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I still can't believe it, this broke my heart. His art means a world to me, Berserk is my favorite manga and it was always a huge inspiration.

To me he will remain as the greatest mangaka.

May he rest in peace.




That’s a lovely tribute, both the image and the message. RIP


Requiescat in pace,Kentaro Miura


I also just recently started it. It was already amazing the artwork commanded my attention perfectly. May he rest in peace.

Onion Knight

Berserk was more than a manga. It was a way of life. I hope he rests knowing that he changed the lives of people for the better. It was my favorite manga too. His work helped me through dark times and made me appreciate the smaller things in life. May he rest in peace. He was a legend.


Can not be…😭


I was hoping you would draw Casca cuz I knew she would look great in your style. This gives me the feels.

Ashley Mason

He has influenced and inspired many. He will be most missed. T_T A touching tribute to his legacy.

Ciarán M

That's a really beautiful tribute piece, Dandon. I've never read Berserk but I've seen images from it and your Casca here really does look like a fantastic blend of manga's art style and your own, especially the way you've rendered the hair, I love how the light grey and white lines cut through the black, giving the strands definition and texture. All the detail on all of the armour is so well done too, the overlapping plates, the trims, the strap connecting it and all of the folds in the cape and sleeve are terrific. Again, really beautiful work! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


A beautiful art and a rightful tribute to the man that got me interested in mangas when I was a teen, thanks Dandon.


R.I.P. to one of the GREATS! You will be missed.


What a wonderful tribute piece, this is still one of my favorite Manga's/Anime's of all time. Unfortunate to hear of his passing, I'll be raising a glass (Or several) to him for all the wonderful gifts he has given us over the years. Cheers!


Oh no...


Only 54 😔


If you've never done casca before, it would be a great tribute to do one now in your own way


Amazing, Dandon


I know very little about him myself. It's time I get back into Berserk as well as anything else. RIP to a true legend.




crushed when I heard the news last night. So sad that his life's work will probably never be completed.


This is sad news :(

Dack Janiels

Beautiful art, RIP Miura.


I was shocked when i heard the news. I still can't quite process the fact that he's gone. I will admit that i even cried. Berserk is also my favorite manga and is also a huge inspiration. May he rest in peace.

Kevin Chen

Beserk will never be the same without him. If you ever do a piece with caska, it be appreciated if gutz was in it.

Tyler Durden

Thank you Dandon. R.I.P Kentaro Miura.




He was so young too. My heart goes out to his family, friends, and fans. Rest in peace.

David Rudisill

He was only a few years older than ME! Damn, what a loss! Great work in tribute to him.

Pervy Sage

I still can’t believe he’s gone, not only that he was taken too soon. The world lost one of the great Mangaka’s we’ve ever witness. May his soul Rest In Peace and many blessing to his family and friends. Hands down Berserk will go down as one of the most influential manga. From storytelling to the artwork down to the characters. Will never find another one like this how it effected me. Thanks for everything Kentaro Miura


He was the greatest, a talent like his is one in a century. He will be truly missed, an incredible story weaver and artist. Rest in peace Kentaro Miura.


I don't read manga or watch anime, but the fact that he inspired such a great artist makes me really appreciate and respect him. Lovely tribute. RIP.


First KyoAni, then Kentaro Miura. Two HUGE losts, two huge diamonds. What a sad time in which we live! Berserk is my favorite manga, too. Thank you so much for this beautiful art of Caska, made in Miura Sensei's style. Hell, I craved for an artwork of Caske made by your hands, but not in this kind of occasion...

John Storm

Hard Times... Berserk is one a my favour fantasy manga. The drawing style was unique. RIP....


A touching tribute for such sad news. I hope you're doing alright in light of this :/


yes, his loss really hit me hard especially considering he wasn't that old. I am glad his art and talent will live on through artists like yourself whom he inspired ❤️


We should have Casca or Farnese de Vandimion be one of the characters as an option for next month