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The winner of August poll 2, loved to draw her again :)


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freakin' awesome!


She looks better and better every time you draw her! 😊


Wow! Harley! So cool!

Pierre Johnson

holy, this would look great on a poster.


Exceptional. Be proud. Everyone, zoom in on the textures. The vest, the bustier, the fraying threads of the fishnets, the sheen on the teeth of the zippers. I can't wait for the high definition set.


Oh wow, Harley look fabulous


Masterpiece 💯 seeing her growth from being a side kick to a fully fleshed out character has been a joy. The Evolution of Harley Quinn 🏆

Pervy Sage

I do love it when your draw Harley Quinn, well I meant I personally love it cuz of the flare, moxie and badassery vibes I get from this piece. Really out with a bang for the end of this month, phenomenal work Dandon (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Ever had any studios or people reach out for you on character designs or to make video game with your help on character design ?


Truly awesome work, Dan! 🤩

Big B

ahh i like this one alot. nice pose, facial expression, everything.... <3


Wow, love it! My babe)

Sir Auzzy

That is awesome. Love to see the thread


Generally not a fan, but yeah - your Harley rocks.


Perfection 😍

Ciarán M

It's funny because to be honest... I'm so sick of Harley Quinn as a character and despite really liking the new Suicide Squad, she was my least favourite part of it 😹 Having said that, that doesn't detract at all from this stunningly gorgeous painting that you've provided for us here, Dandon! I really like the overall energy of this piece, it feels chaotic with the explosive background and Harley set with her dynamic pose. I love the flow of her pony-tails as they spread and curl (especially the blue ones), as well as how she's set diagonally throughout the scene, with the angle and direction of her head contrasting with that of her body. The pose is very sensual and appealing too, with her breasts pushed forward with the arch of her back, while her thighs stay close together, rounding out the shapes of her hips. I also like that you kept the thighs close but still added that asymmetry with one rising and being slightly foreshortened. And best of all, her face is just so expressive! But I'll circle back around to that later 😸 Getting to the details, the wooden textures of the baseball bat are just great and I love the edge-lighting on the wood and how it really brings out the wood grain. The leather wraps pop really well too, particularly the black sections with the white lighting. The gun has a great deal of detail too, the patterns are great, the white+grey lighting defines the plane changes really well and pops nicely with the black (I also have a personal preference for revolvers which makes me happy here) I also see that Harley is practicing some decent trigger discipline here, safety first! 😹 The hair looks absolutely beautiful, I really like the specific blonde that you've gone with here, it looks so warm and smooth, while also being so well defined and detailed. The gradients towards red and blue on both sides are fantastically done and I have to say that I adore the specific blue that you went with here, the shade and hue is just gorgeous. Also the blue tinting red towards the tips due to the background is a great touch. Technically this belongs where I was talking about the pose but I must say that the fringe is great too, parting across her face and framing it, with lovely, meandering curls down towards her chest. The textures of the clothes are brilliant too, I really like the rough material of the red jacket. While the tight, crinkling folds of her corset beneath the breasts look terrific too, one of my favourite parts of the whole piece and they pop especially well where the bright white lighting shines on them. The actual bra part is so wonderfully smooth too and I like the raised ridges/seams that run through them and frame the nipple stars. The smooth, subtle shining textures and tight folds on her panties are gorgeous too and you've done a lovely job on the shining metallics of the belt buckle and bullets too. And all of the other sections and details are great too, like the wrist spikes, her gloves, kitty bells on her collar and her thigh-highs, I also really like the zipper on her corset and how the metal is tinted red and black from her corset. The actual rendering of the shapes of the bra as it wraps over her breasts are so nice. With the black material, I like the soft shine spot, surrounded by subtle lighting with a thick, dark core-shadow wrapping around the lower planes of the breasts, with some soft bounce-lighting beneath it. While the red side has a great shine to it with the bright edge-lighting and the darker shadows here contrasting with the vibrant red. Harleys actual body and anatomy are beautifully painted too. I really like her right arm with the thick edge-lighting running along it, as well as the definition of her tensed shoulder and bicep. Her mid-section is utterly wonderful, the brighter, wide lighting along her right waist is a great contrast to the darker tones on her front planes and does a nice job showing off the overall plane changes here. Meanwhile the actual stomach is gorgeous with darker shadows weaving through, defining her muscle tone with really appealing, soft and smooth textures. And the thighs too are terrific, I especially like her right thigh with that large area of light bathing one side, with rippling shadows on the inner planes, defining that muscle tone. And at last, circling back around to the face, those blue eyes are utterly captivating, I love the deep blue with the small shine spots really making the eyes pop! 💙💙 The bright edge-lighting and thin core-shadow running down her right cheek and chin are very nicely done and her face in general is so smoothly, beautifully rendered. I like the definition of her nose too, very well detailed and made to pop against the skin tones on either side. And much like her eyes, those deep red, luscious lips pop strongly against the paler, softer skin tones and I just love the smile that you've given her, very full of character! Absolutely beautiful work on this piece, Dandon! I may not like Harley Quinn but I am absolutely in love with this painting! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Definitely looking forward to seeing the extra versions for Harley and I hope that you're doing very well! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Ciarán M

