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Oh my god I can wait for this set!


THANK YOU!!! 🙏🙏🙏


Damn son those r some big Ole titties 🤤😍


Bottom cut off??? 😥😥😥


Damn, those are some huge boobs! Can't wait for the full set 😍


Freaking sexy


She looks hot, I like her. I hope you are drawing Chloe as well. <3

Pervy Sage

This without a doubt the best month of batches I’ve seen for a while. I’m telling ya, so far you’re not missing XD


Wow, i'm so happy that you'v drawn her and i would absolutely love to see others characthers from eroge like kuroinu or taimanin. And as always the pose and artwork is amazingly beautiful really good job and thanks dandon!


Really love your OC's, she looks gorgeous.


A full body of this would be so sick. I love this artwork!!!


Superb work. And if you're willing to do characters from series like the one she comes from, that opens up a lot more possibilities and suggestions. :)


OMG I can't wait to see the full image. Please tell me her leg isn't blocking that wonderful view @.@

Dack Janiels

Oh ive seen this one before, great job dandon. Now if we got some energy kyouka art as well...


Looks really promising, the full artwork will be great!


Beautiful, Dandon! 😮😘


What a gorgeous lady! Is it wrong that I want her to get a magic mushroom extra? 😄


Smh that's not Mario! Great job as always!




You’re really outdoing yourself this month! Love it!


Everyone is so used to your brown elf OCs that some people even took Olga as another one of your creations. XD Now why do I find that cut off bottom a tad bit suspicious? Given this character's background and past variants, I think you have something really interesting prepared for Olga's set.


Don't know the character, but the art is gorgeous.


Whoa fantastic work once again, Dandon! I really like the rendering of the soft lighting on her face, it makes her features really delicate. And I love that purple secondary accent light, it matches her purple top so well! ^^ To respond to your last comment, that expression is my absolute favourite one you draw too! It's so mischievous and devious, it always melts my insides seeing it *_* It's also one of the (other) main reason(s) why I love Lumi so much hahaha, that expression suited her so perfectly *_*


Nice piece. unfortunately she ends up becoming a dead sack of potatoes at the mercy of the orcs. Smh such a wasted character.


Oh yeah, it looks like a explicit one 🙈


I have to say, Olga trumps the entire first batch. She looks lovely dandon!

Gerald L

Very nice, I hope one day you also do Hellknight Ingrid as well.


Dandon, Dandon, Dandon... You sure know how to please 🙂


I can't wait to see what variants you will do for her, Dandon! Would it be possible to include pregnant variants with the explicit versions (if you are even planning to do them in the first place :o)?

Kuroinu fanatic

Goddamn dandon she looks sooooo good 😍😍😍


I was really hoping you were doing her, I saw the preview pic and I was like, yup that's her lol. Thank you! I hope one day you get around to Hellknight Ingrid too.


Lets goooooo

Ashley Mason

Magnificent! Grand love to indulge! Her skin is lucious and flawless; a purple outift to slowly fall away from her body offering a decadent lust I cannot steer my gaze away. O, she is magnificent, to be worshipped as a Queen, nay, a Goddess!! Love her cute and lustful expression- always amazing to ogle. And the mood of the piece is super strong, chains hanging from the ceiling, dark and dank in some underground chamber setting the scene. Love the scant background to truly amplify that mood. Also, boobs. So much boobs!! OöO


I thought it was her in the preview - amazing work here; always nice to see one of my favorite dark elves, and/or more dark elves from you in general! :D I am even more excited to see the alternate versions of this one than usual - but do take your time; thanks again for this. :)


She is thicc ❤ 😯




Those a really big 😳… ears.


