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Pervy Sage

My goodness!! This looks phenomenal


Oh hell yea


If there was ever a “costume” suited for your style, it’s this, haha! Not much for you to do to create the NSFW version of this one 😁


Beautiful, Dandon! 😍


What a rack! 😵


Well, I guess her elaborate clothing required tons of research a lot of time to try to draw her correctly. Jokes aside, great artwork, her pose remind me of your previous Mai Shiranui and Tifa arts!




Absolutely Marvelous Dandonfuga. Have you watched Jobless Reincarnation? It easily became my favorite isekai and one of the best anime to come out this year. Ghsilaine is also one of my favorite character for obvious reasons. I even feel like reading the Light Novel.


Monumental is the only word I think right now.


Thats definitely the best "breast squeeze" effect you have done since your Taki artwork! I'm not familiar with this character, but looking at some of her official pics I can tell you already feed her some magic mushrooms to get that effect, not that I'm complaining of course. :P


Ghislaine looks very nice but I have one little question :) in which batch will be Liara? 😋


If it isn't Ms muscle butt herself, more like Iron-Butt.


She suits your art style so well.


Yummy! What a babe!


Holy sweet momma yes!!!! She looks amazing in your style dandon oh my gawd 😍😍😍😍😍




Those nice ears made me want to head pat her. Nicely done.

Ciarán M

Oh I knew I made the right call voting for this character! 😻😻😻😻😻 No one paints beautiful, tanned, muscular, white-haired ladies quite like you! 😉 Firstly, love these colours, Ghislaine's warm, tanned skin tones pop beautifully against the cool blue background, with her own face then being distinctly framed against her white hair. The angle and pose are wonderful too, I really like the subtle dynamism in her stance with the slanting of her shoulders and hips, while her foreshortened torso curves between them. I also like the asymmetry in both her arms and legs, as well as how her toned, muscular hips are rounded and accentuated as she pushes them to one side. But best of all is how she looks towards the viewer with this genuinely lovable, beautiful smile... though the fact that she does that while reaching for a weapon is a cause for some concern 😅 (Then, her fingers aren't closed, maybe she's letting it go, happy to see us... a man can hope! 😹) The hair is very dynamic too as it curls twists around her, with my favourite parts being how it curls inwards around her face and chest, framing those warm tones. All of the rendering is as exceptional as I'd expect with her hair being so very well detailed. I really like the hair on top of, and surrounding, her face the most. There's a clear contrast in tone there as the light shines in from one side, with the opposing side left in shadow, still with some subtle blue lighting there to keep the shadows vibrant. The hair that falls all around her body is equally well done and vibrant too, with blue tones mixed in, as well as some warmer colours where they're tinted by her nearby skin. The handle of her sword (I assume it's a sword, I know literally nothing about this character other than what I'm seeing here 😹) looks great too, I love the shine of the pommel especially with rippling, contrasting light and dark tones. The handle is very nice too with a thin line of blue light popping against it's darker burgundy colour. The textures of her gloves, panties and boots are so well done too, I really like how the strikingly bright tones then blend and smear into the black material, giving it this shine effect. And I like how in parts, the light is tinted blue for some added vibrancy (and the blue and warm lighting mixed into her left-arm glove is a great touch too) I also really like her itsy-bitsy bra too with it's more strikingly shiny black trim, framing this warm, smoother red material. The red as well also gets some hints of cool tones mixed in in places which is a lovely bit of contrast. And my word, the way they squish her breasts is so very sensual, as is the the teasing of her nipples 😻 The actual colours, rendering and anatomy of her body are utterly to die for! 💜💜💜 I really like the overall contrast as the warm light bathes her body from one side, while cool edge-lights mix into the shadows on the opposing planes. Her figure also really nicely mixes smooth, soft rendering with the harder, tighter definition of her muscles. I really love both of her shoulders (I think I have a fetish for that overlap where the shoulder wraps over the bicep 😹😻). The contrast with the soft blending of tones for both shoulders and biceps, divided by a hard edge is very nice, as is the overall contrast with one shoulder bathed in warm light as the other rests in shadows. Her abs are simply divine and all of that detail on her left waist, where the ribs overlap the waist with folds in the skin just looks so well done. I especially love how the light shines onto her waist and onto her lower left abs, with a shadow between them showing that plane change (hopefully I proper described exactly what I mean there as you really did such a good job with rendering the anatomy) The opposing side of her body, where the waist is elongated is gorgeous too with those cool lights blending into the shadows and defining those rippling planes. I wish I knew how to properly describe all of these details and interlocking and overlapping parts of her anatomy as you really did do such an amazing job! Her hips and thighs are beautiful too. With her left side, I really like the rippling muscle on her upper thigh/hip, with an overall soft light running through her thigh, blending outwards towards shadows, contrasting especially with the dark shadow on her inner thigh. Meanwhile her right side is equally gorgeous in a different way, with the thigh largely in shadow, with those cool blue lights cutting in, defining the muscle and then smoothly blending into the dark tones. I also really like the spot of warm light too, popping against all of the shadows. And then there's her breasts, hooo boy... the warm light that bathes them from their left sides, surrounded by a shadow that wraps around them and defines them just looks sensational. I love how her right breast also receives this bright edge-light that further accentuates it. And another exquisite detail is within the shadows on the inner planes of her left breast, where the shadows are subtly, warmly lit by the bounce-light from the other breast, marvellously done! And lastly there's her face which is just so beautiful! The contrast with the light shining onto her left side as the other rests in shadows is lovely, her nose is so incredibly cute too and I really like the edge-lighting on one side, while the shadow-side has soft, thin lights defining the plane changes and corners there. Also the little shine spot on the tip is adorable 💜 Her smile is just gorgeous and all of the small details, like the creases at the corners and the little edge-lighting running along the top lip make it even better. The lips themselves have a beautiful, luscious texture and I like how that larger shine spot on the lower lip has a sort of dip in the center of it, adding even more texture. I could keep going, there's things I haven't even touched on but I think it's best to stop here... because I'm hungry and this is the 4th really long comment I've made today... it sounds stupid but it's oddly fatiguing and my brain is melting 😹 (Ironically, you'd think the character being practically naked would make the comment shorter, but instead of talking about the clothes, I'm talking about the anatomy instead, so it works out to the same length 😹) But seriously though, you've done an amazing job with this one, you've made the character look so warm, sensual, alluring, inviting and just plain sexy! The colours are warm and vibrant with great contrasts and the lighting defines the character perfectly. I'll definitely be eager to see all of the versions you make for her 😉 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 And of course, I hope that you're doing very well, Dandon! 💜💜💜💜💜


