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“Hold on! Just, let me take a breather!”

Marinette was breathing heavily as she took a seat at the Strawberry Fields memorial. Adrien was out of breath as well, at over 400 pounds moving around was a great hassle for them. Nathalie, while a bit sweaty, wasn’t as worn out. While she didn’t know how much she weighed it was definitely less than these two porkers.

“Oof, I never thought being 400 pounds would be so hard.” Marinette took a swig of her water bottle. Adrien puffed “Yeah, we’ve been gaining so fast we’re not really accustomed to our bodies.”

It was rather true, the two of them had been spending as much time as Ladybug and Cat Noir as possible, just to be able to move properly, never having to deal with their weight.

Marinette looked at Adrien and how his black shirt was clinging to him in the nicest way. Adrien wore his clothes a size smaller so as to show his body off, it was partially for marketing to show off his fashion, but also because Adrien was just that happy being obese.

She blushed turning to look at her own massive body and how she filled her pink pants and how her massive belly was outlined in her white shirt. “Y-yeah. We’re really really fat now.” Her voice was uneasy as she said that, she was living her fantasy: Her and Adrien, together in New York and being a super fat couple. Marinette had fallen in love with obesity just as hard as she was in love with Adrien.

Adrien smiled, “Yeah, it’s the best, we get to eat whatever we want whenever we want.” As Adrien said that he felt his stomach rumble and he giggled, turning to Nathalie he asked “Hey Nathalie I’m kinda hungry now, do you think we could get some pizza? The pizza in New York is world renown, I’ve always wanted to try it.”

Nathalie tapped on her tablet with the Gorilla by her side and said, “The closest pizza place is on the Upper West Side, pass the Dakotas. We’ll go there, but then we have to go to an interview.”

The Upper West Side was charming with the brownstones all lined up in a row. Adrien and Marinette took many pictures of them sitting on stoops, as well as many selfies that they would post on their Instagram accounts. Suddenly a giant fireball came from a brownstone with a child screaming from inside.

Chaos ensured with newstrucks and fire trucks rushing to the brownstone. In the ensuring chaos Marinette and Adrien managed to slip from Nathalie and the Gorilla. With each one finding a hiding spot Marinette and Adrien turned into Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Using her yo-yo and his staff they both landed in the flaming building before seeing each other and shouting “What are you doing here!” at each other.

“So this was your secret mission!” Ladybug said in annoyance that Cat Noir’s “secret mission” happened so far away from Paris. She knew he would have been out of Paris, but at least was still in France!

“No time m’lady!” Cat Noir looked around the burning building, “I always thought you were hot, but this isn’t what I meant! Come on, we have to find the child!”

The two super heros looked and found the child huddled up in a corner. Ladybug went for the child who screamed and screamed.

“Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous sommes là pour vous aider!” Ladybug told the child, but the little boy was still screaming in the corner. Ladybug was horrified, “He doesn’t understand me! I can’t speak English!”

But Cat Nor extended his hand and said, “Come with us, we’re here to save you.” Ladybug was shocked that Cat Noir knew English and watched the child grasp onto Cat Noir. Cat Noir and Ladybug jumped from the burning brownstone and landed in front of a packed media circus. Reporters were all clamoring for a scoop as Cat Noir handed the child to the fire crew.

“Ladybug! Cat Noir! Ladybug! Cat Noir!” They repeatedly said and the gathering gawkers all had cell phones out recording this event.

“Désolé je ne parle pas anglais!” Ladybug told the reporters and nodded to Cat Noir to join her as they took off, jumping up onto the rooftops and running away.

Meanwhile Nathalie was fretting. She had lost Adrien and Marinette in the chaos and even worse still, Ladybug and Cat Noir were in America.

Once they were far enough away Ladybug and Cat Noir stopped to talk.

“So you’re on vacation then?” Ladybug accused Cat Noir who shrugged his fat shoulders, making his impressive boy chest wobble, “Yeah I guess you could call that. Who knew it’d be at the same place you were going on vacation. Really is a small world, eh bugaboo?”

Ladybug stomped in annoyance, “Stop calling me bugaboo!” She then sighed, placing her hand on her well padded hip she turned her back to Cat Noir who stared at her big porky rump, the spots on her costume had been stretched bigger across the expanse of her ass. “So, we’re both here. What are we going to do now?”

