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May Jane

By FC Punk

New York City was an exciting city at any time of the day, but when the sun went down was when it got interesting.

In a converted loft an 80’s night dance party was under way. On the dance floor while New Wave music bounced off the acoustic walls Mary Jane Watson danced and danced wearing tight white jeans, leather boots, a leather halter top, and a leather jacket.

Oh how she could dance, her red hair flying everywhere. Mary Jane Watson was the envy of all the girls around her, jealous of the guys she would attract such as the hot blonde that was dancing very close.

“Look at her and that guy, they’re practically dry humping it’s so gross.” A girl named Melanie watched with her friend Betty Brant who was similarly repulsed. “It’s so really bad, I don’t need to see that.”  The girls both had cups of water and frowned watching MJ, each taking sips.

Betty then whispered, “You know, I had a run in with Spider-Man.”

Melanie looked surprised, “Wait, you met Spider-Man?”

“A few times, Jonah Jamison is my boss. Anyway, he had some weird tube that he said had a chemical.”

Betty pulled out a test tube. “It was some Oscorp thing, I don’t know. I was just the person there at that moment. He needs me to watch it, told me it had really bad side effects. Something about recreating the Super Soldier serum thing Captain America had, you know?”

“How could I not? My great grandpa always talked about him. So they were trying to make another Captain America? How do I know you’re not making all this up Betty?”

“It’s true,” Betty insisted, “I trust Spider-Man, he’s a super hero so he has to be telling the truth. So should we use it?”

“Do you honestly think we’d get away with it? Are you crazy?”

“Oh yeah,” Betty frowned, exceedingly disappointed that her plan wouldn’t work, putting the tube back into her bra.

As the two stewed in jealousy and envy MJ and her guy went over to the snack table where several bowls of chips and salsa were presented for the party as well as a pitcher of water that everyone drank from.

After Mary Jane took a big drink from the glass she started eating the chips. At first it was just one chip, but soon she was dipping two at a time and then three at a time, she couldn't stop.

Suddenly MJ yelled out in pain, hunched over hugged her sides, “A-ahhhh!!”

The music suddenly stopped and everyone, circled around gasping and gawking with concern, many taking their smartphones out to call an ambulance or record what was happening.

“Hnnng,” Mary Jane grunted deeply and a loud rumbling fart poured from her round and firm butt.


Everyone laughed at Mary Jane’s enormous unladylike fart.

“Hahaha! Did she!”

“No way!”
“Daaamn girl!”

Melanie and Betty couldn’t stop laughing, “Bathrooms round the corner!” Melanie mocked her, Betty joining in “Yeah! Don’t go have an accident!”

MJ hurried to the bathrooms, letting out another big fart that caused another round of laughter. Inside the bathroom Mary Jane hid in a stall and felt her clothes suddenly tighten, like she was caught in a vice. Looking down at her body she screamed “I’m getting fat!” Her entire body was plumping up with jiggly soft fat. She placed her hands, which were also plumping up, onto her inflating gut and moaned at her belt that was pinching into her soft belly, pressing into her growing gut which made her pass gas again *PRRRRUUUPPT!*

The tightness in her pants got tighter and tighter, “A-ah! So tight!” MJ cried and she unbuckled her belt with her new sausage fingers but struggled with her button, between her fat fingers and how tight the button was she couldn’t get it undone. The painful pinch of her button got worse and worse until it popped off and hit the stall door. With the button down her belly surged out like a burst dam, forcing her zipper down. Her belly was growing so big it pushed her leather halter top up and her upper arms were becoming beefy, her leather jacket became increasingly tighter until she had to take it off when it no longer fit her.

A spider's web of stretchmarks ran across her stomach from her belly button and touching her belly she cringed at how soft and doughy it was, “My poor abs,” she mournfully said, she had worked hard for her body and now it was disappearing under pounds of jiggly fat.

Even with her button gone her pants kept getting tighter and tighter around her thickening thighs. Getting up she left the stall and went to the mirror and gasped at the other changes in her body.

Her face and cheeks were rounding out with flab covering her cheekbones and a double chin grew in. She placed her hands to her cheeks and was horrified at how she could feel her doughy cheeks pushing against her hands. Her hands moved down to her inflating double chin and was similarly shocked at how fast it was growing, she tried to maneuver her face to different angles, but it would just not go away. Her complexion changed too, her skin grew greasy and shined in the light with little red pimples popping up with bright whiteheads.

