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I went to my local comic store and decided to read some more One Punch Man. Now I'm in love again, the anime is pretty good but I'm even more amazed of the manga. That's why I wanted to draw those two ladies again ♥ 


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Oh Jesus. Thank you, can't wait


My stars.... 😍

Hammer of Terra

Love Tatsumaki’s expression! 😍


Harley Quinn? 🙈


Looks stunning! Great work Out of curiosity, do you think you might do a ffm explicit piece at any point?


Love the mature version of Tatsumaki, her pouty expression is pretty spot on!


These two look beautiful


That's awesome


No complaints here!


It's a great series and you can tell the artist loves drawing it! I think you did a good job with it, plus you got that Tatsumaki is just a petite woman, not a kid.


Fubukiiiiii yus <3


Always great to see you revisiting characters you've drawn before! And oooh, loving the variety in art style we're getting this month! ^^


When your inspired, great things come to all 😁. I've seen both separate now your bringing both together. Amazing🏆

Christopher Edwards

Love this piece and loving all the art this month!


Well, I surely hope for Tatsumaki sometimes in the future ;-)


Lovely work!


Love these sistahs


Always cool when you get a sudden inspiration and draws something out of the blue. Funny that you mentioned falling in love with a franchise again, because I'm playing Psychonauts 2 right now and thats exactly how I feel, like I'm rediscovering why I loved this universe. If you haven't played Psychonauts I highly recommend giving it a shot, not because there is a character in it that I want you to draw, but because this is a very special game series that more people should know about. Cheers, Dandon.


Well, well, you get hyped by a game/anime/manga/movie you like and we get amazing artworks! It's a win-win game for us! LOL Inspiration is the life of Art and Tatsumaki deserved to be revisited. Some of your very best works came from sudden inspirations (remember Megaera from Hades the game? She's a blockbuster) Then, would you consider an artwork on Captain Mizuki??? Normally the manga is better than the anime. One huge exception to this rule is K-ON! (KyoAni, no need to say anything)


I always love those ladies I love One-Punch Man


Your timing is incredible, I just finished watching Season 2 for the first time. Now I'm left wanting more! Sounds like continuing with the manga might be an option if Season 3 takes to long getting made. Oh and these two look lovely! <3


All these butts 😍

Ashley Mason

Sudden striking inspiration always brings such passion, and such a lovely pair for a striking passion to hit. While I love Tatsumaki and her grumpy self and much overpowered pshycokinesis (so fun to watch both come together, power of grumps), it's her sister that grabs my attention. She has a particular style and chill and sexy demeanour, even in her swimwear she brings both in amplitude. O, so ample. OöO Love them both! (And you deliver such greatness of them both here in all their grumps and style. )

Carlos Rivera

Dandon I applaud your hard earned talent to draw something that you just feel like doing. When I feel like that I take a pen to paper and go "Oh god, this looks like shit". So its really inspiring to see posts like this. And as always beautiful work.


Yeah, Captain Mizuki is on my list, I would love to draw her someday *_* Yes, K-ON was such a blast, I also started to read the manga, but I didn't like the Yonkoma style very much.


I highly recommend the manga, the art is great ♥ Thanks for your comment :)


There are often ups and downs while creating an artwork, I think it's normal. Keeping the motivation is the key and the most important thing imho :) Thanks for your comment, Carlos :)

Tamashi Toh

I love this style and it's something you should continue to explore.

Boreas Anemos

All I can say to those two is "pretty!" and wish the summer wasn't coming to an end The expressions here are just wonderful ^^