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Now this one's almost like two mini stories mashed together. But since they're both related I'll keep them in the same post. Only one story left for Halloween!

Adelia slid the cabin door closed behind her with a sultry smile, beaming down at the awestruck groom waiting for her on the bed he was meant to share with his bride. It'd been so laughably easy to convince him, to convince both of them, to spend the night with someone else. Among the many, many perks of being an immortal vampire her alluring beauty and power over mortals were among the greatest. Many of her lovers agreed and if the  little trickle of drool leaking from the corner of his mouth was any indication Colin would be counted among them rather soon.

Without a hint of embarrassment or hesitation Adelia slipped out of her elegant evening wear, the silky cloth cascading down her voluptuous figure with the simple cast of a spell. By the time he'd finished gasping at the sight of her firm yet ample breasts the rest of her unnaturally pale but truly gorgeous figure was laid bare. Everything from the wide swell of her hips to the downy tuft of red hair resting above her sex was revealed to his awestruck gave. He was so enamored with her beauty he didn't even notice the fangs in her smile as she approached. How could he when the sweet smell of her arousal was filling the room and rivulets of her warmth were dripping onto the floor with nearly every step. In many was it was a miracle he could even look upon her beauty to begin with! Some mortals couldn't even manage that much.

“You are truly beautiful my lady!” He whispered.

“I know.” She laughed, casually sliding onto his lap and pressing herself against him just enough to tease his already wildly throbbing manhood. “Now stop prattling and show me just how beautiful you think I am!”

Despite her words and the sentiment behind them she shoved him onto his back a moment later and smothered his face with her breasts. Before he could do much more than thoughtlessly wrap both arms around her she cast another little spell to unfasten his pants and free his cock. Colin was far too enamored with her body to notice anything out of the ordinary and he certainly wasn't about to question what was going on when he felt her trembling sex against his tip!

He never imagined he's lose his virginity to someone other than Henrietta. Indeed he never imagined their first time would be with anyone other than each other. And yet despite the madness of that notion and the years of courtship that'd led to the wedding the previous day he couldn't think about anyone nor anything but Adelia. With his face smothered in her breasts and her body perched over his she was everything in the world to him. And when she finally slid down his member after what'd felt like hours upon hours of waiting the simple, indescribable pleasure of her body wrapping around him was completely beyond his wildest dreams.

So amazingly tight, so amazingly wet, his mind went blank almost instantly her sex was like nothing he'd ever known. And like nothing he'd ever heard described. By the time she was resting comfortably at the base of his cock he was clinging to her in abject desperation. His groans filled the cramped space he should've shared with Henrietta, all of them punctuated by her breathy little laughs and equally delighted moans. But no matter how loud she was he couldn't hear her over the sound of his pounding heart. Over the blood rushing through his head. Everything was spinning so fast the whole world felt like a top. Pleasure was flooding his body in constant waves and the longer she remained atop him the more overwhelming it became. Before long he was thrusting upwards in wild bursts of thoughtless movement, unable to control himself, as instinct took over. He could barely move more than a few centimeters at the very most but that didn't matter. To him or to the woman riding him. It still felt nothing short of amazing to Colin and Adelia would've started moving regardless of how he reacted to the pleasure of losing his virginity.

Keeping her back arched and his head comfortably nestled between her tits she slid up his cock as slowly as she could. Deliberately tormenting him with her luxurious pace she smiled even wider at his desperation. She could feel it radiating outward with every passing moment and his manic efforts to bridge the gap or take control or whatever he was trying to do were nothing short of adorable. Because no matter how hard he tried to thrust into her he would never be in control. He would never overpower or overtake her. Adelia could torment him as long as she wanted and he was absolutely powerless.

Luckily for Colin his supernaturally beautiful companion was nothing if not merciful. Upon reaching the head of his prick she slammed herself back down onto his manhood so hard the bed creaked and the wood beneath it groaned. Completely ignoring the thrust he'd been in the middle of she plunged down onto his dick and sent him plunging down onto the bed with ease. His fingers dug into her back and somewhere between her tits she heard an almost strangled whimper. All the while his manhood throbbed like crazy in the depths of her pussy, thick spurts of precum erupting into her sex with nearly every twitch. And even after centuries of life and countless virgins Adelia still reveled in the sheer desperation and adoration of being with them. Of feeling how madly their cocks throbbed inside her pussy and how frantically they clung to her while she was atop them. Or even when she was underneath them. That almost animalistic need to hold on tight and never let go while they were wracked with unbelievable pleasure was an incredible delight. Second only to knowing what both of her wives were doing with Colin's bride not so far away. But she would focus on them later. For the time being all of her attention was dedicated to the man beneath her. The man about to explode into fits of abject bliss.

