the same time I’m curious of how much larger my belly can get.”

Minako was grinning, “So I guess you girls are ready to join me and Usagi in obesity?”

The three girls were silent before Mako said, “Yeah, I am.” Mako reached for a slice of pizza and took a hearty bite.

“Yeah, I guess I’ll let myself go. Eating like a pig is too much fun.” Rei chugged a bottle of soda.

“Obesity is unhealthy, but my curiosity is really getting the best of me. I know how to lose weight, I can help us all diet when we’re ready to slim down.”

“Good! Oh I’m so happy, we’re going to get fat together!” Minako cheered and Ami got up and came back with a scale. “We should at least weigh ourselves since this is the official start of us letting ourselves go.”

“I’ll go first sense I started this,” Mina volunteered to go first and stepped on the scale. The needle went to 200 pounds on the dot and Minako giggled, “Hehe, I’m 200 pounds already! Come on Usagi, your turn!”

Usagi grunted and got up onto the scale where the needle went to 206 pounds. Minako was shocked, “Wow Usagi that’s an impressive gain.” Minako patted Usagi’s belly.

“Alright, it’s my turn. I know for sure that I’m not as fat as Usagi.” Rei got up and her big bottom wobbled as she stepped on and it shot to 207 to Rei’s shock ,“What the hell!”

Usagi clutched her sides falling on her back she laughed and laughed and couldn't hold back the big fart that expelled from her “Hahah! Hahaha! You’re fatter than I am Rei!” *Ppppprt!*

"Oh shut up, you big fart pig!" Rei huffed off the scale, she didn't appreciate Usagi's teasing.

“I guess I’ll go on as well.” Ami volunteered and the scale shot to a tubby 194. “Hey, that’s pretty good Ami,” Minako complimented her, “The weight looks good on you!” Ami blushed darkly seeing her weight made her feel even fatter. “Oh goodness,” Ami rubbed her belly with both hands.

Finally Mako got on and it went to 180 on the dot, “Sheesh, that’s a lot of weight for a girl, but then again I am pretty tall.”

Sitting back down they resumed eating and Ami spoke up, “I did the math in my head, with the exception of Mako due to her height the rest of us are all obese.”

Rei grasped a handful of her belly and shook it, “Yeah, I think we all got that, Ami. So what’s next?”

Ami just giggled, “Hehe, well I suppose we’ll all have to see what happens.”

To Be Continued


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