Oh crap, forgot to add... the frayed fish-nets with little bits tearing away are another detail I really liked 😸


Could we get a variation with black and red hair 🙈 Last month wonder woman and now Harley. My life is now complete 😁


Now that is A-MAZ-ING!!! Love it!


Whoa! I'm utterly gobsmacked! She looks wonderful! *_* I absolutely adore the way you rendered her face! Such soft, gentle lighting, and the juxtaposition with the background is perfect! You captured her playfulness so well with that pose as well! Her hair also looks spectacular, and of course her expression is just perfection :3 What an absolutely amazing month it's been, I can't wait for you to release the batches! *_*


Would love to see a matching Punchline! 😍


Oh my God! It is a masterpiece😍😍😍


Love the look you went with! Great job!


Сrazy smile


Lovely work.


Looks amazing! Looks like you took some inspiration from her own Animated Show look.


Love it


Sexiest DC Character Alive. 😍❤️💙🖤🤍💖💜


Lovely work Dandon!


Perfect mix between the harley from the comics and the newer movies.


YES! 🥵


Welp, that sure looks like modern day Harley Quinn... good job, Dandon. Yeah, sorry for not being too excited, I'm currently in the middle of a Harley Quinn fatigue due to how much this character has been milked by DC across every medium know to mankind over the last few years. I do appreciate how your new take on Harley is more similar to her Arkham City rendition instead of her Suicide Squad/Birds of Prey one, where she looks more like a junkie. lol As a side note, Catwoman finished that same poll in second place with a difference of less than fifty votes. Since you have been showing a lot of love towards characters who lost previous polls recently, could you keep Catwoman in mind for future batches? I'm sure a lot of people would like that. Cheers, Dandon.




Dandon ist Meister! That's it. Your art is Gestalt. This Harley is delicious as a tiramisù! That's it! She's insanely beautiful (haha), specially in her new costume. I think this pose you draw her is my favorite in your art. Spledid in all details. I hope we can see in future the other options you gave us in the polls. So many good names! At least you said they are on your list. And I suspect this list stays with Rumi... She's a bad girl XD


You Reinforce my love for Harley thank you


I have no word to describe this beauty! 🤤 Kale Lingerie Queen for next month, Dandon ? 😅 Tell me it's his time please ? 😆 See how muscular Kale is in Super Saiyan 2, Dandon! 😱😅 https://i.goopics.net/JpYe1.jpeg


Makes me smile ear to ear!

Viewtiful Joe

So damn sexy, you really are such a good artist.


Great work! Not just sexy, but artistically very pleasing. Love how you paired her black and red color scheme with the explosions and fire in the background.


Yes! Draw it over and over again! This is such a character that it is impossible to stop drawing her.

Ashley Mason

A masterpiece of Harley's chaos, and where there is chaos there is beauty. With a bombastic entrance, explosions and laughter and power, Harley Quinn takes the stage evermore crazy! She is beautiful as she is nutty, and O so lovable for it. You strike a balance of cute/crazy so finely without treading ultra comical in style. A killer intent in her eyes teetering on the edge of insanity and uncontrollable laughter, a smile to preface the fun she'll have in the mayhem. With all the chaos, you bring it together with that smiling face. Hand in hand; chaos and beauty. I love it! Plus her gorgeous body and supple skin has never looked so good. It radiants a warmth and softness in the fire's light, and the subtle shift in colour to her white makeup face. Gorgeous *_* I must mention her chest nigh-on bursting from her top- cheekily I imagine the zipper hanging lose at the bottom as her top falls open to offer a small peek of such goodness. Just casual action. :3


how can i get your patreon advantage?

Boreas Anemos

Awwww YES. It's quite likely this is going to be the favorite of the month... so much in the spirit of Harley, and such a wonderful dynamics ^^


How can I get this? I’m a recent Patreon or am I too late?