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Happy Halloween everyone! I hope y'all spending it doing something fun! And I hope y'all enjoy the final story of this little project. Odds are good I won't do anything like this for a while lol. Oh and all the usual warnings about futa apply here as well!

Sigils drawn in blood and glyphs carved with bones of pious fools covered the walls, ceiling, and floor of the little shack Beatrice called home. Lit by a sickly red glow as she stood naked in the heart of her eldritch summoning chamber her golden brown skin was covered in the same bloody markings while her shock of shimmer white hair was tangled with charms of bone crystal. Her eyes were shut tight while she intoned the last words of her ritual and a wicked smile lit up her face.

Beyond the tiny hovel she'd hidden away inside lighting flashed across the sky as peals of thunder seemed to shake the very earth itself. Across the land countless other witches exploited the same weakness in the veil shrouding their world from the rest. All Hallow's Eve had finally arrived and with it the perfect time to speak with the dead. The perfect time to command the forces of darkness. The perfect time to commune with demons and seek their strength. No matter how tirelessly the Great Inquisition fought to eradicate their ilk the dark arts could never truly be forgotten. Beatrice was living proof of it's undying perseverance, the scars dotting her body proof that even the powers of the Gods could be overcome with the correct magick. And yet while so many of her fellows sought even greater powers from the realms beyond she had something different in mind. Though it still required a connection to the deepest pits of the Abyss itself.

Her spell ended in a might crescendo of swirling magic and near uncontrollable currents. A bolt of lighting crashed into the ground just outside her home and her voice was nearly overwhelmed by even more thunder rolling across the heavens. But the Abyss heard what she said. It heard who she summoned to the mortal plane. And within moments of her ritual concluding the acrid smell of sulfur and brimstone filled her hut. Billowing clouds of choking black smoke clouded the air around her while booming laughter joined the cacophony of the world outside. Another presence appeared across the cramped little space she called home, for now, and burning red eyes shone through the darkness. She felt the infernal gaze before she even opened her own and smiled at the figure slowly materializing in the smoke, though her delight faded quickly.

Instead of the buxom, curvaceous succubus she intended to summon Beatrice was met with the towering, muscular presence of a warrior. One glad in wicked black armor and holding a sword of flame in hand. Her skin was a deep, bloody shade of crimson and her hair was a the color of a starless night. Everything about her exuded power and yet Beatrice felt nothing but disappointment.

“You're not Aeshel'ma!” She hissed.

“No I'm not.” The demon replied in a deep, rumbling voice, “I'm Aeshelma.”

Confusion melted into disbelief and disbelief turned to frustration as Beatrice stared at the creature she'd called into the world. After months of preparation and planning she was deprived the pleasurable company of a succubus for an admittedly powerful demon she had no sue for at all! Words truly couldn't do justice to the disappointment she felt as she looked at Aeshelma.

“Well I sought Aeshel'ma!” She finally stated.

“I gathered.” Aeshelma replied, flashing a wickedly sharp, unfathomably smug grin.

Growing more irritated by the moment Beatrice continued to glower at her demonic companion for several moments before finally crossing her arms and saying, “Well unless you're truly a succubus in disguise I have no need of you. Begone.”

Dismissively waving her hand as she gave Aeshelma permission to return to the abyss Beatrice turned her back to the hulking warrior. But while she waited for the solitude she'd hoped to alleviate with a particularly sultry companion the beast she'd unwittingly summoned paused. Instead of simply returning to her plane without another thought she spent a few seconds admiring the toned curves and shapely swell of the mortal before her. Though she never wanted for pleasure in the Abyss it'd been centuries since she last shared the company of a mortal. Of anything that wasn't another demon. And though she didn't care to examine why the prospect of changing that with the upstart witch who'd mistakenly summoned her was quite thrilling.

Enough to send an eager smile lighting up her face as she threw aside her blade. It vanished into nothingness as soon as it left her hand and with a simple word her armor did the same. But while she felt the surge of magical energy behind her Beatrice had no idea what was occurring. Only that the demon she'd dismissed had remained. Which of course irritated her all the more.

“Do I need to banish you?!” She demanded. Whirling around to face Aeshelma she managed to start another threat before faltering, “Or would you rather I tear you . . . apart . . . at the . . . at the seams . . .”

And how could she not falter when greeted with the wholly unexpected beauty of the hulking figure standing naked before? Aeshelma might've been a far cry from the buxom, voluptuous succubus she'd wanted to spend her evening with but there was no denying the warrior was gorgeous in her own imposing way. Bristling with muscles yet still rather curvy around her hips and unexpectedly ample breasts she had a toned yet plump rump and an altogether mouth watering suppleness that should have clashed with her strength but somehow didn't. But perhaps best of all was the monstrous cock dangling between her legs. Easily a foot long and already throbbing wildly as she stood there with arms folded Aeshelma's prick was quite delicious. As were the massive balls hanging down behind it. Balls so fat and heavy they looked positively overwhelmed with the same inky black seed oozing from her swollen tip.