Like every other virgin she'd claimed for herself Colin didn't last more than a minute. He simply couldn't. Perhaps with his mortal wife he might've stood a chance but with an immortal vampire as familiar with cock as she was with drinking blood he was so deliciously unprepared. And she adored every moment of his frantic, almost pained gasps as he held on to her. She slid up and down his manhood even faster as he thrusted with complete abandon, subtly matching his intensity but only giving him a taste of what she was really capable of. Just enough to let him know she could be moving even faster without actually following through. Just enough to tease him even more with her unimaginable pussy while he groaned in ecstasy and held on for dear life.

By the time he was at his absolute limit her woefully unprepared lover was absolutely pounding Adelia's tight little sex. Thrusting faster and harder than he ever dreamed possible he was like a man possessed. Colin never could've been so rough with Henrietta! He'd never even considered it! But with the gorgeous woman straddling him it was all he could think about. The only thing that made any kind of sense as her inner walls squeezed his cock and his body was soaked in torrents of her sweet, intoxicating arousal. There was no telling if she'd cum yet, or if he'd even be able to make her cum at all, but of course he didn't really have much hope of finding out. With his mind already flooded by waves of pleasure and his body so thoroughly overloaded by the same he was more overwhelmed than he'd ever been in his life. Shudders tore through him in a constant barrage as his movements grew more and more ragged by the second. All of his muscles seemed to tense up simultaneously and he even managed to wrap his lips around one of Adelia's soft, rosy nipples. He started suckling with everything he had just as he tumbled over the edge into true bliss.

Two long, exhilarated moans echoed throughout the cabin as he slammed his cock deep into her pussy and she pressed herself down against him in a burst of inhuman strength. Letting out just the tiniest glimpse of her true nature once more Adelia pinned him down against the bed as his virgin cum sprayed into her pussy. As it flooded the deepest reaches of her womb and basted her in a toe curling warmth she only ever felt with a belly full of seed.

Colin tried to keep thrusting and moving underneath her but she was so much stronger than him, so much more overwhelming, he couldn't do much of anything beyond pumping load after gooey load deep into her sex. All the while her maddeningly tight inner walls trembled around him, somehow growing even tighter as she milked him dry for what seemed like hours on end. Though it couldn't have been more than twenty or thirty seconds in reality while he was drowning in ecstasy it seemed like an eternity.

At times it almost felt like he'd died and gone to Heaven. Or maybe even Hell. It was hard to imagine any sort of Heaven feeling as lewdly incredible as her body did. To say nothing of how exhilarating her moans were and how unimaginably beautiful she was. Somewhere in the back of his mind Colin was all but convinced he'd unwittingly made a deal with the Devil himself. Nothing else made sense while he collapsed against the bed in a trembling heap as she continued to ride his softening prick, her unfathomably soft pussy still trembling around him even after he'd drained himself. Even after little strands of warmth were leaking from her sex as her inner walls pushed them out during their relentless quivering. Adelia's lascivious grin and the almost hungry way she looked down at him certainly felt like something the Devil would do. Even if he remained too enamored with her beauty to be afraid or even come to his senses at all.

“We're not finished yet.” She told him, her tone somehow both seductive and intimidating at the same time.

“W-We're not?”

“No.” Bending down over him and smothering his chest with her breasts she let her lips brush against his in a teasing kiss. But just as he tried to lean in and kiss her properly she withdrew, softly giggling at his efforts and remarking, “I suppose it would be better to say . . . I'm not finished. Which means you aren't finished either . . .”

“Oh . . .” Excitement and the slightest hint of embarrassment surged through him as he stared up at her, “I-I'll try my best!”

Adelia smiled at him for a moment before suddenly and quite effortlessly rolling them both across the luxurious marital bed he'd rented for him and Henrietta. In the blink of an eye Colin found himself staring down at the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, her body luxuriously stretched out below him in a truly jaw dropping sight. Her soft red hair fanned out across the sheets all around her impossibly pale face and the look in her eyes as she stared into his soul was truly indescribable. He didn't know a person could have such an intense, overwhelming gaze and he was even more trapped in it than he'd been the first time he locked eyes with her.

Before he could even think his cock was throbbing like mad once more as she wrapped her legs around his waist and reached out with a lusty grin, He bent down to meet her on instinct and she pulled him into the kiss he'd tried to enjoy only moments before. Her tongue slipped into his mouth while her nails scraped along his back, nearly tearing through his clothes as she did. He'd forgotten all about his new bride by the time their kiss ended. His thoughts were wholly and completely focused on the woman beneath him. No one else could even begin to steal her spotlight . . .