Cat Noir grinned, “We could have a day in New York! Get some New York food, stop a few crimes, and then we’ll go our separate ways back to where we were. The people we were with, you know, your family and my family, they’ll know where we are once we contact them. How does that sound M’Lady?”

Ladybug thought it over before her doughy round face beamed with a smile, “You got it Kitty. Let’s go have fun!”

Meanwhile, Gabriel was getting ready to be interviewed when suddenly his phone went off. Checking it out his eyes grew wide. “That's impossible!” On his phone was a news notification that Ladybug and Cat Noir had appeared in New York City. He checked it further, watching the clip of Ladybug saying “Sorry I don’t speak English” before taking off. His phone started ringing and he saw it was Nathalie. “What do you mean you’ve lost them! Find them at once! I-so you saw them? Hmmm, I don’t know. I will think of what to do, just find them.”

Gabriel hung up and he kept rewatching the footage over and over again.


Audrey, Chloe, and Sabrina were all seated at a fancy italian restaurant with numerous pasta dishes before them.

“You know Chloe,” Audrey paused to take a big heart bite of a rich lasagna “I have to give you my compliments in your modeling it’s utterly wonderful how well you’re doing!”

Chloe smiled wide, she felt like her heart was going to melt. She remembered her name! She praised her! She then regained her composure and said, “Well, of course I did! I truly am exceptional you know!”

“Not to mention,” Audrey paused and belched loudly, “Ooof, excuse me! Not to mention you’re getting properly fat now! You’re well on your way to reaching your mother’s status and girth!” Audrey threw her big arms out, her drooping upper arm fat jiggled as she did so. At over 600 pounds Audrey was seated on three chairs and her white romper made her look like a big marshmallow.

Audrey was correct on Chloe’s girth. When Audrey had gotten her the modeling gig and insulted her size Chloe had dove into eating her feelings under massive amounts of fattening foods. Her greedy hands gobbled up all the most fattening junk she could find and now had swollen up even more, possibly the fattest one of the trio of models once more. They would all have to weigh in and see.

“Chloe is a big eater, I should know!” Sabrina spoke up, the glasses clad redhead patted Chloe’s swollen belly before coating Chloe’s spaghetti and meatballs with an excessive amount of parmesan, “I’ve been helping her out, I always make sure Chloe eats all she can! You could call me a feeder!”

Sabrina giggled, she had been helpful in stuffing Chloe’s gluttonous belly, she worked diligently, spending her own money on treats just for Chloe. She reveled in seeing how much rounder Chloe would grow, each new dimple that appeared, each new roll she grew, it made Sabrina proud because she knew she had directly made them appear.

Sabrina picked up a meatball with her fork and as if to demonstrate started to feed Chloe who passively sat like a pig accepting every bite. Chloe’s jowls wobbled as she ate, breathing through her nose she sounded like a heavy pig.

Their phones went off and they each pulled them out and were shocked. “LADYBUG is here!” Chloe heaved herself up. “She’s here, she’s here!” She was fangirling hard making a scene. “Chloe sit down, I’m trying to enjoy my food. You’re being ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous!” Audrey scolded her but Chloe put her Bee Miraculous into her hair, Pollen coming out of it “How may I serve you my Queen?” Pollen asked to which Chloe grinned at the Kwami, “We’re gonna have a coming out party! Pollen buzz on!”

Pollen was sucked into the comb and Chloe transformed to Queen Bee.

A yellow and black domino mask appeared on her face while her hair was pulled back in a ponytail which was curled to resemble a bee’s stinger at the end, her hair was tied up with a black hairband with two ribbons sticking out that resembled bee antennas, and a streak of black hair was curled into her ponytail.

Her yellow costume was made up of many tiny hexagonal patterns to resemble a honeycomb with a black collar, three black stripes on her torso, which includes a large black one covering her rib cage, and two on the upper thigh. The sleeves of her costume were also black, which end in gloves with yellow fingers. Her black boots went down the length of her lower legs, starting directly below the second stripe on her thigh, and ended with yellow wedges. Her weapon, a spinning top, was tied around her waist.

The patrons immediately went crazy, taking phones out. Audrey rolled her eyes, “Alright Chloe fine. Go play super hero and contact me or Nathalie when you’re done. I’m going to go glut myself some more.”

Queen Bee flicked her blonde bangs and smirked, “Alright mom, whatever you say. Come Sabrina!” Sabrina blushed at the massive super hero, standing up, “You need me, Ch-I mean, Queen Bee?”