“Perhaps you can still salvage the night mortal . . .”

Surprise flashed across Beatrice's face for a split second before she reigned in her emotions and did her best to scoff at the idea. Even while goosebumps erupted across her skin and a ripple of pleasure echoed throughout her body, “Do you really think you can match a succubus?”

“No.” Aeshelma replied, sauntering closer and smiling even more lewdly, “But I hardly need to match a succubus. I simply need to match you.”

Standing her ground without a hint of fear as desire welled up inside her Beatrice scoffed once more, dismissively looking away and saying, “We'll see about that!”

“Then we have an accord?” Her lover asked in a breathlessly eager tone.

Pausing for just a moment to consider her options and the merits of trying to summon Aeshel'ma instead she finally gave a dismissive little wave of her hand and said, “We have an accord. Let's see if you know how to use that thing!”

A deep, almost booming laughter filled the hut as Aeshelma grinned at her soon to be plaything. But rather than offering paltry words and meaningless bravado she simply acted. Lunging forward and grabbing the tiny witch standing so boldly in front of her she spun Beatrice around, effortlessly swept her off her feet, and lifted her high into the air. In the blink of an eye her summoner was perched above the cock she'd been trying not to admire from the moment it was revealed. Her plump, curvy body was absolutely wracked with shudders as Aeshelma slid her arms beneath her legs and clasped her hands behind her neck, forcing her to star down at herself as her knees pressed against her tits and what little air was left in her lungs was sent rushing out in a single gust.

Long strands of arousal dripped from her trembling pussy as she was so roughly manhandled and the moment she could suck in a breath she unleashed a long moan. Despite her words and her feigned aloofness she couldn't have been more excited. Though she was left wondering what her companion intended next as that massive cock was left throbbing away between her thighs without any way to reach her body. Thankfully she didn't have to wonder for very long!

Within seconds of being lifted off the ground and forced into one of the most embarrassing positions a person could find themselves in Beatrice had the incredible pleasure of watching Aeshelma's prick swell even more. With an almost dumbstruck expression she watched that already massive cock throb and twitch and lurch into the air like a monster emerging from the depths of the sea. Bouncing higher and higher with every passing second it drifted ever closer to her body until it was smacking against her stomach with enough force to steal her breath away. With enough force to punctuate the peals of thunder with the wet slap of their colliding bodies. Beatrice couldn't have stopped herself from moaning even if she wanted to! Between the simple thrill of what'd just happened and the downright searing heat of the precum slathered across her skin nearly all of the frustration she'd felt at her mistake was gone. And what little remained would vanish quickly enough as she was raised up even higher so Aeshelma's prick could twitch into position. Upon being lowered back down at feeling that massive tip brushing against her asshole she let out a breathy squeal and instinctively bucked against it.

But instead of slamming her down immediately the demon warrior holding her so tight restrained herself for just a moment. “There's no going back after this mortal.” She whispered, her infernal breath hot in Beatrice's ear, “Once you get a taste of my cock no succubus will ever satisfy you the same way again!”

Looking back as much as she could and letting out a sound caught somewhere between a laugh and a moan Beatrice simply replied, “Prove it!”

The words had barely passed her lips before some fourteen inches of throbbing demon cock was buried in her ass. Before she was plunged onto the single fattest dick she'd ever had the pleasure of being impaled upon. Faster than her mind could even hope to comprehend every last centimeter of Aeshelma's member was stuffed so unfathomably deep in Beatrice's guts it felt for all the world like it would erupt from her throat at any moment!

And thanks to the wildly humiliating position she'd been forced into she could see the havoc that first thrust had wrought upon her body. She could see her skin bulging outward as her stomach distended all the way up to her breasts. Aeshelma's prick was so unimaginably massive it actually pushed apart Beatrice's tits as it disappeared beneath her ribs! It was without a doubt the most perverse, unholy sight she'd ever witnessed and she couldn't begin to look away. Even if she'd had the choice watching her lover's massive prick throb so eagerly inside her was beyond fascinating. Although her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head she still managed to keep them focused on the indescribable perversity that was seeing her companion's shaft throbbing inside her guts. She could almost make out the curve of her tip and the bulging veins running down her length!

But of course none of that compared to the pleasure of actually being split open and destroyed by such a monstrous prick. The intense, overwhelming pressure of something so thick and so long slamming into her depths hard enough to nearly break her mind outright was simply exquisite. As soon as she could Beatrice unleashed a long, anguished cry as shudders tore through her muscles and all five senses drowned in an indescribable ecstasy. A little jet of arousal squirted from her pussy the moment that massive prick was buried up to the hilt inside her ass. Something that'd never happened with any other lover and something that would only continue to happen as Aeshelma pulled out again.

