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Part 4: The International Club

The top floor of the cafeteria building was the desert floor. The floor had every kind of cake from chocolate cake to cheesecake, there were several soft serve machines, a line up of cupcakes, brownies, and cookies. Treats and sweets and anything and everything that was packed with sugar was available for hogs like you to gorge on.

“Mmmmph! Yum!” You were moaning in bliss while eating the spread before you, your mouth was covered in crumbs, ice cream, cake icing and whip cream.

You and Lizzie had been in this hog heaven for almost an hour gorging yourselves. Lizzie had chocolate pudding stains all over her shirt with an especially notable stain on her green tie. “Oh this is just heaven!” Lizzie picked up her big serving bowl of chocolate pudding and tipped it into her mouth, giggling around the pudding going down her gullet.

You were being such a pig, you were eating the frosting off cupcakes and discarding the cupcakes themselves. Yes, you were an absolute whore for food, a slut for sweet things that you cannot get enough. But even then, eating for an hour was a little much for you. Your stomach was packed full and was bloating the upper part of your enormous flab blanket of a belly out.

You huffed and puffed out of breath from eating so much, but even as stuffed you were your gluttony won out and shove a handful of gummy bears into your maw. Miss Emily was bringing more and more slices of pies and cakes, she was fattening the beast. Even though Miss Emily was bringing you just slices you were eating enough to compose an entire cake, meaning in this hour you had eaten five entire cakes.

Lizzie was now going through rich fattening banana pudding, doing away with forks she scooped big handfuls of banana pudding into her mouth. You also didn’t bother with silverware, eating with your hands had rendered them as filthy as your mouth. Your sticky crumb covered hands reached for a slice of carrot cakes and stuffed it in your mouth, your cheeks bulging out.

While you were gorging your phone buzzed and you reached into your blazer and saw a reminder had been set off, it was almost time to meet up with Adele and the International Club. You pout at having to leave the top floor, “I don’t want to leave!” Miss Emily took out a napkin and wiped your face clean, “Miss Lang, the cafeteria isn’t going away and you’re most likely going to eat at your club. After the club we can come back.”

You sigh, Miss Emily had a point, and not only that you had been looking forward to seeing what the International club waa about.

“Sorry Lizzie, I gotta go.” You apologised to Lizzie who smiled, the pink haired girl said, “Don’t worry about it, I’ll just stay here and eat your share and then we’ll meet up at the dorm and watch some anime or something.”

You smile back, happy to have such an understanding friend. You took a slice of cheesecake with you and scoot out with Emily by your side.

Emily pulled a map of the school on her tablet, “The club is in the east wing in room 231.” You were happy to have Emily by your side, you wouldn’t know what you would do without her. She was always there for you when you needed help, which at your size you needed all the help you can get. While she was always around she also gave you space to interact without her involved, she would stay in the background working on her tablet until you called her over.

Rolling up to the door Emily opened it for you and you saw the club members all talking amongst each other and Adele waved at you. “Oh good you came!” Adele staggered over to you, her big butt wobbling under her skirt. She turned to the four other students and said, “Girls, this is Samantha Lang. I invited her, so let’s give her an International Club welcome! We can start by introducing ourselves.”

The first one to speak up was an Indian girl with brown skin and long black hair that was kept in a single long braid. A pair of glasses sat on her round moon face.  “Welcome!” She greeted you with an English RP accent and started to stand to greet you. She didn’t have a scooter, that told you she was still mobile. Watching her stand up was a sight to see, it was like a machine starting up with her grunts “Nnn!”  and the series of jiggles and wobbles that came from lifting her great corpulence. Beads of sweat rolled down her chocolate brown skin until finally she was up right.

“My name-phew, excuse me-my is Nina Parmer I’m a first year student and I weigh 580 pounds. I come from England, my family runs a very successful curry house in London.” Looking her over you were surprised by the size of her gut. Her gut stuck out nearly 6 foot long and was somehow contained in her skirt. The rest of her was chubby and chunky but her belly was clearly the highlight. “While I love being fattened like a turkey, I’m more interested in academics.”

The next girl to speak up was another girl with brown skin. Judging from the fact that she was in a luxury scooter of her own, she was a dedicated glutton. Larger than Nina her own tan stomach wasn’t tucked into her skirt and her shirt was purposefully unbuttoned up to her chest which showed the enormity of her belly apron, it hung there between her thighs idley like a sack of meat. The way it hung and jiggled with even the slightest movement showed gravity in action. It was completely going against the uniform policy and you were impressed by her rebellious spirit.