Not so far away his wife was in exactly the same predicament. Henrietta had never really thought about other women in a sexual manner. She'd been visited by a few particularly exhilarating dreams over the years but during her waking hours her heart had always belonged to Colin and Colin alone. Until she laid eyes on the trio that'd approached them a short while ago. Much like her husband she was completely enamored with all three and when they'd proposed a very European way to spend their honeymoon she too had jumped at the chance to exchange partners. Though she hadn't considered just what that would mean until she was spirited away to a truly elegant room by Edith and Josephine, both women clearly intending to have their way with her. After some twenty years of only ever thinking about the love of her life, and indeed fantasizing about her first time with him, she was suddenly being stripped naked by a pair of unimaginably gorgeous strangers.

Their hands had roamed every inch of her chubby body without the slightest hint of shame. They'd tenderly caressed every plump curve and voluptuous swell with a reverence that made her feel almost embarrassed, Thankfully the sheer exhilaration of every passing moment and the thrill of what either of them would do next overshadowed everything else. Especially when they slipped out of their own clothes and she was left gawking at their slender yet no less curvaceous figures. When she had a chance to feel the soft, gorgeous touch of another woman's body against her own.

Although her first kiss had been with her husband at the altar her first real kiss was with Edith. Her head was turned to the side and their lips met in a flurry of passion so all encompassing she just about melted into her lover's embrace. Only their strong, guiding hands kept her upright and even then she still threatened to crumple at any moment. And all that was before Josephine tenderly cupped her breasts and kissed her way down her neck in a barrage of truly ruinous pleasure.

Like it was the simplest, most effortless thing in the world both of her lovers spent an absolute eternity breaking down every last ounce of trepidation and uncertainty Henrietta might've had. Because while she very much wanted to be with them years upon years of making no effort to explore her interests had left her woefully unprepared for making love to a woman. Let alone two at the same time! Bit luckily for her neither Josephine nor Edith seemed to mind. If anything they seemed to revel in every little shudder and whimper. They delighted in making her squirm as their hands glided across her goosebump riddled skin and explored every inch of her virgin body. And they were always somehow just slow enough to not leave her completely overwhelmed yet just fast enough to keep her so thoroughly lost in the adrenaline of the moment she didn't have time to think. It was truly the perfect blend of anticipation and pleasure. One they endlessly tormented her with while she was left clinging to them and gasping for breath. Particularly when hands that'd once stayed above her waist for so long started to drift downwards while she kissed them each in turn.

The first time she felt one of their hands brush against her sex it just about destroyed Henrietta. The soft, gentle touch of another woman's fingers across her clit was truly indescribable. She was completely overwhelmed by a surge of pleasure so powerful she completely drenched her thighs, Edith's digits, and the floor between them in a messy little torrent. Her legs gave out soon after as the second woman absolutely tormenting her reached back to cup her trembling buttocks and squeeze hard enough to elicit a frantic little gasp.

And yet despite her knees completely buckling she remained upright. Her lovers didn't have any trouble at all holding her up. Nor did they hesitate to slip their fingers even deeper. Edith's moved into the puffy, glistening lips of her sex while Josephine's moved between her cheeks to find a place even more private. Both women found their prizes at the exact same moment and Henrietta was left squealing in abject shock as they did.

One finger slipped into her pussy at the same moment another slipped into her ass. Long, long, long before her mind could even fathom what was about to happen she was filled from both ends. She never dreamed of anything so lewd and there truly was no hope of fully comprehending what she felt as both of her lovers started moving. Started pushing their softly curling digits in and out of her ass over and over and over again in a slow, rhythmic cadence. One that so perfectly matched her own, wildly uncontrollable movements it was downright hypnotic! And even knowing it was only their fingers did nothing to stop the absolute madness of feeling something inside her ass. Let alone something that wasn't her husband's manhood inside her pussy. Being assailed by both at the same time couldn't have been more devastating in the most amazing way possible. Little did she realize that was only the prelude to what they really had in mind. Nothing more than a teasing warm up for the true ecstasy she was about to face.

Just as quickly as they'd entered both women withdrew. Henrietta was just barely starting to understand the pleasure of what they were doing only to be instantly denied in the most horrible way possible. The kiss she'd been sharing with Edith came to an even more abrupt end as the other woman's lips disappeared from her own. For a moment she was left completely empty, anguish flooding her senses as she stared at the raven haired beauty in front of her. Then, without warning, she watched her sink to her knees without any hesitation at all.

A startled little moan erupted from her lips as she foolishly asked, “W-What are you doing?!”

Both of her lovers giggled at that silly question and she instinctively turned towards Josephine only to find her kneeling down as well, “You'll see soon enough darling . . .”