“Of course I do! You will be my official translator! My drone!” Queen Bee said as she and Sabrina walked out of the restaurant. It wasn’t easy to attract attention in a place like Times Square but everything immediately stopped as everyone gathered around Queen Bee.

“Peuple d'Amérique! Je suis ta reine des abeilles!” Chloe crows at the gathering people as Sabrina translated, “People of America! This is your Queen Bee!”

Queen Bee grasped hold of Sabrina, pulling her into her soft body and threw her top out, taking off from the ground and landing on top of the Times Tower and dramatically threw out her arms, euphorically declaring “I am truly exceptional! Look at how they adore me!”

Sabrina looked over the neon alley of Times Square and all the people pointing and camera flashing and the news trucks pulling up to the tower. “This is amazing my Queen,” Sabrina hugged Queen Bee tight.


Ladybug and Cat Noir walked through the gentrified Hell's Kitchen in Midtown, many paparazzi following them. They each had a hot dog in hand and were enjoying themselves.

“Ladybug! Are you forming an American branch of superheroes?” One TMZ reported asked, to which Cat Noir chuckled at them, “Ladybug doesn’t understand English she has no idea what you’re saying. But we are enjoying ourselves.”

The two entered a pizzeria and was greeted with cheers as they took a booth. The owner came up to them and said, “Hey, I don’t know if yous two understand me, but since you two saved that kid I’m gonna let ya have anything you want on the house!”

Cat grinned and said, “Hey thanks! Bring us some pepperoni pizza to start with and then maybe some breadsticks!”

Cat then noticed how a bit of Ladybug’s sides were hanging out of her booth, “I gotta say Lady, you’ve put on some weight.” Cat reached over and patted her lardy sides. Ladybug giggled, “Of course I have Cat, you know I’m all in on gaining weight now. In fact, I bet I can out eat you Kitty.” Cat grinned and said “You’re on!”

The two soon was eating a huge pizza, Ladybug remarking “Wow, it’s true! New York pizza is the best pizza in the world!” Cat Noir took a bite and said, “You got that right m’lady, I could eat this all day!”

The two ate and ate all the while trying to ignore the paparazzi recording them.

“Ladybug, do you feel like the French government is doing enough to combat Hawkmoth?”
“What are the implications of France having super heros, are you concerned of the global consequences?”
“Should the United States label Hawkmoth a terrorist and do you think they can help?”

The questions were annoying and Cat was beginning to get frustrated since he actually knew what they were saying. Finally he had enough and said, “Cataclysm” and a phone, turning it to ashes.

“Cat!” Ladybug chastised him and Cat Noir guiltily said “Sorry Lady, I’m really getting annoyed by these questions.” Cat’s ring started to beep and the countdown began. Ladybug gave a smirk, “Looks like our little date is over.” Cat grinned, “A date? You mean it?”

Ladybug thought it over. She had to admit she was falling for Cat Noir, there was no doubt about that. Was this a date? She might as well say what it was, “You bet Kitty. This was a nice date.”

Cat Noir was over the moon as the two got up, having finished their pizzas. “Alright, we better go our ways. Later!” Cat Noir said and took off, as did Ladybug.

Hiding away in a small disclosed corner of an alley they changed back. Walking out they looked around, seeing things from the perspective of two French teens alone in the city.

“Maybe this wasn’t a good idea,” Marinette said as Tikki poked her head out from her purse, “Don’t fret Marinette. Look for a landmark and an address and call Nathalie. Just stay put.” “Alright,” Marinette said before she saw Adrien. “Adrien!” She waved and Adrien saw her and rushed over.

“Hey! Looks like we both ditched them.” Adrien said to which Marinette nurveriously scratched her hair, “Well, I mean, I wanted to see more of the city! But we should probably call them.” “Yeah, we should.” Adrien took out his phone and started to call Nathalie.

Later on at the penthouse Nathalie called Gabriel.

“Did you find them?”

“Yes sir, they’ve been found and I gave them a stern scolding for leaving on their own.”

“Good work Nathalie.”

“Have you come to your decision sir?”

Gabriel nodded and said, “Yes I have. And I’m going to need Mayura’s help as well.”

Nathalie blinked and said, “Yes sir. I’ll await further instructions.”

To Be Continued... 


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