“My name’s Sophia Guerrero, I'm a third year student and 630 pounds. I’m a dual citizen, but I primarily just live in Tijuana since that’s where my papi is. He recently expanded his fast food company into San Diego and it’s been such a success he could afford to send me here.”

A big blonde, the tallest girl in the group, waddled towards you, but unlike everyone else she wasn’t wearing any tights, every jiggly bit of her cellulite lumps could be seen. A slow plodding waddle sent quakes and shakes through her massive tree trunk thighs. She was just like Adele, with legs and ass so packed and wobbly she was more cellulite than girl. The skirts they all wore could barely cover the big bottomed members of the student population, so their white panties would often be out behind them.  

“Guten morgen! I’m Hildi Schneider and I come from Munich, West Germany. I’m a third year and I’m 600 pounds! Welcome to the International Club!” She thrusted her arms out, her bloated balloons of arm fat dangle to and fro as she dramatically showed the rest of the room and the various stoves and ovens, this room was the cooking classroom. Hildi spurn around and drool slightly, “Today is my turn!” Suddenly she looked at your chair and covered her hands over her mouth squealing “Oh my God look at what you’re sitting on!” You looked over your scooter, not seeing anything, “What’s wrong my chair?”

Hildi rushed over, her big butt cheeks making a loud clapping sound as she did. When she bent over her entire big ass stuck out of her miniskirt and flashed the girls her white panties that were scrunched up her cellulite butt. She put a fat finger on the logo which was a two-headed cat. “You’re using one of my family’s wheelchairs!”

“No way!” You said in amazement to which Hildi squealed “Yup! these scooters and chairs are everywhere.” Hildi stood back up and had a proud smile on her face, “But it makes sense, Schneider  is a luxury brand and this is a school for filthy rich piglets like us!”

You grinned and agreed, “You bet!

The last girl approached you wider than she was tall but her biggest features were her two enormous boobs. Suspended in mid air whatever support she had for those melons you desperately wanted to know. Her green tie was draped over her pushed out blouse and looked like a boat in a sea of tit flesh

“Konnichiwa,” she bowed and her gigantic breasts wobbled in her uniform. Rising up she said in an uncertain voice. “My English, not good-” Hildi interjected, “I know Japanese, I act like a translator for the club.”  

“Senpai arigatō,” she said to Hildi and said, in a thick accent  “My name Kiko Momota, it is good to meet you." ''That name sounds familiar. Wait, aren’t you that Idol? My roommate Lizzie is a fan of yours, she does her hair in your style.”

"Watashi wa manējā kara koko ni okura remashita” Kiko said and Hildi translated “She was sent here by her manager.” With that out of the way Kiko said, “Watashi wa Tōkyō kara kimashita Watashi wa 1-nenseidesu. Taijū wa 240 kg”

Hildi translated, “I am from Tokyo, I am a first year student. I weight 240 kg.”

Adele spoke up, “That would be 530 in pounds. I know we all come from different countries and have different ways of measurement, but for simplicity sake and because we’re in the United States we'll use lbs for measurement. Anyways, I’m Adele Katz and this whole thing was my idea. Since so many countries have the same cultural attitude towards fat and gluttony as America does and we’ve all been sent here to put on some serious weight so I figured let's have a Club! I'm a second year, I’m from Tele Aive, and I’m the thinnest at just 420. I’m more into academics like Nina, I want to be an architect.”

Sophia looked at you and asked, “How about you why did you go to Monroe?”

A big grin grew your on your face and you declared, “I came here to fatten up into quadruple digits. I came here to be the biggest pig to ever grace this school. Being fed and gorged and glutted makes me happier than a pig in shit!”

The girls laugh with Hildi saying, “I think deep down that’s every student’s goal.”

“Yeah, like,” you explain to them, “I want to be like Margot Robbie fat, you know? She’s like 1,300 pounds and I want to be just like her. I want to be HUGE!” You extended your arms out to your sides to show just how much width you wanted. You smile, “I weigh 721 pounds currently so I’m at least a little close to it.” But your tone turned sad, “I thought the other 700 pounds would have been my friends, but Sabrina and her group rejected me. I was homeschooled so I never really had friends..”

The others awwed at her, Adele going over to give you a big hug, her rump shaking as she did “It’s okay, we’ll be your friends. Do you want to join the international club now?”

You grinned, “Yes of course! I will represent the United States!”

The group clapped and Hildi then said, “My day!” She shuffled her closseal butt to a countertop with various wursts on trays, bowls of gummy bears, several large pork roasts, a pile of strudels, and several bottles of German beer.

