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Whoops, it's Ghislaine again (a spicy addition to the last artwork :P) It was fun trying out a more comic-like look here :3


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Can't have enough, looks awesome




THIS is an unexpected treat! Love it when you go for a spicy pose like this... if this is the SFW version, the NSFW will be quite something!


So damn beautiful, and i was thinking how Pieck finger from attack on titan would look in your art.


Goodness... So hot!


Love it already. And cant wait too see more. Theres a community I know of who hates when you post stuff you've already done once, so I'm gonna laugh when they get mad over this.


You should try your hand with this kind of drawing more often, with different characters (perhaps pairing two characters from artworks you've done previously). This pose is even more suggestive than the last one, and it was already pretty suggestive...


Something makes me think you had a lot of fun drawing her this month hahaha xD I doubt there'd be any complaints though. Always love seeing the variety of your art styles, Dandon! ^^


Great style, great pose, great work!

Jon W

This is an awesome surprise!


Another Ghislaine artwork? I am not going to complain ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). she is a chad afterall https://preview.redd.it/55w0i1a12fk61.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=0bc3fde4dd5f72559da429e0cb0b4d8b30b4c825

Ciarán M

Firstly, I just want to say thank you for your response to my comment on the first Ghislaine painting! You're the best! I did respond to you there but with how Patreon handles replies, I have no idea if you'd see it 😹 But as for this new painting, hoooo boy! I'm going to need some milk to help with all of this spice! 🥛🔥 This is stupidly naughty and sexy 😻😻😻😻😻 The pose and angle are wonderfully hot together, I love the foreshortening of her body as she reclines, with the camera giving that full view between her spreading thighs. You also kept her looking dynamic, with her legs spreading in opposite, diagonal directions, with her body leaning to the side too as she lays back, with her arms posed asymmetrically. The expression is just perfect too with her blushing cheeks, the eye half closing and mouth open and gasping and there's something about how her head is leaning to one side that just makes it even better. I love the rendering style that you're using here too, going for that comic book aesthetic with some sharper lighting contrasts, but still mixing in the beautifully smooth rendering that you're so good at. The hair is really gorgeous with that shine running through her fringe and I like how on some of those strands of her fringe, there'll be a long line of either shadow or light along the edge, showing off that plane change and defining the overall shape. The overall lighting is very nice too with her face and upper arm, as well as her hips and thighs in shadow, with her brighter breasts and abs framed between them. Within the dark tones of her thighs, you still worked in subtle changes in light and dark to show off the shapes of her thighs and the transition between them and her hanging butt, all so perfectly, smoothly blended together. Her abs look amazing too and I like how the light bathes their top planes, with a long shadow running along her right side, clearly separating her front and side planes. And then within the brighter abs, you have those deep shadows defining her hard, rippling muscles and they just look beautiful. Her breasts too are gorgeous, again looking warm and smoothly textured, with dark shadows wrapping around them to really show off their shapes. The teasing too with her shining areolas slipping out from under the thin bra is just... So sexy! 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 Speaking of teasing, I do like the subtle transparency of the panties, showing her fingers as they slip beneath the thin material. And I also can't help but find it so sexy how her pinky finger slips under the panty strap. Oh and that subtle shine/wet texture framing the dark panties is incredibly naughty 😻 And lastly, I just adore her face! I really like the shadows covering most of it, with a relatively thin, warm edge-light running down her cheek, adding definition to her face and a nice contrast in lighting. The little spot of light on her nose is very cute too and makes it pop really well, same with her more brightly lit lower lip. The blushing is so cute and sexy and I just love the expression in the eye and eyebrow, she really does look lost in a moment of pleasure so you utterly nailed her expression! Absolutely fantastic work, Dandon! This was a very, very welcome surprise and so beautifully painted too 😻 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Just a thought but I wonder if you might occasionally do this some more. Make a main pin-up painting and then perhaps a follow-up where the character is enjoying some alone time 😉😻 Terrific work once again and I hope you're doing well! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


I approve. 😍


Oh lawdy! :3

Carlos Rivera

hrnngggggg liquiiiiiiiid. this is pretty noice


Love both pieces, dandon. Have you taken a look at the new Apex Legend Valkyrie? Would love to see your interpretation of her. 😍🥰


Oh boy, you can almost see her fingers through the fabric of her panties, thats such a nice detail. These laid back artworks you make always make me excited because I know the variants will be extra lewd! You knocked out of the park last month with Namiya, so I hope to see something similar with Ghislaine here *cof *cof Mr. Tentacle *cof *cof Speaking of comic-like style, how's that Clip Studio Paint artwork going, Dandon? Any chance we will see it this month? I'm very curious. *_*


Simply wonderful 😍


I like the idea of doing more than one of a character in the same batch. Probably helps that I really like this character :D


No complaints about more Ghislaine!


Ssssssizzling! <3


Yay, Ghislaine again<3


more Ghislaine is always a good thing~ best girl x10~


*table pounding noises*


So spicy that I feel like I'm on fire, Dandon! 😮


Sweet mother of ABS! She got such a badass looking body with very defined six pack complemented with those 2 big juicy mountains on top. I love how smooth and well detailed the space between her muscles and breasts look and I appreciate the nipple tease :P Excellent work once again!


OMG this is absolutely amazing. Super super hot. Can't say how much I love open leg views with sexy thongs. By far my favorite you've drawn thus far this year. Please do more like this <3


The same idea behind what you did with Mai & Ty Lee, eh?


Really happy to see more of Ghislaine, and she is very well done as always! :D


I also noticed the comic book aesthetic. I remember she used the same technique with Bubble vs Rose mini comic before this one. It's a very nice surprise when she does it! Dandon's art comes in many flavors.


I didn't care for this character before I saw Dandon's first artwork of her. And now I'm very glad she made 2 of them :D

Ashley Mason

Ghislaine is incredibly steamy. The look upon her face, begging her fingers for more, and an enticing pose to rouse the spirits of those watching (who knows who is peeking through the window). You certainly embrace an idea and make it your own. This comic look works incredibly well, all influenced by your style of work (which already dances across a generous breadth.) The mood is so good- the lighting, the setting, the pose. The look in her eye and partly opened mouth, wanting more. It all crafts a scene that definitely begs for more; as she does, so do I! And the nice touch of depth too, with her tail. If this is a rousing tease of things to come, considered me invested. I like the narrative of the sexiness, and what you could with it excites! Keen for where Bubble and Rose could lead. Their chemistry is hottest of hot. Lava love!

Christopher Edwards

Oof I am weak. Love the pose and expression! ❤ Hopefully someday I would love to see you draw Risty from Queen's Balde.


Thanks, yeah I would like to do this, to have a bit more variations between the artworks *_*


Haha yeah well, I'm not sure if I'll finish it this month, got distracted with drawing other stuff at the start of the month lol But I'll finish it soon *_* Thank you, Oreagno :3


♥! Your comment made me smile. Like this: https://64.media.tumblr.com/55614b1b0d4b2b9bab0973c4c1a26454/07f5b5330afc7c66-b1/s640x960/ec918943838b6070ff0132c5036b044aab025a27.gif

Boreas Anemos

Whoa, a double, and this is some hot position. I really enjoy the "relaxed and sex-laden" positions (all in good measure, of course), and seeing Ghislane in one is a treat. Waiting to see the versions, but I can have a pretty good guess what they may contain - and I'm looking forward to it!


I'm going to be honest here, while I usually love your normal style; I love this style ore for her then the other for her. It brings it more in line in how we have seen her in the anime.


Fascinating without a doubt it is a love, it catches me with that sexy pose, more waifus this hot !!!