Even more shocking to her was seeing her beautiful long hair recede into a short frumpy style. She ran her hand through her hair and was grossed out by how greasy it was, her hair was so oily she could fry chicken in it.

There came a point where her body stopped growing and MJ looked herself over. She looked behind her in the mirror and even unbuttoned her white jeans were still tight around her now enlarged ass. She lifted her big belly with her hands and was shocked by how heavy it felt, it was like holding a sack of meat. She let go and felt horrible at how it wobbled and slapped against her.

She grasped her belt and tried to pull it over her flabby belly mound. She tried and tried, with her button removed she needed some way to fasten her pants. She huffed and moaned and even tried sucking it in, but there was just no way she could fasten her belt. She sighed and let the belt go, letting each side hang idly on each side.

“What’s wrong with me!” MJ cried out and looked at the door. She couldn’t stay in the bathroom forever, she would have to go out. She would have to face it, the stares, the ridicule, the utter humiliation of turning into the fat woman she had become.

“Oh God,” MJ groaned as she tentatively placed her hand on the door and pushed, leaving the bathroom. As she moved through the hall she found that she was waddling, she was no longer walking normally. Her boots were also tight around her fatter legs and her feet felt cramped, she just knew her fat had also gotten fatter.

When she made it back to the dance floor her eyes went wide: Everyone was fat too!

She walked around, seeing how everyone had changed. She bumped into the blonde guy she had been dancing with and saw that he too had changed. She had to guess he was over 400 pounds, his red tank top that had showed off his tight pecs were now pushed out by flabby man boobs that were bigger than what MJ’s had been, the top had shrunk and his big belly flowed out from under it. His blonde hair had thinned and was starting to bald as well. MJ immediately smelled his oniony BO and backed off.

She turned her head and saw Melanie and Betty laughing at her, but they each had to be 500 pounds. They were two big blobs, even bigger than MJ herself, yet they were taunting her.

“Look at her Betty! What a stinky slob she is!”
“Yeah! Hey MJ! The dance floor still smells like your farts!”

“S-shut up!” MJ shouted at them before she bent over and clutched her sides. Betty and Melanie both snickered, Melanie saying “Watch out folks! She’s gonna fart again!”

*pppppppprrrrrrruppt!* the fart that came out quickly turned to something else as the back of MJ’s white jeans grew larger and a brown stain formed behind her.

“Oh my God! HA!” Melanie roared with laughter and Betty couldn’t even speak.

With eyes filled with tears MJ dashed out of the loft and ran down the stairs as fast as she could, cheeks red as she wheezed for breath. Outside on the street she held her leather jacket behind her big smelly butt and made her way to the subway.

Getting in the train everyone immediately looked at MJ. The reactions were one of general revulsion and many others held their noses at the stench coming from her. MJ cringed, she knew every single person was looking at her and she knew she was a disgusting mess. Sitting down she felt the poop in her pants smoosh and squish against her butt and spread down the legs of her pants. Tears began to run down her cheeks as she sat in her poop, feeling like an enormous fat pig in the mud.

When she got to her stop she quickly ran out and by the time she made it to her apartment she was a sweaty mess and stunk as much as the blonde she danced with. “I can’t believe this,” MJ said around the tears rolling down her flabby cheeks. She dropped her jacket and peeled off her halter top and her bra, her breasts had broken her bra long ago. The big breasts slapped against her tummy and made her groan at their heft.

It was then she began what she had been dreading since it happened.

She slowly pulled down her jeans and winced at the smell that expelled from them. They were completely ruined, MJ delicately dumped them into a garbage bag before moving to the bathroom.

She turned around in the mirror and let out a pathetic whine at seeing how brown her big butt was. It was caked, covered, smeared in brown poop. With more tears falling MJ wrapped her hand in toilet paper and attempted to reach behind her...but she couldn’t.

Her beefy upper arms were so big and round and packed with blubber that bending and twisting them certain ways was difficult if not impossible. She groaned, her flabby arms shaking and wobbling as she tried to reach and reach.

“Damnit!” She swore, not even getting a single speck on her wrapped hand, “Fuck! Come on!” She cried and cried but she just could not wipe her shitty ass.


MJ shot up in bed. She panted and panted, her long red hair was slick with sweat. She looked around and saw she was in her bed. Her touched her face, it was thin. She looked under the covers she had abs instead of a belly.

“Just a dream,” MJ sighed and fell back on her pillow. She looked to her side at the empty pillow. Peter was still out. She looked up at the ceiling and then at her phone.

“Bruno’s is still open. I could go for some pizza.”


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