She looks ready to burst out


A lovely fluffy kitty ❤️ I love characters where the contrast between Hair and skin tone is so beautiful. great work, and if someone other said, magic mushrooms? they grow a bit bitter then the original 🙈. it's not a complaining 😅


So I just did some research about this character and oh my god...Isn't she one giant sexy mountain of muscles! What a way to introduce her to me! No wonder she won the poll. This character's design was just screaming Dandonfuga and begging to be drawn :D You did such a great job! Especially love the way the light/shadows embrace her forms. Also I generally love how you draw skin & cloth interactions and the way her cloths push into her soft skin here is also very well done. She has such a sick looking body and she's just rocking those big breasts! Very much reminds me of Mortal Kombat 9 Mileena in her Flesh Pits skin. Hope there's going to be a variant with some nipple tease :) I'm already looking forward to June 10! Keep up the good work!

Ashley Mason

Magnificence! Scant of clothing, monumental of bosom, baring a cute tail and ears, she is definitely one to like. And I like her despite never having seen her before! Those ears are so fluffy and adorable, and her smile has a charm all to its own. A buff fighter, sexy as hell, she wins my heart with her smile. Beautiful.


Dandon have mercy!


Super nice job here; Ghislaine is easily one of my favorites among recent things you have done. (I do love nekos, and brown skin, in addition to dark elves...) Thanks so much for this, and as usual - really looking forward to seeing the other versions of her! :D


Always a good read! I also feel like I could talk about Dandon's artwork all day even when a character isn't wearing that much, there's always so much body details to dive into!


hell yeah when i first saw her i didnt know the character so i said out loud "damn jugs" one of her abilities has to be the ability to hold in those.she looks like shes got two bald headed guys in a headlock.


YES! Tanned muscle girl with hairs! Heaven exists!


HUMANA HUMANA! I knew you'd do a good job with her, but WOW!


Woo such a great job Dandon! Loving the summer vibe this piece gives! And the lighting is absolutely on point! Now I see why she got so high in the polls :P


Looks damn good, but really excited for Toph!


Aww, it looks beautiful like always, but I was hoping you’d draw her a bit more ripped like she was in the show. There are so few muscly ladies out there


Amazing, might be my favorite one so far!

Gomen Son

Wow! She's so beautiful!!


I'm new here, has the nsfw set been sent out yet or is this just an announcement?


Just a preview, this month's artworks will be sent on June 7 - 10


Stunning. I expected no less. Liara T'Soni should be the opposite, she's a scientist. No abs for her LOL But you drew abs in Cortana, and she is kinda an AI in holographic body, so, I don't know. XD

Dack Janiels

Vey nice work there.


omg! You don't know how long I've waited for this!!

Christopher Edwards

Woo boy! Is it just me or is it getting hot in here? You always do an amazing job with strong toned ladies, Dandon. Great work!


Boobs always look smaller in the lineart version, the coloring make them bigger haha xD


Thank you :3 https://64.media.tumblr.com/1caf0c9c3d3167efc158398fdb20ea95/tumblr_o73r5tewWg1vsfspjo1_400.gifv

Boreas Anemos

Nice one! The competition for the favorite lady of the month started strong ^^