Every bit as overwhelmed as the stunned mortal convulsing around her dick she couldn't say motionless for more than a heartbeat. The tightly clenched hole wrapped so snugly around her dick was too enticing a treat to simply enjoy without a brutal pounding. And after seeing the protection sigils Beatrice had drawn across her body she knew full well her dumbfounded plaything could handle damn near anything. Which meant she didn't have any qualms about pulling out even more roughly than she'd slammed into her. Nor did she think twice about slamming Beatrice back down onto her wildly twitching length the very moment her quivering little asshole was about to slide off her tip. Within seconds she was bouncing her now wailing summoner up and down her cock with all the supernatural strength she possessed. Beatrice was little more than a blur of writhing, sweat soaked limbs and sloppily distending flesh as Aeshelma moved with complete abandon. The sloppy squelch and gooey sputter of her cock flying in and out of her plaything's body filled the hut and drowned out everything but the roar of thunder outside.

Yet no mater how effortlessly her voice might've been overwhelmed Beatrice continued to scream in ecstasy as her body was ravished by a truly ungodly cock. Her eyes disappeared into the back of her head after a few strokes and her tongue fell out of her mouth not long after that. Every inch of her was left convulsing and shuddering and squirming in abject bliss as she was used like a toy. She wasn't being fucked, she was being wielded. Her body was just a source of pleasure for the cock all but splitting her open. That much was clear long before Aeshelma started thrusting upwards with every  movement and it only continued to be wonderfully apparent as soon as her demonic partner began fucking her even harder.

With a single, beastly stroke she sent Beatrice careening even deeper into ecstasy. With a single, beastly stroke completely wracked the mewling human impaled upon her cock with the kind of pleasure even many demons struggled to fathom. With a single, beastly stroke she sent her massive balls slapping against her plaything's cunt in yet another burst of toe curling, mind altering, reality breaking ecstasy so far beyond her wildest dreams. And that was only the first stroke of many.

What followed after that was a nonstop barrage of incomprehensible bliss. Aeshelma didn't need to slow down. She didn't need to take a break. She certainly didn't need to stop and catch her breath after a particularly wild frenzy. She could, and very ferociously did, thrust away with every ounce of ferocity she had for what seemed like hours upon hours. What little comprehension of time and space her overwhelmed plaything had managed to cling to vanished within a few strokes of her massive, throbbing cock. Within a few meaty slaps of those gorgeously fat balls against her aching pussy and swollen clit her entire reality was boiled down to the dick breaking her in half and the demon wielding it and ravishing her so brutally. Even the roar of thunder and crash of lighting just beyond her little hovel completely faded into nothingness. Aeshelma's prick was the be all, end all of her reality for as long as it continue to plunge in and out of her ass. Especially as every breath was forced from her lungs before she could properly take it, her already pleasure addled mind spinning even faster as pleasure mixed with the heady thrill of near suffocation.

Though nothing could ever compare to the simple ecstasy of being filled so completely and fucked so relentlessly. All the many, many pleasures alongside that endless joy were exquisite in their own fashion but just getting brutalized so ferociously for so long outclassed everything else. Not even the searing heat of the precum she was pumping into Beatrice's guts could outshine the thrill of her fat cock rubbing against her inner walls. Of her pulsing shaft stretching her ass open so wide there was little chance she'd ever return to normal without magic. Only the weighty slap of Aeshelma's balls against her pussy came anywhere close and it was still a distance second.

After a minute or two Beatrice was dripping with her own fluids as every stroke of Aeshelma's massive dick sent her balls smacking against her pussy just as another squirt of warmth was erupting from her depths. Rivulets of her warmth cascaded down her trembling skin and dripped off her endlessly convulsing body. A messy little puddle of her arousal was already spreading across the floor beneath them and it only grew messier as thick spurts of precum started erupting from her asshole alongside the rest.

Because no matter how deep it was pumped into her guts the madcap convulsions tearing through her inner walls inevitably forced long, creamy strands of demonic spunk out of her body. And thanks to Aeshelma there was a never ending supply of more to squirt out as their frantic, mindless passion stretched on and on for ages. But perhaps best of all, no matter how much escaped there was always enough left to coat her inner walls and fill her to the brim with that near unbearable heat. All the while making it easier and easier and easier for her beast of a lover to continue brutalizing her quivering little hole. Even if it paled in comparison to the real treat that was Aeshelma's unfathomably massive climax barely three minutes in.

Nowhere near her limit but keenly aware of how close her summoner was Aeshelma slammed her cock into Beatrice's ass with a particularly rough thrust and let out a a throaty growl. The woman impaled on her dick felt it swell inside her body and basked in the surge of precum flooding her depths but she couldn't begin to comprehend what it all meant. Not even as she felt her lover's weighty balls tightening and pulsing against her. It wasn't until the first, unimaginably thick load of fresh cum sprayed into her guts that she fully understood what she'd gotten herself into. As much as she could with her mind completely blank and her body still absolutely wracked with pleasure.