The girls all gorged and gorged, stuffing themselves as if they were elastic sausage casings meant for one thing only and that was to be filled with pork. Everyone could pack it away, but it was almost becoming a contest between Hildi and you. You were loving all these authentic German pork products, your poor heart twinges in pain with all your eating. Hildi noticed your gluttony and smirked, “You can’t beat me Sam, in Munich I’m called the Queen of Pork!” A confident smirk came on your face, “Sounds like a challenge!”

After the others had reached their limit Hildi and you kept on your friendly battle. Your gut was getting so distended it was touching the handlebars of your scooter. The two of you were sweating from your gorging, your tummies and bras could be made out through their blouses.

To Hildi it didn’t seem possible, but she had to tap out.

“I can’t eat anymore,” Hildi pants and you took one last bite, beating the pork queen.

“Oooooh!” You whine rubbing your immense belly that had bloated out a good foot. “Mmmmp-hufff-hufff, this a good club meeting,” You grunt and a loud fart escapes you, you were so stuffed you didn’t care. “I just need to poop now.”

Adele tried to laugh, but she too was so full of por. “Next club meeting is Tuesday. It’ll be Kiko’s and we’ll eat what her culture eats.”

The small student was huffing, even with the support she felt she had to lift her tits with both hands just to breathe properly. “Sushi,” she softly said.

“Ooof...sushi…” You grunt out and pass more gas. “I gotta go, see you guys next Tuesday!” “Bye Sam!” They called out.

Miss Emily walked beside you as you scooted to the bathroom, “You made some new friends, this is wonderful Sam.”

You couldn’t answer just letting out short raspy farts until you enter the posh bathroom and the plush bench with holes in them. Scooting next to one you moan and Emily helps you up and quickly pulled down your tights and your panties and set you over one hole and you rip a tremendous fart that echoes in the bathroom. You moaned while you pooped, pooping was so relaxing after a good stuffing. As you sat and pooped and peed and farted you thought of the top floor and then your pork feast, no wonder you were so full of it.

The door opens and you see Lizzie waddling in, “Hey Sam, looks like your first club session went well.” The attendant pulled down Lizzie’s tights and panties and she plopped down on the plush hole next to you, farted loudly, and began to poop. You had a great big smile on your face even as your heart was racing and you were pooping, “It’s such a great club and guess what!” You grew a smile, “Kiko is in my club.”

“WHAT?!” Lizzie shouted and let loose a powerful fart. “Yeah, she’s here. Her manager sent her here to fatten up.”

Lizzie covered her eyes in her hands, she was fangirling hard, “I can’t beleive she’s here, oh my God she’s so cute already, but now she'll get even fatter!” She gushed wiggling, poop plopping out of her.

It was going to be a long shit for you and you take out your phone. You were going to watch youtube when a Pizza Hart ad came on.

“Mmmm,” Sabrina moaned in a pizza designed bikini while laying in a sun chair with a pizza box resting on her tummy “I’m working on my beach body this year.” Sabrina pulled out a cheesy greasy slice with lots of toppings that dropped into her boobs and grease ran down her chins with each big bite, pooling in her cleavage. “Mmmph, mmm, you can too with Pizza Hart’s gut buster, its-”

You jerked up from your phone and yelled out “I hate her so much! She thinks just because she has these commercials she’s better than everyone! That's it! Emily I’m I’m hungry! Order out to the kitchen I’m going to need boxes and boxes of pizza!”

Emily tapped on her tablet, asking “What kind?”

To which you shouted “All of them!”

The pizzas came soon enough, girls entering and leaving the bathroom to bring in pizza boxes. Lizzie, while still pooping, watched you gorge yourself. Lizzie grinned at her roommate. “Even while taking a shit, you’re eating like a pig! You’re so cool.”

“Hnnng, I’m being a pizza glutton!” You grin at Lizzie even as a big fart erupts under you followed by a large dump that makes you moan “MmMMmmm!” That commercial really pisses me off!” You would take the toppings and cheese and stuff them in your mouth with your fat greasy hands. This was a binge and you didn’t care about anything else but eating. All the while you glutted you still dumped, literally making room for more

Your face was smeared in grease and tomato sauce and you kept going until your heart started to hurt.

“Ooooh” You moan. You had a heart attack when you were 7, your heart was never the same. You even had an ICD implanted in you. Usually when your heart started to act up was when you wisely begin to slow down. You wanted to eat more, but if you did you would have a heart attack and yourICD would go off.

You rubbed your chest, smearing pizza sauce and grease over your blouse. “I hope daddy can get me a heart transplant for Christmas.” You pout, unable to eat anymore. You wanted to gorge and eat and stuff yourself, but your body was firmly telling you NO.

To be Continued


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