Despite that tantalizing promise and the lascivious smiles that came with it Henrietta was still too nervous to resist talking. Indeed it was the only thing she could think to do, “B-But what d-d-does that me—”

The rest of her suddenly pointless question ended in a sharp, frantic inhale as her gorgeous companions lunged forward at the same time. Edith buried her face between her thighs while Josephine buried her face between her buttocks. And before she could even fathom the lewdness of either, let alone the lewdness of both, their tongues had replaced their fingers in a truly breathtaking surge of pleasure. In a flood of indescribable bliss so far beyond her wildest dreams she was left utterly paralyzed by shock and disbelief. Her whole body froze and her mind went blank as she was pinned between them. As she felt Josephine spread her cheeks with that same soft yet powerful touch while Edith subtly pushed her now uncontrollably convulsing thighs apart at the same time.

And perhaps best of all they made it completely impossible for her to pull away from either. When she finally regained some measure of self control she instinctively tried to lurch forward. The tongue swirling around in her ass was so strange in it's wonderful pleasure she simply couldn't comprehend the sensation. But she only succeeded in pushing her sex against Edith's waiting tongue, in smothering herself against those soft, talented lips. Which naturally made her recoil right back into the other woman so happily ravishing her.

Both of them quickly lunged forward, pressing even more tightly against her and absolutely destroying and shred of composure she might've had. Finally finding her voice after lingering in stunned silence for so long Henrietta grabbed fistfuls of both lover's hair, threw her head back, and screamed like she'd never screamed before. She didn't even sound like herself as the intense, unbearable ecstasy of what they were doing finally managed to escape her trembling lips. She moaned until there wasn't so much as a scrap of air left in her lungs and she bucked her hips in a mad frenzy against them. All because her furiously unrelenting companions had slid their tongues into her pussy and ass. If she'd been even a tiny bit lucid she might've balked at her own reaction. Or what was happening in the first place. There was no way she wouldn't have been absolutely flushed with embarrassment if any part of her mind still worked as it should've. But luckily for her the indescribably gorgeous women ravishing her body with nothing more than their tongues were nothing short of feverish in their movements.

Moving faster than she could comprehend from the very moment they slipped into her body and hitting places she never even dreamed of they assaulted her very soul with pleasure. The strength of their ministrations alone was enough to utterly destroy her and the longer she remained between them both the further she sank into absolute madness. Without even realizing it she was moving exactly like her husband, her animal instincts taking over as she was left furiously responding to the pleasure they were drowning her in. No conscious thought or coherent decision could've controlled such spasmodic, downright violent movements as she bucked and grinded and squirmed against them. But even if she'd somehow remained completely still throughout their torment she still would've been thrown over the edge after barely two minutes.

Maybe even less. Time truly had no meaning when she was being ravished from all sides and Henrietta certainly wasn't in any position to think about or focus on anything else. Especially as the endlessly surging pleasure crashing through her finally reached it's peak and she was once again frozen in abject shock as her body was overwhelmed. And just like before the women responsible for it all didn't hold anything back. They didn't relent and they certainly didn't give her a chance to brace herself. They simply shoved her gleefully into the churning sea of pleasure threatening to swallow her up.

A wave of indescribable bliss crashed down on her as warmth erupted from her sex and every last muscle in her body trembled. Henrietta was wholly consumed by the kind of bliss she couldn't even dream of. Something so terrible yet wonderful at the same time it was beyond comprehension. Torrents of warmth erupted from her sex in messy fountains, each and every one spraying across Edith's smiling face while Josephine ravished her tightly clenched ring. Every already feverish movement between them grew even more wild as, for a single wonderful minute, three of them were united. It wasn't Henrietta trailing behind the others as they showed her a world of ecstasy. For the length of what would be her first real taste of absolute joy she was every bit as lewd and lascivious as the centuries old vampires that'd shown her the way. And while she still returned to her old self as soon as she collapsed into the afterglow of her ecstasy that glimpse into who she could really be didn't leave what remained of her broken mind.

Not even as she slumped onto the bed in a quivering heap, both women finally giving her a modicum of control. Though she was still at the mercy of something else as her body gave out and she crumpled face down like a marionette with it's strings cut. “Oh my God . . .” She whimpered, “Oh my God . . .”

Edith and Josephine joined her on the bed before she had the strength to lift her head or do much of anything beyond continue to whimper, “The night is young . . .” the latter whispered.

“. . . and tomorrow is a long while away!” The former cooed.

Their fingers trailed across her back and even more visceral shudders troe through her body, “Oh my God . . .” She whimpered, thinking only of herself. As long as she remained with her beautiful partners Colin was little more than a distant memory.


Jimmy TwoTries

Hot damn, I wasn't expecting *both* sides of the story to be so detailed 🤤


I'm glad I could surprise you lol. I really didn't know how else to approach the story so this was kind of the only option in my head.