I knew it was going to be her. Excellent drawing Dandonfuga. Also, have a look at this. https://twitter.com/cafewindows/status/1430112738244661252?s=20


My goodness yes please!!!!!! I predict a new wallpaper for my phone in the future *w*

Ciarán M

Although I don't know the character, your WIP had me very intrigued and oh my goodness... to take a quote from Django Unchained "You had my curiosity, now you have my attention" 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 Your Olga looks so sensual and alluring here, I love the direct eye contact and soft smile, as well as how her hair falls across her face. The way her hair trails over her shoulders and breasts, leading the eye to them looks so good and I love how the hair on one side curls around the breast, while on the other you have it trailing between her fingers. Her curves look gorgeous and the lower half of the pose is very tantalising with her thighs spread wide and the image cutting off, presumably to be revealed at a later date 😉 Again, she looks so enticing and I really feel like the way she plays with her hair makes her look all the more captivating so I'm very glad you painted that. Naturally I adore the colours 💜 Her warm, tanned skin tones are perfect, her face is framed beautifully by her black hair. Likewise the rest of her body pops so nicely against the cool background, as well as between the lovely purple of her attire. I especially like how the purple frames her stomach, as well as her breasts as they push together in the centre. The rendering is simply gorgeous, the hair is fantastically detailed and the lighting is especially nice. The white lighting really contrasts the black hair, while the purple lighting makes it look extra vibrant. The textures of the purple outfit are great and I really like how it's segmented with seams running through them, splitting at the ends across her breasts and over her hips. The actual purple is lovely and the different tints to it across her arms and waist make it look nice and vibrant. The lighting on the material on the breasts is great with a dark core shadow running through them, with soft bounce lighting underneath and harsher edge lighting on the outer planes, all accentuating their shapes so well. The lighting across her skin tones is terrific too, with a warm light shining from her right side, casting opposing shadows to perfectly define her shapes. The purple lighting within those shadows are an amazing contrast and further accentuate her shapes so well. I just love her left hip with that purple light blending into the shadows. Her breasts are amazing too with the large warm light blending smoothly into the shadows. I also really like her hand with the purple lighting running through the hand, creating this rippling effect as all the ridges are defined. And lastly, her face is just so beautiful! Once again, the purple edge lighting accentuates her features so well, contrasting with her skin tones, while further making her face pop against the black hair. Her lips have a gorgeous little shine and you did such a terrific job with her facial features and giving her these lovely, smooth textures. Terrific work here, Dandon! I absolutely love your rendition of Olga! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Apologies if this comment is full of mistakes and especially incoherent... I just got home, it's 3:30am and I'm typing on the phone... I should have gone straight to bed but I just couldn't resist having a proper look at your lovely painting 😹 I hope you're doing very well! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Ciao! Ciao, ciao, ciao a tutti!!! Unbelievable... You really drew her! *-* Elves, how not to love them!? I know nothing about Kuroinu, but Origa & Zelda (specially the one from A Link to the Past) are the best elves ever (along with Streeaka & Narcilia). Speaking of dark elves. she's like Carnaroli rice for risotto - the best one. Arborio rice is just the 3rd, 4th rice of choice in Italia, besides being so used worldwide for risotto. Ciao a tutti! Grazie!


Amazing artwork once again! Has to be my favourite art you have done dandon 😍😍


Heck'n YES! You don't know how long we've waited for you to draw her! <3 Big thank you!

Boreas Anemos

I really like the expression on her face. I'm not a fan of big boobs in general, but the great rest makes me forget that for a moment. Good entry for the 'favorite of the month' contest ^^


I can try but it might look off, so no promise there'll be a mm version :3


I don't do preggo + explicit variants because of the Patreon guidelines, I don't want to risk a ban. Sorry I can't offer you those versions.


Omg how can you even hold the phone at that time, I stare at my phone like a mole when I'm super tired XD Thanks so so much for your words, I'm glad you like her and you should check out the anime XD


Oh niiiiccceee! I take it this is gonna open the door for "other" options? I got a major one in mind that I can throw out, just don't go nuts when it happens.


Lol. Hentai drawing of a character from a hentai. Nice!😂