Her already distended belly swelled even more as that first jet basted her inner walls and filled her up more than any single cock ever could. Suddenly she was drowning in what felt like a bucket full of jizz while her once flat belly inflated and a strange new pressure washed over her. Of course she didn't have any time at all to comprehend all of that, another creamy font of glistening black cum sprayed into her body before the first had even begun to settle!

Every wild twitch of her cock sent another massive deluge of cum exploding into Beatrice's already overflowing asshole. But as the unbearable heat of it all washed over her and her body tightened even more around Aeshelma's prick only the tiniest sputters and squirts could actually escape her madly quivering hole. Which left everything else her demonic lover gave to flood deeper and deeper inside her guts. Deeper than any dick could ever reach. All the while that intense, unimaginable pressure continued to build. Barely five seconds after her companion had started the once breathy moans and passionate groans erupting from Beatrice's lips had completely changed. Growing deeper and more sloppy with every pulse of the shaft filling her up she was gurgling and sputtering on something rising up in the deepest parts of her throat. Something hotter than the Abyss and so deliciously plentiful it had sent her stomach swelling more than should've been possible.

Inflated so drastically she could've passed for seven months pregnant at the very least not even her almost grotesquely swollen belly could match the insanity that was demon seed welling up in the depths of her gullet. Even in the state she'd been reduced to some part of Beatrice was aware of how absurd it was. How utterly insane and incomprehensible her situation had become.

Though it remained buried beneath waves of convulsing pleasure as she let out a final, sputtering retch before the inevitable flood of inky black jizz exploded from her mouth with the same force it'd exploded from Aeshelma's cock. Rolling forward in a burst of frantic disbelief Beatrice watched a fountain of inky black cum erupt from her trembling lips. Spraying out of her in a single continuous geyser it streaked across the hut and drenched the opposite wall in an instant.

Less than a heartbeat later it was splashing across everything around them as she continued to spew a nonstop torrent of monstrous cum, her belly subtly deflating with every passing second. And all the while she was shuddering and convulsing and retching like never before as pleasure washed over her. Wracked by the abject madness that was her life she couldn't ever fathom the insane barrage of feelings and sensations assailing her. How she choked and sputtered around the cum she was puking up even as she reveled in the lurid, smoky taste and inherent thrill of behind used so thoroughly.

Revolted and aroused beyond measure she was left to stew in that lewdness and drown in her own, visceral reaction for nearly a full minute. For almost sixty uninterrupted seconds she did nothing but vomit up demon cum and tremble in pleasure as she did. All while the demon responsible kept her fat cock buried deep in Beatrice's ass, still pumping load after gooey load into her to keep the pressure going and ensure she was left vomiting for what seemed like an eternity. Only when Aeshelma decided to finally stop did the insanity begin to come to an end. And even then she still spent a beautifully long time coming down from the sheer  perversion that was her life.

As soon as the flow of cum lessened the pressure sending that same jizz spraying from her trembling lips lessened too. One moment she was spewing cum like a dragon spewed fire, the next that seemingly unending stream was diminishing so fast and so dramatically demonic seed was cascaded down her naked body to join the mess already lapping at Aeshelma's feet. In an instant her breasts, stomach, and everything else below her mouth was coated in a thick, gooey layer of cum. Her already inflamed body was assaulted by even more of that toe curling heat as her lover continued to hold her in that same embarrassing position while the last dregs of spunk oozed out of her throat. And while her belly remained ever so slightly distended from both the massive dick inside of her and the jizz still filling her guts compared to what'd it been before she looked almost normal again. Glistening back spunk notwithstanding of course.

“You'll never find a succubus who can do that!” Aeshelma groaned, relaxing her grip on Beatrice's limp body as she laughed, “You're lucky I don't have any other matters to attend!”

Still too far gone to respond with anything coherent and certainly in no place to really comprehend what she was hearing or what she was supposed to say back Beatrice just gurgled and moaned in the sloppy aftermath of her greatest mistake yet. The taste of demon cum was so thick on her tongue it'd all but burned away everything else and the pleasure of such a massive dick impaling her ass remained as potent as ever. So much so she was actually delighted by the thought of them continuing. Even if she had no coherent idea that was going to happen, it was what she wanted and what she delighted in as she sat there waiting for more. Especially when her lover's cock throbbed a little harder and she spelled out her intentions about as clearly as anyone could hope for.

“And I hope you don't either . . .” She whispered into Beatrice's ear, “Because your mine for the rest of All Hallow's Eve . . . perhaps I'll even keep you as a pet after the night is over . . .”


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